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1.长期变动 从地质时代的观点来看,可根据以几百万年、几十万年为单位的气候变动及历史看法来预测地球环境700年、120年、80年及几十年的长期变动周期变化。但对于与鱼类关系密切的海洋变动,由于观察的历史短,尚无法了解其长期的变动趋势。定期地对日本近海的海洋观察大约始于1918年,但论及长期变动尚缺乏足够的资料。  相似文献   

从近海走向深蓝探索未知的领域习近平总书记提出,要进一步关心海洋、认识海洋、经略海洋。海洋调查是认识海洋变化并支撑科学开发海洋的基础。新中国成立后,海洋调查工作得到党和政府的重视,随着相应的调查研究机构相继成立,调查队伍、调查船只、调查仪器逐渐发展完善,我国有计划地开展了一系列重大的海洋调查项目,为海洋资源开发利用、海洋科学创新、海洋环境保护、海洋灾害预防及国防建设提供了基础资料和科学依据。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁附着生物影响因素研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工鱼礁是用于营造海洋牧场、调控和优化海洋生态环境、增殖生物资源的人工设施.人工鱼礁投放入海后,受海水环境和气候等因素影响,礁体附着生物的种类组成和数量出现明显的时空变化.文章综述了影响人工鱼礁附着生物时空变化的主要环境因子及其它因素,探讨了目前人工鱼礁附着生物研究的主要方向,以期为我国人工鱼礁建设提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

1引言 福建是海洋大省,海洋经济在社会中的地位越来越重要,科学规划、合理利用,加强和提高海洋资源综合管理的效率已迫在眉睫.福建省水产研究所自2000~2002年开展的"福建海区渔业资源生态容量和海洋捕捞业管理研究"课题,通过组织多艘船只进行海上大面积调查、勘测,获得了大量样品和系统的第一手资料.通过所获资料,评估了福建海区渔业资源生态容量;估算了该海区及主要鱼种的最大持续产量,提出了合理开发利用福建海洋渔业资源的方案;应用MAPGIS Ver6.5软件平台,根据现状和需求成功设计了福建省海洋捕捞业管理地理信息系统.本文主要报道"福建省海洋捕捞业管理地理信息系统"的设计.  相似文献   

1、全国海洋综合大调查:1957-1958年,我国的海洋综合调查取得了系统全面的我国基础性综合海洋资料,掌握了我国近海海洋水文、化学、地质和生物等要素的变化规律,使中国海洋科学实现了跨越式发展,是中国海洋科学发展史上的里程碑。1958-1960年开展的“全国海洋综合普查”和20世纪80年代初开展的“全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查”,以及2003年开始实施的近海海洋综合调查与评价专项即“908”专项,为摸清我国海洋“家底”起到了重要作用,也极大地推进了我国的海洋经济建设和海洋综合管理。  相似文献   

本文对海南省海洋渔业资源进行评诂,认为区位条件独特,海面辽阔,热带海洋气候特征明显,水质清新,生物种类多惮和海域初级生产力较低。从而,提出了发展中深海渔业、热带渔业、外向型渔业和建设海洋牧场的渔业发展方向.  相似文献   

王靓  花传祥  朱清澄  李非 《中国水产科学》2020,27(11):1379-1392
小型中上层鱼类是北太平洋海域重要的渔业资源,具有生命周期短、生长速度快、高集群性等特点,其资源年间波动显著,且受气候-海洋变化的影响。本文围绕秋刀鱼(Coloabis saira)、鲣(Katsuwonus pelamis)、鲐(Scomber japonicus)、鳀(Engraulis japonious)、竹䇲鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、沙丁鱼(Sardinops sagax)6种主要的小型中上层鱼类,回顾了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Niño/La Niña-southern oscillation,ENSO)、太平洋年代际振荡(the Pacific decadal oscillation,PDO)、黑潮-亲潮(Kuroshio-Oyashio,KR-OY)等关键气候-海洋指数的特点及对鱼类栖息地环境和资源变动的影响。概括了气候-海洋变化对小型中上层鱼类的洄游分布和资源丰度的直接影响过程,以及对亲体繁殖产卵、仔稚体成活率和资源量波动间接的滞后影响过程。建议:(1)在多种气候-海洋指数基础上添加种群动态过程、捕捞方式系数、自然死亡率等参数构建生物量动态模型,揭示气候-海洋变化对渔业资源量的影响过程;(2)结合北太平洋涛动(North Pacific oscillation,NPO)、北极涛动(Arctic oscillation,AO)、北太平洋环流振荡(North Pacific gyre oscillation,NPGO)等其他北太平洋主要气候,基于物理海洋模型及空间耦合水动力学模型研究大尺度海流、中尺度涡旋对小型中上层鱼类影响。  相似文献   

