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旱坡地隔坡集蓄径流水平沟密植枣园经济效益的高低,除受栽培技术和管理水平影响外,在某种程度上亦受投入多寡的影响。各项投入的多少,决定着该项技术在实际生产中实用性和可推广性的大小。调查分析结果表明,隔坡集蓄径流水平沟密植枣园第3年开始盈利,第4年即可全部收回投资,其经济效益要比鱼鳞坑高得多。  相似文献   

旱坡地集水枣园土壤水分动态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在旱坡地上采取隔坡集蓄径流水平沟的整地方法营建枣园,集蓄坡面径流,增加枣园土壤含水率,有效地控制水土流失;通过对枣园土壤水分连续3年的定点观测,掌握了枣园土壤水分动态的变化规律,分析结果表明,所采取的集水工程集水效果较好。  相似文献   

旱坡地幼龄枣树综合丰产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就黄土丘陵区旱坡地枣园幼树的丰产栽培技术,从几个方面进行了理论探讨和试验总结,包括:隔坡集蓄径流水平沟的规格设计与施工、根蘖苗的定植、栽植密度的选择、花期管理、整形修剪、肥水管理、病虫害防治和园地管理。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区坡地经济林营造中,采用大鱼鳞坑坑内打孔覆膜、膜下滴灌技术,解决了本区干旱坡地经济林造林成活率低、生长慢、发育迟的难题。可使坡地杏树造林成活率提高到96%,枣树造林成活率提高到92%;成林后,鱼鳞坑汇集径流可使降水利用率提高到42.5%,加上旱季节水包膜下补灌,避免了土壤板结,降低了土壤水分蒸发,可使杏、枣产量比穴灌分别提高10.32%和19.61%。  相似文献   

为加速刺槐的良种化进程,用细根段刺槐根系和硬枝扦插进行育苗技术研究,提高良种繁殖率。用粗0.5 -0.8 cm的根段进行钵插育苗一般成活率可达85%以上,当年平均苗高和地径达2.5 m和2 cm以上,苗木出圃率达90%以上;利用ABT生根粉100 mg/kg进行硬枝扦插处理24 h效果最佳,扦插成活率、地径和苗高与对照相比分别高71.6%、28.9%和28.6%。  相似文献   

通过对大叶榉的插条年龄,ABT生根粉的不同浓度和浸泡时间的扦插成活率和根系生长情况的对比试验,认为大叶榉容易进行无性繁殖,经300倍与500倍的ABT液浸泡2min后扦插成活率可达到77.4%和73.3%;从扦插苗的发根数与根系生长速度来看,用50倍ABT液浸泡20s和300倍浸泡30s后扦插的大叶榉苗根系生长最好,既多又长;2年生硬枝扦插的与1年生嫩枝扦插对大叶榉扦插成活率和发根数影响不大,但前者的平均根长略低于后者,两者约相差10%-30%,因此,即可采用1年生嫩枝又可采用2年生硬枝进行大叶榉扦插繁殖。  相似文献   

三、造林1.杉木:用ABT7号生根粉25ppm浸根1小时,成活率968%。比对照提高3.9%,年高生长量提高23叽。2.湿地松:用ABT8号生根粉25ppm浸根1小时,成活率94%。3杜仲:用ABT6号生根粉50ppm浸根40分钟,成活率95.4%,比对照提高26.9%。经ABT处理的苗木造林1年后,生长量显著增加,平均高生长比对照增加4.scm。单株平均发枝数多22个枝条。4.枣树:用ABT6号生根粉50ppm浸根1/]\时,成活率提高56%。根系平均增加19条,基径增加1.22cm,新消生长量增加匕.scm。5.侧柏:用ABTh号生根粉50ppm浸根40分钟。平均成活率达75%…  相似文献   

云南金沙江流域华山松人工林水土保持效益研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以裸地为对照,对云南金沙江流域的华山松人工林林地的土壤物理性状及营养成分、林分涵养水源的能力、林冠层降雨截流功能、土壤水分动态变化、土壤渗透能力、林地地表径流及泥沙量以及地表生物量和根系分布状况进行了定点、定量观测研究。结果表明:华山松林对改良土壤、增加肥力具有明显的作用,与裸地相比,其林地有机质、土壤月均含水率、渗透性能分别是裸地的2.74、1.14、4.61倍,土壤最大蓄水量比裸地高56.74%;华山松林分年降雨截流量为63.7mm,截流率为20.2%,径流率为5.7%。径流削减率为91.3%,泥沙削减率为95.6%;土层20cm之上根系占总量的83%,对地面固土保水起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

在河边两岸栽培箣竹,箣竹栽培成活率高,平均每百株箣竹母株成活率达到95.9%。出笋率达。到100%,每株箣竹母株平均出笋达2.2株。箣竹出笋成竹生长迅速,试验结果表明7年生平均竹稍高7.6m,胸径粗16.6cm,枝叶茂盛,枯枝落叶多,能保护河岸不被洪水径流,可保持水土,起到固岸作用。  相似文献   

