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The uptake and translocation of 14C-isoproturon (3-p-cumenyl-1-1,-dimethylurea) in wheat (tolerant) and backgrass (sensitive) following foliar treatment under controlled environmental conditions were examined. The amount of 14C-isoproturon translocated through the xylem was about 10 times that translocated through the phloem in both wheat and blackgrass. However, 25.5% of the applied 14C-isoproturon was translocated in the xylem in blackgrass, compared with 8.9% in wheat. 14C-isoproturon did not respond significantly to induced sink-demand in either species. Leaf-disc autoradiograms revealed the absorption of 14C-isoproturon by the minor veins and translocation into the cut vein endings. No significant differences were found in between wheat and blackgrass in this respect.  相似文献   

防除以看麦娘和野燕麦为主的禾本科杂草,春季使用15%炔草酸WP 450 g/hm2、3%甲基二磺隆OF300~450 mL/hm2、3.6%二磺.甲碘隆WG 300~375 g/hm2、6.9%精唑禾草灵EW 1 500~2 250 mL/hm2和5%唑啉·炔草酸EC 1 350~1 500 mL/hm2均有较理想的防效,鲜重防效均在90%以上,高于株防效。  相似文献   

Blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) was controlled by 2 kg/ha of metoxuron in glasshouse trials while winter wheat, cultivar Cappelle Desprez, tolerated 4 kg/ha. Blackgrass was controlled by 1.2 kg/ha of chlortoluron. Winter wheat previously damaged by freezing was injured by 2.5 kg/ha of chlortoluron applied at an early stage. Seedlings not exposed to freezing were not damaged by 2.5 kg/ha applied at the 4- and 5-leaf stage. Breakdown of chlortoluron and metoxuron in the soil was attributed, in part, to microbial action. More than one-third of the chlortoluron applied at 2 kg/ha disappeared in 6 weeks when applied in early spring while one half disappeared in 3 weeks when applied 2 months later. The bioassay, used to determine the amount of chlortoluron or metoxuron in the soil, was found to be adequate for metoxuron in only one of three soils. The bioassay results, for both herbicides, were affected by the addition of calcium carbonate to the soil, by sterilization of the soil, and by leaching. In comparisons of results in two sandy loams and a clay loam, the observed differences could not be altogether accounted for by differences in pH nor by changes in adsorption of metoxuron. When perennial ryegrass was grown in sandy loam, and treated with metoxuron before or after emergence, different watering regimes did not give any difference in weight of top growth.  相似文献   

B. J. WILSON 《Weed Research》1979,19(3):193-199
Mixed infestations of Alopecurus myosuroides and Arena fatua growing in wheat were controlled individually or together in three experiments. Difenzoquat and ciofop-isohutyl were applied at the early tillering or early stem extension stages of the crops. Early control of both species resulted in significantly higher yields than later control, even though weed emergence was incomplete at the early applications. Herbicides, re-applied at the second date, improved the control of wild-oats hut not of black-grass; yields were not enhanced by this second application Halving the dose of herbicide gave little reduction in weed control or crop yield at the early date, but there was a greater response to dose with the later application. Yields were lower where only one weed was controlled. This work shows the need for broad spectrum control early in the life of the crop to safeguard yield where black-grass, and wild oats occur together in large numbers.  相似文献   

Growth responses of wheat plants to combined treatments of four mixed function oxidase (MFO) inhibitors and chlortoluron were determined. Analysis of interactions showed that piperonyl-butoxide and especially ABT (1-aminobenzotriazole) increased the toxicity of chlortoluron. Metyrapone and 2,4-dichlorophenoxypropyne were phytotoxic and did not exert any clear interaction. ABT also increased the toxicity of isoproturon to wheat. Our results suggest that ABT Strongly inhibits the breakdown of chlortoluron and isoproturon in wheat. Since ABT is known to act as a suicide substrate for plant cytochrome P-450, wheat enzymes involved in the metabolism of these two herbicides are likely to belong to this class. It thus appears that compounds designed to inhibit plant cytochrome P-450 enzymes may interact with herbicide metabolism and are potential synergists of herbicide activity.  相似文献   

