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The essential items of the relevant EU legislation are described and their effects are discussed. A brief survey of the four most important legal regulations in the EU relevant for cattle transport is given from the point of view of administration. These regulations are: The Directive 91/628/EEC 1991 (protection of animals during transport), Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/97 (criteria for staging points and route plan), Council Regulation (EC) No 411/98 (additional standards for road vehicles for long distance transport), Commission Regulation (EC) No 615/98 (export refund regulations). Some critical points of the objectives are pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper presents the legal regulations related to the use of food additives in meat production in Poland and the European Union. The Polish legal definition of food additives is given as well as the classification of permitted food additives added to food and stimulants by their technological function. In addition, a definition of processing aids in the food industry is included. It shows that Polish legislation includes food additives used to ensure or improve food nutritional value, whereas in the EU legislation, these substances are not included in the list of food additives. Moreover, the Council Directives include food additive specific purity criteria, whereas the Polish regulations do not mention the legal regulations of this issue in practice. The European Union use mechanisms and procedures for the introduction of new food additives into internal markets as well as controlling the circulation of additives. The Polish legislation in practice, however, does not determine approval or methods for the introduction of new food additives to the market. Legal regulations on the monitoring of food additives no exist.  相似文献   

Harmonization of the method for calculating the withdrawal period for milk dates from the 1990s. European harmonization has led to guidance with three accepted methods for determining the withdrawal period for milk that are currently applicable. These three methods can be used by marketing authorization holders, but, in some cases, their diversity can lead to very different withdrawal periods. This is particularly the case when concentrations in milk are nonmonotonic and heterogeneous, meaning that concentrations strictly increase and then strictly decrease with significant interindividual variability in the time to reach the maximal concentration. Here, we first describe the concepts associated with the different methods used in the harmonized approach currently applicable for the determination of milk withdrawal periods, and then, we propose the application of a modern pharmacometric tool. Finally, with a nonmonotonic heterogeneous dataset, we illustrate the usefulness of this tool in comparison with the three currently applicable methods and discuss the limitations and advantages of each method.  相似文献   

The assessment of withdrawal periods for milk is affected by the occurrence of data below the lower analytical quantification limit (BLQ data) and the resulting uncertainty. The current regulatory approach for dealing with BLQ residues is simple and easy: BLQ data (and missing data) are arbitrarily reassigned a value of one‐half the LOQ before any calculation on the data with one of the three currently applicable methods. Here, we reconsider the determination of the withdrawal period of milk with data below the limit of quantification. Theoretical background on analytical limits and pharmacometric considerations will be established. Then, we analyze the uncertainty problems caused by the current approach and propose a calculation solution (maximum‐likelihood estimation handling left‐censored data) included in nonlinear mixed‐effects modeling. Finally, we illustrate this issue using a case example.  相似文献   

Consequences of the ban of meat and bone meal (MBM) and animal fat with regard to livestock feeding, cropping, ecology and economy where investigated with an inter-disciplinary approach for Germany and the European Union. Calculations were made for different production systems with pigs and poultry on the basis of statistical data for the production and for the feed markets as well as from requirement data for the respective species and production system. (1.) The ban of MBM from feeding caused a need for alternative protein sources. If all the amount of protein from MBM is to be replaced by soybean meal, in Germany and the EU about 0.30 and 2.30 x 10(6) t would be needed each year (supplementary amino acids not considered). Alternatively, doubling the grain legume acreage in Germany to about 420,000 ha would supply a similar amount of protein. A wider application of phase feeding with adjusted dietary amino acid concentrations, however, would allow for saving protein to an extent which is similar to the amount of protein that was contributed by MBM in recent years. Thus, the ban is a minor problem in terms of ensuring amino acid supply. (2.) However, alternative plant ingredients cannot compensate for the gap in P supply that is caused by the ban. An additional demand for inorganic feed phosphates of about 14,000 and 110,000 t per year is given in Germany and the EU, respectively. So far, this gap is filled almost completely by increased mining of rock phosphates. Alternatively, a general application of microbial phytase to all diets would largely fill this gap. Until the ban, MBM contributed to 57% of the supplementation of P that was needed for pigs and poultry. The ban of MBM makes large amounts of P irreversibly disappearing from the food chain. (3.) Energy from slaughter offal and cadavers can be utilized in different technologies, in the course of which the efficiency of energy utilisation depends on the technology applied. It is efficient in the cement work or rotation furnace if heat is the main energy required. In contrast, the energetic efficiency of fermentation is low. (4.) Incineration or co-incineration of MBM and other by-products causes pollution gas emissions amounting to about 1.4 kg CO2 and 0.2 kg NOx per kg. The CO2 production as such is hardly disadvantageous, because heat and electrical energy can be generated by the combustion process. The prevention of dangerous gaseous emissions from MBM burning is current standard in the incineration plants in Germany and does not affect the environment inadmissibly. (5.) The effects of the MBM ban on the price for compound feed is not very significant. Obviously, substitution possibilities between different feed ingredients helped to exchange MBM without large price distortions. However, with each kg MBM not used in pig and poultry feeding economic losses of about 0.14 [symbol: see text] have to considered. In conclusion, the by far highest proportion of raw materials for MBM comes as by-products from the slaughter process. Coming this way, and assuring that further treatment is safe from the hygienic point of view, MBM and animal fat can be regarded as valuable sources of amino acids, minerals and energy in feeding pigs and poultry. Using them as feedstuffs could considerably contribute to the goal of keeping limited nutrients, phosphorus in particular, within the nutrient cycle and dealing responsible with limited resources.  相似文献   

