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日粮蛋白能量水平对大约克母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验选用36头配种日龄相近、其父母代繁殖性能无显著差异的大约克纯繁初产母猪,研究妊娠和哺乳28d,3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮对母猪繁殖性能的影响。在保持日粮的蛋能比基本不变的条件下,为妊娠和哺乳母猪分别设置3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮。对妊娠期母猪实行限饲,平均采食量为2.05kg/d,哺乳母猪自由采食。结果表明:妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对母猪产仔数、活仔数影响显著(P<0.05);对仔猪初生重、仔猪断奶前的平均日增重无显著影响(P>0.05);经济效益随妊娠和哺乳日粮的蛋白能量水平的提高而增加。本研究结果表明,提高妊娠和哺乳日粮的蛋白能量水平对母猪繁殖性能有一定的改善和提高,据此推荐初产母猪妊娠日粮较适宜的蛋白和能量水平分别为:CP,14.3%~15.5%,ME,12.54~12.98MJ/kg;哺乳日粮的蛋白和能量水平分别为:CP,17%~18%,DE,12.98~13.92MJ/kg。但妊娠和哺乳日粮的最佳蛋白能量水平以及它们对母猪繁殖性能的互作效应方面还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

日粮蛋白、能量水平对母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用36头配种日龄相近,其父母代繁殖性能无显著差异的长大初产母猪,研究妊娠和哺乳28d3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮对母猪繁殖性能的影响。在保持日粮的蛋能比基本不变的条件下,为妊娠和哺乳母猪分别设置3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮,即高能高蛋白,低能低蛋白和原用日粮。结果表明:妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对母猪产仔数,活仔数影响显著(P<0.05),妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对仔猪初生重无显著影响(P>0.05),但高能高蛋白的试验组2略高于试验组1和对照组。仔猪断奶前的平均日增重受妊娠和哺乳日粮蛋白能量水平的影响不大。  相似文献   

试验选用36头配种日龄相近,其父母代繁殖性能无显著差异的长大初产母猪,研究妊娠和哺乳28天3个不同蛋白质和能量水平的日粮对母猪繁殖性能的影响。在保持日粮的蛋能比基本不变的条件下,为妊娠和哺乳母猪分别设置3个不同蛋白质和能量水平的日粮,即高能高蛋白、低能低蛋白和原用日粮。研究结果表明:妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对母猪产仔数、活仔数影响显著(P〈0.05):妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对仔猪初生重无显著影响(P〉0.05)。但高能高蛋白的试验组2略高于试验组1和对照组。仔猪断奶前的平均日增重受妊娠和哺乳日粮蛋白能量水平的影响不大。  相似文献   

添加膨化大豆对哺乳母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用14头分娩日期相近的杜长大经产母猪,按体重、胎次随机分成2个处理,每个处理7个重复,1头1个重复。在28d的试验期母猪自由采食和饮水。研究饲喂按NRC(1998)配制的添加膨化大豆的高蛋白高能量水平日粮(CP 18.5%和DE 3.4Mcal/kg)与按NRC(1988)配制的日粮(CP 17.10%和DE 3.15Mcal/kg)对母猪生产性能的影响。于分娩当天、28天测定母猪被膘厚度、体重、采食量;于分娩当天、21天、28天测定仔猪窝重;21天采取母猪乳样,分析乳固形物、乳蛋白、乳脂成分。结果表明:高水平日粮对母猪采食量和失重有显著影响(P〈0.05);对仔猪平均日增重和乳成分没有显著影响(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

日粮中不同能量水平对母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于桂阳 《饲料工业》2003,24(12):24-26
试验选用30头配种日期、系谱、日龄、体重接近的健康长大经产母猪,平均胎次为3~5胎,按单因子试验设计随机分为3组,每组10头,即高能量组(试验1组)、低能量组(试验2组)和对照组(原用日粮)。研究妊娠和哺乳28d3个不同能量水平的日粮对母猪繁殖性能的影响。本试验的结果表明:当妊娠日粮能量水平为:DE12.4~14.00MJ/kg;哺乳日粮能量水平为:DE12.61~14.07MJ/kg,母猪的繁殖性能较好,可达到窝产仔11.5~12.67头,活仔10.25~10.89头,断奶个体重8.37~8.57kg。  相似文献   

