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V. Lind 《Plant Breeding》1992,108(3):202-209
From the total soluble protein of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton, specific proteins were isolated and used as antigens. One antiserum proved to be highly sensitive and was used for quantitative determination of eyespot severity in 16 wheat cultivars. The detection limit in ELISA was calculated as 2.2 μg total fungus protein per ml plant sap. From anthesis, genotypes showed the most characteristic and reliable differentiation for a longer period of time, viz. at growth stages 60 and 75. These quantitative differences could be more successfully demonstrated with ELISA than with eye-spot scoring. There was, however, a close correlation between both traits. The most resistant genotypes carried the gene Pch-1 with the resistance originating from ‘Capelle Desprez’. Some genotypes originating from this cultivar showed rather low levels of susceptibility, which might be explained by additional effects of the genotypic background.  相似文献   

V. Lind    S. Züchner    A. Spanakakis  A. Thiele 《Plant Breeding》1994,113(4):272-280
A total of 20 cultivars of winter wheat were tested by ELISA for resistance to Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides in six environments and three growth stages. In a three-factor statistical analysis, the contribution of the different factors to their respective interactions was studied. The genotype × environment interactions exerted a considerable influence which could be reduced by increasing the number of test locations. Environments with a high disease level were less suited to measuring resistance than those environments with a medium level. Estimates of heritability from 0.54 to 0.78 show that successful selection may be possible using ELISA. Significant correlations of quantitative resistance at different environments were only obtained under similar environmental conditions (the same location, the same year) and with P. herpotrichoides populations of similar composition (the same inoculum). The contributions of the individual cultivars to the genotype/ environment interactions were not significantly different, except for ‘Roazon’ and ‘Rendezvous’. Due to high environmental effects in growth stage H5, the determination of quantitative resistance was more reliable in younger stages (65, 75). Nevertheless, the use of the values from that late stage did not reduce the genetic parameters (σ2, h2) if they were combined with the earlier measurements.  相似文献   

Chromosome 7D of the wheat line VPM1 derived from a cross of Aegilops ventricosa with wheat confers resistance to the facultative fungal parasite Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. To determine the number of genes responsible fur this resistance, homozygous recombinant lines were developed from an F1 between the wheat variety ‘Hobbit sib’ and a substitution line carrying chromosome 7D of VPM1 in a ‘Hobbit sib’ background. Resistance to Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides is shown to be determined by a single gene located distally on the long arm of chromosome 7D. EpD1b, a unique allele of a gene encoding the readily detectable isoenzyme — endopeptidase, maps without recombination to Pch1 suggesting for two separate genes a maximum recombination value of 0.03 (P 0.05). Resistance to Pherpotrichoides could alter-natively be a product of Ep-D1b. Pch1 is also mapped against a gene for adult plant resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondita), to Rc3 which confers coleoptile colour, and to α-Amy-D2, an isozyme that encodes α-amylase production.  相似文献   

V. Lind 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(4):281-287
The effect of the gene Pch-1 on the resistance of wheat to Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides was studied at four growth stages. The germplasm used consisted of adapted cultivars, genotypes provided by European plant breeders, near-homozygous lines and double haploid lines developed from our own breeding projects. The resistance was measured by ELISA. At all growth stages, genotypes carrying Pch-1 differed significantly in resistance. At early growth stages, there was a strong effect of the gene in most genotypes, but later the effect decreased and significant genotypes-environment interactions appeared. In addition, minor genes became more important and determined the level of adult plant resistance that proved to be inherited quantitatively. Pch-1 was of minor importance for this type of resistance. It is concluded that a high and long-lasting resistance level could be attained if the two genetically different sources of resistance were combined (resistance at juvenile stages, induced by Pch-1, and quantitative resistance at adult stages).  相似文献   

V. Lind 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(6):449-453
Two diallels were analysed for general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) to study the resistance of crosses‐between wheat genotypes, advanced to the F5 generation, to Pseudocer‐cosporella herpotrichoides. The parents either carried the resistance‐gene Pch‐1 or had different levels of quantitative resistance, one genotype was susceptible. At medium milk‐ripening, significant effects were‐found for GCA and SCA. GCA effects were the more important. Diallel crosses between genotypes, all carrying Pch‐1, revealed interactions‐of the gene with the genotypic background. Some combinations had a‐higher level of resistance than the best parent. In these populations'CH‐75417’ was involved as a parent. Both ‘CH‐75417’ and ‘F–’ had significant GCA effects. Crosses between quantitatively resistant parents yielded populations that transgressed both parents. The increased resistance level was associated with ‘Cappelle‐Desprez’, distinguished by its high GCA. In some crosses SCA contributed significantly to an increase in resistance level. Selection for resistance within the best advanced populations is recommended since it‐takes advantage of additive gene action and the high heritability estimates based on ELISA values in plant progenies.  相似文献   

