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Seventy-two isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum were serotyped according to the Page scheme, using a new hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. The results were compared with the plate agglutination method conventionally used in the Page scheme. The HI test used washed cells of H. paragallinarum, glutaraldehyde-fixed chicken erythrocytes, and rabbit antisera originally produced for the agglutination method. For 49 of the isolates, there was complete correlation between the results of the HI serotyping test and the previously performed agglutination test--23 were serovar A, two were serovar B, and 24 were serovar C. The other 23 isolates were nontypable by the agglutination test, but 21 of them could be serotyped by the HI method--six as serovar A, two as serovar B, and 13 as serovar C. Nine isolates required treatment of the bacterial cells with hyaluronidase for the expression of hemagglutination (HA) activity. Two isolates did not have HA activity despite hyaluronidase treatment and so could not be serotyped by the HI test.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody test was developed for routine identification of a porcine adenovirus and its specific antibody. Two specific-pathogen-free young pigs were inoculated with the viral antigen prepared in continuous porcine kidney cell cultures, and their sera were used as an antibody reagent to standardize the test. Sera of adult pigs with respiratory problems, obtained from pig farms in Quebec, were tested for antibodies to this virus; 83 of 540 sera tested (15.2%) were found to be positive.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) against Mycoplasma gallisepticum strain PG31 was produced in BALB/c mice. The MAb (designated M9) was of IgG3 isotype and reacted with an epitope in M gallisepticum antigens with molecular weights of 35, 90, 95, and 98 kilodaltons (kDa). The M9 reacted with M gallisepticum antigens in the dot-blot ELISA and in western blot assays. It agglutinated M gallisepticum strains PG31, F, R, S6, A5969, and 9 field isolates from various sources. A coagglutination assay, using Staphylococcus aureus (Cowan strain 1), was developed to enhance the agglutination of some weakly agglutinating M gallisepticum isolates. The M9 did not react with M synoviae, M iowae, M meleagridis, M gallinarum, or M gallinaceum in any of the aforementioned assays. This MAb may be useful in facilitating laboratory diagnosis of M gallisepticum infections.  相似文献   

Three slide agglutination tests for identification of Staphylococcus aureus were compared. The agglutination tests used for evaluation were Staphaurex (Wellcome Diagnostics), Staphyslide-Test (BioMerieux), and ANI S. aureus TEST (Ani Biotech Oy). A total of 347 isolates were analyzed, including 288 strains of S. aureus, 49 of S. epidermis, 11 of S. intermedius, 12 strains of other staphylococci and 14 non-staphylococcal strains. One hundred of the S. aureus strains were isolates from cases of food poisoning, 129 from mastitis and 59 from other clinical cases. The sensitivities of the tests were also compared using diluted suspensions of S. aureus strains and with purified Protein A dilutions. The results showed that the sensitivities of the tests were 98.6%, 97.9% and 99.0% for Staphaurex, Staphyslide-test and ANI S. aureus TEST, respectively. The specificities were 100% for the Staphyslide test and 98.8% for both the ANI S. aureus TEST and the Staphaurex test. The sensitivities measured with diluted S. aureus strain suspensions and Protein A solutions were equal with the Staphaurex and ANI S. aureus TEST. All the agglutination tests studied proved to be practical, easy to use and accurate for the rapid identification of S. aureus strains from culture isolates.  相似文献   

Results of complement-fixation (CF), indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA), and card agglutination (CT) tests were statistically compared, using 380 serum samples obtained from 140 cattle which were disease-free or naturally or experimentally infected with Anaplasma marginale of Colombian origin. The IFA test was significantly the most sensitive for detection of amimals infected with anaplasmosis (97%); the CT test and the CF test were less so (84% and 79%, respectively). However, the most efficient test for identifying noninfected animals was the CF test (100%), and the CT and the IFA tests were less efficient (98% and 90%). A linear regression analysis performed on the average IFA and CF titers of 10 calves artificially infected with A marginale during a 20-week period showed significant regression coefficients for both tests. The regression line for the CF titers decreased below the sensitivity threshold at 14 weeks after calves were inoculated, whereas the regression line for the IFA titers continued above the sensitivity threshold 20 weeks after inoculation. The CT test also detected antibodies until the end of the observation period.  相似文献   

