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One cannot seek permission to market transgenic fish mainly because there is no field test or any basic research on technological developments for evaluating their biosafety. Infertility is a necessary adjunct to exploiting transgenic fish unless completely secure land-locked facilities are available. In this study, we report the generation of a Cre transgenic zebrafish line using a cytomegalovirus promoter. We also produced fish carrying the Bax1 and Bax2 plasmids; these genes were separated by two loxP sites under a zona pellucida C promoter or were driven by an anti-Müllerian hormone promoter. We inserted a red fluorescent protein gene between the two loxP sites. After obtaining transgenic lines with the two transgenic fish crossed with each other (Cre transgenic zebrafish x loxP transgenic zebrafish), the floxed DNA was found to be specifically eliminated from the female or male zebrafish, and apoptosis gene expressions caused ovarian and testicular growth cessation and degeneration. Overexpression of the Bax1 and Bax2 genes caused various expression levels of apoptosis-related genes. Accordingly, this transgenic zebrafish model system provides a method to produce infertile fish and may be useful for application to genetically modified fish.  相似文献   

The fisheries structure, fishing gear, fishing vessels and their ownership, landing sites and markets, as well as fisheries management and fishers’ participation were surveyed in three tropical islands: Pohnpei (Micronesia), Mafia (Tanzania), and Guimaras (Philippines), covering 127 fishers. Labour-intensive gear, including purse seines and ring nets, characterised Mafia fisheries. Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) boats characterised Pohnpei fisheries, and canoes with nonmarine engines were characteristic of Guimaras fisheries. Wooden plank boats with large crews were only seen in Mafia. From a gear/vessel ownership perspective, the fisher categories present were gear fishers, gear-vessel fishers, employers, and casual labour fishers. Casual labour fishers and employers were only apparent in Mafia. The fisheries in Pohnpei had a relatively early age of entry, which was attributed to the urban markets available and family cohesion, while community organisation-based management of these fisheries was weak. Mafia and rural Guimaras fishers depended on middlemen, due to the distance of the market. Deteriorating subsistence-related fishery dependency means that the Guimaras fishers’ community is at risk. The high shared gear/vessel ownership rates and levels of affiliation to community organisations in Mafia reflect government’s timely community sustainability enhancement initiative. Based on our analyses, we propose the “fishers’ community sustainability” concept. The sustainability of a fisher’s community can be judged on (1) the age of entry to the fisheries, (2) the monetary profits made at fish markets and through marketing, (3) the cohesion among the fishers, and (4) the level of subsistence-related dependency on the fishery. The fishery is key to community sustainability, thus ensuring fishery-dependent life. It is essential to consider the above indicators of fishers’ community sustainability during fisheries development.  相似文献   

  • 1. Laguna Blanca, in Laguna Blanca National Park, is a lake in Patagonia which has been designated as a Ramsar site since 1971 because of bird diversity and abundance and importance for nesting, particularly for the black neck swan, Cygnus melanocoryphus. It is also valued for its populations of endemic amphibians, Atelognathus patagonicus and Atelognathus praebasalticus.
  • 2. Avian and amphibian populations have decreased dramatically in recent years. Percichthys colhuapiensis, Percichthys trucha (Pisces, Percichthyidae), Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Pisces, Salmonidae) were introduced into Laguna Blanca in 1965. Since 1986, no Atelognathus frogs have been found. The abundance of swans and coots, which are strongly associated with macrophytes for nesting and feeding, has diminished drastically, whereas piscivorous birds have increased.
  • 3. The fishless condition of some neighbouring small lakes with abundant pond weeds, aquatic birds and endemic amphibians, was assessed in order to compare the physical and chemical characteristics and the quantitative composition of the benthos among lakes. Fish presence at Laguna Blanca and its absence at El Burro, Antiñir and Jabón lakes, were confirmed. Compared with previous results, it seems that the abundance of Amphipoda (Hyalella), Copepoda and Cladocera at Laguna Blanca has decreased, while Acari has increased and Notostraca has disappeared. Water transparency has diminished in Laguna Blanca and now is lower than that of fishless lakes.
  • 4. P. colhuapiensis were captured only in Laguna Blanca, with the highest captures in the littoral zone. The population shows rapid individual growth in the early years and an absence of fish older than 6 years. The preponderance of benthos and the presence of macrophytes in the gut contents of adult P. colhuapiensis appear to indicate that they are important consumers of these resources.
  • 5. This paper concludes that fish introduction in Laguna Blanca led to a complex trophic cascade effect (fish predation on tadpoles, fish competition for avian food, bottom disturbance, zooplankton reduction) producing deleterious effects on the amphibian and bird populations.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract – Effects of environmental or landscape factors on species composition, species richness and complexity of fish assemblages were examined using our collections of fish from 65 sites on streams in 13 drainages across the midwestern United States. Effects of environmental factors were examined at three scales: broad geographic factors included drainage, latitude, and longitude; local terrestrial factors included features of the riparian zone adjacent to the collecting site as well as local climate and land use; within-stream aquatic factors related to structure and hydrology of the stream reach sampled. Each assemblage property was examined for its relationship to factors at each scale separately, and then for relative importance of all factors found to be significant in the separate analyses. Assemblage composition (summarized as sample scores on two axes of a detrended correspondence analysis) varied significantly as a function of factors at all three scales when each scale was considered separately. With simultaneous consideration of all scales, however, only broad geographic factors (particularly latitude) and local terrestrial factors explained significant variation in assemblage composition. Species richness (the number of species we captured) was explained by longitude and within-stream aquatic factors both when considered separately and together. Assemblage complexity (quantified as slope of relative abundance versus rank abundance) was only related to within-stream aquatic factors. Assemblage composition and emergent assemblage properties (richness and complexity), therefore, were explained by factors acting at different scales. The total variation explained for assemblage composition was much greater than that explained for emergent assemblage properties, suggesting that assemblage composition may vary more as a function of environmental and landscape factors than do species richness and complexity. NOTE  相似文献   