Marker-based selection of Ep-D1b has been used successfully to incorporate Pch1, the gene for eyespot resistance on chromosome 7D, into commercial wheat. However, attempts to transfer resistance conferred by Pch1 (on chromosome 7A) through selection for Ep-A1b have not always been successful. Linkage relations among eyespot resistance gene Pch2, a gene encoding for an isozyme of endopeptidase, Ep-A1b, and RFLP marker Xpsr121 on chromosome 7A were determined using 80 homozygous recombinant substitution lines. The recombinant lines were derived from eyespot susceptible ‘Chinese Spring’ hybridized with a resistant disomic substitution line of ‘Cappelle Desprez’ that has chromosome 7A substituted into ‘Chinese Spring’. Segregations of Pch2, Ep-A1b and Xpsr121 fit an expected 1:1 single-locus ratios based on χ2 tests. Linkage analysis revealed that Pch2 was not tightly linked to Ep-Alb (15% recombination). However, close linkage (3.8% recombination) existed between Ep-A1b and Xpsr121. The order of these loci is Pch2-Xpsr121-Ep-A1b. Unlike Pch1 and Ep-D1b, where little or no recombination is found, Pch1 and Ep-A1b showed considerable recombination and therefore linkage cannot be utilized efficiently in marker-based selection.  相似文献   

为鉴定小麦-偃麦草杂种后代以及我国小麦品种和育种中间品系对纹枯病的抗性,并且解析偃麦草染色体与纹枯病抗性的关系,在徐州和南京两个试点,采用田间病圃法对321份普通小麦品种或品系和56份小麦-偃麦草杂种后代材料进行了纹枯病抗性鉴定。在徐州试点没有发现高抗纹枯病的种质,但是有52份材料表现中抗反应型,包括34份普通小麦材料,其中萧农8506-1、小偃81、冀植4001、农大195、徐州8913和京东3066A-3的相对抗病指数高于0.7。在南京试点,全部普通小麦材料都不抗纹枯病,只有5份小麦-偃麦草种质表现中抗反应型。部分小麦-偃麦草种质的病情指数不但显著低于感病对照品种苏麦3号和扬麦158,而且还低于抗病对照品种安农8455和宁麦9号,如小麦-中间偃麦草4Ai#2或4Ai#2S附加系、代换系和易位系材料TA3513、TA3516、TA3517和TA3519及小麦-长穗偃麦草第4部分同源群染色体代换系SS767,说明中间偃麦草4Ai#2染色体和长穗偃麦草4J染色体可能与纹枯病病情指数降低有关。基因组原位杂交分析结果表明,4Ai#2染色体属中间偃麦草的Js基因组,而长穗偃麦草与纹枯病抗性相关的第4部分同源群染色体属J基因组。虽然纹枯病与眼斑病的发病部位和症状非常相似,但抗眼斑病基因Pch1 (Madsen)和Pch2 (Cappelle-Desprez)对纹枯病无效。  相似文献   

Septoria tritici blotch constitutes a major disease problem of wheat world-wide. To efficiently breed wheat for resistance to this disease, an understanding is required of the inheritance of resistance. Our objective was to study the quantitative inheritance of resistance under field conditions. A nine-parent diallel and a generation mean experiments were conducted at Toluca, México in 1986 and 1987, respectively, to investigate gene effects. General combining ability effects accounted for most of the variation although specific combining ability effects were detected in some crosses. Ias20*5/H567.71, Thornbird, and RPB709.71/Coc contributed the most to reduced disease severity. Reciprocal effects were detected in two of 36 crosses, where RPB709.71/Coc contributed additional reduced disease severity when used as female. The analysis of generation means confirmed results obtained from the diallel. Additive effects were also most important. Dominance effects and epistasis, mostly of the additive × additive type, were found in some crosses. Hence, substantial genetic progress for resistance can be expected among progeny from crosses with resistant parents. However, selection would be most effective if delayed to later generations because of dominance, and choice of the specific female parent may produce a higher level of resistance.  相似文献   

小麦白粉病新抗源——基因Pm21   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
利用C-分带技术,从(扬麦4号或扬麦5号×6V代换系)F_2或M_3代选择的100个抗白粉病单株中,鉴定出17株涉及6VS/6AL易位。易位断点靠近着丝粒。易位系在MI平均每个PMC有0.00—0.80Ⅰ和20.69—21.00Ⅱ,易位染色体在中期Ⅰ基本配对成环状二价体,在细胞学上已稳定。不同小种不同菌系的白粉病鉴定表明,易位系在苗期和成株期均表现对白粉病免疫。在簇毛麦6VS上的抗白粉病基因不同于现有抗性基因,根据McIntosh的建议已将该基因定名为Pm21,并被收录于第八届IWGS小麦基因目录中。  相似文献   

