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一、世界蜂群拥有量 2003年世界蜂群总数为59,239,615群,比2002年的60,010,032群减少了770,417群,减少比例为1%.2003年世界拥有蜂群数量前十位的国家有中国、土耳其、俄罗斯、伊朗、埃塞俄比亚、阿根廷、坦桑尼亚、美国、肯尼亚、西班牙,前十国的蜂群总数占全世界蜂群总数的57.2%.  相似文献   

易敢峰 《猪业科学》2007,24(3):16-20
1 中国养猪业现况 养猪业在中国畜牧业中占据举足轻重的位置.如表1所示,根据世界畜产协会调查的全球2000-2005年的生猪存栏中,中国一直是排名第1,以接近五亿的数量稳固的占据全球生猪存栏的50%以上.排名第2到10的国家依次是美国,巴西,越南,德国,西班牙,波兰,俄罗斯,法国和丹麦.同样(如表2所示),中国也位居全球2000-2005年母猪存栏之首,2005年达到4 380万,是排名第2的美国(600多万头)的7倍多.全球母猪存栏排名第3到10的国家依次是俄罗斯,越南,西班牙,巴西,德国,菲律宾,波兰和加拿大.  相似文献   

根据联合国商品贸易数据库(UN Comtrade)的统计数据,2008—2017年全球出口的柑桔鲜果和数量总体呈稳中有增态势,其中,柠檬来檬、宽皮柑桔和甜橙10年间的出口量均有不同幅度增加,但以柠檬来檬增幅最大,而柚类(含葡萄柚)出口数量则稳中略减。西班牙、南非和土耳其是全球出口柑桔三大国,出口量10年间均在波动中呈增加态势,西班牙出口量占全球出口柑桔总量的比重略有下降,而南非和土耳其占比略有提高。  相似文献   

联合国商品贸易数据库的统计数据表明,2010年以来全球出口的葡萄数量虽然总体上有所增加,但近几年渐趋稳定,短期内出现大幅增加的可能性较小。出口量合计占全球出口葡萄总量2/3以上的10个国家和地区中,意大利、荷兰、西班牙、土耳其和南非等主要出口欧洲,美国、智利与秘鲁等主要出口美洲,中国主要出口东南亚,中国香港地区主要出口内地;秘鲁与中国出口量增加显著,美国与智利出口减少明显,土耳其出口价格优势突出。  相似文献   

国家或地区人均消费量 (kg)比上年增长(%)总生产量(千吨)比上年增长 (%)进口量(千吨)比上年增长 (%)﹄曰尸0 11 1111内匕亡」勺汀O66541.丹麦2.西班牙3.比利时一卢森堡4.奥地利5.德国6.荷兰7.台湾省8.法国9.新加坡10.瑞士11.爱尔兰12.波兰13.意大利14.瑞典15.匈牙利16.香港17.加拿大18.美国19.葡萄牙20.中国21.英国22.希腊23.澳大利亚24.韩国25.乌克兰26.保加利亚27.日本28.俄罗斯29.罗马利亚30.墨西哥31.菲律宾32.巴西33.哈萨克斯坦52.931.2 350 2126 555 410 3950 715 857 2260 1 12 269 136 1420 2040 3 11 363 207 946 8488 33031800 1…  相似文献   

<正>两大国际果蔬组织(国际果蔬联盟(IFAVA)和国际每日协会运动5联盟(AIAM5))联合推出了新全球网络,以促进果蔬消费。共有20个国家结盟,包括阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、加拿大、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、萨尔瓦多、法国、匈牙利、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、新西兰、波兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、乌拉圭、美国和委内瑞拉。  相似文献   

据最新发布的2019年奥特奇全球饲料调查报告评估,2018年全球饲料产量增加了3%,达到11.03亿吨,连续第三年超过10亿吨。第八届年度调查报告的数据包括来自144个国家和近3万家饲料厂。饲料行业在过去五年中增长了14.6%,相当于每年平均增长2.76%。随着人口的增长以及中产阶级的增长,蛋白质消费也在整体增加。排名前八的国家是中国、美国、巴西、俄罗斯、印度、墨西哥、西班牙和土耳其。  相似文献   