Studies of migratory fish species in Neotropical Basins have generally focused on adult fishes, especially on their reproductive migration, whereas sites of growth and refuge of juveniles remain poorly investigated. We aimed to evaluate if smaller rivers play a role in the life cycle of these species. We used 13 rivers of different sizes in the upper São Francisco Basin, Brazil. We found that smaller rivers, especially when draining regions close to floodplains, were the first places where juveniles moved after leaving floodplain lakes. We also found that individuals moved downstream as they grew, and were found in increasingly larger rivers that were more distant from floodplains. Currently, the best-known strategy for conservation of neotropical migratory fishes is the maintenance of free-flowing stretches encompassing necessary habitats for life cycle completion. We conclude that small tributaries near floodplain regions are also needed in these protected free-flowing river systems.  相似文献   

The progress of gametogenesis was studied in oysters Crassostrea gigas having the same origin (Tremblade), but cultured during 1 year in two distinctive French marine areas, the Baie des Veys and Marennes-Oléron. We assessed seasonal changes in the reproduction cycle on the basis of stereological techniques to estimate reproductive investment and measurement of gonad evolution area by quantitative histology. From a qualitative point of view, both oyster groups presented typical reproductive stages, but showed differential timing, in particular during the sequence of spawning and duration of the re-absorption stage. Oysters in Baie des Veys had a single partial spawning in August and a re-absorption stage that extended until winter. Oysters in Merennes-Oléron had a partial spawning in July and massive release of gametes during August. Spawnings in both the areas were related to maximum temperature (19°C). The quantitative analysis showed, on an annual basis, a higher reproductive investment by oysters from Baie des Veys, 86% against 53% in the other group. Larger gonads, higher gamete production, and more intensive spawning were the characteristics of oysters in Baie des Veys. Recently, the reproduction pattern and investment has been related with summer mortalities; therefore, a quantitative understanding of reproductive processes becomes necessary for C. gigas. Environmental conditions at each site may explain differences in the progress and intensity of gametogenesis. While temperature regulated the time and speed of gametogenesis, results suggest that the intensity was influenced by the quantity of available food but may need further research. However, nutrient recycling from unreleased gametes in the gonads of oysters from Baie des Vey is a factor to be considered in the results of this study.  相似文献   

The food sources of the main economic animals and trophic levels of biotic communities from an optimized culture model (RhopilemaSinonovacula constrictaParalichthys olivaceusPenaeus chinensis) in a sea water pond in Donggang, Liaoning province were studied using the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes technique. The results indicated that the values of δ13C range from (?27.28 ± 0.35) ‰ to (?16.65 ± 0.20) ‰ and the values of δ15N range from (3.68 ± 0.23) ‰ to (13.91 ± 0.26) ‰, both of which exhibited significant fluctuations. The δ13C values of P. chinensis, Macrobrachium mipponensis and P. olivaceus were comparatively higher than those of other aquaculture animals, and the δ15N values of P. olivaceus was also comparatively higher. The contribution to the food sources of aquaculture animals (Rhopilema, S. constricta, P. olivaceus and P. chinensis) was analyzed by using the IsoSource software. The results indicated that fish meat had the greatest contribution to Rhopilema, S. constricta and P. chinensis; P. chinensis had the greatest contribution to P. olivaceus, followed by the M. mipponensis. The trophic level of the biotic communities under that optimized culture model in a sea water pond was 3.54, in which P. olivaceus was in the fourth level (3.54); P. chinensis, Synechogobius hasta, Ablennes anastomella, M. mipponensis, Ditrema temmincki Bleeker, Chelon haematocheilus were in the third trophic levels; Rhopilema, Engraulis japonius, S. constricta and zooplankton (1.00) in the second trophic levels, suspended matters (0.15) including phytoplankton, bacteria, humus, etc., were in the primary trophic levels.  相似文献   

