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2004年4月、2007年10月和2008年11月,对四川木里鸭咀自然保护区兽类资源进行了调查。结合历史文献资料,确认保护区有野生哺乳动物62种,隶属于8目20科;保护区有国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级重点保护动物18种,其中Ⅰ级5种,有我国特有兽类21种。区系组成上东洋界45种,古北界15种,广布种两种,保护区兽类以东洋界成分为主,出现了一定程度的南北混杂现象。保护区有两个属的物种值得重点关注,他们是鼩形目缺齿鼩鼱属(Chodsigoa)、啮齿目绒鼠属(Eothenomys)。  相似文献   

绿草如茵的内蒙古大草原,总面积达 8667万公顷,在内蒙古总土地面积中占 73%,约占全国天然草场 1/ 4,居全国四大草场之首。有居世界三大草原之一的呼伦贝尔大草原,还有以草原草场为主的荒漠草场、半荒漠草场和草甸草场。   长期以来,由于人口压力以及片面追求眼前经济利益,超大规模向自然索取,如盲目开垦,广种薄收,过度放牧,乱采滥挖等对草原资源进行了不合理利用,使草原的原始植被和地表结构遭到严重破坏,地表裸露面积扩大,致使土地荒漠化和水土流失更严重,天然草地退化、沙化和碱化严重,生物多样性减少,鼠灾泛滥,造…  相似文献   

河北省截至2019年10月主要林业有害生物发生面积470493.33hm~2,其中鼠(兔)害发生面积24526.67hm~2,同比下降3.74%,危害程度为中、轻度。经过几年的有效防治,鼠(兔)害发生趋于稳定。预测2019年秋冬季、2020年春季森林鼠(兔)发生面积在4000hm2左右,与2019年实际发生面积基本持平,针对鼠(兔)发生情况,河北省林业部门应进一步搞好鼠(兔)害调查,加强技术培训,遵循无公害生物防治原则,有效地保护好林地生态资源安全。  相似文献   

目前我国林草有害生物灾害呈现扩大趋势,草原有害生物灾害发生面积年均约为林业的4倍以上。近年来,我国林草有害生物灾害防治费用年均在50亿元以上。西藏、内蒙古、青海、甘肃、新疆等地是我国草原有害生物灾害发生的重灾区,草原鼠兔害是草原有害生物的主要灾害,每年鼠兔灾害发生面积超过有害生物灾害总面积的70%以上,2021年我国的草原有害生物发生面积防治率为26.6%,与林业有害生物防治率相比还处于较低水平。新疆、内蒙古和四川等地是我国林业有害生物灾害发生的重灾区,林木虫害是林业有害生物的主要灾害,其次是林木病害、鼠兔害和有害植物,2021年我国的林业有害生物发生面积防治率超过80%以上。  相似文献   

黄河三面环抱的鄂尔多斯.属于半干旱、干旱草原向荒漠草原过渡地带.生态区位十分重要。全市干早少雨.植被稀疏,土地沙漠化和水土流失十分严重,全市沙漠化土地面积约43万平方公里,占全市国土面积的49%;沙化、退化草场面积达4万平方公里,占可利用草场面积的80%;水土流失面积4.7万平方公里,  相似文献   

黑腹绒鼠(Eothenomys meianogaster)俗称猫儿脑壳耗子,属田鼠亚科,栖息于海拔500~3000米的地带,以810~2250米分布最多,是四川杉木、柳杉等人工速丰林的主要害鼠。据1989~1990年在安县,北川、平武、江油、绵竹、什邡等县林区调查,黑腹绒鼠占人工林中鼠种的36.95%,为川西北林区的优势鼠种。该鼠主要啃食幼树的根、茎和枝、叶、甚至整株咬断,轻者影响正常生长,重则造成植株死亡,林木受害株率一般在8.30~74.80%,高的可达100%,严重危及造林成果,对新造林地危害尤甚。  相似文献   

调查结果表明森林鼠兔害在绥阳县主要危害10年生以下树木。在鼠(兔)害发生严重地区,被害株率达到55%以上,平均被害枯死株率在12%左右,林区鼠口密度35只/hm2、兔口密度60~90只/hm2。用血腥驱避法、无毒仿生剂(溴敌隆杀鼠剂)、捕鼠(兔)夹、鼠(兔)笼、钢丝绳套和索套等物理器械捕杀鼠(兔),能有效防治森林鼠(兔)的危害。  相似文献   

管涔山林区长期以来草兔(鼠)危害严重。本文分析了草兔(鼠)危害的原因主要是天敌减少、生物控制力度下降;提出了今后预防和控制对策,一是应用化学防治手段,二是保护草兔(鼠)天敌鹰类以及小型食肉动物,探索天敌人工饲养和释放技术,开展生物防治。  相似文献   

