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石鲽为冷水性底栖鱼类,水温在5~24℃均能正常生长,适盐范围在17~33,喜栖于砂泥底质地带,一般白天潜伏沙中,夜间觅食,游泳力不强,洄游距离短。因此,选择的池塘应有独立的进排水系统,进排水方便,每潮汛可自然纳水6~8天,水质无污染,砂泥底质,pH值稳定。 相似文献
利用组织学方法对人工培育的石鲽(Kareius bicoloratusBasiewsky)仔、幼鱼性腺发育进行研究。结果表明,性腺的发育与体长密切相关。刚孵化石鲽的原生殖细胞数目为2个,孵化3 d数目增至8个,之后经过迁移,至孵化9 d到达生殖嵴。在全长为7.2~8.5 mm(孵化9~11 d)的仔鱼中,性腺原基中的体细胞迅速增殖并包围原生殖细胞,后者在全长10~15 mm(孵化后10~35 d)的仔幼鱼中增殖成为生殖干细胞。原始性腺在全长15~30 mm(孵化40~60 d)的幼鱼中逐渐发育完善,呈细线状,位于腹腔后部中肾管下方紧贴体壁。雌性性腺最早在全长32.5 mm(孵化66 d)的个体中出现分化特征,至全长89~102 mm时雌性性腺特征完全分化。雄性性腺的分化较雌性性腺晚,最早在全长为91 mm的幼鱼中开始,至全长为114~118 mm时雄性性腺分化特征已经十分明显。 相似文献
禾花鲤一年多次人工繁殖技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
禾花鲤亦称禾花鱼、乌鲤,属鲤科温水性鱼类,鱼体粗短,全身略带紫色,背部黑色。肉质细嫩,味甜,当体重长到50克以上时便可作为商品鱼食用,养殖周期短,效益高,在南方一年可以养殖2~3批商品鱼。随着近几年养殖面积的扩大,需要的苗种越来越多,一般的鱼苗生产都集中在春季,夏季以后鱼苗紧缺,因此一年 相似文献
本文报道了自1973年以来河鳗人工繁殖研究的基本情况,包括亲鳗催熟、催产以及胚胎发育和培育等试验内容。试验结果表明,在人工催熟和水温逐渐升高的条件下,大部分亲鳗在4月上旬至5月中旬性腺成熟。从1974年至1978年总的产卵受精率为8.4%(其中流卵和产死卵者不计在内)。亲鳗自然产卵的时间一般在凌晨4时至6时20分之间,水温在18.5—24.5℃范围。产卵行为较特殊,产卵前发情时,雄鳗和雌鳗先后由池底阴暗处游至水表,沿池边环游追逐,最后在较小范围内急游产卵授精,产毕又回至池底。海水盐度在23—29.8‰范围,均能产卵受精,并孵出鳗苗。孵出后头两天的仔鳗悬于水表;第3天的仔鳗,卵黄囊大部分吸收,消化道全通,在肠内开始发现食物团,肠道内有强烈的纤毛运动,鱼体开始悬于水中,有极缓慢的下沉和上升;第4天眼球出现黑色素,晶体透明,上、下颌能启闭,有四对牙齿;第5天,肠道有蠕动波,出现肝脏原基,静止时侧卧水底;第14天,仔鳗在微流水中能不断游动,在静水中常处于水底。仔鳗养至第19天,存活434小时。 相似文献
暗纹东方鲀生殖洄游期性腺发育特点及人工繁殖的研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
1996~1998年,作者从长江下游扬中段采捕暗纹东方鱼屯亲鱼,经暂养促熟处理(微流水刺激、投喂鲜活饵料、不定期注射适量的LHRH-A2),雌鱼的性腺可发育到Ⅳ期末,对外源激素能引起正常的排卵反应。同时观察了Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期性腺发育的特点。催产药物为LHRH-A2和PG,三针注射,雌鱼剂量为35mgPG+60μgLHRH-A2/kg,雄鱼剂量减半。在水温18~22℃的条件下,效应时间为10~36小时;在21~22℃时,胚胎发育时间为139~210小时。1997~1998年的平均受精率为834%,平均孵化率为780%。 相似文献
鸭绿江口中国蛤蜊生物学初步研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
本文对中国蛤蜊生物学进行了初步研究。中国蛤蜊生活在水温-1.9—31.5℃、盐度8.6-34.8%的浅海或潮间带,埋栖在2—7厘米深的泥砂中,移动性较强。成体以浮游硅藻类为主要食物。1、2龄时生长迅速;3龄后生长缓慢。六月初软体部丰满,鲜出肉率为40.32%。中国蛤蜊雌雄异体,满1龄性成熟。繁殖期在五月下旬到九月间。五月下旬表层水温14—15℃时有少量产卵。性细胞分批成熟分批排放。卵子在胚胞期即能接受精子,并能进行正常的受精发育,可进行人工解剖授精。可用阴干、流水、升温等方法,诱导其产卵。胚胎发育适宜温度的下限在16℃左右。 相似文献
线纹尖塘鳢全人工繁殖技术初步研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
我国没有尖塘鳢属(Oxyeletris)鱼类。1986年,我课题组从泰国引进了云斑尖塘鳢(O.marmoratus),1996年又从澳大利亚引进了线纹尖塘鳢(O.lineolatus)。10多年来,珠三角地区的养殖业和科技工作不断从东南亚诸国购进苗种,从事商业性养殖,留养亲本或引进亲本,从事人工繁殖、育苗研究,取得了一些进展,但均未见相关成熟技术的报道,特别是批量商业性种苗的生产上。国内外有关尖塘鳢的全人工繁养殖技术实际处于同一起跑线。我国至今仍在进口的“笋壳鱼”鲜活商品,主要来自泰国、越南等产地国的野生采捅。我课题组经过了多年的探索、研究,终于在线纹尖塘鳢的行为习性、生长、发育生物学与生态学等基础研究,池养全人工繁殖技术上取得了较大突破,在国内率先获得了大批量的商业性种苗。2002年繁育全长3~5cm早期幼鱼27.8万尾;2003年繁育120万尾,已供应省内珠三角地区及浙江、江苏、四川等地62万尾。 相似文献
塘养金鲈(Macquaria ambigua)3足龄可达性成熟。注射HCG或HCG+脑垂体均可诱导金鲈产卵。水温23-25℃,注射剂量为雄鱼300IuHCG 1粒脑垂体/kg,雌鱼剂量加倍或单独注射800IuHCG/kg,效应时间为28-30h,受精率为15%,孵化率为60%。从受精卵开始发育到仔鱼出现膜孵出需时27h。 相似文献
暗纹东方Tun生殖洄游期性腺发育特点及人工繁殖的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1996 ̄1998年,作者从长江下游扬中段采捕暗纹东方Tun亲鱼,经暂养促熟处理(微流水刺激、投喂鲜活饵料、不定期注射适量的LHRH-A2),雌鱼的性腺可发育到IV期末,对外源激素能引起正常的排卵反应。同时观察了Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期性腺发育的特点。催产药物为LHRH-A2和PG,三针注射,雌鱼剂量为3.5mgPG+60μgLHRH-A2/kg,雄鱼剂量减半。在水温18 ̄22℃的条件下,效应时间为10 ̄36 相似文献
石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus)脑垂体呈鸡心形,由神经垂体和腺垂体两部分组成。腺垂体又包括前外侧部(RPD)、中外侧部(PPD)和垂体中间部(PI)。神经纤维束延伸至腺垂体的各个部分。采用HE、Jafri、HA、Mallory和PAS染色法,结合免疫组织化学方法,对石鲽脑垂体的6种内分泌细胞进行鉴别和定位。RPD部位主要含有PRL和ACTH细胞,PI部位主要含有MSH细胞。PPD部位有4类细胞,分别为GH、Gt H、TSH和嫌色细胞。GH、Gt H和TSH细胞数量随鱼体生长发育而变化,Gt H在性腺成熟期达到高峰,GH细胞和TSH细胞在生长早期数量多。 相似文献