The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, founded in 1910 by Friedrich Loeffler, the discoverer of the first animal virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, is the oldest virological research facility in the world. Beyond viruses, its area of competence has significantly expanded since its foundation and now also covers bacterial, parasitic and prion diseases of livestock, poultry and aquatic animals. Presently located at four sites within Germany (Insel Riems, Jena,Tübingen,Wusterhausen) the tasks of the institute as delineated in the Animal Disease Act encompass research on infectious animal diseases including zoonoses, import/export examinations, epidemiological studies in case of outbreaks of notifiable animal diseases, acting as reference laboratory for notifiable animal diseases and nationwide quality management of diagnosis of notifiable animal diseases. It is obliged to publish and maintain up-to-date diagnostic regimes for notifiable animal diseases, and it publishes a yearly report on animal health in Germany. With the increasing importance of infectious diseases of animals, in particular those potentially harmful to man (zoonoses), the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut will be moving into new facilities including laboratories and animal facilities up to the highest biosafety level at its main site Insel Riems on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.  相似文献   

王卫国 《饲料工业》2012,33(11):1-7
文章综述了美国、欧盟和中国的饲料管理的主要法律、法规、指令、指南等。美国、欧盟的饲料管理法规建设历史长、系统、完整、科学、可操作性强。我国饲料管理法规建设发展相对较晚,发展很快,需要借鉴美、欧的经验。饲料法规的发展趋势是更为科学、系统、操作简便、高效率,有利于保护食品安全、动物安全与福利、有利于建立公平、和谐的法制环境,促进饲料工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Intestinal wounds require precise closure after intestinal biopsy, enterotomy, or enterectomy in small animals. Preexisting factors such as intra‐abdominal sepsis and hypoalbuminemia as well as poor surgical technique increase the risk of intestinal dehiscence, with considerable negative impact on patient morbidity and mortality. Live dog studies have demonstrated the dangers of mucosal eversion especially in the septic abdomen. Approximating patterns preserve luminal diameter, heal optimally, and have equal bursting strength compared with inverting patterns after 24 hours. Simple interrupted and simple continuous suture patterns and disposable skin staples are established alternatives for manual wound closure. Knotless quilled suture currently used in laparoscopic gastropexy techniques shows bursting strength equal to monofilament sutures in dog cadaveric intestine. Dehiscence rates with hand sewn vs titanium automated stapling anastomosis are similar in uncomplicated cases; however, auto stapling devices may be the preferred method of anastomosis when preexisting abdominal sepsis is present and when patient size allows it. Regardless of the technique, current standard of care involves leak testing and omental wrapping, followed by early postoperative feeding. The past decade has ushered in an exciting new era of laparoscopic assisted techniques that have the potential to reduce postoperative pain and patient morbidity. An understanding of these applications will establish the future of minimally invasive small animal intestinal surgery for veterinary specialists. In summary, surgeons have a variety of methods at their disposal for optimal clinical outcome in small animal intestinal surgery.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is of increasing importance for the European Community, which is reinforced by the Protocol to the EC Treaty on protection and welfare of animals. After the recent improvements to the legislation on the protection of pigs, the next priority for the Commission is the further development of the standards of animal transportation, particularly since a report of the Commission pointed out shortcomings in the enforcement of the existing rules in this area.  相似文献   

Due to the implementation of oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programmes, the European Union (EU) is becoming progressively free of red fox (Vulpes vulpes)-mediated rabies. Over the past three decades, the incidence of rabies had decreased substantially and vast areas of Western and Central Europe have been freed from rabies using this method of controlling an infectious disease in wildlife. Since rabies control is a top priority in the EU, the disease is expected to be eliminated from the animal source in the near future. While responsible authorities may consider the mission of eliminating fox rabies from the EU almost accomplished, there are still issues to be dealt with and challenges to be met that have not yet been in the focus of attention, but could jeopardise the ultimate goal. Among them are increasing illegal movements of animals, maintaining funding support for vaccination campaigns, devising alternative vaccine strategies in neighbouring Eastern European countries and the expanding distribution range of several potential rabies reservoir species in Europe.  相似文献   

Towards eradication of bovine tuberculosis in the European Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the developments and progress towards eradication of bovine tuberculosis in the European Union (EU). A historical view of the EU legislation aimed at mainly approximating provisions on intra-community in cattle trade explains the present EU policies. The variety of cattle breeding systems and environmental conditions in the EU leads to different epidemiological situations. The current situation of bovine tuberculosis in the EU Member States is summarised, and current policy in the EU is outlined.  相似文献   

Resistance to third and fourth generation cephalosporins is rapidly increasing in bacteria infecting humans. Although many of these problems are linked to human to human transmission and to use of antimicrobials in human medicine, the potential role of community reservoirs such as food producing animals needs to be scrutinized. Resistance to third and fourth generation cephalosporins is emerging in enteric bacteria of food producing animals and also in food of animal origin. The genes encoding resistance to these cephalosporins are transferrable and often linked to other resistance genes. Systemic use of third and fourth cephalosporins selects for resistance, but co-selection by other antimicrobials is also likely to influence prevalence of resistance. Although there are many uncertainties, the potential consequences of a further increase of resistance to this critically important class of antimicrobials in bacteria colonising animals are serious. Measures to counter a further increase and spread of resistance among animals should therefore be considered.  相似文献   

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