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犬的皮肤黏膜脓皮病在临床上比较罕见,是一种皮肤和黏膜结合处的细菌感染,犬不常见,德国牧羊犬及相关品种具有易感性。病变的特点是黏膜皮肤交界处肿胀、红斑和形成结痂,常为对称性分布,也可为单侧。患宠疼痛或瘙痒,以及自体损伤,有渗出、糜烂、裂口和色素减退。唇边以及口角处更易发生。报告了一例成年去势公犬罹患犬皮肤黏膜脓皮症病例的治疗始末,其中包括背景资料、临床表现以及采用的诊断技术和治疗方法。  相似文献   

犬蠕形螨D canis属蠕形螨科 ,蠕形螨属 ,寄生于犬的毛囊和淋巴腺内 ,以骚痒、脱毛、皮肤产生小脓肿 ,流出渗出液 ,其后形成黄色痂皮 ,产生粘性银白色的皮屑脱落为主要症状 ,严重者可引起犬死亡。用虫无星内服治疗 ,使用简便、疗效好、安全 ,且不污染环境 ,作者在湟源发现一京巴犬病例 ,经治疗效果理想。1 临床观察面部、眼周围、四肢、腹下 (乳房周围 )的被毛脱落 ,皮肤发红 ,有疒尤 状小结。耳、面、颈部有鳞屑样皮炎。犬表现瘙痒不安 ,常抓挠其面部或在物体上磨擦 ,造成皮肤炎症 ,增厚、溃疡。2 病原体检查用外科钝刀刀刃醮取 5 %…  相似文献   

2009年11月,笔者在临床上见到一犬蠕形螨病例。采取对因治疗及其它护理措施将病犬治愈,其中巧用鱼肝油是治疗本病例的独特之处。 1发病情况 雌性德国牧羊犬,2周岁,体重28k,鼻端缺毛,皮肤潮红、增厚呈鳞屑状,并有血液和血清渗出及化脓。眼眶周围无毛,皮肤龟裂,有血清渗出。眼内有脓性分泌物,眼结膜潮红。  相似文献   

犬皮肤疾病在兽医临床工作中是比较常见的疾病之一。其特点是局部皮肤出现红斑、丘疹、渗出、水泡、脓疱、糜烂、痂皮、鳞屑、脱毛和出现皱褶等皮肤损伤性变化,同时伴有热、痛、痒等症状。本病可由寄生虫叮咬或侵袭,真菌感染,物理化学因素对皮肤的刺激和损害,  相似文献   

张雅为  朱江巍 《警犬》2011,(12):18-19
犬皮肤疾病在兽医临床工作中是比较常见的疾病之一。其特点是局部皮肤出现红斑、丘疹、渗出、水泡、脓疱、糜烂、痂皮、鳞屑、脱毛和出现皱褶等皮肤损伤性变化,同时伴有热、痛、痒等症状。本病可由寄生虫叮咬或侵袭,真菌感染,物理化学因素对皮肤的刺激和损害,  相似文献   

犬皮肤病类型多样,病因复杂,常见于背、腹和尾部。病犬被毛粗糙、无光泽,皮肤增厚并出现鳞斑,有的皮下有肿块,有的皮肤表面出现丘疹、水泡、点状红斑或脓疱等。犬的皮肤病对人类也有一定的危害,如可导致人患头癣、体癣、丘疹性荨麻疹或痒疹、过敏性皮炎等。此外犬皮肤病症状虽有相似之处,但临床治疗中要弄清病因,正确诊断,才能收到良好疗效。  相似文献   

2004年5月21日,龙井市某养犬户,新购进20条牧羊犬,第2天,有3条犬开始出现瘙痒,部分皮肤出现鳞屑,在别处按寄生虫治疗7d无效,前来我处诊治。经临床、寄生虫、真菌检查,确诊为脂溢性皮炎病,经综合防治第2天开始好转,6d全愈。1主诉及临床检查主人介绍说,购进的犬当日无明显的变化,只见于部分腹泻;第2天喂食后观察时发现有3条犬瘙痒,检查皮肤背部皮肤或四肢末端有糠秕状鳞屑,皮肤发硬,食欲基本正常;第3天到诊所诊治,按螨虫治疗7d,无好转,反而病情加重。临床检查:病犬精神状态良好,有饮食欲,体温正常,背部、四肢被毛中散在有灰白色或银白色干鳞屑…  相似文献   