Dot -ELISA即斑点酶联免疫吸附试验 ,是检测猪伪狂犬病血清抗体的一种常用方法 ,此方法操作比较简便 ,反应快速 ,结果特异准确。对于猪伪狂犬病抗体的检测 ,最近又有人建立了乳胶凝集试验 ,此方法更为简单易行 ,只需一块玻片、一支吸管 ,将待检样品 (血清、全血和乳汁 )置于玻片上 ,加乳胶抗原一滴 ,搅拌并摇动 ,2~ 5分钟内即可观察结果。为了弄清两种方法对猪伪狂犬病血清抗体的检测结果是否一致 ,笔者采用两种方法 ,对采自本市猪场的2 48份猪血清同时进行了抗体检测 ,两种方法的结果基本一致 ,差别只在于对弱抗体血清的反应程度…  相似文献   

Twenty-seven six-week-old cesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived pigs were inoculated intratracheally with an isolate of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae serotype 5 (principles) of high virulence (I-200) or low virulence (B-8) or phosphate buffered saline (controls). Pigs given I-200 had severe serofibrinous pleuropneumonia at three hours after inoculation; two of three pigs were dead by 24 hours after inoculation. Interalveolar septa in the caudal lung lobes were 41% thicker than septa from control pigs at three hours after inoculation and 79% thicker by 24 hours after inoculation. Interalveolar septal capillaries in caudal lung lobes were 10.2% larger than control capillaries at three hours after inoculation and 25.6% larger by 24 hours after inoculation. Interalveolar septal capillary platelet volume was greater than the platelet volume of controls; 70% of these platelets were aggregated. There was severe diffuse alveolar, interalveolar septal, and interlobular septal edema at three hours after inoculation with fibrin, neutrophils, and macrophages present in later samples. Thirty-three percent of the lung parenchyma was necrotic at 24 hours after inoculation. Endothelial cell degeneration was generally mild, but necrotic in regions of pulmonary infarction. Pigs inoculated with the B-8 isolate did not develop marked macroscopic lesions at any sampling time. Interalveolar septa were 18% thicker than controls nine hours after inoculation and 5% thicker at six and 24 hours after inoculation. Capillary platelet volume was greatest at nine hours after inoculation with 50% of these platelets aggregated; 30% of the platelet volume was aggregated at the 24-hour sample period. Moderate diffuse pulmonary and interlobular septal edema was present at three, six, and nine hours after inoculation, but absent 24 hours after inoculation. Intravascular macrophages were present in the six, nine, and 24-hour lung samples in both B-8 and I-200 inoculated pigs. These cells were adherent to interalveolar septal capillary endothelial cells and contained phagocytized cellular debris and fibrin. These results indicate the early effects of H. pleuropneumoniae infection involve macrophage and platelet activation, and a marked increase in interalveolar septal capillary permeability.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test was developed and standardized to detect and quantitate antibody for swine infertility and respiratory syndrome (SIRS) virus in swine sera. Test results were evaluated using sera of pigs infected both experimentally and naturally with SIRS virus. The IFA test used swine alveolar macrophage (SAM) monolayers prepared in 96-well microplates and infected with SIRS virus. The monolayers were incubated with test sera, washed, and stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled rabbit anti-swine IgG. After another wash step, the monolayers were examined under a fluorescent microscope. A noninfected SAM control well was included for each sample. The antibody titers for each serum sample were recorded as the highest serum dilutions with specific cytoplasmic fluorescence but no fluorescence in the control wells. To evaluate the test, sera of 4 6-week-old pigs that had been infected with SIRS virus, 2 contact pigs, and 13 experimentally infected sows were used. In the experimentally infected pigs, antibody was first detected at 7 days postexposure (PE) and peaked (1:256-1,024) between 11 and 21 days PE. All 13 sow sera were negative at time of infection but were positive (1:64- greater than or equal to 1:1,024) at 14-26 days PE. Seven hundred twenty sera collected from 25 different swine farms with or without a history of SIRS were also tested. Of 344 sera from 15 swine farms with a clinical history of SIRS, 257 (74.7%) sera had IFA titers greater than or equal to 1:4, whereas 371 (98.7%) of 376 sera from herds with no history of SIRS were negative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lung and serum samples from pigs that died or were emergency-slaughtered in a pooled, conventional fattening herd were examined to survey Actinobacillus pleuro-pneumoniae infection and to compare the sensitivity of different testing methods. A total of 110 lungs were used for cultural isolation of the agent and direct immunofluorescence (IF) of impression smears. Boiled lung suspensions were tested by coagglutination (Co-A) and agar gel precipitation (AGP). Eighty-seven sera were tested along with lung samples from the same pigs. The lungs yielded a varied bacterial flora most often containing Pasteurella multocida and less frequently Actinomyces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes, E. coli and Salmonella. A. pleuropneumoniae was isolated from 30 lungs: from 22 lungs it grew out in pure culture, from 7 as mixed culture with P. multocida and from 1 as mixed culture with A. pyogenes. The number of positive samples obtained by the different methods was as follows: coagglutination test (with boiled lung suspensions): 63 (57.3%); immunofluorescence: 43 (39.2%); AGP test (with serum): 31 (35.6%); AFP test (with boiled lung suspension): 25 (22.7%). A total of 23 samples (20.7%) were negative by all serological tests and by cultural isolation. Most samples gave positive results by two or more tests while 26 samples only by one test (most often, on 13 occasions, by the Co-A test). The Co-A test detected antigenic components of serotypes that have not been isolated in Hungary so far. This indicates that it is not enough to test one strain from a given lung sample: several colonies must be cultured and serotyped.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A polystyrene agglutination test has been developed for serotyping Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 5a and 5b strains. Protein A-coated polystyrene microparticles were sensitized with a murine monoclonal antibody recognizing an epitope on serotype 5 LPS-O chain as shown by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. A total of 205 A. pleuropneumoniae, strains including all 12 serotype reference strains and 13 strains representing 8 common bacterial species associated with swine or related to A. pleuropneumoniae, were tested by mixing 25 microL of polystyrene reagent with the same volume of a dense suspension of bacterial cells grown for 18 h. All A. pleuropneumoniae strains had been previously serotyped using standard procedures. The polystyrene agglutination test was rapid (less than 3 min) and easy to perform. Overall a very good correlation (97.3%) with the standard techniques was found. The sensitized polystyrene particles were stable for at least 6 mo.  相似文献   