正海洋监测是认知海洋的重要途径,是海洋事业发展的基础。近日,国家海洋环境监测中心主任关道明莅临广东省海洋与渔业厅,开讲《全球气候背景下的新兴海洋环境问题》,《海洋与渔业》记者借机采访了这位长期从事海洋环境科学和海洋环境监测技术研究工作的博士生导师。  相似文献   

海洋牧场建设选址的初步研究——以舟山为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了选址环节在海洋牧场建设中的重要地位,在此基础上,分析了海洋牧场选址的基本原则,并依照原则设计海洋牧场选址的一般方法,即明确海洋牧场建设目的与类型,分析影响海洋牧场选址的因素,结合地区实际收集资料进行初步评估,最终综合评定、筛选并确定选址.依照这一方法,以浙江舟山为例,选取海洋功能区划、渔业发展规划、海洋生态环境、设施基础等海洋牧场选址影响要素进行了海洋牧场选址的分析,并得出舟山市优先适宜海洋牧场建设的区域为马鞍列岛岛屿邻近海区、中街山列岛岛屿邻近海区、岱山东部列岛岛屿邻近海区,以及朱家尖东部的洋鞍-猫头洋海区.小规模的海洋牧场选址主要集中在这些海域岛屿周边.  相似文献   

来自美国和加拿大的研究人员发现,气候变化严重影响海洋生态系统,气候条件的改变决定了海洋物种在地点与深度上分布的变化。过去认为,这些变化的主要原因是物种问的生物学差异。但是新的研究表明,当地的气候条件更有可能导致这些变化。气候变化的速率和方向远比物种特性能更好地解释物种分布的变化。该研究成果发表在《科学》杂志上。  相似文献   

基于Kriging方法Argo数据重构太平洋温度场研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用Kriging算法,将2007年1~12月份期间获得的太平洋海域的Argo剖面浮标资料重新构成3°×3°的月平均海温场。重构的温度场能较好地揭示太平洋暖流区、西边界流系的季节性变化和西边界流系强温度锋面。将插值数据与同一时期的实测数据进行比较。结果表明Kriging算法得到的海表温度最大误差0.7℃,平均误差0.3℃,平均相对误差0.7%,平均标准误差0.06℃,计算结果令人满意。进一步利用重构的太平洋表层及水下4个断面的温度场分析了太平洋海域的温度分布格局及季节变化,赤道海区表层暖水占主体,随着水深增加,东部冷水迅速往东扩展,在200 m时冷水基本把北上的太平洋暖水切断。  相似文献   

稻田养殖美国青蛙试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在稻田中放养美国青蛙(Rana grglio),利用稻蛙共生的生态学原理,促进了水稻生长,减少了养蛙占地,每公顷产水稻7770kg,商品蛙2731.5kg,生态效益、经济效益明显优于未养蛙稻田。  相似文献   

简要介绍了近年国外渔业研究机构在海洋生态系统、生态系统修复、海洋资源可持续利用、环境监测、污染物监管与控制、优化捕捞技术、生态化与工业化养殖、应用生物遗传技术培育优良品种、重要物种的基因数据库、鱼类早期发育及性成熟等方面的研究内容和研究方法,并对中外渔业研究机构的研究领域与研究方法作了简略的比较分析。  相似文献   

数据仓库技术作为数据库技术应用的新型手段,是海洋渔业数据集成、实现业务化管理的良好的解决方案。根据海洋渔业的特点,本文提出了构建海洋渔业数据仓库的策略、基本框架,探讨了在海洋环境数据仓库建设过程中数据集市模型设计、建立数据准备区、数据规划和数据提取等四个关键问题,用SQL Server初步建成了海洋渔业数据仓库。  相似文献   


Two case studies of the herring industry reveal that insufficient data on processes and traceability are currently recorded onboard fishing vessels, at primary processing into marinated herring fillets and at secondary processing into small jars as pickled herring products. This means that the traceable unit of a batch of herring is at the level of a whole fishing trip, and that there is a disconnection in traceability along the chain. Data on process and product parameters are insufficient and precludes the use of modern data analysis to examine where improvements and greater efficiencies can be obtained. Suggestions and procedures to overcome these deficiencies are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

