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研究观察了左旋咪唑对HVT免疫雏鸡外周血液中ANAE^ T淋巴细胞数量的影响。结果表明,雏鸡在1日龄接种火鸡疱疹病毒(HVT)冻干苗后,连续4d每日应用15mg/kg左旋咪唑的给药组和空白对照组相比,免疫后第7、14、21和28天,外周血液中的ANAE^ T淋巴细胞数量,不论是总数、还是粗颗粒型或细颗粒型阳性细胞均呈现不同程度的增多,并以ANAE^ T淋巴细胞总数和粗颗粒型阳性细胞增多最为明显。其中除ANAE^ T淋巴细胞总数在第28天时和对照组差异不显著外,其余时间两组相比二种类型的T淋巴细胞均差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

左旋咪唑对犬免疫指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左旋咪唑(LMS)是动物生产和兽医临床上常用的广谱、高效、低毒、安全的咪唑骈噻唑类驱虫药。研究表明,它除了有驱虫功能,还具有免疫调节作用,能促进免疫细胞的增殖,增强其吞噬、趋化功能,诱导机体产生各种细胞因子,提高补体活性,增强机体抗病毒能力及促进生长等。本试验通过对犬饲喂左旋咪唑来探讨其对犬免疫指标的影响,试验结果表明:中剂量的左旋咪唑(2.5mg/kg)能不同程度的提高犬的机体免疫球蛋白(IgG,IgM,IgA)和补体C3、C4的浓度含量,特别是免疫球蛋白(IgG)和补体C4的浓度含量,从而提高了机体免疫水平。而大、小剂量的LMS(10mg/kg、0.1mg/kg)却不能提高犬的免疫水平,相反大剂量的左旋咪唑降低犬免疫球蛋白(IgM,IgA)和补体C3的浓度含量,因此抑制了犬机体的免疫作用,从而降低了犬的机体免疫水平。  相似文献   

兔瘟病兔外周血T淋巴细胞转化功能的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文报道了左旋咪唑对鸡离体外周血淋巴细胞穴PBL雪增殖及伴刀豆球蛋白A穴ConA雪诱导细胞穴CIC雪活性的作用:左旋咪唑以剂量依赖性方式促进鸡PBL的增殖;与ConA对促进鸡PBL增殖呈现协同作用;对脂多糖穴LPS雪激活鸡PBL具有明显促增殖作用;可逆转磷酸组胺和肾上腺素对ConA和LPS激活鸡PBL增殖的抑制作用;低浓度左旋咪唑不能逆转氢化可的松对ConA激活鸡PBL增殖的抑制作用,但高浓度穴100~400μg/ml雪可明显逆转氢化可的松的抑制作用;左旋咪唑可明显逆转氢化可的松的对LPS激活鸡PBL增殖的抑制作用;可促进CD+4细胞增殖,抑制CD+8细胞增殖,使CD+4/CD+8细胞比值升高,CIC活性增强。  相似文献   

MTT法检测犬外周血淋巴细胞转化功能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
淋巴细胞转化试验的原理是利用T淋巴细胞与抗原或有丝分裂因子(简称为丝裂原)在体外共同培养,引起细胞内新的DNA合成及细胞分化,淋巴细胞的代谢和形态从而发生一系列变化,进一步转化为淋巴母细胞这一特性来反映机体免疫状态的一种试验,是细胞免疫的一个测定指标。其常用测定方法有形态学方法、同位素掺入法(^3H—TdR掺入法),形态学方法主观性强,费时费力;  相似文献   

化学去势是一种安全方便的去势方法,但由于炎性反应剧烈而影响动物的生产性能,左旋咪唑作为一种免疫增强剂,能抗炎和恢复缺损的免疫功能,特别是在机体细胞免疫功能低下时,有增强其功能的作用。通过去势兔睾丸切片观察;实验组睾丸实质部分存在,管内结缔组织增生明显,呈网状,但各级精母细胞排列不清,无精子,对照组睾丸实质不存在,曲细精管消失为空泡状。通过T淋巴细胞百分率、体温、体重变化,红白细胞总数,植物血凝素等  相似文献   

犬转移因子等对淋巴细胞转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

盐酸左旋咪唑片质量标准的探讨曹玲玲,孙涛,马佟生,贾旭菁(陕西省兽药监察所)盐酸左旋咪唑是盐酸四咪唑(又名:盐酸噻咪唑)拆分而来的左旋体,是一种广谱的肠道驱线虫药。与消旋体比较,共疗效约高一倍,毒性低一半,并可用作免疫调节陕西生物药品厂剂。而由消旋体...  相似文献   