国家(地区) 2002年2001年2000年199孕年面权产t面积产t面积产t面积产t皿西哥西班牙印全伊朗尼日利亚愈大利阿根廷埃及土耳其巴墓斯坦日本南非希腊奉国,洛哥叙利亚澳大利亚印度尼西亚以色列林国秘.委内珊拉古巴厄瓜多尔越南阿尔及利亚哥斯达碑加黎巴橄哥伦比」〔加纳伊拉克巴拉圭葡萄牙突尼斯玻利维亚乌拉圭危地马拉牙买加智利伯利兹几内亚共和国扎伊尔也门菲律宾苏丹约旦洪都拉斯沙特阿拉伯巴勒斯坦塞浦路斯津巴布韦马达加斯加塞拉利昂多米尼加共和国安哥拉斯成士兰尼加拉瓜尼泊尔老扭束浦寨加沙地区利比亚萨尔瓦多科特迪瓦海地巴农马,329,5…  相似文献   

根据联合国粮食和农业组织(FAO)数据显示,2012年全球有记录的樱桃种植面积达401656hm2,比2010年增加4.2%。世界各国樱桃种植面积所占比例发生变化。据智利农业部农业研究和政策(PASO)办公室发布的报道,根据联合国粮农组织公布的数据显示,土耳其是全球樱桃种植面积最大的国家,2012年其樱桃种植面积占全球的12%,略高于上年的11%,而美国、意大利、伊朗和西班牙的樱桃种植面积在全球的份额减少。美国以8.7%的份颐排名第二,意大利和叙利亚(各为7.4%)并列第三,其次是伊朗和西班牙,分别为7.2%和6%。智利在世界樱桃种植面积所占的份额由3.4%增长至3.8%,排名由第九位升至第八位。  相似文献   

近5年来美国蜂蜜价格上涨,吸引了许多国家向美国出口蜂蜜.据统计,2003年有27个国家向美国出口蜂蜜,横跨欧亚非,由此可见,国际蜂蜜市场竞争之剧烈.这27个国家是:中国、越南、阿根廷、墨西哥、巴西、乌拉圭、智利、玻利维亚、多米尼加、哥伦比亚、俄罗斯、乌克兰、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、波兰、印度、土耳其、埃及、德国、法国、荷兰、西班牙、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、加拿大和泰国.不过,美国关注的仍然是亚洲蜂蜜的质量问题.  相似文献   

This article reviews the actual world FMD situation. In 2000, fifty nine countries officially reported outbreaks of FMD. The disease occurred in Europe (Greece), Asia (Russia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, in Caucasian region--Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia as well as in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan), Africa (Egypt, Kenya, Mauritania, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela). In 2001, FMD was still spreading throughout the endemic regions and appeared in some of the west European countries--Great Britain, The Netherlands, France and Ireland. In South America, FMD occurred in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Colombia. In Asia the FMD spread in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iran, Bhutan, Nepal, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. The FMD situation in Africa was unclear, but probably most countries in West, East and South Africa were affected. The most recent data of the OIE from May 2002 confirmed FMD outbreaks in population of pigs in Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

The first avian influenza (AI) outbreak occurred on 5 October, 2005, in north-west Turkey. On 13 October 2005, the virus was confirmed as H5N1 in Weybridge CVL, AI-NDV Reference Laboratory. Based on genetic analysis of the NA gene, the virus showed a close similarity to A7 Great Black Headed Gull/Qinghai/1/05 (99.6 % identity). Therefore, there is a direct relationship between the recent central Asian and Turkey isolates. The HA gene of the Turkish isolate was most similar to A/Grebe/Novosbirsk/05 (98.7% identity), and the Turkish isolate has therefore direct relationship with recent Russia, Mongolia and China isolates. The second outbreak of AI in Turkey occurred on 26 December 2005 in Igdir, close to the Iranian and Armenian border. The second outbreak was also due to H5N1 and it exhibited a significant spreading potential within the eastern region of the country. A total of 2 246 954 susceptible animals in the protection zone were culled with compensation.  相似文献   