石鲽人工育苗技术研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据石鳞的生物学特性,对其人工育苗中的亲鱼选择培育、采卵授精、人工孵化、仔稚鱼培育等关键技术进行了试验研究,并探讨了其与水温、光照等的关系。 相似文献
PETER MUNK CLIVE J. FOX LOES J. BOLLE CINDY J. G. van DAMME PETTER FOSSUM GERD KRAUS 《Fisheries Oceanography》2009,18(6):458-469
Spawning of fishes takes place across a wide area of the North Sea. However, more intense spawning is seen in restricted areas, indicating that such areas present favorable conditions. To update information on fish spawning in the North Sea and analyze potential linkages to hydrographic characteristics, an internationally coordinated survey was conducted in the winter/spring of 2004. Oblique hauls for fish eggs and larvae and vertical profiles of temperature and salinity were carried out at 393 stations across the entire North Sea. The hydrography was strongly influenced by the interfacing of water masses of different salinity, and frontal zones were seen along all coastal areas and off the Dogger and Fisher Banks. Total abundances of eggs and larvae, including fish species such as cod, haddock, plaice, long rough dab and sandeel, peaked in the vicinity of the frontal areas. Hence our findings indicate that the main spawning locations of fish are linked to recurrent hydrographic features such as salinity fronts. Such a linkage may provide survival advantages, as the fronts present favorable feeding conditions, and the related physical processes may confine egg and larval dispersal and transport them towards suitable nursery habitats. 相似文献
应用扫描电镜技术对人工繁育鲻(Mugil cephalus)早期发育阶段10、15、23、36、40和44日龄的仔、稚、幼鱼鳃结构作了观察,同时计测其呼吸表面积,探讨幼体体质量、体长与呼吸表面积之间的相关关系。结果显示,随着日龄增长,仔、稚、幼鱼的鳃结构和功能逐渐完善,鳃丝总数随仔、稚、幼鱼全长和体质量的增加分别呈幂指数式和对数式增加;单位长度鳃小片数与体质量之比值随体质量的增长呈幂指数式增加;体质量与总呼吸面积之间的变化关系以及体质量与单个鳃小片面积之间的变化关系可分别用二次项关系式表达。研究结果表明,鲻鳃的发育和分化是与仔、稚、幼鱼的生长、形态发育及生理功能的完善同步。 相似文献
天津大银鱼仔、幼鱼的食性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1995年3月至5月对天津地区北塘、黄港二库、东丽水库的大银鱼仔、幼鱼的食性进行了分析研究。成鱼为肉食性鱼类,但在仔、幼鱼阶段主要摄食浮游生物中的原生动物,肠道中未找到枝角类,仔、幼鱼阶段的食性不是专一的,随水体中饵料生物组成的变化而变化。 相似文献
Benjamin J. Laurel Alisa Abookire Steve J. Barbeaux L. Zoe Almeida Louise A. Copeman Janet Duffy-Anderson Thomas P. Hurst Michael A. Litzow Trond Kristiansen Jessica A. Miller Wayne Palsson Sean Rooney Hillary L. Thalmann Lauren A. Rogers 《Fish and Fisheries》2023,24(6):959-978
The rapid decline in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus, Gadidae) biomass following multiple Gulf of Alaska marine heatwaves (2014–2016 and 2019) may be one of the most dramatic documented changes in a sustainably managed marine fishery. As such, fisheries managers are exploring new recruitment paradigms for Pacific cod under novel environmental conditions. In this review, we address the challenges of managing and forecasting Pacific cod populations in the Eastern Pacific where thermal habitats for early life stages are undergoing varying rates of change across space and time. We use observational data to examine changes in distribution, abundance and demographics of the population from 1993 to 2020, and model contemporary and future changes of thermal habitat for both spawning success and age-0 juvenile growth potential. Results indicate that reduced spawning habitat and early life stage abundance may be a precursor to regional