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Genetic modificated animals are an essential part of modern biotechnology since the years of the seventies of last century. In the past selective crossbreeding of plants and animals took place in order to obtain the desired characteristics but nowadays this is done with the aid of biotechnology i.e. through transgenese, knock-out animals and cloning. A number of fields of application of genetic modification of animals are listed. In order to limit the risks that genetic modificated animals may carry with them the necessary legislation is formulated. A number of risks and the main rules are mentioned.  相似文献   

The concept of autoimmunity and its role in disease-states in man and animals are discussed. A clinico-anatomical classification of the autoimmune diseases is presented to facilitate diagnosis. With this as a basis, the clinical recognition of the autoimmune state and the diseases which it causes, or accompanies, in animal medicine are described and comparative features reviewed. This is concluded with brief comments on treatment and future studies. Résumé. On envisage le concept de l'auto-immunité et de son rôle en pathologie humaine et animale. Une classification clinico-anatomique est décrite pour faciliter le diagnostic. En partant de là, on décrit les signes permettant de reconnaître les états d'auto-immunité et les maladies qu'ils provoquent ou accompagnent chez les animaux et on passe en revue les données d'une étude comparative. Un bref commentaire sur le traitement et les études futures conclut cet article. Zusammenfassung. Der Begriff der Autoimmunität und ihre Rolle bei Krankheitszuständen von Mensch und Tier werden besprochen. Eine klinisch-anatomische Klassifikation der autoimmunen Krankheiten wird zwecks Erleichterung der Diagnose dargestellt. Davon ausgehend werden die klinische Erkennung des autoimmunen Zustands und der Krankheiten, die er verursacht oder begleitet, auf dem Gebiete der Tiermedizin beschrieben und gemeinsame Züge hervorgehoben. Daran schliessen sich kurze Bemerkungen über die Behandlung und über weitere Untersuchungen.  相似文献   

近年来,国家越来越重视农技推广工作,规划了许多农业推广项目,匹配了大量资金,壮大了农技推广人员队伍,农技推广工作也取得了一定成效,但就培训实际效果来看,还存在着培训形式化、农民技术掌握不全、不透、实际操作能力差等问题.  相似文献   

There is a set of behavioral and physiologic responses to companion animals that can be reliably observed under both experimental and natural conditions. These responses indicate that contact with companion animals can be an effective means of reducing stress.  相似文献   

The special problem of handling weak, chronically ill, injured farm animals or those not sellable for slaughter is described. Farmers generally do not have sufficient knowledge in killing animals. They need external help or they must take specific training courses to get the necessary knowledge. Solutions how to improve animal welfare in this field are given.  相似文献   

Besides dangerous dogs, there are also other species of dangerous animals. While the legal regulations concerning dangerous dogs are well known and discussed everywhere, the rules concerning exotic dangerous animals are mostly unknown and, besides of this, not well practicable because of their considerable deficiencies.  相似文献   

A review is given on abortions in livestock caused by Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis spp. Special emphasis is put on diagnostic procedures. T. gondii is considered to be a major cause of abortions in sheep and goats. Diagnosis is based on the characteristic lesions in the cotyledons, histologic and immunohistochemical examination, and on the detection of specific antibodies in body fluids or serum of aborted fetuses. Whether abortions in swine due to T. gondii are of practical importance is still unclear. The most important causative protozoal agent of abortions in cattle is Neospora caninum. This protozoon was found in 19 per cent of cattle fetuses submitted for examination in USA. Occasionally it was found also in aborted lambs, kids and foals. Diagnosis is based on the histologic or immunohistochemical detection of the parasite. Abortions can be regularly induced experimentally in large and small ruminants and in pigs by the oral inoculation of sporocysts of certain Sarcocystis species. However, under natural conditions abortion due to Sarcocystis was diagnosed only occasionally and only in cattle and sheep. The histologic examination of the fetus and fetal membranes is the only way to diagnose Sarcocystis abortion or neonatal infection at present.  相似文献   

Some aspects of drug persistence in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Biological functions like health, reproduction or the performance of specific behavior programs change over time. Therefore, their actual significance can only be understood fully if their history or development is well known. This point is illustrated with respect to behavior patterns in farm animals. Early life or ontogenetic processes strongly determine (sub)adult behavior. Prepuce suckling performed by group-housed veal calves during the age of 2 to 8 wk depends on sucking experience of the same calves during their first week of life. Restless behavior of fattening pigs is largely determined by rearing conditions in the first weeks of life. Disturbed behaviors like stereotypies develop out of conflict behaviors (biting, escape, etc.), as is the case in tethered sows. These stereotypies appear to promote the release of endorphins. In veal calves, different stereotypies (biting or licking the crate and tongue playing) develop during different periods of time and probably are related to different sorts of conflicts experienced by the developing calf. Tongue playing shows a specific relationship with abomasal ulcers. In veal calves, individual coping differences are observed that strongly parallel those described in other vertebrates (rats, dogs, men).  相似文献   

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