Characterizing population distribution and abundance over space and time is central to population ecology and conservation of natural populations. However, species distribution models and population dynamic models have rarely been integrated into a single modelling framework. Consequently, fine‐scale spatial heterogeneity is often ignored in resource assessments. We develop and test a novel spatiotemporal assessment framework to better address fine‐scale spatial heterogeneities based on theories of fish population dynamic and spatiotemporal statistics. The spatiotemporal model links species distribution and population dynamic models within a single statistical framework that is flexible enough to permit inference for each state variable through space and time. We illustrate the model with a simulation–estimation experiment tailored to two exploited marine species: snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio, Oregoniidae) in the Eastern Bering Sea and northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Pandalidae) in the Gulf of Maine. These two species have different types of life history. We compare the spatiotemporal model with a spatially aggregated model and systematically evaluate the spatiotemporal model based on simulation experiments. We show that the spatiotemporal model can recover spatial patterns in population and exploitation pressure as well as provide unbiased estimates of spatially aggregated population quantities. The spatiotemporal model also implicitly accounts for individual movement rates and can outperform spatially aggregated models by accounting for time‐and‐size varying selectivity caused by spatial heterogeneity. We conclude that spatiotemporal modelling framework is a feasible and promising approach to address the spatial structure of natural resource populations, which is a major challenge in understanding population dynamics and conducting resource assessments and management.  相似文献   

The majority of the world's fisheries, by number, are data‐poor/limited, and there is a growing body of literature pertaining to approaches to estimate data‐limited stock status. There are at least two drivers for assessing the status of data‐limited fisheries. The first is to try to understand and report on the global or regional status of fisheries across many stocks. The second is to attempt to assess individual data‐limited stocks, for status reporting and/or guiding management decisions. These drivers have led to attempts to find simple, generic, low‐cost solutions, including the broad application of generically parameterised models, and the blanket application of a single, or limited number of possible, analytical approach(es). It is unclear that generic methods function as intended, especially when taken out of their original design context or used without care. If the intention is to resolve individual stock status for the purposes of management, there is concern with the indiscriminate application of a single method to a suite of stocks irrespective of the particular circumstances of each. We examine why caution needs to be exercised, and provide guidance on the appropriate application of data‐limited assessment methods (DLMs). We recommend: (a) obtaining better data, (b) using care in acknowledging and interpreting uncertainties in the results of DLMs, (c) embedding DLMs in harvest strategies that are robust to the higher levels of uncertainty in the output of DLMs by including precautionary management measures or buffers and (d) selecting and applying DLMs appropriate to specific species’ and fisheries’ data and context.  相似文献   

This study examined links between the variability of coastal front features and composition of fishery landings. Satellite‐derived sea surface temperature data allowed the detection of thermal fronts and calculation of front metrics that account for gradient, persistency, and vicinity. Landings data were clustered by functional group (according to habitat use, size, morphology), and trophic level (TL). Three independent time series analyses, based on two different classes of statistical methodologies, were carried out: (i) correlation analysis performed on species aggregated by functional groups, and (ii) compositional analysis performed on the top five species landed and on species aggregated by trophic level. Analyses were carried out for the Moroccan coast of the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea). Results of the proposed type of application were discussed with respect to their potential for improving scientific knowledge and management of fisheries in data‐poor areas. Pelagic landings were associated with front indicators in two‐thirds of tested cases. The results demonstrated a markedly different association between landings and front features in the Nador fishing zone, relative to M'diq and Al Hoceima. Improved performance of the front gradient and persistence indicator was detected, with respect to the front gradient only for flatfish and demersal landings. Compositional data regression outlined a different role for Sardina pilchardus and Trachurus trachurus in the Al Hoceima and M'diq landings, and in the latter case the dominance of these two species in the landings seemed to respond to the front density indicator. A decreasing trend in TL > 3.5 landings was detected with increasing front distance.  相似文献   

论证一种采用虚拟仪器思想构建的工厂化养殖监控系统的设计和实现,重点介绍了监控系统的数据采集和数据通信,证明这种基于虚拟仪器技术的工厂化养殖监控系统具有很强的灵活性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

Bootstrap methods are often used for confidence intervals on recreational fish catch estimates, because they are relatively robust and straightforward to implement. Such data are typically highly skewed and zero‐inflated, presenting difficulties for many estimation methods. However, bootstrap performance in many situations is not well understood. Inaccurate confidence intervals can cause management errors, and biased intervals can promote errors in one direction. Although the analyses originate from recreational fisheries data, the conclusions are generally applicable to similarly distributed data from other sources. Using simulation, non‐parametric bootstrap confidence intervals (bootstrap normal, bootstrap percentile, hybrid, bootstrap‐t, BC, and BCa) on catch rate and total catch estimates from a recreational fishing survey were compared. The intervals' coverage (proportion of times the ‘true’ mean fell within the confidence intervals) and relative bias were also compared. The bootstrap‐t, using a resample size of slightly less than n/2, provided confidence intervals with the most correct coverage for both parameters. Intervals were biased, usually substantially, for all other methods, with the commonly used bootstrap percentile among the more biased methods.  相似文献   

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