为了弄清四川小寨子沟国家级自然保护区小型兽类区系及多样性状况,2018年5月和8月利用铗日法和陷阱法对保护区小型兽类进行了调查,调查获得小型兽类物种20种。中国鼩猬、黄龙鼠兔、褐腹长尾鼩和缅甸长尾鼩是小寨子沟自然保护区兽类新记录,原记载于保护区的少齿鼩鼹应为鼩鼹属一隐存种,斯氏缺齿鼩鼱是一珍稀物种。对小型兽类来说,分布上述兽类新记录的保护区中海拔段值得重点保护。  相似文献   

<正>1天山北坡森林资源保护和管理存在的主要问题1.1过度放牧给生态环境带来巨大压力过度放牧给天山山区天然草场带来了很大的影响,草场面积逐年下降,不可食和劣质草成分增加,由山区草原向荒漠草原演化。1978年天山北坡草场面积为6.38×104 km~2,1990年下降到5.29×104 km~2,2000年更下降至5.2×104 km~2。夏季牧场不断向森林腹地延伸,对森林的天然更新造成了严重破坏,天  相似文献   

2009年,对九龙北部贡嘎山区的小型兽类开展了调查。结果表明,该区域有小型兽类3目7科24种,并且采集到了非常珍稀的康定绒鼠(Eothenomyshintoni)。这是我国第一份标本,也是80多年来全世界第二次采集到。  相似文献   

In the Swiss Alps, 15% of Swiss mountain forests are grazed during summer, mainly by cattle. The forest laws of various Swiss cantons characterise forest grazing as a detrimental form of land use and stipulate that this grazing practice should be restricted. However, little is known about tree damage actually caused by cattle. Seven subalpine ranges in the Swiss Canton Grisons, grazed by cattle at different stocking rates, were investigated. The condition of naturally regenerated young trees (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was assessed before and after the cattle grazing period. In order to characterise the influence of wild ungulates on the young trees during winter, the assessment of tree condition was repeated in the proximate spring. In total, 4% of the young trees were browsed on the apical shoot, 10% were browsed on lateral shoots, 13% of the trees showed other damage. The variation among ranges could almost completely be explained by the cattle stocking rate (livestock units per hectare). During winter, wild ungulates browsed 3 times as many young trees as the cattle during summer. The results suggest that cattle stocking rates on subalpine wood pastures should not exceed one livestock unit per hectare in order to avoid intensive browsing and other damage by cattle on young Norway spruces.  相似文献   

清远市地处粤北山区,跨中亚热带、南亚热带,森林资源十分丰富。清远市境内森林火灾比较频繁,全市平均每年烧山29.4次,年平均受灾面积为304.8hm2,损失较为严重。森林火点定位报警系统能够在监测到火点时及时报警通知值班人员,快捷直观地显示火点的位置,并将火点发生的时间、经度、纬度、象素等信息存入数据库,提供相应的查询功能。  相似文献   

川西北高寒草地退化成因及恢复对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川西北高寒草地是长江和黄河上游重要的生态屏障,在水土保持、生物多样性保育和区域气候调节等方面具有不可替代的作用.川西北高寒草地的严重退化正危及着草地资源的可持续利用和高原生态环境安全.本文借鉴国内外相关研究,综合认为草地生态环境的脆弱性是川西北高寒草地退化的内因,人类不合理的利用和干扰(草地开垦、旅游开发和过度放牧等)是川西北高寒草地退化的主要驱动力,气候变暖、草原鼠虫害频发及草地管理不善等加速了川西北高寒草地的退化.提出了依据草地退化成因,以科技为主导,以草定畜、提高出栏率,轻度和中度退化草地进行草地改良和围栏,重度退化草地进行栽培草地建植,同时结合草地合理开发和鼠、虫害综合治理,加强草地监测、人才建设与加快科技成果推广和转化的恢复举措.  相似文献   

对玛曲高寒草原风沙危害的类型、危害程度和治理技术模式进行了调查研究.认为玛曲高寒草原风沙危害主要有:导致土壤肥力降低、草原生产能力下降、草原生物多样性降低、对当地居民生活和家畜危害、增加黄河泥沙量等五个方面.针对不同类型沙化草原和危害方式提出了具体的治理技术模式,包括流沙治理的“封育+固沙+人工补播”模式,孤立沙丘全覆...  相似文献   

