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In 1983, a group of incipient landscape ecologists met to discuss the nature and future directions for landscape ecology. The themes emerging from this conference—movement of materials, organisms, and energy through a landscape; the genesis of landscape patterns; the effects of landscape structure on the spread of disturbances; and the potential contributions of landscape ecology to resource management—established a foundation for the development of landscape ecology in North America over the following decades. I discuss these contributions in the light of where landscape ecology is today.
John A. WiensEmail:

Socioeconomic changes in many areas in the tropics have led to increasing urbanization, abandonment of agriculture, and forest re-growth. Although these patterns are well documented, few studies have examined the drivers leading to landscape-level forest recovery and the resulting spatial structure of secondary forests. Land cover transitions from agricultural lands to secondary forest in the island of Puerto Rico have been ongoing since the 1940s. This study is a glimpse into this landscape level trend from 1991 to 2000. First, we relied on Landsat images to characterize changes in the landscape structure for forest, urban, and agricultural land classes. We found that although forest cover has increased in this period, forest has become increasingly fragmented while the area of urban cover has spread faster and become more clustered. Second, we used logistic regression to assess the relationship between the transition to forest and 21 biophysical, socioeconomic, and landscape variables. We found that the percentage of forest cover within a 100 m radius of a point, distance to primary roads and nature reserves, slope, and aspect are the most important predictors of forest recovery. The resulting model predicts the spatial pattern of forest recovery with accuracy (AUC-ROC = 0.798). Together, our results suggest that forest recovery in Puerto Rico has slowed down and that increasing pressure from urbanization may be critical in determining future landscape level forest recovery. These results are relevant to other areas in the tropics that are undergoing rapid economic development.  相似文献   

Process-based forest landscape models are valuable tools for testing basic ecological theory and for projecting how forest landscapes may respond to climate change and other environmental shifts. However, the ability of these models to accurately predict environmentally-induced shifts in species distributions as well as changes in forest composition and structure is often contingent on the phenomenological representation of individual-level processes accurately scaling-up to landscape-level community dynamics. We use a spatially explicit landscape forest model (LandClim) to examine how three alternative formulations of individual tree growth (logistic, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy) influence model results. Interactions between growth models and landscape characteristics (landscape heterogeneity and disturbance intensity) were tested to determine in what type of landscape simulation results were most sensitive to growth model structure. We found that simulation results were robust to growth function formulation when the results were assessed at a large spatial extent (landscape) and when coarse response variables, such as total forest biomass, were examined. However, results diverged when more detailed response variables, such as species composition within elevation bands, were considered. These differences were particularly prevalent in regions that included environmental transition zones where forest composition is strongly driven by growth-dependent competition. We found that neither landscape heterogeneity nor the intensity of landscape disturbances accentuated simulation sensitivity to growth model formulation. Our results indicate that at the landscape extent, simulation results are robust, but the reliability of model results at a finer resolution depends critically on accurate tree growth functions.  相似文献   

Gustafson  Eric J. 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(9):2065-2072
Landscape Ecology - Landscape ecology was founded on the idea that there is a reciprocal relationship between spatial pattern and ecological processes. I provide a retrospective look at how the...  相似文献   

This year marks the 30th anniversary of a momentous meeting in the history of landscape ecology—the Landscape Ecology Workshop held in Allerton Park, Illinois, USA in 1983. On this special occasion, I am inspired to make some observations and comments on the state-of-the-science of landscape ecology as a tribute to this historic event. One may argue that the workshop galvanized a shift in paradigm and the development of an “identity” for landscape ecology. The field has advanced swiftly and productively during the past three decades, and reviewing the publications in the flagship journal Landscape Ecology indicates that the Allerton Park vision has been amazingly influential in shaping the direction of the field. Based on a synoptic analysis of the literature, I discuss the core questions, key topics, and future direction of landscape ecology.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Linking spatial pattern and process is a difficult task in landscape ecology because spatial patterns of populations result from complex factors such as individual traits, the...  相似文献   



The role of agricultural landscapes in biodiversity conservation is an emerging topic in a world experiencing a worrying decrease of species richness. Farm systems may either decrease or increase biological diversity, depending on land-use intensities and management.


