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Image analysis was used in this study to develop a faster, more objective method for quantitatively measuring tracheid shapes on cross section. The morphological features were measured automatically using the circularity index and aspect ratio based on the skeletonized images. The rectangular and hexagonal similarities were introduced to evaluate the tracheid shapes. The results for 18 species of Japanese softwoods showed that the difference in tracheid shapes among the species could be successfully estimated using the quantitative method. In addition, the boundary of latewood might be evaluated based on the change in circularity indexes.The abstract of this study was presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Shizuoka, April 1998  相似文献   

暖温带石灰岩山地森林种群格局的分形特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从空间占据的角度入手,计算了研究区域内4种主要林分共6块样地的计盒维数。计算结果表明6块样地均存在贯穿于研究尺度的自相似规律,其中赤松林样地的计盒维数最大,而刺槐林样地的计盒维数差异较大。计盒维数的大小和不同植被的生态学特性和立地条件有关。最后从空间占据的角度对区域生态安全格局的维持和生态恢复提出了建议。  相似文献   

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