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介绍了乌江彭水水电站沿河鱼类增殖放流站工艺设计方案,主要包括3方面内容:(1)放流对象:在乌江干流及合适的支流增殖放流珍稀特有鱼类,补充其种群数量,年放流胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)、岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)、中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、白甲鱼(Onychostoma sima)、华鲮(Sinilabeo rendahli)共计16万尾.(2)规模及选址:亲鱼需求量设定为625 kg;1.5cm苗种产出量为23.85万尾,4~6cm苗种17.43万尾,15cm苗种2.03万尾;站址选择在沿河县水产站下属鱼种场,占地2hm2;主要建筑物包括蓄水沉淀池(400m2)、催产孵化及开口鱼苗培育车间(450m2)、亲鱼培育车间(1008m2)、鱼种培育车间(450m2);养殖设施包括催产池2口、亲鱼培育池30口,玻璃钢孵化槽2个、尤先科孵化槽3个、孵化桶5个、圆形开口苗培养缸30个、圆形鱼种培育缸40个、活饵培育池2口、防疫隔离池2口.(3)运行管理:包括机构设置、人员编制与职责、鱼类增殖放流站管理技术规范、生产管理、标志放流、科普展示以及放流效果监测.  相似文献   

鲤鱼是主要的经济养殖鱼类之一。长期来都是在池塘中进行亲鱼培育,供次年产卵。我站培育鲤亲鱼占用了20.5亩鱼池,而全站鱼池面积仅62亩,人平鱼池不足0.8亩。实属人多池少的站,为了较好地挖掘苗种生产潜力:开辟一条培育鲤亲鱼的新路子,1988年我们进行了网箱培育鲤亲鱼的试验(仅养殖三班的鲤亲鱼)同时利用空出的亲鱼培育池培育一季草鱼苗种,获得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

1.亲鱼的培养选留体形好,体重0.25~1.5公斤的亲鱼,雌雄比例为1∶1.一般在每年春季当水温上升至15℃以上时,便可把亲鱼从越冬池转入亲鱼池培育.亲鱼培育池面积0.3~1亩,池底平缓,淤泥少而无,池埂高出最高水面0.4米以上,排注方便,在亲鱼放养前10天可用生石灰清塘并施粪肥.亲鱼培育池应有2个或2个以上,以便产后集中亲鱼再作强化培育.  相似文献   

鲫鱼规模化繁殖应把好“四关”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.把好亲鱼培育关。鲫亲鱼培育池,面积一般应在1.5~2亩,亲鱼培育期间,池内一般不搭配其他鱼类。亲鱼从产后至10月下旬用鲤成鱼或鲫成鱼后期配合饲料投喂即可,颗粒大小应适口,从开春亲鱼开食至催产前一周,一般投喂大麦芽较为理想,且进入3月应尽量避免给亲鱼池冲水,亲鱼转池要保持稳定的水深,以免造成亲鱼自产,影响繁殖。  相似文献   

<正>为提高亲鱼春季培育技术水平,笔者进行为期两年的家鱼亲鱼春季强化培育技术改良试验。为验证和对比试验效果,鲢、鳙和草鱼亲鱼池分别用1口池塘做对照组,对照组亲鱼池仍沿用传统培育技术进行春季培育。一、基本生产条件1.池塘共有6口亲鱼培育池,所有亲鱼均为原池越冬。其中3口为鲢、鳙亲鱼混养池,标记为甲、乙和丙,甲和乙为试验组,丙为对照组;另外3口为草鱼亲鱼池,标记为丁、戊和己,丁和戊为试验组,己池为对照组。  相似文献   

彭泽鲫引种推广养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了调整养殖品种结构 ,扩大名特优新水产品养殖比例 ,我们于 1997~ 1999年进行了彭泽鲫亲鱼培育方法及人工繁殖技术、鱼苗鱼种培育、成鱼养殖模式、饲料配方及其加工、疾病防治等方面的试验研究 ,推广养殖彭泽鲫 74 0 7亩 ,现将试验情况总结如下 :1 试验内容及所采取的主要技术措施1 1 彭泽鲫亲鱼培育方法及人工繁殖技术1 1 1 亲鱼培育 :亲鱼系 1996年 5月从江西九江市水产研究所引进的 14 1尾 ,放养在榆中宛川水产综合养殖场亲鱼池内专池饲养。亲鱼池 2 2亩 ,水深 2 0m ,放养前 10天对亲鱼池按每亩 150kg生石灰清塘消毒 ,…  相似文献   