1. It is proposed that an appreciation of patterns of change and stability in macrophyte floras is an important tool for lake managers. 2. The presence and abundance of aquatic macrophytes was annually monitored (from 1983 to 1995) along permanent transects in 13 shallow lakes in the Broads wetland in eastern England, United Kingdom. 3. Cluster analysis (TWINSPAN) revealed three Broad Macrophyte Types (BMTs) or assemblages. Two of these were sub-divided into four and then again into six sub-types. BMT1 had a constant presence (i.e. in more than 60% of all samples) of charophytes, Potamogeton pectinatus L.,Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Najas marina L. BMT2 had a constant presence of Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith and filamentous algae. BMT3 consisted of sites without macrophytes. 4. The BMTs provided a useful regional classification for aquatic vegetation in shallow, calcareous, and slightly brackish lakes with relatively organic sediments. The BMTs were compared with national and international classifications. The value of BMTs as conservation targets was assessed. 5. Analysis of changes of macrophyte assemblages with time, using ordination (CANOCO) and time-series plots, revealed lakes with stable, drifting, or erratic and unstable macrophyte assemblages. 6. The method of presentation used facilitates the interpretation of year-to-year macrophyte changes. The implication is that management effort can be more effectively directed towards conservation targets. The effects of management on the aquatic flora, such as dredging and biomanipulation, were shown to be easily evaluated using Cockshoot Broad as an example. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Profiles of plasma growth hormone (GH) in male tilapia hybrid (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus) were measured and compared at different times of the year. The profiles did not appear to be repetitive, however, differences in their nature were observed at the different seasons; the most erratic profiles were seen in the height of the reproductive season (July), while the peaks were more subdued in the spring and disappeared in the autumn. Peaks in male fish were more prominent than in the females when measured in July. Perifused pituitary fragments from fish with a high GSI responded to salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) analog (10 nM-1 M), while those from fish with a low GSI barely responded to even the highest dose. Exposure of perifused pituitary fragments from sexually-regressed fish to carp growth hormone-releasing hormone (cGHRH; 0.1 M) or sGnRH (I M) stimulated GH release only after injection of the fish with methyl testosterone (MT; 3 injections of 0.4 mg kg 1). The same MT pretreatment did not alter the response to dopamine (DA; 1 or 10 M). GH pituitary content in MT-treated fish was lower than in control fish, which may be explained by the higher circulating GH levels in these fish, but does not account for the increased response to the releasing hormones. Castration abolished the response of cultured pituitary cells to sGnRH (I fM-100 nM) without altering either their basal rate of secretion or circulating GH levels. Addition of steroids to the culture medium (MT or estradiol at 10 nM for 2 days) enabled a GH response to sGnRH stimulation in cells from sexually regressed fish. Pituitary cells which had not been exposed to steroids failed to respond to sGnRH, although their response to forskolin or TPA was similar to that of steroid-exposed cells. It would appear, therefore, that at least one of the effects of the sex steroids on the response to GnRH is exerted proximally to the formation of cAMP, or PKC, presumably at the level of the receptor. An increase in the number of receptors to the GH-releasing hormones, following steroid exposure, would explain also the changing nature of the GH secretory profile in different stages of the reproductive season.  相似文献   

Regular weekly sampling of larvae with a Hensen net in the stationary stations on the main spawning grounds of the brackishwater herring population in the Gulf of Riga was carried out in 1947–2004. Probably due to the rapidly increasing anthropogenic eutrophication and the rising winter temperature the yearly abundance of herring larvae has significantly increased with a shift in the average abundance in 1972/1973. Correlation of the average number of herring larvae with the year-class strength was significant for the intermediate (10–16 mm, P < 0.05) and large (≥17 mm, P < 0.001) larval size groups. The monthly average air temperature in the period from January to March was the main environmental variable regulating the abundance of the year classes (P < 0.001). The dependence between the spawning stock biomass (SSB) and year-class abundance differed by climate periods. In the period of cold winters environmental conditions dominated in determination of the year-class abundance whereas the role of the SSB was nonsignificant (P > 0.05). In the period of milder winters the importance of the SSB in determination of the abundance of year classes considerably increased and it significantly correlated with the abundance of year classes (P < 0.05). The winter–spring temperatures and other climatic variables presumably control the abundance of the forming year-class during the period of the highest larval mortality mainly via the production of their food.  相似文献   