population decline, but the recent apparent increases in size-at-age of pre-recruits will have unknown impacts on future recruitment in these regions. We contend that continued monitoring of early life stages will be necessary to track changes in phenology and growth that likely determine size-at-age and the survival trajectories of year classes into the adult population. These include complex size- and temperature-dependent energetics spanning seasonal habitats through the first winter. Climate-ready management of Pacific cod will, therefore, require new process investigations beyond single-season surveys focused on one-life stage. 相似文献
杀鲑气单胞菌一新亚种的生物学特性及系统发育学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus L.)细菌性败血感染症的病鱼(濒死及死亡不久)中分离到相应病原菌,进行形态特征、理化特性等较系统的表观分类学指征鉴定及代表菌株DNA中G+Ct001%的测定。同时,选择代表菌株进行16S rRNA基因的分子鉴定,测定16S rRNA基因序列、分析相关细菌相应序列的同源性,构建系统发生树。结果表明,分离鉴定的60株菌为杀鲑气单胞菌的一个新亚种(subsp.nov.),定名为杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲽亚种(Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.flounderacia subsp.nov.)。代表菌株HQ010320-1及HQ010320-5的16S rRNA基因序列与GenBank数据库中的杀鲑气单胞菌的同源性在99%和100%。 相似文献
Laboratory and field investigations were conducted to study the food habit of Chinese perch Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) from first feeding through adult stage. Only fish larvae were consumed by Chinese perch larvae (2–21 days from hatching), and the presence of zooplankton did not have any significant effect on their survival rate. The ability of Chinese perch to feed on zooplankton is clearly limited by some innate factor. Instead of gill rakers, Chinese perch larvae have well‐developed sharp teeth at the first feeding stage, and are well adapted to the piscivorous feeding habit unique to the larvae of Chinese perch, e.g. they bite and ingest the tails of other fish larvae. At the first feeding stage (2 days from hatching), daily rations were both very low, either in light or complete darkness. Although early‐staged Chinese perch larvae (7–17 days from hatching) could feed in complete darkness, their daily rations were always significantly higher in light than in complete darkness. Late‐staged Chinese perch larvae (21 days from hatching) were able to feed in complete darkness as well as in light, similar to the case of Chinese perch yearlings. Chinese perch yearlings (total length, 14–16 cm) consumed prey fish only and refused shrimp when visual cues were available (in light), but they consumed both prey when visual cues were not available (in complete darkness), suggesting that prey consumption by Chinese perch yearlings is affected by their sensory modality in predation. Both prey were found in the stomachs of similar‐sized Chinese perch (total length, 14–32 cm) from their natural habitat, suggesting that shrimp are consumed by Chinese perch at night. Prey selection of Chinese perch with a length >38 cm, which consumed only fish in the field, appears to be based upon prey size instead of prey type. These results suggest that although environmental factors (e.g. light intensity) affect prey detection by Chinese perch, this fish is anatomically and behaviourally predisposed to prey on live fish from first feeding. This makes it a difficult fish to cultivate using conventional feeds. 相似文献