亲鱼是发展水产养殖业的基础,每年春末夏初是养殖鱼类进行人工繁殖的关键季节,必须对亲鱼进行强化培育,促进亲鱼性腺的发育成熟。尤其是春季长期低温,强化培育尤显重要。现就主要养殖鱼类——青、草、鲢、鳙亲鱼如何采取强化培育,提出以下意见: 1、及时调节亲鱼池水位,想方设法提高水温。春季鱼池水温与鱼类性腺发育呈正相关,根据春季鱼池浅水增温、深水保温的原理,采取抓住天气晴朗日子,及时排水降低鱼池水位,充分利用太阳光照热能,加速提高鱼池水温。排水量一般掌握降低鱼池水位30厘  相似文献   

长吻鱼危(Leiocasislongirostris),属鲇形目、鱼危科,鱼危属,俗称“肥沱”,是我国特有名贵鱼类。该鱼肉味鲜嫩腴美,膘特别肥厚,加工所成“笔架鱼肚”是宴席上的美味佳肴,市场价格很高。长吻鱼危在广东、四川、湖北等省已形成养殖规模。我所1999年进行人工繁殖和育苗试验,现将结果报告如下。1材料与方法1.1亲鱼收集亲鱼从洞庭湖网捕所获,选留体表无伤亲鱼80尾。雌雄比为1∶1,个体重2千克以上,用60克/米3孔雀石绿消毒后下池。1.2亲鱼培育亲鱼池面积1400米2,池水深2米,利用冬季干池起捕的活青虾10…  相似文献   

斑点叉尾鮰规模繁育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、亲鱼培育 1.选择亲鱼池 斑点叉尾鮰亲鱼池,同时也作为产卵池。亲鱼池面积以5~10亩,水深1.5~2.0米为好。要求靠近孵化车间,便于收集运送卵块;淤泥较少,水源水质良好,进排水方便。每池要配备增氧机、投饲机及水泵。  相似文献   

湘云鲫人工繁殖及养殖技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
朱桂华 《淡水渔业》1999,29(7):31-33
湘云鲫是四倍体鱼同二倍体鱼杂交培育成的不育三倍体鱼。其具有生长速度快,体型、体色似本地鲫,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,抗病力强等特点,是淡水养殖中饲养鲫鱼的优良品种,生产效益明显。现已列入国家“863”高科技开发项目。1湘云鲫亲鱼培育1.1亲鱼池条件亲鱼池应建在背风向阳处,且要临近良好的水源,排灌方便,交通便利。亲鱼培育池、产卵池和孵化池的位置应靠近。每口塘面积以1~2亩的长方形池为宜,水深1.6~2米,底质平坦较肥。1.2亲鱼的饲养管理1.2.1放养密度一般不同其它鱼类混养。父本适当稀养,每亩100公…  相似文献   

Growth and survival of hatchery‐bred Asian catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Günther), fry reared at different stocking densities in net cages suspended in tanks and ponds were measured. The stocking densities used were 285, 571 and 1143 fry m?3 in tanks and 114, 228 and 457 fry m?3 in ponds. Fish were fed a formulated diet throughout the 28‐day rearing period. Generally, fish reared in cages in ponds grew faster, with a specific growth rate (SGR) range of 10.3–14.6% day?1, than those in cages suspended in tanks (SGR range 9–11.3% day?1). This could be attributed to the presence of natural zooplankton (copepods and cladocerans) in the pond throughout the culture period, which served as additional food sources for catfish juveniles. In both scenarios, the fish reared at lower densities had significantly higher SGR than fish reared at higher densities. In the pond, the SGR of fish held at 228 and 457 m?3 were similar to each other but were significantly lower than those of fish held at 114 m?3. The zooplankton in ponds consisted mostly of copepods and cladocerans, in contrast to tanks, in which rotifers were more predominant. Per cent survival ranged from 85% to 89% in tanks and from 78% to 87% in ponds and did not differ significantly among stocking densities and between rearing systems. In conclusion, catfish nursery in cages suspended in tanks and ponds is density dependent. Catfish fry reared at 285 m?3 in tanks and at 114 m?3 in ponds had significantly faster growth rates than fish reared at higher densities. However, the desired fingerling size of 3–4 cm total length for stocking in grow‐out culture can still be attained at stocking densities of 457 m?3 in nursery pond and 571 m?3 in tanks.  相似文献   