以引进竹种Guadua amplexifolia为对象,进行了种苗林竹丛结构调控、全年连续育苗和主枝、次生枝扦插育苗试验,结果表明:种苗林竹丛结构调控对提高新竹质量有显著作用,处理较对照新竹径级增大51.5%,立竹全高增加30.9%;全年3次移栽育苗成活率均达87%以上,其中以5月份移栽效果好,成竹率达45.7%;1年生、2年生立竹主枝、次生枝扦插成活率68%以上,各处理生根时间无显著差异,平均为47d,综合扦插成活率、出笋成竹数、新竹地径等,以2年生立竹主枝扦插效果最佳。  相似文献   

The jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)/wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) agroforestry system is frequently used in China’s Xinjiang Province. The system improves land-use efficiency and increases economic returns. A field experiment was conducted at the Hetian oasis in southern Xinjiang Province to investigate the relationship between root distribution and interspecific interaction between the two intercropped species. The study included seven treatments: sole-cropped 5, 7, or 9-year-old jujube trees (treatments 1–3); 5, 7, or 9-year-old jujube trees intercropped with wheat (treatments 4–6); and sole-cropped wheat (treatment 7). To determine vertical root distribution, soil cores were collected in 20-cm increments from the 0 to 100-cm soil depth. The cores were collected at horizontal distances of 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 cm from the jujube rows. The results showed that the land equivalent ratios were >1 for the three jujube/wheat intercropping systems. This indicated that these systems were advantageous compared with sole cropping. Tree height, breast height diameter, and mean crown radius were less in the intercropped treatments than in the corresponding sole-cropped treatments. Intercropping reduced the root length densities (RLDs) and root diameters (RDs) of both jujube and wheat at all soil depths. The RLD and RD of 9-year-old jujube trees were greater than those of the 5- and 7-year-old trees, which indicated that the root systems of the 9-year-old trees were more developed. Wheat root growth was inhibited more by older jujube trees than by younger ones. In conclusion, jujube tree/wheat intercropping can be practical and beneficial in the region. However, the mechanisms involved in the belowground interspecific interactions are still unknown. Additional research is needed to provide optimal management strategies and technologies for jujube/wheat intercropping.  相似文献   

通过地膜覆盖可增加土壤温度,显度,促进枣树提前萌芽和集中萌芽,从而显著提高枣树根蘖苗栽植成活率,其中尤以全封闭地膜效果最佳,成活率可高达88.6%,其次是露枝覆盖。同时,地膜覆盖呆明显促进地上部的加长生长和加粗生长,以及地下部新根的生长和发育,为根蘖苗后期的生长提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

植物生长物质萘乙酸、吲哚丁酸、生根粉对枣树根蘖苗的促控作用非常明显,其作用是通过对地上部加长生长、加粗生长和地下部根系发育的影响来实现的。三种外源激素的浓度分别为萘乙酸0.1%、吲哚丁酸0.1%、生根粉0.05%,其中尤以萘乙酸0.1%效果最好,成活率可高达71.4%。浓度过高则会抑制根蘖苗的生长,降低成活率。  相似文献   

Percival GC  Noviss K 《Tree physiology》2008,28(11):1685-1692
We determined the influence of the triazole derivatives paclobutrazol, penconazole, epixiconazole, propiconazole and myclobutanil on the drought tolerance and post drought recovery of container-grown horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) saplings. Myclobutanil neither conferred drought resistance, as assessed by its effects on a number of physiological and biochemical parameters, nor affected growth parameters measured after recovery from drought. Chlorophyll fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)), photosynthetic rates, total foliar chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations, foliar proline concentration and superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were consistently higher and leaf necrosis and cellular electrolyte leakage was lower at the end of a 3-week drought in trees treated with paclobutrazol, penconazole, epixiconazole or propiconazole than in control trees. Twelve weeks after drought treatment, leaf area and shoot, root and total plant dry masses were greater in triazole-treated trees than in control trees with the exception of those treated with myclobutanil. In a separate study, trees were subjected to a 2-week drought and then sprayed with paclobutrazol, penconazole, epixiconazole, propiconazole or myclobutanil. Chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic rate, foliar chlorophyll concentration and catalase activity over the following 12 weeks were 20 to 50% higher in triazole-treated trees than in control trees. At the end of the 12-week recovery period, leaf area and shoot, root and total plant dry masses were higher in triazole-treated trees than in control trees, with the exception of trees treated with myclobutanil. Application of triazole derivatives, with the exception of myclobutanil, enhanced tolerance to prolonged drought and, when applied after a 2-week drought, hastened recovery from drought. The magnitude of treatment effects was in the order epixiconazole approximately propiconazole > penconazole > paclobutrazol > myclobutanil.  相似文献   

