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从土壤学的观点,认为土壤硬度系指农业机械的静荷载和动荷载傅递于土壤上,土壤对这些外荷力所能发挥的抵抗力,因此测定这种土壤性质,对于土壤耕作中某些问题的阐明和解决,实具有巨大意义。 1954年初,我们欲研究东北北部暗色草甸土的物理机械性质,从土壤硬度和其他土壤因子间的关系,试图说明暗色草甸土在多雨情况下,土壤下陷机车的原因,并探究解决该问题的途径。但苦无测定这种性质的仪器和方法。后来在“土  相似文献   

利用漏水检测器、碳棒(铅笔芯)等廉价易得的材料可自己动手制做土壤水分检测型灌水装置。该装置制做方法简单,适用于温室内多种盆栽植物的小规律自动控制灌水。  相似文献   

土壤容重和温度对时域反射仪测定土壤水分的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
土壤含量(θV)与电磁波在插入土壤的时域反射仪(TDR)探针中传播时间(T)的半理论,半经验标定曲线θV=(T/Tα-TS/Tα)/(K^0.5W-1)通常用于计算土壤含水量。本项试验应用TDR测定了不同质地及不同容重条件下烘干土壤的TS/Ta值。结果表明,四种被测土壤的Ts/Ta值介于1.61 ̄1.80,且土壤容重大,Ts/Ta值也大,三种农业土壤的Ts/Ta平均值可取1.68。用烘干至饱和含水  相似文献   

TDR探针两种埋没方式下土壤水分的测定及其比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本项试验将时域反射仪(TDR)探针分别竖埋和横埋于冬小麦农田,测定了农田各土层土壤含水量和土体贮水量,分析了这两种埋没方式下实测值之间的绝对偏差和相对偏差,结果表明,TDR探针在竖埋和横埋方式下测定值之间的偏差主要在土壤表层,其原因是土壤特性在土表层垂直方向上的变异较大,以及不同埋设方式下探针测定的土壤体积范围不一,文章指出,当TDR应用于农田土壤贮水量测定时,为了提高测定精度,建议TDR探针在土  相似文献   

TDR探针两种埋设方式下土壤水分的测定及其比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本项试验将时域反射仪(TDR)探针分别竖埋和横埋于冬小麦农田,测定了农田各土层土壤含水量和土体贮水量,分析了这两种埋设方式下实测值之间的绝对偏差和相对偏差。结果表明,TDR探针在竖埋和横埋方式下测定值之间的偏差主要在土壤表层,其原因是土壤特性在土表层垂直方向上的变异较大,以及不同埋设方式下探针测定的土壤体积范围不一。文章指出,当TDR应用于农田土壤贮水量测定时,为了提高测定精度,建议TDR探针在土表层采用竖埋方式,在其它土层范围内用横埋方式。  相似文献   

滴灌灌溉计划制定中毛管埋深对负压计布置方式的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了为采用负压计拟定滴灌灌溉计划提供充分依据,对不同毛管埋深条件下滴灌番茄根区土壤基质势的时空分布进行监测,以探讨采用负压计拟定滴灌番茄灌溉计划的适宜布置方式。试验于2006和2007年在日光温室内的砂质壤土上进行,滴灌毛管设0、15和30 cm 3个埋深,监测距毛管水平距离0、15和30 cm 3个剖面上10、20、30、50、70和90 cm深度的土壤基质势。对番茄根区土壤基质势时空分布和番茄耗水量与土壤基质势变化的相关性分析表明,水平距毛管0、15和30 cm 3个剖面间土壤基质势差异较小,负压计距毛管的水平距离对耗水量与土壤基质势变化的相关程度影响不大;毛管埋深对20~70 cm土层土壤基质势影响显著,负压计埋置深度对耗水量与土壤基质势变化的相关性影响显著,应依据毛管埋深确定负压计适宜埋置深度。建议采用负压计制定灌溉计划时在毛管所在垂直剖面上安装1支即可,该研究条件下,毛管埋深0、15和30 cm时,用于制定灌溉计划的负压计宜分别埋置在毛管所在剖面上30、50和70 cm深度。  相似文献   

A new approach for determining effective soil hydraulic functions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigated the possibility of inferring effective hydraulic properties of soil from the structure of the pore space. The aim was to identify structural properties, which are essential for water flow, so that physical experiments may be replaced by direct morphological measurements. The pore structure was investigated in three dimensions by serial sections through impregnated samples. The complex geometry of pore space was quantified in terms of two characteristics: pore-size distribution and pore connectivity. Only pores larger than 0.04 mm were considered. The results were used as input parameters for a pore-scale network model. The main desorption branch of the soil-water characteristic and the corresponding hydraulic conductivity function of the network model were calculated by numerical simulation. The simulation results, which are exclusively based on morphological investigations, were compared with independently measured results from a multi-step outflow experiment. This approach was demonstrated for two centrasting soil materials: the A and B horizons of a silty agricultural soil. The simulations were close to the experimental data, except for the absolute values of the hydraulic conductivity. The pore-size distribution and pore connectivity govern the shape of hydraulic functions and the applied morphometric methods are suitable for predicting essential characteristics of hydraulic soil properties.  相似文献   