能量是饲料的重要组成部分,是动物营养中投入量最大的养分,是中国食物与饲料结构中最短缺的资源,对机体的生长发育有着极其重要的作用.其也是影响繁殖效率的重要因素,它不仅影响母猪的产仔数,而且影响仔猪的生产性能,尤其是断奶体重和成活率.为此,本文从母猪能量需要入手,针对母猪繁殖性能进行综述.  相似文献   

作者对有关哺乳母猪能量需要、饲料或体脂能量用于泌乳转化效率、影响哺乳母猪能量需要的因素以及饲料能量水平对繁殖性能的影响等进行了综述,并提出了:提供易消化的高能高蛋白日粮:在饲料中适当添加甜味剂;改善猪舍环境,减少调节温度所需的能量等饲养措施,通过这些措施来增进母猪采食量,从而减少由于能量摄入的不足对哺乳母猪繁殖性能产生的负面影响.  相似文献   

能量水平是评价妊娠母猪日粮营养价值的重要指标,对妊娠母猪的胚胎生长发育、存活以及仔猪初生重等繁殖性能有重要影响.因此,给妊娠期母猪饲喂不同能量水平的日粮,其饲喂效果可直接作用于母猪胚胎.本文就妊娠母猪的能量需要、不同能量水平及来源对母猪繁殖性能的影响进行综述,以期为母猪生产中的营养调控提供参考.  相似文献   

研究旨在通过对妊娠母猪繁殖性能为期一年的监控,探讨不同蛋白水平对妊娠母猪繁殖性能的影响,为妊娠母猪养殖提供参考。从2014年9月~2015年9月对湖南某猪场3个妊娠母猪舍母猪的繁殖性能进行测定,3个妊娠母猪舍分为A、B、C组,每组长期保持150~200头母猪,其中A组、B组和C组分别饲喂蛋白水平为14.01%、14.35%和14.71%的日粮。结果表明:(1)B组平均总产仔数较A组和C组分别提高了5.1%(P<0.05)和2.4%(P<0.05),A组稍低于C组,差异不显著(P>0.05);(2)C组平均窝活产仔数较A组提高了5.3%(P<0.05),C组高于B组,差异不显著(P>0.05);(3)C组平均窝弱仔数较B组降低了35.52%(P<0.05),C组较A组降低10.9%,差异不显著(P>0.05);(4)C组平均窝死产仔数较B组降低了42.67%(P<0.05),C组较A组降低29.51%,差异不显著(P>0.05);(5)随着蛋白水平的升高窝木乃伊数没有显著的变化趋势(P>0.05)。结果表明,在妊娠母猪饲养过程中,适当提高日粮中蛋白水平至14.71%可以有效改善繁殖性能,获得较多的健仔数,为养殖生产带来更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

作者对有关哺乳母猪能量需要、饲料或体脂能量用于泌乳转化效率、影响哺乳母猪能量需要的因素以及饲料能量水平对繁殖性能的影响等进行了综述,并提出了:提供易消化的高能高蛋白日粮;在饲料中适当添加甜味剂;改善猪舍环境,减少调节温度所需的能量等饲养措施,通过这些措施来增进母猪采食量,从而减少由于能量摄入的不足对哺乳母猪繁殖性能产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