We present an intermediate disturbance-complexity model (IDC) of cultural landscapes aimed at assessing how different levels of anthropogenic disturbance on ecosystems affect the capacity to host biodiversity depending on the land matrix heterogeneity. It is applied to the Mallorca Island, amidst the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.


The model uses the disturbance exerted when farmers alter the Net Primary Production through land-use change as well as when they remove a share of it (HANPP), together with Shannon–Wiener index (H′) of land-cover diversity. The model is tested with a twofold-scalar experimental design (1:50,000 and 1:5000) of a set of landscape units along three time points (1956, 1989, 2011). Species richness of breeding and wintering birds, taken as a biodiversity proxy, is used in an exploratory factor analysis.


The results clearly show that when intermediate levels of HANPP are performed within intermediate levels of complexity (H′) in landscape patterns, like agro-forest mosaics, great bird species richness and high socio-ecological resilience can be maintained. Yet, these complex-heterogeneous landscapes are currently vanishing due to industrial farm intensification, rural abandonment and urban sprawl.


The results make apparent the usefulness of transferring the concept of intermediate disturbance-complexity interplay to cultural landscapes. Our spatial-explicit IDC model can be used as a tool for strategic environmental assessment of land-use planning.

Invasion ecology has made rapid progress in recent years through synergies with landscape ecology, niche theory, evolutionary ecology and the ecology of climate change. The palaeo-record of Holocene invasions provides a rich but presently underexploited resource in exploring the pattern and process of invasions through time. In this paper, examples from the palaeo-literature are used to illustrate the spread of species through time and space, also revealing how interactions between invader and invaded communities change over the course of an invasion. The main issues addressed are adaptation and plant migration, ecological and evolutionary interactions through time, disturbance history and the landscape ecology of invasive spread. We consider invasions as a continuous variable, which may be influenced by different environmental or ecological variables at different stages of the invasion process, and we use palaeoecological examples to describe how ecological interactions change over the course of an invasion. Finally, the use of palaeoecological information to inform the management of invasions for biodiversity conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

The management of urban landscapes concerns existing urban open spaces such as public parks, playgrounds and residential green spaces. It involves many different actors and organizations and its practice is of importance for the sustainable development of cities. As a research field, it needs further theoretical development and common definitions. For example, the central term ‘management’ is seldom defined in the relevant literature regarding an urban landscape context, and public participation in management processes is unusual. This paper introduces urban landscape management as an overarching concept that brings together knowledge about management of urban landscapes from fields such as urban forestry, park management and landscape planning. Based on a literature review, a common understanding of management in an urban landscape context is proposed, including organizational and strategic aspects of managerial activities. Our approach is that urban landscapes are ultimately managed to provide user benefits. Urban landscape management can be viewed as a complex process that includes a number of different actors, elements and relationships, mutually affecting each other. This view supports future studies of urban landscape management and its role in sustainable urban development.  相似文献   



Multi-scale approaches to habitat modeling have been shown to provide more accurate understanding and predictions of species-habitat associations. It remains however unexplored how spatial and temporal variations in habitat use may affect multi-scale habitat modeling.


We aimed at assessing how seasonal and temporal differences in species habitat use and distribution impact operational scales, variable influence, habitat suitability spatial patterns, and performance of multi-scale models.


We evaluated the environmental factors driving brown bear habitat relationships in the Cantabrian Range (Spain) based on species presence records (ground observations) for the period 2000–2010, LiDAR data on forest structure, and seasonal estimates of foraging resources. We separately developed multi-scale habitat models for (i) each season (spring, summer, fall and winter) (ii) two sub-periods with different population status: 2000–2004 (with brown bear distribution restricted to the main population nuclei) and 2005–2010 (with expanding bear population and range); and (iii) the entire 2000–2010 period.