将420只7日龄AA肉雏鸡随机分为7组,在其日粮中分别添加300mg/kg、600mg/kg两个浓度的抗菌肽粗提品,分不同饲养阶段添加到肉鸡日粮中,同时设抗生素组和空白对照组于28日龄早晨空腹翅静脉采抗凝血,分离淋巴细胞,分别用ConA、抗菌肽刺激,MTT法检测T淋巴细胞转化情况。结果表明,抗菌肽能够促进肉鸡外周血淋巴细胞增殖转化,且因添加日龄不同效果有所差异。  相似文献   

Twenty dogs with clinically diagnosed multicentric lymphoma were evaluated for percentages of peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations. Cytometric analysis was performed before and during chemotherapy. The results were compared to those obtained from a control group of healthy dogs. The percentages of CD5+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells were markedly decreased and CD21-like+ cells markedly increased in dogs with lymphoma in comparison with the control group. During the course of chemotherapy these values returned to ranges observed in healthy animals.  相似文献   

Lymphoma is a common cancer of dogs that frequently is treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Response to therapy is variable and currently available diagnostic tests do not reliably predict response to therapy. Treatment for lymphoma often results in lymphopenia, but it is unknown whether the changes in circulating lymphocytes result from generalized or specific reduction of lymphocytes. In this study, blood lymphocytes from 12 clinically healthy dogs, 10 dogs in remission because of treatment for B-cell lymphoma, and 8 dogs in remission from T-cell lymphoma were analyzed by flow cytometry by using a panel of 20 antibodies reactive with canine leukocyte antigens. Results identified similar lymphocyte parameters in treated dogs regardless of the type of lymphoma. Treated dogs had >50% reduction in blood lymphocyte concentration, and an absolute decrease in most subsets of lymphocytes. Both groups of treated dogs had relative increases in the proportion of CD3+, T-cell receptor (TCR)αβ+, and CD90+ lymphocytes, and a decreased proportion of CD45RA+ cells. In addition, dogs with T-cell lymphoma in remission had a significant increase in the proportion of CD49d+ lymphocytes. These findings were interpreted as representing likely suppression of lymphocyte regeneration by chemotherapy, with a relative increase in the proportion of memory over naïve lymphocytes. Lack of correlation with the T- or B-cell origin of the initial lymphoma suggested that, by using flow cytometric methods, residual circulating neoplastic cells could not be detected. However, the changes in the lymphocyte profile of dogs treated with chemotherapy may have relevance to their immunocompetence.  相似文献   

Surface immunoglobulins (SIg), Peanut Agglutinin (PNA), spontaneous erythrocyte rosette (E-rosette) and Helix pomatia (HP) marker were investigated in normal and Bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-infected sheep. In normal sheep, 19.3% +/- 4.9 of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were SIg+, whereas 58% +/- 5.69 were PNA+, and 19.6 +/- 5.2 were E-rosette forming cells (E-RFC). In BLV-induced lymphocytotic sheep, SIg+ cells in PBL reached 59.4% +/- 15.06. In the same animals, PNA bound to 20.6% +/- 9.69 and E-RFC were 8.7% +/- 4.5. A panning technique was applied with an anti sheep-immunoglobulins coated plates to separate SIg+ (adherent cells = A) and SIg- cells (non-adherent cells = NA). The (A) population was 94-95% SIg+ cells and 2-3% PNA+, while the (NA) population was 0-4% SIg+ and 79-85% PNA+ cells. Thus PNA is a T cell marker in sheep species. HP, a marker for bovine T lymphocytes was also studied. Sheep PBL do not bind to HP. However, after panning separation about 50% of NA cells became HP+.  相似文献   

Dogs are the main domestic reservoirs of L. (L.) chagasi. Once in the vertebrate host, the parasite may cause visceral leishmaniasis, which can also be transmitted to humans. Infected symptomatic dogs show disorganization in the white pulp in spleen tissue and a reduction in T lymphocytes in peripheral blood. To investigate whether apoptosis is involved in white pulp disorganization and diminished T cell counts in peripheral blood, apoptotic T cells from the spleen and peripheral blood of dogs naturally infected with L. (L.) chagasi and presenting clinical manifestations were quantified and compared with healthy dogs. Thirteen symptomatic adult dogs infected by L. (L.) chagasi and six healthy dogs from a nonendemic area (controls) were included in the study. Samples from spleen and peripheral blood were used to quantify apoptosis in CD3 lymphocytes by flow cytometry using Anexin V and Multicaspase kits; the results were compared using the Mann Whitney test. The percentage of total T cells was lower in Leishmania infected dogs compared to healthy controls (P<0.05). Apoptosis levels in T cells from PBMC and spleen were higher in infected dogs than in controls (P<0.05). The least squares method test was used to determine the effect between the degree of structural organization of spleen white pulp and the percentage of apoptosis in the spleen. A significant effect on the level of white pulp morphological disorganization and percentage of apoptosis in spleen T cells was observed (F=20.45; P=0.0014). These data suggest that apoptosis is an important for the immunopathogenesis of canine visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