Foliage applications of AC 222,293 were more active against Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. plants growing at high (26/16°C day/night) compared to either medium (16/10°C) or low (11/7°C) temperatures. Soil activity was unaffected by temperature. Enhanced activity against A. myosuroides required exposure to the high temperatures for only 24 h immediately post spraying and correlated with the accumulation of greater levels of the biologically active acid in the apical meristem region during this period. Both foliage and soil activity of AC 222,293 were greatest against Avena fatua L. plants growing at medium (16/10°C) compared to either high (26/16°C) or low (11/7°C) temperatures. Foliar activity decreased slowly with increasing periods of high temperatures post spraying and then only at doses lower than those recommended for field use. Reduced performance at the high temperatures correlated with lower levels of the biologically active acid in the meristem region, despite greater uptake and translocation. This was due to increased metabolism of the parent herbicide and formation of metabolites other than the free acid.  相似文献   

用15%顶尖可湿性粉剂200~300 g/hm2,对水300 kg/hm2,于小麦苗期茎叶喷雾,对春小麦田野燕麦防除效果达95%以上,增产20%以上,与对照药剂6.9%骠马EW 750 m l/hm2除草效果相当。  相似文献   

A. fauta reduced yields of spring barley in the majority of 51 experiments carried out during 1971 and 1972. Infestations ranging from 8 to 662 seedlings/m2 in the spring resulted in yield reductions varying from nothing to 72%; in 11 experiments these exceeded 1–2 t/ha. Reductions in yield were poorly correlated with numbers of seedlings, panicles or wild oat seeds produced. However, there was a good correlation between yield loss and the dry weight of wild oats at harvest. Growth and competitive effects of wild oats differed between the two years. Grain losses were due mainly to reductions in the numbers of ear bearing barley tillers. The influence and significance of the effect of competition on the size of barley grains is discussed.  相似文献   

野燕麦(AvenafatuaL.)是世界性的难治草害之一。野燕麦适应性强,繁殖量大,难于防除,很容易蔓延成灾,对小麦生产造成严重威胁。1野燕麦在冬小麦田的发生特点1)出苗期长。冬小麦田野燕麦出苗有2个主要时期:一是秋季出苗期,主要在小麦播种之后,于10月中旬至11月,形成冬前出苗高峰;二是翌年2月下旬至3月,仍有部分出苗。在正常年份秋季出苗数量约占全年总发生量的90%,春季出苗数量约10%。在秋季干旱的情况下,野燕麦的出苗量偏低,约占80%。若春季雨水较多,野燕麦的出苗量可达20%左右。野燕麦出苗参差不齐…  相似文献   

The dispersal of Avena spp. (A. fatua and A. sterilis) by natural dissemination and by agricultural operations was studied in four experiments conducted in Spain and Britain. Natural dispersal was very limited, with a maximum dispersal distance of 1.5 m. Dispersal was higher in the geographic direction that was downwind than in any of the other three geographic directions. Although plant movement was very small under no‐tillage, an annual patch displacement of 2–3 m in the tillage direction was observed under conventional soil tillage. Ploughing downhill resulted in much larger dispersal distances than ploughing uphill. In the crops studied, combine harvesters dispersed few Avena spp. seeds, because of the fact that the plants had shed most of their seeds (>90%) before harvest. The percentage of seeds available to be dispersed by the combine was dependent on the harvest time. Although combine harvesting may not contribute much to short‐distance dispersal, it may play an important role in long‐distance dispersal. In our studies, isolated plants were located up to 30 m from the original sources. This small proportion may have a significant effect on the distribution of the weed within a field, acting as foci for new patches.  相似文献   

AC 222,293 was found to exert its mode of action through inhibition of acetolactate synthase, the first enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of the branched chain amino acids. In vitro AC 222,293 was found to be only a very weak inhibitor of the enzyme, in contrast to the potent inhibition by the free acid, suggesting that action of the herbicide in vivo is dependent on deesterification. Enzyme preparations from susceptible Avena fatua and Alopecurus myosuroides and tolerant wheat (cultivar Fenman) were all equally sensitive with an I50 of approximately 5 · 10−7 M. Inhibition of treated plants is prevented when valine, leucine, and isoleucine are supplied via the nutrient solution. Prominent secondary effects are inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell division and the action of the herbicide is characterised by cessation of leaf growth.  相似文献   