We compared the hydrodynamics of replicate experimental mixed cell and replicate standard Burrows pond rearing systems at the Dworshak National Fish Hatchery, ID, in an effort to identify methods for improved solids removal. We measured and compared the hydraulic residence time, particle removal efficiency, and measures of velocity using several tools. Computational fluid dynamics was used first to characterize hydraulics in the proposed retrofit that included removal of the traditional Burrows pond dividing wall and establishment of four counter rotating cells with appropriate drains and inlet water jets. Hydraulic residence time was subsequently established in the four full scale test tanks using measures of conductivity of a salt tracer introduced into the systems both with and without fish present. Vertical and horizontal velocities were also measured with acoustic Doppler velocimetry in transects across each of the rearing systems. Finally, we introduced ABS sinking beads that simulated fish solids then followed the kinetics of their removal via the drains to establish relative purge rates. The mixed cell raceway provided higher mean velocities and a more uniform velocity distribution than did the Burrows pond. Vectors revealed well-defined, counter-rotating cells in the mixed cell raceway, and were likely contributing factors in achieving a relatively high particle removal efficiency-88.6% versus 8.0% during the test period. We speculate retrofits of rearing ponds to mixed cell systems will improve both the rearing environments for the fish and solids removal, improving the efficiency and bio-security of fish culture. We recommend further testing in hatchery production trials to evaluate fish physiology and growth.  相似文献   

利用体重1~4kg的怀仔黑亲鱼56尾,完全人工控制弱光,长流水、自然水温培育,共产仔272万尾。布池后,根据不同日龄投喂轮虫、卤虫无节幼体、配饵和糠虾,控制光照,调节水质,防病治病,及时疏稀,420m~3水体育出平均全长28.8mm的黑苗77.6万尾,总成活率30%。认为,全人工控制光源蓄养亲鱼,溢水法布池,夜间开灯少量投饵,效果较好。  相似文献   

A basic assumption for carrying out the breeding work is to have well-organised broodstock management. Taking into account the number of populations bred and the limited number of ponds available, it is impossible to avoid rearing several juvenile or adult breeds in mixed stocks. Fish of individual breeds are group-marked with regular renewal of the freeze-branded mark and broodstock adults should be marked individually. To minimise inbreeding or losses in genetic variation, at least 120 fish per strain are reared and when the strain is restored, factorial crosses of at least 15 females and 25 males should be applied. All activities are individually registered in the “Evidence 2003” data-recording software and data can be sorted by the origin of the fish population, of the strain or of individual fish; reproductive and performance parameters are recorded individually also. Further breeding operations with tench comprise the selection after over-wintering and rearing of fish before, during and after the reproductive season.  相似文献   

The cross-flow rearing unit described was designed to provide completely mixed flow reactor (CMFR) behavior in a standard rectangular vessel with little required tank modification. Water is distributed uniformly along one side of the vessel, via a manifold, and is collected in a drain gutter assembly running the length of the opposite side. The influent is jetted directly at the water surface with sufficient force to establish rotary circulation about the longitudinal axis. Hydraulic characteristics of the tank are identified based on an analysis of residence time distribution and are compared with those established for standard rectangular and circular tanks of equal liquid capacity (1·715 m3). Results confirm the cross-flow tank is operating as a CMFR both with and without fish present. This tank type appears particularly suited for high density culture applications requiring minimal flow. Specific advantages include: (1) a homogeneous content, (2) self-cleaning properties, (3) efficient use of water supplies and pressure, (4) velocity control, and (5) the flexibility of operating as a plug flow type rearing unit during flushing or fish handling operations.  相似文献   

在半封闭式奥尼罗非鱼养殖池中投入饲料,探索养殖过程中鱼池沉积形成及其主要影响因子。试验结果表明:无论养鱼或未养鱼,投饲或不投饲,各池均发生不同程度的沉积;外源饲料输入量相同时,养鱼池新颗粒物生成量(干重)比未养鱼池大15.63%,而沉积量比未养鱼池小19.49%;无外源饲料输入时,养鱼池的沉积量比未养鱼池大75.76%;养殖系统内养殖对象与其所处环境的相互依存和相互制约对系统新颗粒物生成及沉积具有重要作用。  相似文献   