Mountain forests are traditionally used for cattle grazing during the dry season in southern Bolivia. To evaluate browsing intensity and damage to young trees and shrubs, a forest grazing area was monitored for about 3 months in both 2006 and 2007. Three similar paddocks of about 3 ha each, consisting of grassland and forest in a ratio of about 1:3 were stocked with 0.9, 1.6 and 2.6 tropical livestock units per ha (equivalents of 250 kg of body weight), reflecting low, medium and high stocking densities. Six 5 m × 5 m plots were mapped out within each paddock in 2006. Three additional plots per paddock were added in 2007. Within plots, the individuals of 18 woody species were coded and evaluated weekly for intensity of browsing. Intensity was quantified using five-scale categories reflecting the proportions of plant tissue removed (0 = no browsing, 1 = 1–25%, 2 = 26–50%, 3 = 51–75% and 4 = 76–100%). Across all plant species, the average category of browsing intensity, as determined in the post-grazing evaluation, was affected (P < 0.001) by stocking density. Browsing intensity increased in an approximately linear manner from 1.58 to 2.18 and 2.77 with low, medium and high stocking density, respectively. There was no significant difference between years. Most woody species followed the same general response pattern to stocking density, although some species were only noticeably browsed at high stocking density while a few others were intensively browsed at all stocking densities. The onset of browsing on woody species was observed only after some weeks had passed, indicating that herbaceous plants were preferred as a forage resource. The proportion of fatally damaged individuals, as assessed about 8 months after grazing in 2006, were 10.6%, 8.6% and 11.4% for low, medium and high stocking density, respectively. The percentage of completely browsed individuals increased with stocking density, but 80% of those plant individuals recovered following a resting period of 8 months. However, although most woody species recovered from browsing and fatal damage was infrequent, long-term changes in woody plant species composition and structure caused by grazing cannot be excluded. High stocking density in particular may reduce the vigour of heavily browsed species.  相似文献   

植被封禁保护是黄土高原植被恢复的重要措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了黄土高原地区的植被资源现状及分布规律, 分析了该地区实施植被封禁保护(包括封山育林和禁牧、轮牧)的必要性和可行性。对于封山育林和禁牧的实施效果、存在的问题及对策进行了说明。指出黄土高原地区今后的封山育林工作应该向工程化、规范化的方向发展。提出黄土高原天然次生林区应该长期坚持“封山育林为主, 辅之以人工措施”的经营策略。实行封禁保护为主的林区经营方式, 适当辅助以人工促进(抚育、补植等)措施。另外, 在黄土高原以农牧业为主的厚层黄土区和北部草原区等应该实施封山禁牧或轮牧, 提倡舍饲圈养。黄土高原地区的封山育林和禁牧工作要与农村经济发展和产业结构调整紧密结合, 才能长期实行下去。  相似文献   

通过研究川东北丘陵地叶用银杏不同栽植密度对其生长量和叶产量的影响,获得高经济效益的合理密度调控方向,为生产实践提供理论支持.本文以2年生"开江皇1号"银杏为供试材料,采用单因素试验设计,分别作5种不同栽植密度处理,连续三年观测研究不同栽植密度对叶用银杏生长量及叶产量的影响.结果表明,在川东北的地理环境条件下和一定的密度...  相似文献   

Forest pasturing of livestock in Norway: effects on spruce regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forest pasturing of free-roaming livestock is a common practice in many parts of the world, but knowledge on how it affects tree regeneration in boreal forests is lacking. We mapped tree density, livestock site use and accumulated damage to young trees of commercial interest(Norway spruce, Picea abies L. Karst.) on 56 clearcuts inside and outside a fenced forest area used for livestock pasturing in Ringsaker, Norway. Inside the fence 56±1.8% of spruce trees were damaged compared to 37±3.4% outside. Proportion of damaged spruce trees was positively related to cattle use of the clearcut, but not so for sheep. On the most intensively used clearcuts, four out of five trees were damaged. The density of deciduous trees was five times lower inside compared to outside of the fence(varying with plant species). While livestock grazing may reduce resource competition in favour of spruce, the current animal density clearly is impeding forest regeneration in the study area.  相似文献   

We investigated how partial overstory retention, understory vegetationmanagement, and protective Vexar® tubing affected the frequency andseverityof biotic injuries in a two-storied stand underplanted with western redcedar(Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don), Douglas-fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, grand fir(Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl), and western hemlock(Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). The most prevalentsource of damage was browsing by black-tailed deer (Odocoileushemionis columbiana); deer browsed over 74% of Douglas-fir and over36% of western redcedar seedlings one or more times over the four years of thisstudy. Neither the spatial pattern of thinning (even or uneven) nor the densityof residual overstory affected browsing frequency. Spraying subplots may haveslightly increased browsing frequency, but the resulting reduction of theadjacent understory vegetation increased the volume of all seedlings by 13%,whether or not they were browsed. Vexar® tubing did not substantiallyaffectseedling survival, browsing damage frequency, or fourth-year volume. Greaterlevels of overstory retention reduced frequency of second flushing. Chafing bydeer and girdling by rodents and other small mammals began once seedlingssurpassed 1 m in height. Essentially all grand fir seedlingsexhibited a foliar fungus infection.  相似文献   

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