The countries of southeastern Europe including the Balkan region and bordering countries - Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, and the European part of Turkey - occupy a very important strategic position and represent a land bridge between Europe and Asia. In the majority of southeastern European countries, cases of trichinellosis among the human and animal populations were described in the late 19th or early 20th centuries. Trichinella infections among wildlife were also described in the aforementioned countries. Today, the prevalence of trichinellosis is different between the Balkans and bordering countries. A high prevalence of trichinellosis in domestic animals and humans has been reported in Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, Romania and Croatia. A moderate prevalence was found in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Hungary, human trichinellosis has not been present for a long period of time. However, sporadic cases were recorded in swine over the last 2 years. Trichinellosis has not been found among domestic animals and humans in Greece and Macedonia in recent years while in Turkey and Slovenia human trichinellosis is sporadic. The re-emergence of trichinellosis is connected with the changes in the social and political systems in Bulgaria and Romania. In Serbia and Montenegro as well in Croatia, however, a re-emergence of trichinellosis was due not only to political and social changes but also to wars that took place in these countries during the last years of the 20th century. Social, economic and political factors responsible for the re-emergence of trichinellosis in southeast European countries are discussed in this communication.  相似文献   

Public Health is defined as an interdisciplinary multilevel approach that deals with questions of preventing diseases at the population level. In this context, this paper focuses on vector‐borne diseases as an important threat with an increasing impact on human and animal health. Emphasis is laid on an integrated health approach (‘One‐Health’ initiative) as it recognizes the interrelated nature of both human and animal health. The importance of vector‐borne diseases to new and emerging diseases in Europe was demonstrated, for example, by the recent outbreak of West Nile virus infections in Greece, Northern Italy and Hungary; the spread of Crimean‐Congo haemorrhagic fever virus across Turkey, south‐western countries of the former USSR and the Balkans; the dramatic increase in hantavirus infections in Germany in 2012; and the dengue virus outbreak in Portugal in the same year. This paper provides a systematic approach for the analysis, assessment and governance of emerging health risks attributed to vector‐borne diseases by using a holistic approach developed by the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC), called the ‘IRGC Risk Governance Framework’. It can be used by decision‐makers and general Public Health authorities in order to evaluate the situation regarding any specific pathogen or Public Health risk and to decide if additional measures should be implemented.  相似文献   

猪Kobu病毒感染概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
猪Kobu病毒是小核糖核酸病毒科Kobu病毒属成员,是2008年从匈牙利健康猪群中分离到的新病毒,目前在一些亚洲和欧洲的国家均报道了本病毒感染的发生。论文重点对猪Kobu病毒在猪群中的感染状况进行了综述,该病毒在临床表现正常的猪群或表现腹泻病症的猪群均出现较高的阳性率,可能在猪的胃肠炎致病作用中充当了一定的角色。  相似文献   

The existence of a trans‐boundary population of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) that inhabits the massifs of Tsagaanshuvuut (Mongolia) – Tsagan‐Shibetu (Russia) was determined through non‐invasive genetic analysis of scat samples and by studying the structure of territory use by a collared female individual. The genetic analysis included species identification of samples through sequencing of a fragment of the cytochrome b gene and individual identification using a panel of 8 microsatellites. The home range of a female snow leopard marked with a satellite Global Positioning System (GPS) collar was represented by the minimum convex polygon method (MCP) 100, the MCP 95 method and the fixed kernel 95 method. The results revealed insignificant genetic differentiation between snow leopards that inhabit both massifs (minimal fixation index [FST]), and the data testify to the unity of the cross‐border group. Moreover, 5 common individuals were identified from Mongolian and Russian territories. This finding clearly shows that their home range includes territories of both countries. In addition, regular movement of a collared snow leopard in Mongolia and Russia confirmed the existence of a cross‐border snow leopard group. These data support that trans‐boundary conservation is important for snow leopards in both countries. We conclude that it is crucial for Russia to study the northern range of snow leopards in Asia.  相似文献   