G. F. Marais    M. Horn  F. Du  Torr 《Plant Breeding》1994,113(4):265-271
An octoploid triticale was derived from the F, of a Russian wheat aphid-resistant rye, ‘Turkey 77’, and ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat. The alloploid was crossed to common wheat, and to ‘Imperial’ rye/‘Chinese Spring’ disomic addition lines. F2, progeny from these crosses were tested for Russian wheat aphid resistance and C-banded. A resistance gene(s) was found to be associated with chromosome arm IRS of the ‘Turkey 77’ rye genome. A monotelosomic IRS (‘Turkey 77’) addition plant was then crossed with the wheat cultivar ‘Gamtoos’, which has the 1BL.1RS ‘Veery’ translocation. Unlike the IRS segment in ‘Gamtoos’, the ‘Turkey 77’-derived 1 RS telosome did not express the rust resistance genes Sr31 and Ar26, which could then be used as markers. From the F, a monotelosomic 1 RS addition plant that was also heterozygous for the 1BL. 1 RS translocation was selected and testerossed with an aphid-susceptible common wheat, ‘Inia 66’ Meiotic pairing between the rye arms resulted in the recovery of five euploid Russian-wheat-aphid-resistant plants. One recombinant also retained Sr31 and Lr26 and was selfed to produce translocation homozygotes.  相似文献   

G. F. Potgieter    G. F. Marais  F. Du  Toit 《Plant Breeding》1991,106(4):284-292
Two Triticum monococcum accessions were found to be highly resistant to the Russian wheat aphid. An attempt was made to transfer the resistance to common wheat through direct hybridization or by using bridge species. In each of the four crossing strategies tried, a gradual loss of resistance occurred as hybrids with higher ploidy levels were obtained. It appeared that the level of resistance observed was directly proportional to the ratio of the Triticum monococcum genome relative to other genomes. This would indicate suppression of the resistance gene(s) by the added genomes or dilution of its product(s) by those of homoeoloci. The degree of protection afforded by the gene(s) at the hexaploid level may prove to be small. Plants suspected to be homozygous for the resistance gene(s) were identified; however, further backcrossing to common wheat will be required to improve their agronomic types and meiotic regularities.  相似文献   

赤霉病已上升为黄淮冬麦区的主要病害, 提高小麦品种对赤霉病的抗性成为该麦区主要的育种目标之一。宁麦9号、生选6号、建阳798、建阳84、苏麦3号和宁麦13均携带Fhb1基因, 对赤霉病表现中抗水平以上。本研究以这6个品种(系)为供体, 分别与高感赤霉病的周麦16矮败小麦近等基因系杂交和回交, 构建6个回交群体。利用Fhb1基因的KASP标记在回交后代中进行基因型分析, 分别选择携带和不携带Fhb1基因的可育株, 对后代株系进行单花滴注接种鉴定和田间病圃自然鉴定。回交后代携带Fhb1家系整体抗性达到中感, 比不携带Fhb1家系的平均病小穗数低4.2 (P < 0.01), 平均病情指数低4.0, 比轮回亲本周麦16的平均病小穗数和病情指数分别低8.1 (P < 0.01)和28.4 (P < 0.01)。不同供体品种(系)回交后代在赤霉病抗性上表现出明显差异, 以生选6号为供体的回交后代家系抗性表现最好。本研究表明, 利用Fhb1基因分子标记辅助选择技术能够有效地提高黄淮冬麦区小麦品种的赤霉病抗性水平。  相似文献   

In order to identify the chromosome arm carrying a gene for resistance to barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV) in German winter barley cultivars, a line trisomic for the long arm of chromosome 3 (telo-trisomic 3L) was crossed to the resistant cvs. ‘Sonate’ and ‘Ogra’. Results of tests for BaMMV reaction in the F2 indicate that the gene for resistance in German cultivars is located on the long arm of chromosome 3.  相似文献   

The use of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici pathotypes virulent or avirulent with respect to both Yr6 and a previously undescribed source of resistance, designated YrA, allowed the recognition of the corresponding host resistance genes m a range of Australian and exotic spring wheats. The phenotypes conferred by the YrA resistance varied when exposed to contrasting light intensities in the post-inoculation phase. The implications of the results in international studies of host resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici are discussed.  相似文献   