本试验研究新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)对鸡外周血T淋巴细胞迁移的影响,为探讨鸡对NDV免疫应答机制提供理论支撑.采用Transwell共培养,上室为淋巴细胞,下室为树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DC),通过NDV攻毒刺激后,分别在第0、2、4、6 h收集各个时间点上...  相似文献   

高铜对雏鸡外周血T-淋巴细胞ANAE阳性率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用1日龄艾维菌健康肉鸡420只,随机分为7组,分别喂以对照日粮(Cu 11 mg/kg)和高铜日粮(Cu 100mg/kg),高铜Ⅰ组,Cu 200 mg/kg,高铜Ⅱ组;Cu 300 mg/kg,高铜Ⅲ组;Cu 400 mg/kg,高铜Ⅳ组,Cu 500 mg/kg,高铜Ⅴ组;Cu 600 mg/kg,高铜Ⅵ组)6周,观察日粮铜添加水平对雏鸡外周血T-淋巴细胞ANAE阳性率的影响.与对照组比较,高铜Ⅰ、Ⅱ组雏鸡外周血T-淋巴细胞ANAE阳性率增加,但差异不显著;高铜Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ组雏鸡外周血T-淋巴细胞ANAE阳性率降低,且与日粮含铜量呈负相关,同时胸腺淋巴细胞减少,凋亡细胞比例增高.结果表明,与对照组比较,日粮铜含量100~200 mg/kg对雏鸡外周血中T-淋巴细胞ANAE阳性率有促进作用,但差异不显著;日粮铜含量300~600 mg/kg程度不同地降低了T-淋巴细胞ANAE阳性率,细胞免疫功能受损.  相似文献   

To determine if periparturient immunosuppression in dairy cattle might be due to an alteration in total numbers of percent of T lymphocytes, we examined the numbers and percent of T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood from periparturient dairy cows, some of which received recombinant bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor (rbG-CSF) during the study. Beginning 2 weeks preparatum through 4 weeks postpartum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were collected and labeled with monoclonal antibodies to BoCD5, BoCD4, and BoCD8, and the percent of cells positive for each marker measured by flow cytometry. The percent of PBMC expressing BoCD5 (total T cells), and BoCD8 (T suppressor/cytotoxic cells) was not significantly different between the groups, or at different times before and after calving. The percent of PBMC expressing BoCD4 (T helper cells) was not significantly different between the groups, however, within both groups there was a higher percent of BoCD4+ cells after calving than during the prepartum period. In cows receiving rbG-CSF, total numbers of PBMC were significantly increased compared to controls during the postpartum treatment period.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte blast transformation assays (LBT) were performed on canine parvovirus (CPV) -positive and -negative mongrel dogs randomly selected from a humane facility. Concanavalin A as well as Phytohemagglutinin P stimulation was depressed (p less than 0.001) in the group of animals shedding CPV compared to CPV-negative dogs.  相似文献   

CD56+ cells in canine blood leukocytes were characterized by flow-cytometric analysis of peripheral blood of 30 healthy adult beagle-dogs (15 males and 15 non-pregnant females). In 19 of the 30 dogs, anti human CD56 antibody, Leu-19, reacted with 8.8-21.7% of peripheral blood lymphocytes. All CD56+ cells simultaneously expressed CD3 molecules on their surface. Further phenotypic analysis revealed that 50.6+/-13.1% of the CD56+ cells showed CD4-CD8+ phenotype and 43.7+/-10.1% showed CD4+CD8- phenotype. Expression intensity of CD56 on the CD4-CD8+CD56+ cells was significantly higher than that on CD4+CD8-CD56+ cells (P<0.001). These findings indicate that CD56, which is a neural cell adhesion molecule, is uniquely expressed on subsets of T lymphocytes in canine peripheral blood.  相似文献   

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