中俄水貂皮产品贸易现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙广才 《野生动物》2010,31(5):289-292,297
中俄两国是目前世界上最大的水貂皮产品消费市场,零售贸易额占全球市场的50%以上。中国目前已成为全球最大的水貂养殖和水貂产品消费大国之一,同时又是全球水貂皮产品加工制造的中心。俄罗斯虽然也是全球水貂品产品消费大国,但他的加工业薄弱,90%的水貂产品依赖进口。中国是对俄罗斯水貂皮产品出口最大的国家,但由于俄罗斯的对外贸易政策以及我国对俄罗斯出口的水貂皮产品一直存在着灰色清关等现象,导致对俄罗斯出口的水貂皮产品贸易额不稳定。为了更好地提高我国企业的产品在俄市场上的竞争力,本文针对影响中俄两国水貂皮产品贸易的问题进行了分析,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

近年来,世界狩猎业发展迅速,各国成立了不同的部门来管理狩猎业。非洲的狩猎业极其发达,狩猎收入在开展狩猎的国家GDP中均占有一定份额,也是野生动物保护资金的主要来源;欧洲的运动狩猎不仅是重要娱乐活动,也被视为文化的传承,其狩猎制度非常完善;美国的狩猎是一项全民化的大众娱乐活动,美国渔和野生动物管理局每5a进行一次全国性的渔猎大调查,以便掌握钓鱼、狩猎及野生动物相关娱乐活动的翔实数据;澳大利亚有着狩猎的传统,当地土著一直就以狩猎作为重要生产方式,现今澳大利亚北部仍旧保留这项传统。而运动狩猎在澳大利亚经过20多年发展,已摸索出其特有的可持续狩猎模式。  相似文献   

Incidence and control of brucellosis in the Near East region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In countries of the Near East region, brucellosis was reported in almost all domestic animals, particularly cattle, sheep and goats. Brucellosis in camels has been reported in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Libya and Somalia. It has been reported even in racing camels in the United Arab Emirates. In Egypt, brucellosis has been reported also in buffaloes, equines and swine. Brucella melitensis biovar 3 is the most commonly isolated species from animals in Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Tunisia and Turkey. B. melitensis biovar 2 was reported in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and B. melitensis biovar 1 in Libya, Oman and Israel. B. abortus biovar 1 was reported in Egypt, biovar 2 in Iran, biovar 3 in Iran and Turkey, and biovar 6 in Sudan. The countries with the highest incidence of human brucellosis are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Jordan and Oman. Bahrain is reported to have zero incidence. Most human cases are caused by B. melitensis, particularly biovar 3. However, B. abortus has been responsible for an increasing number of cases in recent years, e.g. in Yemen, where B. abortus was identified in 45 cases and B. melitensis in 7 cases out of 330 cultures performed in 1995. Concerning control of brucellosis in animals, there is a controversy on the choice of policy. In some countries, the test and slaughter policy together with the vaccination of young females is adopted, in others, particularly with regard to sheep and goats; mass vaccination has been recently started. The most commonly used vaccines are B. abortus S19 and B. melitensis Rev.1 vaccines. B. abortus RB51 vaccine is used in some countries on small scale. Vaccination is limited to cattle and small ruminants.  相似文献   

Mules are known to have been used as carriage and riding animals in Mesopotamia and Anatolia as early as the beginning of the second millennium BC but may have been first bred in Anatolia in the Third Century BC. They have thus contributed to Turkey’s cultural, social and economic heritage for more than 4,000 years and were an ancient component of its guild of domestic animals and overall biodiversity. Once bred country-wide most mules are now introduced “illegally” to the southeast and east from Iraq and Iran. Mules are now bred only in one small area in north-central Turkey close to the Black Sea. The major role as a pack animal has been usurped since the mid-twentieth century by increasing use of motor transport and numbers have declined rapidly since the early 1980s. In 2009 about 51,500 mules remained in Turkey, mainly distributed in discrete areas in the extreme southeast, the centre-south, the northwest and the centre-north. In the southeast the main role is in cross-border trade (much of it described as smuggling) whereas in other areas mules are used in support of pastoral and farming operations. Mules in Turkey are of various colours but are generally large and strong compared to those found in many other countries. Pressure on numbers will continue and will exert a negative effect on a part of Turkey’s national heritage and domestic animal biodiversity.  相似文献   

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