K. K. Nkongolo    K. C. Armstrong    A. Comeau    C. A. St.  Pierre 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(2):123-129
Common wheat × hexaploid triticale hybrids were produced and evaluated for tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus disease (BYD). The BYD tolerance expression varied with wheat × triticale combination. The selection for BYD tolerance increased the recovery of tolerant genotypes in the next generations. Homozygous tolerant and susceptible lines were obtained in advanced generations. The rye chromosomes 1R, 2R, and 4R with 7R were transmitted as disomic or monosomic, disomic, and double disomic substitution to the late generations of ‘Musala’ (common wheat) בMuskox 658’ (triticale), ‘Encruzilhada’ (common wheat) בNord Kivu’ (triticale) and ‘Encruzilhada’× 12th. International Triticale Screening Nursery 267 (12ITSN267) (triticale), respectively. A clear association was established between the 1R chromosome of the ‘Muskox 658’ triticale line and the tolerance to BYDV. Results suggest that the 2R chromosome may be involved in BYD tolerance of ‘Nord Kivu’ triticale line.  相似文献   

Cultivar ‘Thatcher’, and ‘Thatcher’ lines with Lr 21 and Lr 22 were studied against a number of races of Puccinia recondita for seedling and adult plant reaction. The study has established that Lr 21 and Lr 22 are genes effective against P. recondita at adult plant stage. It has also shown that these genes confer resistance against all races when plants are inoculated at boot leaf stage.  相似文献   

小麦梭条花叶病抗性的遗传研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本试验选用17个高抗品种、 9个高感品种随机组合进行杂交, 通过对F1、 F2和部分BC1、 BC2的抗感鉴定结果以及F3代的追踪分析, 研究了小麦品种对小麦梭条花叶病的抗性遗传规律。 结果表明, 小麦品种对小麦梭条花叶病的抗性为细胞核遗传, 这一性状受多对显性基因的控制, 不同品种含有其中的一对或两对或三对, 大多数品种  相似文献   

The protection provided by the leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 against Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici was studied in the field over two seasons. In leaf-rust inoculated and fungicide-sprayed control plots, yield of RL6058, the ‘Thatcher’ backcross line with Lr34, was compared to that of the susceptible cultivar ‘Thatcher’. Leaf rust severity remained low on RL6058 in both seasons, but was high on ‘Thatcher’. The latent period of wheat leaf rust isolate 3SA132 in flag leaves of RL6058 was 256 h longer than in ‘Thatcher’. The uredinium density on ‘Thatcher’ was 14.4/cm2, compared to 3.7/cm2 flag leaf surface on RL6058. Leaf rust infection of ‘Thatcher’ reduced the total grain yield per plot by 25.4% and 1,000 kernel mass by 15.6%. Leaf rust caused little or no damage on RL6058 and rusted plots outyielded the control plots by 0.3 %. Seed weight of RL6058 was reduced by 0.7%. Compared to previous greenhouse studies, the adult-plant resistance conferred by Lr34 is more clearly expressed in the field. Evaluation of milling and baking quality characteristics revealed that compared to ‘Thatcher’, RL6058 had a higher flour protein content, but that its milling, dough development and baking properties were inferior.  相似文献   

An Ethiopian wheat collection consisting of 293 tetraploid and hexaploid entries was investigated for resistance to powdery mildew, Septoria glume blotch, and leaf rust with the aim of finding probable new genes for resistance to these diseases. Seedlings were screened with isolates of these diseases in the greenhouse or growth chamber. The material was also scored for field resistance to powdery mildew after the fifth leaf stale. The diversity of the reaction types to powdery mildew and Septoria glume blotch was estimated by the Shannon-Weaver diversity index. Thirty-nine entries (13%) of the collection were resistant to moderately resistant co the mildew isolates, 14S-77 and 46—77, that had: a combined virulence spectrum effective against nine identified genes for resistance to powdery mildew. One hundred and et till TV-tour entries (63 %) of the collection showed field resistance to mildew. One hundred and eighty-one entries (62 %) of the collection were at least moderately resistant in an aggressive isolate of Sartorial nodorum. Resistance to a race of leaf rust was detected in one hundred and sixty-eight entries or 58.% of the collection. Generally, resistance to these diseases is concentrated in Central and Southern Ethiopia. The different reaction types of the resistant entries to these diseases and the high estimates of diversity for reaction types indicated the presence of many different probable new genes and genetic backgrounds for resistance to these diseases.  相似文献   

海陆杂交长绒棉新种质对棉花枯萎病抗性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 利用海陆杂交技术所选育的4个长绒棉抗病新种质在枯萎病病圃、重病田分别进行抗病性鉴定,并测定了它们对本区不同致病力枯萎病病原菌系的抗性,都表现很好的抗病性。新种质与高产、优质品系杂交选育的后代抗病强、抗性遗传稳定。新种质的育成为长绒棉抗病育种创造了新抗源。  相似文献   

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