Experiments were done to observe the pattern of early root development of radish (Raphanus raphatnistrum L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), the mobility of chlortoluron following application to the soil surface, the effect of protecting the subterranean shoots of four plant species on their response to chlortoluron and terbutryne and the relative quantities of 14C-labelled chlortoluron taken up by radish and Avenu fatua from root and shoot zone exposure. Both chlortoluron and terbutryne appear to be able to enter the plants examined, Alopecurus myosuroides, Stellaria media, perennial ryegrass and radish, through roots and shoots. It is suggested that shoot uptake is relatively more important for plants like perennial ryegrass than for those whose roots develop more quickly and invade the soil above the seed, such as radish. The quantities of radioactive chlortoluron taken up from soil containing 400 ng g?1 showed that less than 3 ng per plant could reduce A. fatua fresh weight by 17–40% while over 30 ng per plans had little effect on radish. By comparison 2 kg ha?1 chlortoluron applied to the soil surface of pots which were sub-irrigated for 3 weeks gave a concentration of 170 ng g?1 in the layer of soil 10–12 mm from the surface. It is suggested that for shallow germinating species with herbicides of physical and phytotoxic properties similar to chlortoluron, the solvent action of rainfall, together with diffusion, is enough to allow the transport of toxic quantities to the target plant although any leaching action is likely to increase activity.  相似文献   

The phytotoxicity of 10% w/w tri-allate granules to emerged plants of Avena fatua L. and wheat was investigated in the glasshouse, and to A. fatua alone under outdoor conditions. Tri-allate was applied at 1.68 and 3.36 kg a.i./ha using two patterns of granule distribution (1) the granules uniformly distributed over the soil surface and (2) the same weight of granules as in (1) but applied only to a central area of the soil surface. Wheat was very tolerant of high concentrations of tri-allate. Under optimum conditions of temperature and soil moisture in the glasshouse phytotoxic effects on wild oats were visible within 6 h and coleoptile or primary leaf entrapment was observed within 3 to 4 days of treatment. Phytotoxic effects of tri-allate were detectable at distances up to 12 cm from the site of restricted-granule application, although beyond 8 cm the effect was sub-lethal. On a sloping soil surface (1:8 gradient) the dispersal of tri-allate was approximately the same upwards or downwards from the site of herbicide application. Under outside conditions where the mean temperature was about 5 C tri-allate dispersal was sub-lethal beyond 3 cm although it evidently occurred primarily as vapour.  相似文献   

A 3-year field experiment was conducted at Kalispell, Montana, USA, to investigate the effects of spring wheat seed size and seeding rate on wheat yield loss (YL), economic returns and economic thresholds (ETs), as a function of Avena fatua density. Crop competitive ability increased as wheat seeding rate and seed size increased, with the greatest differences among treatment factors being observed at low weed densities. Both treatment factors decreased spring wheat YL, increasing economic returns during all 3 years of the study despite the higher associated seed costs. Averaged over all other factors, adjusted gross returns (AGR) were 477 and 537$ ha−1 for the low and high seeding rates, while values of 453, 521 and 547$ ha−1 were obtained for the small, bulk and large seed size classes respectively. Weed-free yield potential varied yearly. As yield potential increased, A. fatua competitive effects were more evident and ETs decreased. Nonetheless, both treatment factors increased ETs in 2 of 3 years. These results demonstrate that the use of higher seeding rates and larger seed size classes both improve wheat competitive ability towards A. fatua while simultaneously increasing economic returns.  相似文献   

Avena fatua of the family Poaceae is one of the most common and economically damaging grass weeds. Resistance to herbicides that inhibit acetyl‐coenzyme A carboxylase and acetolactate synthase activities has recently been detected in A. fatua. The resistance may be due to mutations in the herbicide targets and/or enhanced herbicide metabolism resulting from changes in gene expression, including in genes involved in detoxifying herbicide active ingredients. To analyse gene expression, stable housekeeping genes must be experimentally determined and used for data normalisation. In this study, A. fatua plants were treated with different herbicide types and plant materials were harvested at three time points following treatment. Six candidate reference genes (18S rRNA, ACT, EF1α, GAPDH, TBP, and TUB) were selected, sequenced and analysed by RT‐qPCR. The resulting data were assessed using four algorithms from the RefFinder software to determine gene expression stability. We identified TBP and GAPDH as the most stably expressed A. fatua reference genes following herbicide treatment.  相似文献   