Scales of effect remained considerably stable across seasonal and temporal variations, but not the influence of certain environmental variables. The predictive ability of multi-scale models was lower in the seasons or periods in which populations used larger areas and a broader variety of environmental conditions. Seasonal estimates of foraging resources, together with LiDAR data, appeared to improve the performance of multi-scale habitat models.


We highlight that the understanding of multi-scale behavioral responses of species to spatial patterns that continually shift over time may be essential to unravel habitat relationships and produce reliable estimates of species distributions.

The percentage of a watershed occupied by agricultural areas is widely used to predict nutrient loadings and in-stream water chemistry because water quality is often linked to non-point sources in a watershed. Measures of the spatial location of source areas have generally not been incorporated into such landscape indicators although empirical evidence and watershed loading models suggest that spatially explicit information is useful for predicting loadings. I created a heuristic grid-based surface-flow model to address the discrepancies between spatially explicit and non-spatial approaches to understanding watershed loading. The mean and variance in loading were compared among thousands of simulated watersheds with varying percentages of randomly located source and sinks. The variability in loading among replicate landscapes was greatest for those landscapes with ~65% source areas. This variance peak suggests that considering the spatial arrangement of cover types is most important for watersheds with intermediate relative abundances of sources and sinks as the wide variety of different spatial configurations can lead to either very high or very low loading. Increasing the output from source pixels (relative to the amount absorbed by sink pixels) among different landscapes moved the peak in variance to landscapes with lower percentages of sources. A final scenario examined both broad- and fine-scale heterogeneity in source output to disentangle the relative contributions of spatial configuration, percentage of source covers, and heterogeneity of sources in governing variability in loading. In landscapes with high percentages of source pixels, fine-scale heterogeneity in source output was responsible for a greater portion of the total variability in loading among different watersheds than was spatial arrangement. These results provide several testable hypotheses for when spatial and non-spatial approaches might be most useful in relating land cover to water chemistry and suggest improvements for the spatial sensitivity analyses of eco-hydrologic watershed models.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of hedgerow plant diversity in agricultural landscapes remains a difficult task, because the potential drivers affect the complete range of biodiversity components (alpha to gamma diversity). We surveyed herbaceous plant communities (of a height <1.5 m) in 84 hedgerows in the Seine river floodplain of France. Two types of potential drivers for species richness, accounting for landscape mosaic and hedgerow network, were recorded at both hedgerow and site scale. The distribution of species richness through the components of alpha hedgerow diversity (i.e. the average diversity within a habitat) and gamma hedgerow diversity (i.e. the total diversity across habitats) were assessed using additive partitioning methods, while the relationship between species diversity and its potential landscape drivers at both scales was modeled using Generalized Additive Models. Our results indicated that gamma hedgerow diversity is explained by the heterogeneity of the landscape structure, which is correlated with the mosaic of agricultural land use. At this scale, intrinsic properties of the configuration of the hedgerow networks have a weak influence on species richness. Alpha hedgerow diversity is also explained by landscape variables, accounting for both the configuration of agricultural mosaics and hedgerow networks, but to a lesser extent. Time lags for species responses are shown at both scales, and for the two types of drivers. Extinction or colonization debt may be indicated at both scales, while the remnant effects of former practices may also be responsible for such patterns at a local scale. We suggest that hedgerow management should take the specific parameters of both scales into account. At a local scale, management actions should aim to decrease the influence of adjacent land use when the impact is negative, through the implementation of extended buffer zones, while at the landscape and farm scales, agri-environmental schemes should be dedicated to the conservation of specific agricultural land uses.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Linear landscape elements (LLEs) such as ditches and hedgerows can increase the ecological connectivity of habitat embedded within agricultural areas by acting as corridors for...  相似文献   