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Regucalcin (RGN) is a calcium-binding protein mainly expressed in the liver. It functions in regulating activities of several calcium-dependent enzymes related to...  相似文献   

1. The aim of this paper is to assess the usefulness of surveying young fish assemblages in tributaries of the Sinnamary River (French Guiana, South America) as a means of assessing fish species diversity and monitoring environmental change in a neotropical river subjected to hydrodam operations. 2. This work confirms that the tributaries of the Sinnamary River are nurseries for more than half the fish species present in the river. 3. It shows that in natural conditions the young fish assemblages at the beginning of the dry season are overwhelmingly dominated by Characiformes, but that species of other orders are favoured in the impacted sections. 4. This study confirms that the evaluation of the reproductive success of the different fish species over large river stretches at the end of the rainy season appears to be an appropriate method for detecting the immediate effects of flow disturbances on fish communities. 5. The results suggest that it is more informative and less time‐consuming to consider the abundance of juveniles only, and to group them at the order level instead of calculating diversity indices. 6. The relative abundance of Characiformes juveniles at the end of the rainy season seems a cost‐efficient way of assessing the hydrological impact of the dam on the Sinnamary River, and this may be the case for other neotropical rivers where these methods may be generally applicable. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The desaturation of [1-14C]18:3n-3 to 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 is enhanced in an essential fatty acid deficient cell line (EPC-EFAD) in comparison with the parent cell line (EPC) from carp. In the present study, the effects of competing, unlabeled C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), linoleic (18:2n-6), -linolenic (18:3n-3), -linolenic (18:3n-6) and stearidonic (18:4n-3) acids, on the metabolism of [1-14C]18:3n-3 were investigated in EPC-EFAD cells in comparison with EPC cells. The incorporation of [1-14C]18:3n-3 in both cell lines was significantly reduced by competing C18 PUFA, with the rank order being 18:4n-3>18:3n-3 = 18:2n-6>18:3n-6. In the absence of competing PUFA, radioactivity from [1-14C]18:3n-3 in EPC cells was predominantly recovered in phosphatidylethanolamine followed by phosphatidylcholine. This pattern was unaffected by competing n-6PUFA, but n-3PUFA reversed this pattern as did essential fatty acid deficiency in the presence of all competing PUFA. The altered lipid class distribution was most pronounced in cells supplemented with 18:4n-3. Competing C18 PUFA significantly decreased the proportions of radioactivity recovered in 22:6n-3, pentaene and tetraene products, with the proportions of radioactivity recovered in 18:3n-3 and 20:3n-3 increased, in both cell lines. However, the inhibitory effect of competing C18 PUFA on the desaturation of [1-14C]18:3n-3 was significantly greater in EPC-EFAD cells. The magnitude of the inhibitory effects of C18 PUFA on [1-14C]18:3n-3 desaturation was dependent upon the specific fatty acid with the rank order being 18:4n-3>18:3n-3>18:2n-6, with 18:3n-6 having little inhibitory effect on the metabolism of [1-14C]18:3n-3 in EPC cells. The differential effects of the C18 PUFA on [1-14C]18:3n-3 metabolism were consistent with mass competition in combination with increased desaturation activity in EPC-EFAD cells and the known substrate fatty acid specificities of desaturase enzymes. However, the mechanism underpinning the greater efficacy with which the unlabeled C18PUFA competed with [1-14C]18:3n-3 in the desaturation pathway in EPC-EFAD cells was unclear.  相似文献   