A device for determining the sorptivity of soil aggregates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A device that infiltrated water over a small circular surface area having a radius ranging between 1.45 mm and 2.5 mm was used to measure the sorptivity of initially air-dry aggregates of size greater than 20 mm. The small infiltration area caused the water uptake to be dominated by capillarity that allowed the use of a simple formula to obtain the sorptivity from the steady-state flow rate that occurred very early after the start of imbibition. The results of measurements of sorptivity made on a fine sand agreed with those obtained from measurements on one-dimensional water infiltration into columns of the sand. Sorptivity measurements on stabilized aggregates of a clay soil and on air-dried field aggregates of a clay soil were easily made. The simplicity and rapidity of the method allowed measurements to be conveniently replicated.  相似文献   

A prototype osmotic tensiometer with polymeric gel grains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An accurate field method that directly measures the entire range of relevant soil water potentials for periods of months to years is not yet available. The osmotic tensiometer (OT) has the potential to fulfil these demands but is still in an early stage of development. We have designed a novel OT that should overcome several drawbacks of former designs by the use of cross‐linked polymeric gel grains instead of an aqueous solution of linear chain polymers inside the porous ceramic cup. For this reason, the cup can have large pores without polymer leakage. This ensures that water exchanges rapidly with the soil, resulting in a negligible pressure lag with changing temperatures, which is the most important source of a systematic measurement error of an OT. A second reason for better performance might be the inherent elasticity of the grains which should inhibit formation of a polymer cake at the filter. To study several of the key variables of the new sensor, transient and stationary experiments were performed in an aqueous solution the temperature, salt type and salt concentration of which were varied. Under similar conditions the swelling of the polymer grains was studied in more detail. The OT that we developed responds rapidly to changes in water potential, but is very susceptible to the influence of salts. To study and minimize salt influence, swelling tests of unconfined grains are proposed in combination with tests of the OT itself.  相似文献   

Mathematical tools that may be applied for soil classification purposes are discussed. They include the evaluation of information contained in particular soil attributes, the grouping of soil objects into a given (automatically determined) number of classes, the optimization of the classification decisions, and the development of the models and rules (algorithms) used to classify soil objects. The algorithms of multivariate statistical methods and cluster analysis used for solving these problems are described. The major attention is paid to the development of the systems of informative attributes of soil objects and their classes and to the assessment of the quality of the classification decisions. Particular examples of the solution of the problems of soil classification with the use of formal mathematical methods are given. It is argued that the theoretical and practical problems of classification in science cannot find objective solutions without the application of the modern methods of information analysis. The major problems of the numerical taxonomy of the soil objects described in this paper and the appropriate software tools for their solution should serve as the basis for the creation of not only formal soil classification systems but also the theory of soil classification.  相似文献   

土壤有机质虽然占矿质土壤总量的比例很小,但对土壤质量及功能的调节起着关键作用。因此,寻求合适的土壤有机碳测定方法十分重要。本研究以4个长期定位试验(A、B、C、D)为基础,在灵敏度、相关性等方面对外加热法和碳氮仪法作了比较。结果表明:对于酸性土而言无论测定整土还是团聚体有机碳,两种方法的准确度和灵敏度都很高,但外加热法能更灵敏地反应处理间的差异性;两种方法测定结果有很好相关性,但碳氮仪法测定结果较外加热法偏高;由于测定结果存在差异,在科研工作中两种方法不能混用,以免得出错误结论。  相似文献   

A method for determining microbially available N and P in an organic soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A bioassay of microbially available soil N and P is described. It is based on the addition of glucose together with N or P to soil, followed by monitoring of the respiration rate. The addition of glucose + N resulted in an immediate increase in the soil respiration rate followed by a short period of exponential increase, reflecting the growth of microorganisms on the added substrate. The exponential phase levelled off, when lack of P prevented further growth of the soil microorganisms. The soil respiration rate then remained constant for several hours before decreasing, when glucose became limiting. The addition of glucose + P resulted in a lower plateau of the soil respiration rate, indicating that microbial growth was more limited by N than P in this forest soil (0.28 and 0.79 mg CO2 g-1 organic matter h-1, respectively). Additions of the limiting nutrient resulted in a proportional increase in the constant level of the soil respiration rate. This was used to calculated the increase in the soil respiration rate per mg N (0.71 mg CO2 h-1) or mg P (4.6 mg CO2 h-1) added to this particular soil. Microbially available N was then calculated in two ways from the regression equation (0.15 or 0.40 mg g-1 organic matter) and P (0.13 or 0.17 mg g-1 organic matter). A comparison with 2 M KCl extraction showed that in nutrient-poor forest soils the microbially available N was 6.3 or 18.5 times higher than the KCl extractable N.  相似文献   

The relationship between nutrient influx (In) and solution concentration at the root surface (Clo) has not yet been determined for roots growing in soil because of difficulties in measuring Clo. Corn was grown on two soils with 12 and 21% clay. Each soil had five K levels ranging from low to very high. Potassium influx (In) was determined from K uptake between two harvests and root length. Clo was then calculated from the average soil solution concentration and In by assuming that diffusion is the main transport mechanism for K to the root. Potassium influx plotted against Clo showed a saturation curve, typical of a Michaelis-Menten kinetic relationship. The Michaelis-Menten uptake parameters, maximum influx (Imax) and Michaelis constant (Km), were obtained by the “Hanes” plot. There was close agreement, without lack of fit, between calculated and observed data. The proposed procedure therefore appears to be suitable for estimating the uptake kinetics of roots growing in soil. Requirements for applications of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

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