Both the complement-fixation test (CFT) and the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) were conducted on weekly serum samples from nine Arab geldings for 28 days before and 256 days after their exposure to Babesia equi of European origin. On an average the IFAT became positive 8 days before the CFT and showed higher relative serum titer increases. Both test procedures successfully detected infection and neither showed an appreciable drop in titer during this time frame, with the exception of the CFT, which showed a transient drop immediately following treatment with imidocarb. A test conducted 540 days after infection showed four of the eight surviving, and presumably infected, horses to be negative on CFT, where as all eight were still positive on IFAT. Comparisons made with the IFAT, on horse sera from B. equi infection of both European and North American origin, utilizing homologous and heterologous antigens, showed significantly higher titers with homologous antigens.  相似文献   

A comparative evaluation of rapid slide agglutination, tube agglutination, 2-mercaptoethanol tube agglutination, and coagglutination tests was made for serotyping isolates of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae. The results indicated that a majority of the isolates could be serotyped by any of these tests. But, it was not uncommon to find isolates which were inagglutinable or poorly agglutinable in homologous sera. Heat treatment of whole-cell suspensions of such isolates was essential to unmask the serotype-specific antigenic determinants; however, in the process of heat treatment, cross-reactive common antigens of minor nature were also exposed. The antibodies involved in such cross-reactions were mainly of immunoglobulin M type, because the cross-reactivities were completely abolished in coagglutination and 2-mercaptoethanol agglutination tests. Thus, both these tests were satisfactory for serotyping inagglutinable mucoid strains. For serotyping strains which were either polyagglutinating or autoagglutinating, agglutination tests could not be used, but the coagglutination test proved to be satisfactory. The coagglutination test was serotype-specific, sensitive, simple, rapid, reproducible, and easier to read and interpret than rapid slide or tube agglutination tests. This test could be used to serotype mucoid, smooth, or rough isolates.  相似文献   