Fifty-nine multiparous Large White x Landrace sows were used to determine the effects of high ambient temperature and level of dietary heat increment on lactation and reproductive performance. During a 28-d lactation and the 14-d postweaning period, ambient temperature was maintained constant at 20 or 29 degrees C. Experimental diets fed during lactation were a control diet (NP; 17.6% crude protein) and two low-protein diets obtained by reduction of CP level (LP; 14.2% CP) and both reduction of CP and addition of 4% fat (LPF; 15.2% CP); the NE:ME ratio was 74.3, 75.6, and 75.8% for NP, LP, and LPF diets, respectively. All diets provided 0.82 g of digestible lysine/MJ of NE, and ratios between essential amino acids and lysine were above recommendations. During the ad libitum period (i.e., between d 7 and 27 of lactation), ADFI and NE intake decreased, respectively, from 7.63 to 4.22 kg and 82.0 to 43.3 MJ of NE when the temperature increased from 20 to 29 degrees C. Exposure to 29 degrees C reduced litter BW gain (2,152 vs 2,914 g/d) and increased lactation BW loss (34 vs 16 kg) but increased postweaning BW gain (2 vs - 4 kg). Expressed per kilogram of feed intake, water intake increased from 4.0 to 7.5 L between 20 and 29 degrees C. Compared with the NP diet, low-CP diets (LP or LPF) maintained performance and reduced total N excretion (-22.5%) in lactating sows at thermoneutrality and attenuated the negative effects of high temperature on NE intake and BW loss (40.9 vs 47.9 MJ of NE/d and 41 vs 30 kg for NP and LP + LPF diets, respectively). Temperature and diet composition did not affect the reproductive performances, and the mean weaning-to-estrus interval was 4.9 d. The respiratory rate and skin, udder, and rectal temperatures increased markedly at 29 degrees C (105 vs 33 breaths per min and 37.8 vs 36.1 degrees C, 38.9 vs 38.2 degrees C, and 39.5 vs 38.8 degrees C, respectively) without any effect of diet. In conclusion, low heat increment diets (i.e., with reduced CP/NE ratio) did not affect lactation performance of sows at thermoneutrality and attenuated the effects of high ambient temperature on energy intake and BW loss. At any ambient temperature, N excretion can be markedly reduced.  相似文献   

为了研究饲粮能量对泌乳母兔生产性能和血清生化指标的影响,选用75只平均体重(3.85±0.15)kg预产泌乳母兔,开展为期38 d的饲养试验。试兔随机分为3组,单笼饲养,每组饲喂消化能(DE)水平分别为9.45 MJ/kg(A组),10.45 MJ/kg(B组)和11.45 MJ/kg(C组)的日粮,日粮其他营养成分依据NRC(1977)泌乳母兔营养需要配制,试兔常规饲养管理。结果表明:随日粮能量浓度的增加,母兔日采食量A组显著高于B、C组(P0.05),泌乳力、仔兔断奶成活率A、B组显著高于C组(P0.05),仔兔断奶窝重呈显著性降低现象(P0.05),断奶个体重A组显著大于B组(P0.05),和C组差异不显著(P0.05);血清总蛋白、球蛋白B组显著高于其他两组(P0.05),胆固醇、血脂四项C组显著高于A、B组(P0.05),白蛋白、尿素氮和血糖浓度各组间无显著性差异(P0.05)。综合分析认为,适宜的能量水平(9.45~10.48)MJ/kg可以提高泌乳母兔的繁殖力、断奶窝重、仔兔断奶个体重及成活率,降低血液胆固醇和甘油三酯浓度,过高能量水平不利于泌乳母兔生产。  相似文献   

A total of 146 primiparous sows was used in four replications of an experiment to investigate the effect of energy intake during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance. Dietary treatments consisted of three energy intakes; 10, 12 or 14 Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME) X sow-1 X d-1. All sows were fed equal amounts of crude protein, vitamins and minerals daily, which met or exceeded standard recommendations. The experiment was initiated at parturition. Sow weight and backfat loss during lactation decreased linearly (P less than .001) as energy intake increased. There were no differences in litter size at either 14 d of lactation or weaning. Pig weights on d 14 increased linearly (P less than .05) and litter weights tended to increase linearly (P = .13) as energy intake increased. At weaning, pig weights and litter weights increased (P less than .05) as sow energy intake increased. There were no significant differences in the percentages of sows in estrus by 7, 14, 21 and 70 d postweaning, but sows fed 10 Mcal ME/d had a slightly longer interval from weaning to first estrus than sows fed higher energy intakes. Serum urea concentrations of sows were inversely related to energy intake during lactation. Serum creatinine concentrations were not affected by energy intake. An intake of 10 Mcal ME/d by primiparous sows during a 28-d lactation resulted in reduced sow and litter performance; there was little difference between sows fed 12 and 14 Mcal ME/d.  相似文献   