An understanding of how and where a landscape can be improved with green infrastructure is important for the development of land-use policies. However, it is still a big challenge to manage landscapes due to a lack of condition-based diagnosis and consistent conflicts with social–economic interests. The purpose of this study is to identify the thresholds of landscape change and to explore new reference lines of policy decision-making for balancing social–economic development and green infrastructure management. Five different landscape types and their thresholds of landscape change were identified using parametric and piecewise linear models in the district of Haidian, Beijing, PR China, and their changes and social–economic drivers were analyzed with principal component analysis and a stepwise linear regression model for the time period 1991–2010. It is shown that different thresholds of different landscapes do exist and can be identified by the area of their key elements of green infrastructure. Integrating these thresholds into a social–economic context, it is shown where and how social–economic variables can be manipulated quantitatively to achieve development targets with respect to green infrastructure in individual towns and the entire district. Green infrastructure can be managed by changing just a small proportion of social–economic investment. This paper provides a useful tool to achieve a sustainable development by balancing green infrastructure with social–economic interests.  相似文献   



Integrated conservation decision-making frameworks that help to design or adjust practices that are cognisant of environmental change and adaptation are urgently needed.


We demonstrate how a landscape vulnerability framework combining sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure to climate change framed along two main axes of concern can help to identify potential strategies for conservation and adaptation decision-making, using a landscape in Madagascar’s spiny forest as a case-study.


To apply such a vulnerability landscape assessment, we inferred the sensitivity of habitats using temporal and spatial botanical data-sets, including the use of fossil pollen data and vegetation surveys. For understanding adaptive capacity, we analysed existing spatial maps (reflecting anthropogenic stressors) showing the degree of habitat connectivity, matrix quality and protected area coverage for the different habitats in the landscape. Lastly, for understanding exposures, we used climate change predictions in Madagascar, together with a digital elevation model.


The fossil pollen data showed how sensitive arid-adapted species were to past climate changes, especially the conditions between 1000 and 500 cal yr BP. The spatial analysis then helped locate habitats on the two-dimensional axes of concern integrating sensitivity, adaptive capacity and climate change exposure. By identifying resistant, resilient, susceptible, and sensitive habitats to climate change in the landscape under study, we identify very different approaches to integrate conservation and adaptation strategies in contrasting habitats.


This framework, illustrated through a case study, provides easy guidance for identifying potential integrated conservation and adaptation strategies, taking into account aspects of climate vulnerability and conservation capacity.



The provision of multiple ecosystem services (ES) within a landscape is commonly referred to as landscape multifunctionality. Modifying landscapes to increase multifunctionality and reduce trade-offs with concurrent services bears the potential to enhance sustainability in human-dominated landscapes. Assessing landscape multifunctionality is thus crucial for land management and planning, but lack of a clear definition and operationalization of multifunctionality impedes comparisons of different study results.


We want to address how elements of the study design affect results of multifunctionality assessments. Furthermore, we want to quantify future multifunctionality in the European Union (EU) and indicate the role of land use change and land use diversity on multifunctionality.


We analyzed diverging scenarios depicting land use change in the EU between 2000 and 2040 for their effects on landscape multifunctionality. We tested different multifunctionality indicators at various spatial scales based on the modelling of 12 ES and biodiversity indicators.


Particularly the analysis scale determines the interpretation of landscape multifunctionality. Coldspots identified by different indicators are in higher agreement than hotspots. We could not confirm links between land use diversity and landscape multifunctionality. While, at EU scale, multifunctionality slightly increases in future scenarios, agricultural intensification and (peri-)urban growth pose large threats to multifunctional landscapes.


The choice of indicator and analysis scale strongly determine possible interpretations of the results. Rather than focusing on the impacts of land use change on multifunctionality, it is recommended to base land use policy on the impacts of location-specific change on ES supply and demands.

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