The indirect fluorescent antibody test was modified to provide a rapid technique for the detection, screening and titration of antibodies to transmissible gastroenteritis of pigs. Large numbers of slides containing transmissible gastroenteritis antigen were prepared by planting mixtures of infected and uninfected swine testicular cells onto multiwelled teflon-coated slides. After overnight incubation, about one-half of the cells in each well were infected which provided contrast to aid in detecting specific fluorescence in the presence of varying degrees of background staining. Following fixation, antigen slides were stored at -20 degrees C until used. The indirect fluorescent antibody test was compared to the virus neutralization test in both the screening and titration of swine sera containing transmissible gastroenteritis antibodies. The test was found to be sensitive and reliable and to offer certain advantages over the virus neutralization test.  相似文献   

The possible role of the complement-mediated bactericidal system in protection of swine against contagious pleuropneumonia was investigated. Strains of Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae representing serotypes 2, 3 and 5 were found to be fully resistant to the bactericidal action of porcine serum from precolostral, clinically normal adult, and chronically infected pigs. All strains were also resistant to hyperimmune rabbit serum, but 3 of 4 strains were sensitive to normal human serum. This bactericidal effect was lost when human serum was previously absorbed with the homologous bacteria, indicating that antibody was necessary for killing. Addition of human serum to porcine serum or to absorbed human serum did not restore the bactericidal system. Pretreatment of the bacteria with undiluted heat-treated human serum also failed to sensitize the bacteria to the absorbed serum, indicating that a heat-labile, absorbable factor may have been required for killing of A pleuropneumoniae. None of the strains was sensitized to porcine serum by sublethal treatment with polymyxin B, a treatment that is known to disrupt the integrity of the outer membrane and induce serum sensitivity in gram-negative bacteria. The ability of A pleuropneumoniae to resist complement killing in vitro may reflect a virulence mechanism in vivo that assists bacteria in avoiding the pulmonary defenses of swine and promotes bacterial invasion of the lungs.  相似文献   

应用间接荧光抗体技术检测兔波氏杆菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以兔波氏杆菌为免疫原,强化免疫家兔,制备兔抗血清为第一抗体;以标准的羊抗兔IgG-FITC荧光抗体为第二抗体,建立了检验兔败血波氏杆菌的间接荧光抗体技术.用火焰、甲醇、丙酮三种方法固定标本,分别经过10 min和20 min两种不同时间固定,然后滴加不同稀释倍数的兔抗血清,滴加羊抗兔IgG-FITC,于荧光显微镜下观察.结果表明甲醇固定10 min和火焰固定,兔抗血清抗体效价为1:80时效果最好.  相似文献   

Supernatants were obtained from 18 hr. broth cultures of Pasteurella multocida strains D82 and D62 (serotype D, toxigenic), Kobe 6 (type D, non-toxigenic), A50 and X73 (type A, non-toxigenic), Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1, 5 and 6, Haemophilus sp. taxon "minor group" (2 strains) and an avirulent serotype 1 strain of H. pleuropneumoniae. The supernates were filtered, pH-neutralized and tested for cytotoxicity after incubation for 18 hours in the presence of swine alveolar macrophage monolayers. Supernatants from H. pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1, 5 and 6 were cytocidal.  相似文献   

Using an indirect fluorescent antibody test, immunofluorescence of large spirochetes was observed with serum from swine that had recovered from swine dysentery. The spirochetes were obtained from scrapings of the colonic mucosa on the first day of diarrhea which was the time when the spirochete population was observed to be the highest. Of 29 exposed nonmedicated swine which developed and recovered from a diarrhea characteristic of swine dysentery 27 had antispirochete serum titers which ranged from 1:2 to 1:16. None of the 50 nonexposes swine developed a titer. Of 19 swine with a serum titer and reexposed with infective swine dysentery inoculum, 18 did not develop a diarrhea and were presumed to be immune. Considering these findings it is possible that this test could be used to detect antispirochete antibody in unknown swine serum.  相似文献   

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