Fifty nine primiparous sows PIC Camborough 23 were distributed in a completely randomized 2 × 2 (with and without floor cooling × two dietary treatments) factorial design with 16 sows/treatment, each sow being considered as an experimental unit. Four replicates of sixteen sows each were used during the trial with the objective of evaluating the effects of floor cooling and the use of dietary amino acid contents on their performance and behaviour during summer. The sows were distributed among the treatments according to body weight and backfat thickness after farrowing. The sows were maintained in the experiment until weaning at 21 days of lactation. The two experimental diets supplied the same levels of crude protein (22%), metabolizable energy (ME; 14.65 MJ/kg) and levels of essential digestible AA relative to digestive lysine and differed according to the digestible lysine to ME ratio (0.75 vs. 0.82 g/MJ of ME). The temperature of the water circulating in the cooled floor was maintained at about 17 °C. Based on the average minimum and maximum temperatures (21.5 and 29.5 °C) obtained during the experimental trial, it can be assumed that the sows were exposed to periods of heat stress. The replicate and the interaction between replicate and treatment effects on all the measurements were not significant. Similarly, no effect of diet or interaction between diet and floor cooling system was found for all criteria measured. An effect (P < 0.05) of floor cooling on average daily feed intake was observed and floor cooling sows showed a higher average (P < 0.05) digestible lysine (61.5 vs. 51.8 g/d) and ME (78.2 vs. 65.9 MJ/d) intakes. The sows submitted to floor cooling showed, consistently, higher absolute values for average weight (+ 8.5 kg) and backfat (+ 0.75 mm) at weaning, compared with the control sows. The sows submitted to the cooled floor showed a shorter (P < 0.01) weaning-to-oestrus interval. The piglet and litter's daily weight gain (DWG), average weight at weaning (AWW) and total weight gain during lactation (TWG) were higher (P < 0.01) for the floor cooling sows. The floor cooling sows showed a higher (P < 0.01) daily milk production. The respiratory rate and rectal temperature values were lower (P < 0.01) for the floor cooling sows. There were differences (P < 0.01) on the cutaneous temperatures measured on the different parts of the sow's body, with the animals submitted to the cooled floor having lower values. The sows submitted to floor cooling spent less (P < 0.01) time in lateral recumbency inactive, more time nursing (P < 0.05) and more time feeding (P < 0.01) compared with control sows. The floor cooling under the sows increased daily feed intake and lysine intake, leading to a lower body weight loss, a lower weaning-to-oestrus interval and also improved nursing behaviour of the sows, leading to a higher milk production and, consequently, higher weight gains of piglets and litter during the lactation period.  相似文献   

Sixty-two multiparous Large White sows were used to determine the effect of dietary fiber level on lactation performance according to season under conditions of a humid tropical climate. This experiment was conducted in Guadeloupe (West French Indies, lat 16 degrees N, long 61 degrees W) between October 1999 and January 2001. Two seasons were distinguished a posteriori from climatic measurements parameters continuously recorded in the farrowing room. During the warm season, ambient temperature and relative humidity averaged 25 degrees C and 86.8%, respectively. The corresponding values for the hot season were 27.5 degrees C and 83.5%. Experimental diets fed during lactation were a control diet (C; 14% neutral detergent fiber) and a high-fiber diet (HF; 20% neutral detergent fiber) obtained by substitution of wheat middlings by wheat bran. The two diets were formulated to provide the same ratios between essential amino acids and lysine and between lysine and net energy. No interaction between season and diet composition was found for all criteria studied. Over the 28-d lactation, average daily feed intake (ADFI) was lower and body weight loss was higher (P < 0.001) during the hot season compared to the warm season (3,447 vs 4,907 g/d and 33 vs 17 kg, respectively). The number of stillborn piglets was higher (P < 0.05) during the hot season than during the warm season (2.0 vs 1.1 piglets, respectively). Litter growth rate and mean BW of piglets at weaning were reduced (P < 0.01) during the hot season vs the warm season (2.1 vs 2.3 kg/d and 7.7 vs 8.3 kg, respectively). The ADFI was similar for both diets and digestible energy (DE) intake tended to be lower (P = 0.06) with the HF diet (54.9 vs 59.3 MJ of DE/d for C sows) in relation with its lower DE concentration. The body weight loss was greater (P < 0.01) for HF sows than for C sows (30 vs 21 kg). Compared with the C diet, the HF diet increased (P < 0.05) litter growth rate and piglet body weight at weaning (2.3 vs 2.1 kg/d and 8.3 vs 7.7 kg/d for HF vs C, respectively). Season and diet composition did not affect the weaning-to-estrus interval. In conclusion, the hot season in humid tropical climates, which combines high levels of temperature and humidity, has a major negative effect on the performance of lactating sows.  相似文献   