蠕形螨病是由犬蠕形螨感染所致,亦称毛囊虫病或脂螨病。螨虫寄生于犬、猫淋巴组织、皮脂腺或毛囊内,导致出现皮肤剧烈瘙痒、渗出性皮炎及被毛脱落等症状,是一种常见而又较顽固的皮肤病,以犬  相似文献   

犬皮肤螨虫病又叫犬疥癣,俗称“癞皮狗病”,是由犬的疥螨、蠕形螨或耳痒螨寄生所致,临床上以犬的蠕形螨病最为常见。本病广泛分布于世界各地,常见于皮肤卫生条件很差的犬。  相似文献   

正犬皮肤组织细胞瘤是一种常见的犬良性皮肤肿瘤,在兽医临床上一般通过患犬的年龄、症状、肿物生物学表现及细胞学检查进行诊断。尽管该肿瘤生长快速,但这是一种在2~4个月内可自行消退的良性肿瘤,且很少出现复发,预后良好,一般不需要治疗,兽医师应尽可能选择先行观察而非手术切除。  相似文献   

Parasitic skin diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this discussion of parasitic skin diseases of horses, details on life cycles are given to aid the understanding and development of control strategies.  相似文献   

Mesh skin grafting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesh grafts are split-thickness or full-thickness skin grafts in which parallel rows of staggered slits have been cut. The mesh incisions allow the graft to be expanded to cover large defects, provide a route for drainage of blood or serum from under the graft, and increase the flexibility of the graft so that it can conform to uneven recipient beds. Meshing can be accomplished using a no. 11 scalpel blade or a special meshing machine. The use of unexpanded full-thickness mesh grafts is recommended because their cosmetic appearance equals that of sheet grafts, but the mesh incisions still allow drainage of blood and/or serum from under the graft. This technique has been very successful, with 90 to 100 per cent "take" when the grafts have been applied on healthy granulation beds.  相似文献   

昆明某动物医院接诊1条杂交犬,因车祸造成皮肤大面积的缺损,利用有蒂皮片移植技术进行治疗。在邻近的供皮部位皮肤切割一块与创口形状相同、稍大于创口的有蒂皮片,通过单侧旋转的方法将有蒂皮片牵拉、覆盖在创口的受皮部位表面,用丝线进行缝合。经过20多天术后护理,患犬的皮肤预后良好。  相似文献   

Avian dermatology is an important part of avian practice. Feather plucking, or self-mutilation, is one of the most common and challenging syndromes seen in avian practices, yet our understanding of it has developed piecemeal. Psittacine circovirus, which causes psittacine beak and feather disease, can devastate breeding programs and cause masked distress to new bird owners and their young birds. Cutaneous neoplasms are increasing in incidence as veterinarians are seeing more older bird patients.  相似文献   


Many occasions arise in veterinary practice when loss of skin makes closure of a wound difficult.  相似文献   

The technique and results of free skin grafts have been described in dogs, horses, rabbits, goats and mice. The procedure in cats is, however, described only indirectly in papers relating to dogs. A standard technique has been developed by the authors for use in cats, and is reported for 17 grafts in 16 cats with traumatic injury to the legs resulting in large areas of skin loss. This paper describes the preparation of the wound for grafting, the harvesting of the graft, graft placement, postoperative care and the results of the application of this technique. The success rate in this series of cases was high. This was attributed to proper preparation of the recipient site, collection of the graft and postoperative bandaging. The results suggest that the success rate of free skin grafts in cats is considerably higher than that achieved by the present authors in dogs, and reported for dogs by other surgeons in the literature.  相似文献   

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