A predator–prey model was applied to the red grouper Epinephelus morio fishery from Yucatan, Mexico, with the aim of understanding the spatial behaviour of a mid-sized fishing fleet. The heterogeneity of the environment was considered, and different habitat quality levels were determined to address environmental differences. The behaviour of the fleet was also evaluated based on a simulation of restricted fishing areas (RFA). The model was applied utilising 5 years of information on catch and fishing effort (1973–1977). Four levels of habitat quality were defined (low, medium, high and exceptional). The total costs and revenue for a fishing expedition in the areas of exceptional habitat quality were higher due to their location farthest from the base port. The fleet was most efficient during the winter at locations in the eastern continental shelf, with the number of these areas clearly decreasing in the autumn. The model simulation of the RFA showed a total revenue reduction of 7–27 % in scenarios of RFA for adult protection. When the RFA was implemented for the protection of juvenile fish, the total revenue was not reduced, indicating that this type of RFA might be a feasible management strategy for a sustainable fishery.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was once of major importance to the fishing industry along the River Rhine. This paper discusses the Dutch and German salmon catches over the years 1863–1950. Even up to the end of the last century, it was not uncommon for Dutch and German fishermen to land 100000 salmon a year. However, factors such as the increased use of locks and weirs along the Rhine, coupled with growth in pollution, soon led to a rapid decline in numbers. By 1933, the salmon fishing industry in the Netherlands had virtually ceased to exist. Analysis of the available catch statistics suggests that the decline in the salmon population could have started before official records began. Although the degree of scatter in the data and uncertainties in the assumptions preclude the possibility of drawing firm conclusions about the survival rate of salmon, these figures illustrate how difficult it will be to maintain a stable population in the Rhine. Moreover, a number of changes have taken place since the heyday of salmon in western Europe, which could compound the problem. Of particular importance in the context of the Rhine are:
  • 1 the closure of two of the major migration routes to the sea (Haringvliet and Zuiderzee);
  • 2 morphological changes in the river;
  • 3 chemical and thermal pollution;
  • 4 the loss of accessible spawning and nursery areas of the required quality;
  • 5 the disappearance of salmon from other rivers that flow into the North Sea such as the Rivers Elbe, Weser and Ems. If salmon were only reintroduced into the Rhine, a certain proportion would probably stray and infiltrate these other rivers.
The fact that the impact of these changes is difficult to quantify increases the uncertainty associated with maintaining a stable stock of salmon in the Rhine.  相似文献   

‘Gher’ farming is a unique system that incorporates the joint operation of three enterprises: freshwater prawn, fish and HYV rice and is expanding rapidly in the coastal regions of Bangladesh. In this paper we evaluate the performance of this unique system in terms of the existence of diversification economies (amongst the three integrated enterprises), scale economies and technical efficiency using a stochastic input distance function approach on a sample of gher farmers. The results reveal evidence of a diversification economy in the rice–carp combination. Economies of scale exist in the ‘gher’ farming system. The level of technical efficiency is estimated at 68% implying that a substantial 47% [(100−68)/68] of potential output can be recovered by removing inefficiency. Significant efficiency gains are made from diversification amongst these enterprises. Also, the education of farmers and the female labour input significantly improve efficiency whilst larger operation size reduces efficiency. The key policy implication is that the diversification of enterprises, particularly the rice–carp combination, is beneficial and should be promoted. Also investment in education and creation of a hired labour market for females would improve technical efficiency.  相似文献   

The effects of (ip, 10 injections over 20 days) of melatonin (75 g 100 g–1 BW), the serotonin (5-HT)-synthesis blocker, para-cholorophenylalanine (p-CPA, 10 mg 100g–1 BW) and the catecholamine-synthesis blocker, -methylparatyrosine (-MPT, 10 mg 100 g–1 BW) on gonadotropin (GTH) secretion and ovarian activity were studied in Heteropneustes fossilis during late preparatory to early prespawning (April–May). The treatments resulted in significant reductions of plasma GTH and estradiol-17 levels, the gonadosomatic index, frequency distribution of vitellogenic and postvitellogenic oocytes, and ovarian and serum 32p-labelled alkali-labile phosphoprotein (a marker of vitellogenic activity). Most of the oocytes were nonvitellogenic or had undergone atretic changes. The hepatic 32-phosphoprotein content increased significantly over the saline control value. The effects were similar and pronounced in the p-CPA and melatonin-treated groups but were moderate in the -MPT-treated group. Hypothalamic 5-HT content and turnover were significantly inhibited in the p-CPA and melatonin-treated groups but the content and turnover of catecholamines were not. The -MPT treatment decreased significantly the content and turnover of dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), and adrenaline (A) but did not influence the 5-HT content or turnover. These results suggest that 5-HT, NA and A are stimulatory to GTH secretion and that melatonin may act on the serotonergic system to inhibit the pituitary-gonadal axis.to whom correspondence should be addressed.A part of the results was presented at the International Workshop on Pineal gland: Its molecular signals and published as an abstract in Neuroendocrinol. Lett. 14: 399 pp., 1992.  相似文献   

Cryptocaryon irritans Brown 1951, a holotrichous ciliate parasite of marine fishes, causes marine white spot disease. In aquaria, C. irritans can cause acute damage and heavy mortalities to marine teleosts. Although first described 60 years ago, only within the last decade has detailed information emerged concerning its life cycle, transmission and pathogenesis. An update of our knowledge of this important aquarium fish parasite is presented here.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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