选择54头健康断奶的50日龄50%野猪血缘的特种野猪为试验用猪(平均体重为7.92±0.61 kg),日粮消化能分为12.76,13.17和13.6M J/kg 3个水平;蛋白含量分为14%,16%和18%3个水平,采用3×3完全随机试验设计。研究了9种不同能量和蛋白质水平的日粮在舍饲条件下,特种野猪生长期的能量和蛋白质营养需要量。结果表明:在日粮表观消化率方面,不同能量水平对于总能、粗蛋白、干物质,高能组和中能组比低能组分别提高3.66%和2.55%(P<0.05),3.26%和1.29%(P<0.05);3.01%和1.74%。不同蛋白水平对于总能、粗蛋白、干物质,高蛋白组和中蛋白组比低蛋白组分别提高1.95%和1.36%(P<0.05);2.01%(P<0.05)和0.7%;1.55%(P<0.05)和0.92%。生长性能方面,不同能量水平中,中能组的日增重显著高于高能组与低能组(P<0.05),高能组平均日采食量,显著低于中能、低能组(P<0.05),对于料肉比,高能、中能组显著低于低能组(P<0.05)。不同粗蛋白水平中,对于平均日采食量,低蛋白水平显著高于高蛋、中蛋白水平(P<0.05),对于料重比,低蛋白水平显著高于高蛋白、中蛋白水平(P<0.05)。总之,日粮消化能在13.17 M J/kg和粗蛋白在16%水平有一个较好的生产性能,更能适应广西特种野猪的营养需要。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of ad libitum access to feed and water and the option to mix feed and water, all in the same feeder, on the performance of multiparous lactating sows. Feed and water were made available to sows using a self-fed wet/dry (SFWD) or a hand-fed (HF) feed-water system. In the SFWD system, feed and water were dropped into a common trough area of the feeder. The sow determined when and how much of each was dropped. With feed falling onto the flat area of the bottom of the SFWD feeder trough and water falling into the shallow bowl area, and with the 2 areas seamlessly connected, the sow also determined the wetness of the feed consumed. In the HF system, sows were given dry feed twice daily in a J-shaped feeder that was independent of the sow's water source. Sows (n = 114) were assigned to treatments based on parity and genotype. Total feed disappearance per sow during lactation (20 +/- 0.2 d) was greater (P < 0.01) with the SFWD system than with the HF system (120 vs. 110 +/- 4.1 kg, respectively). The SFWD sows had greater (P < 0.01) BW gains during lactation than HF sows (6.2 vs. 0.6 +/- 1.85 kg, respectively). Backfat depth change during lactation did not differ (P = 0.37) between treatments. Likewise, percentage of sows displaying estrus by d 11 post-weaning did not differ (P = 0.51). Piglet weaning BW was greater (P < 0.01) with the SFWD system than with the HF system (6.63 vs. 6.12 +/- 0.22 kg, respectively). Sow average daily water intake and total feed wastage during lactation did not differ (P > 0.66) between treatments. However, sows with the SFWD system wasted less water (P < 0.01) than those with the HF system (15 vs. 232 +/- 12 L, respectively). From a commercial swine production perspective, the difference in waste water volume would result in a significant variation in costs associated with manure storage and distribution. In conclusion, use of a SFWD feed-water system in lactation, which provides sows choices of when to eat, how much to eat, and if dry feed should be mixed with water during consumption, enhances sow appetite, improves litter growth performance, and wastes less water than a HF feed-water system.  相似文献   

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