1993-1994年利用鱼池、稻田改造成的池塘培育中华绒螯蟹扣蟹,采取塑膜围栏防逃、调节水质、科学投饵、抑制幼蟹性腺发育等技术,52亩鱼池改造池亩扣蟹105kg,规格100只/kg;595亩稻田改造池亩产扣蟹55kg,规格180只/kg。  相似文献   

The present study compares the relative costs of stocking ponds with postlarvae from wild or domesticated Kuruma shrimp, Penaeus japonicus (Bate), broodstock. Wild broodstock were obtained from a commercial trawler. Domesticated broodstock were reared to harvest size (wet weight = 25 g) on a commercial farm and then transferred to controlled environment tanks where they were grown to a final wet weight of 50 g. The costs of stocking ponds with postlarvae were calculated from the observed reproductive output, the costs of purchasing wild broodstock and the costs of domesticated broodstock production in the controlled environment facility. Domesticated P. japonicus spawned comparable numbers of eggs to wild broodstock of similar size, but hatching success was significantly lower. A total of 12 domesticated P. japonicus broodstock would be needed to produce the postlarvae to stock a 1-ha pond, compared to only six wild broodstock. However, the much higher relative costs of wild broodstock means that the cost of using their postlarvae would be Aus$851 per pond compared to Aus$390 for domesticated broodstock. The present authors conclude that the use of domesticated P. japonicus broodstock could be a cost-effective alternative to wild broodstock in Australia and in other countries where P. japonicus is farmed.  相似文献   

Two experiments (E1 and E2) to assess the performance of tilapia broodstock and tilapia sex‐reversed fry in overwintering were conducted at the Research Institute for Aquaculture No.1 (RIA‐1) in the cold seasons of 1995–96 and 1996–97. Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) broodstock of the Thai, GIFT, Egypt and Viet strains were overwintered in deep and shallow ponds, as well as in deep and shallow hapas suspended in a single deep pond for evaluation of the influence of overwintering systems on the survival and growth of fish. Large (> 1 g) and small (< 1 g) tilapia seed were overwintered in deep hapas‐in‐ponds for comparison of their performance. In 1995–96, the coldest pond water temperature was 10–11 °C, and survival of tilapia broodfish overwintered in deep and shallow hapas‐in‐ponds was 99.6–100%. This was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than fish stocked in deep and shallow ponds (74.4–90%). The survival rate of larger monosex tilapia fry was 54%, which was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of smaller fry (33.4%). In 1996–97, the lowest pond water temperature was 15.8 °C, and fry showed similarly high survival rates in all treatments (97–100%). There was no significant difference between fry in the two size classes. The results of this study clearly indicate that hapas‐in‐ponds are useful for reducing the risk and improving the survival of tilapia broodstock and fry in the cold season. Differences in the decline in ambient temperatures year on year mean that the need for special overwintering conditions varies. Hapas‐in‐ponds are a low‐cost overwintering method that can be one of the appropriate strategies for tilapia seed production under the variable, cool temperature regimes in northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different stocking densities on the seed production of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), under intensive recycling hatchery system conditions. Males and females with mean body weights of 163.2 and 105.0 g, respectively, were stocked at three broodstock densities (4, 8 and 12 fish m–2) at a male:female ratio of 1:3 in 1 × 1 × 0.43 m (W × L × H) fibreglass tanks. The tanks were illuminated at 2500 lux for 18 h day–1 and the water temperature was maintained at 29 ± 1 °C. Effluent from spawning tanks was recycled through a biological filter with 10–15% replacement of new water per day. The experiment lasted for 126 days. The results showed that breeders stocked at 4 fish m–2 had significantly higher (P < 0.05) mean values for total seed production, seed kg–1 female day–1, seed female–1 day–1, seed m–2 day–1 and spawning synchrony than at 8 and 12 fish m–2 broodstock densities. The mean percentage of seeds in the yolk-sac and swim-up fry stages was highest at 4 fish m–2 broodstock density. However, the recovery rate was not affected by broodstock density. It is recommended that further research should be conducted to determine whether weight m–2 , number m–2 or age of broodstock should be the basis for stocking broodstock.  相似文献   

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