Competition between wild oat (Avena fatua L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in two experiments; a replacement series model and a technique for separation of root and shoot systems. Wild oat and wheat in association resulted in a relative yield total very close to unity showing that the two species were‘crowding for the same space’(or competing for the same resources) and were‘mutually exclusive'. Wild oat was more competitive than wheat, as shown by its aggressivity relative to wheat, relative yields, shoot dry weights and other plant attributes. The greater competitive ability of wild oat was predominantly due to its greater root competitive ability, while the two species had similar shoot competitive ability. Root competition had a much greater effect on the relative performance of the two species than did shoot competition. The effects of root and shoot competition were additive.  相似文献   

Extensive herbicide usage has led to the evolution of resistant weed populations that cause substantial crop yield losses and increase production costs. The multiple herbicide‐resistant (MHR) Avena fatua populations utilised in this study are resistant to members of all selective herbicide families, across five modes of action, available for A. fatua control in US small grain production, and thus pose significant agronomic and economic threats. Resistance to acetolactate synthase and acetyl‐CoA carboxylase inhibitors is not conferred by known target site mutations, indicating that non‐target site resistance (NTSR) mechanisms are involved. Understanding the inheritance of NTS MHR is of upmost importance for continued agricultural productivity in the face of the rapid increase in resistant weed populations worldwide. As few studies have examined the inheritance of NTSR in autogamous weeds, we investigated the inheritance and genetic control of NTSR in the highly autogamous, allohexaploid species A. fatua. We found that NTSR in MHRA. fatua is controlled by three separate, closely‐linked nuclear genes for flucarbazone‐sodium, imazamethabenz‐methyl and pinoxaden. The single‐gene NTSR inheritance patterns reported here contrast with other examples in allogamous species and illustrate the diversity of evolutionary responses to strong selection.  相似文献   

The influence of water stress on the absorption and translocation of 14C-labelled fenoxapropethyl and imazamthabenz-methyl in Avena fatua L. (wild oat) was studied. The phytoioxicity to A. fatua of both herbicides with a droplet application was also examined under water stress conditions. The absorption of both fenoxaproethyl and imazamethabenz-methyl was reduced by waler stress when the plants were harvested within 24 h after herbicide application. Up to 48 h after the application, the translocation out of the treated lamina of both herbicides, based on percentage of applied 14C. was reduced under water stress conditions. When havested 96 h after herbicide application, however, water stress no longer significantly affeaed the absorption and translocation of either herbicide. When the herbicides were applied as individual droplets, water stress reduced the phytotoxicity of fenoxaprop-ethyl but not that of imazamethabenz-methyl. It is concluded that the changes in herbieide absorption and translocation may not be the major physiological processes associated with differential whole-plant response oi A faiua to fenoxaprop-ethyl and imazamefhabenz-methyl under water stress.  相似文献   

The dynamics of early root growth and dry matter partitioning were compared in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and wild oat (Avena fatua L.) grown in solution culture. Total root length was greater in wheat than wild oat throughout the experiment; a result of a greater number of seminal axes and greater production of lateral root length per axis. The final number of adventitious roots was greater in wheat than in wild oat, but their length was similar. Relative growth rates were also similar as was shoot:root dry weight ratio and rate of root respiration. However, wheat used the dry matter partitioned to its roots more efficiently, producing a greater specific root length (SRL, length per unit weight). Caution must be exercised when relating these results to plants growing and compet-ing in the field, but three general points are raised. First, the initial number of seminal axes can have a profound effect on the rate of early root development; second, the adventitious root system of wild oat is not inherently more vigorous than that of wheat; and third, future studies should compare SRL of wheat and wild oat in the field. If differences similar to those in the present study are found they may contribute to the greater competitive ability of wheat.  相似文献   

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