Even though agronomists have considered the spatial root distribution of plants to be important for interspecific interactions in agricultural intercropping, few experimental studies have quantified patterns of root distribution and their impacts on interspecific interactions in agroforestry systems. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the relationship between root distribution and interspecific interactions between intercropped jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) in Hetian, south Xinjiang province, northwest China. Roots were sampled by auger in 2-, 4- and 6-year-old jujube tree/wheat intercropping and in sole wheat and 2-, 4- and 6-year-old sole jujube down to 100 cm depth in the soil profile. The roots of both intercropped wheat and jujube had less root length density (RLD) at all soil depths than those of sole wheat and jujube trees. The RLD of 6-year-old jujube intercropped with wheat at different soil depths was influenced by intercropping to a smaller extent than in other jujube/wheat intercropping combinations. 6-year-old jujube exhibited a stronger negative effect on the productivity of wheat than did 2- or 4-year-old jujube and there was less effect on productivity of jujube in the 6-year-old system than in the 2- or 4-year-old jujube trees grown in monoculture. These findings may partly explain the interspecific competition effects in jujube tree/wheat agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

Three controlled water supply treatments were applied to 1-year-old peach trees grown in root observation boxes. The treatments were: I(0), growth medium maintained at 50% field capacity; I(1), water supplied when daily net tree stem diameter change was negative or zero for 1 day; I(3) as for I(1) except that water was applied after net daily stem diameter change was negative or zero for 3 consecutive days. Trees in treatment I(0) had the greatest mean daily first-order shoot growth rates, and trees in treatment I(3) had the lowest shoot growth rates. Because leaf production rate (apparent plastochron) of first-order shoots was unaffected by treatment, differences in shoot length were due to differences in internode extension and not to the number of internodes. Trees in treatment I(0) had a greater number of second-order shoot axes than trees in treatment I(1) or I(3). Furthermore, an increase in the rate of growth of the first-order shoot axis was associated with an increased tendency for branching (i.e., the development of sylleptic second-order shoots). Increased leaf length was also associated with more frequent watering. Trees in treatment I(0) had the greatest root lengths and dry weights, and this was attributed to a greater number of first-and second-order (lateral) root axes compared with trees in the I(1) and I(3) treatments. The extension rate and apical diameter of first-order roots were reduced by the I(3) treatment. The density of second-order roots along primary root axes was not affected by any of the treatments.  相似文献   

2种移栽方式对银杏根系、枝叶生长与水分状况的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定移植后栽培于控根容器和种植穴中银杏新生根系和枝叶的生长状况、管胞和纹孔的显微结构以及茎流速率、枝条栓塞脆弱性、叶片蒸腾速率、气孔导度等水分生理指标,探讨不同栽培方式对银杏生长恢复和水分状况的影响.结果表明:在同样生长范围的新生根系生物量中,容器银杏的小根数量最多,而穴植银杏的粗根所占的比例最大,容器银杏细根和小根的根长密度约为穴植银杏6.12倍.容器银杏枝条长度、粗度和叶面积分别比穴植银杏增加约51.2%、34.6%和33.0%,差异显著;管胞形状比穴植银杏明显变宽变短,纹孔形状由椭圆形变为近似圆形.容器银杏白天的茎流速率较大,昼夜变化规律明显,枝条栓塞脆弱性降低,叶片气孔导度、蒸腾速率和叶片水势较高,在0.05水平上存在显著差异.此外,容器银杏再次移植时能保证根系完整,是比较理想的银杏大规格苗木栽培方式.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at Hetian, southern Xinjiang, northwest China, to investigate root morphology as affected by interspecific interactions between jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The treatments comprised (1) sole wheat, (2) 3-, 5- and 7-year-old sole jujube trees, and (3) intercropping of wheat/3-, 5- and 7-year-old jujube trees. Roots were sampled by auger in each plot down to 100 cm depth at 20 cm intervals in the soil profile and horizontally up to 150 cm away from the base of the trees at 30 cm intervals. All jujube/wheat intercropping systems had advantages of intercropping with a land equivalent ratio (LER) >1. There were significant differences in the contours of both root length density (RLD) and root diameter (RD) in intercropped wheat and jujube in the vertical and horizontal direction at corresponding soil depths but the RLD and RD of the 7-year-old jujube/wheat intercropping system were less influenced by intercropping in this respect than 3- and 5-year-old jujube intercropped with wheat. The roots of both intercropped wheat and jujube had smaller RLD, RD and larger specific root lengths (SRLs) at corresponding soil depths than did sole wheat and jujube. The older the jujube the larger were the SRL values of intercropped wheat and the smaller the RLD and RD of intercropped wheat. The greater the distance from the jujube the less influence there was on the RLD, SRL and RD of intercropped wheat and jujube and the greater the distance from the jujube the smaller was the SRL of intercropped wheat and the greater the RLD and RD of intercropped wheat (but still less than the monoculture wheat). The older the jujube the more developed were the jujube roots so that the smaller the SRL of jujube the bigger the RLD and RD of jujube. Jujube tree roots showed a mainly downward trend and extended laterally 150 cm from the trees resulting in the roots of the jujube trees and the wheat having niche overlap at a soil depth of 20–40 cm. The mechanisms underlying the thinner roots of wheat and jujube require further investigation.  相似文献   

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