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Two experiments were conducted to compare ruminal, physiological, and performance responses of forage-fed cattle consuming grain-based supplements without (NF) or with the inclusion (10%; DM basis) of a rumen-protected PUFA (PF) or SFA source (SF). Supplements were offered and consumed at 0.6% of BW/animal daily (DM basis). In Exp. 1, DMI and ruminal in situ forage degradability were evaluated in 3 Angus × Hereford cows fitted with ruminal cannulas and allocated to a 3 × 3 Latin square design. Within each experimental period, hay was offered in amounts to ensure ad libitum access from d 1 to 13, DMI was recorded from d 8 to 13, and cows were limited to receive 90% of their average hay DMI (d 1 to 13) from d 14 to 21. On d 16, polyester bags containing 4 g of ground hay (DM basis) were incubated within the rumen of each cow for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 h. Hay and total DMI were reduced (P < 0.05) in cows receiving PF compared with cows receiving SF and NF. No treatment effects were detected (P > 0.48) for ruminal disappearance rate and effective ruminal degradability of hay DM and NDF. In Exp. 2, preconditioning DMI, ADG, carcass traits, and plasma concentrations of cortisol, fatty acids, acute-phase proteins, and proinflammatory cytokines were assessed in 72 Angus × Hereford steers receiving supplement treatments during a 28-d preconditioning period. All steers were transported to a commercial growing lot after preconditioning (d 1) and were later moved to an adjacent commercial finishing yard (d 144), where they remained until slaughter. No treatment effects were detected (P ≥ 0.52) for preconditioning ADG and G:F, but DMI tended (P = 0.09) to be reduced in steers receiving PF compared with those receiving NF and SF. Plasma PUFA concentrations were greater in steers receiving PF compared with those receiving NF and SF (P = 0.01). After transportation, concentration of tumor necrosis factor-α increased for steers receiving NF, did not change for steers receiving SF, but decreased for steers receiving PF (treatment × day interaction, P < 0.01). Steers fed PF had greater (P = 0.02) ADG compared with those fed NF during the growing phase. Carcass yield grade and marbling were greater (P < 0.05) for steers fed PF compared with those fed NF. In conclusion, PUFA supplementation did not affect ruminal forage degradability but did impair DMI in beef cows. Further, PUFA supplementation to steers during preconditioning reduced plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α after transportation, and benefited growing lot ADG and carcass marbling.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of increasing supplement protein concentration on performance and forage intake of beef cows and forage utilization of steers consuming stockpiled bermudagrass forage. Bermudagrass pastures were fertilized with 56 kg of N/ha in late August. Grazing was initiated during early November and continued through the end of January each year. Treatments for the cow performance trials were: no supplement or daily equivalents of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 g of supplemental protein per kilogram of BW. Supplements were formulated to be isocaloric, fed at the equivalent of 0.91 kg/d, and prorated for 4 d/wk feeding. Varying the concentration of soybean hulls and soybean meal in the supplements created incremental increases in protein. During yr 1, supplemented cows lost less weight and condition compared to unsupplemented animals (P < 0.05). During yr 2, supplemented cows gained more weight (P = 0.06) and lost less condition (P < 0.05) compared to unsupplemented cows. Increasing supplement protein concentration had no affect on cumulative cow weight change or cumulative body condition score change. Forage intake tended to increase (P = 0.13, yr 1 and P = 0.07, yr 2) in supplemented cows. Supplement protein concentration did not alter forage intake. In a digestion trial, four crossbred steers were used in a Latin square design to determine the effects of supplement protein concentration on intake and digestibility of hay harvested from stockpiled bermudagrass pasture. Treatments were no supplement; or 0.23, 0.46, and 0.69 g of supplemental protein per kilogram of BW. Forage intake increased (P < 0.05) 16% and OM intake increased (P < 0.01) 30% in supplemented compared to unsupplemented steers. Diet OM digestibility increased (P = 0.08) 14.5% and total digestible OM intake increased (P < 0.05) 49% in supplemented compared to unsupplemented steers. Supplement protein concentration did not alter forage intake, total digestible OM intake, or apparent digestibility of OM or NDF. During the initial 30 d after first killing frost, beef cows did not respond to supplementation. However, later in the winter, supplementation improved utilization of stockpiled bermudagrass forage.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to compare the performance and physiological responses of forage-fed beef females supplemented with either a molasses-based (ML) or a citrus pulp-based (CT) supplement. In Exp. 1, BW gain, reproductive performance, and concentrations of blood urea N (BUN), plasma glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and progesterone (P4) were assessed in 60 Brahman x Angus heifers supplemented 3 times weekly with either ML or CT. Supplement intakes were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Reproductive performance was not affected by treatments, but mean BW gain was greater (P < 0.01) for heifers fed CT than for those fed ML (0.40 vs. 0.30 kg/d). Mean plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and IGF-I were greater (P < 0.05) for heifers fed CT, whereas BUN was greater (P < 0.05) for heifers fed ML. Mean plasma P4 concentration did not differ between treatments, but both groups had lower plasma P4 concentrations during days that supplements were offered (P < 0.01). In Exp. 2, forage DMI and concentrations of BUN, plasma glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and P4 were assessed in 24 Brahman x British mature cows supplemented with the same treatments described in Exp. 1. Overall forage DMI did not differ between treatments, but a day effect and a treatment x day interaction were detected (P < 0.05). Both groups consumed less forage during the days on which the supplements were offered (P < 0.01), and forage DMI for cows fed CT was less (P < 0.05) than for cows fed ML during those days. No differences were detected in any blood or plasma measurement. In addition, no differences in concentrations of P4 were detected between CT- and ML-fed cows. We concluded that CT-supplemented heifers had greater BW gain compared with ML-supplemented heifers, but no differences in reproductive performance were observed. We also observed that CT-supplemented cows had a greater variability in forage DMI compared with ML-supplemented cows.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate reduced supplementation frequencies for grazing beef cattle in rainy season. In experiment 1, evaluating the nutritional parameters, four rumen-cannulated Nellore bulls (BW = 410 kg) were used. In experiment 2, evaluating animal performance, 48 Nellore bulls (BW = 358 kg) were used. The treatments were as follows: mineral supplement (MS) alone and MS plus protein-energy supplement provided 3×, 5× and 7×/week. Supplementation frequency did not affect (P > 0.05) intake and digestibility. Average daily gain was greater (P < 0.001) to supplementation compared with MS. The supplementation 5×/week resulted in greater weight gain per hectare (9.24) and higher economic returns during the study period (1.64%) compared to other supplementations. Supplementation 5×/week increased animal performance and positively influenced economic returns.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of forage quality on response of cattle to supplementation with cooked molasses blocks. In Exp. 1, 175 heifers had ad libitum access to prairie hay (5.2% CP, DM basis). Treatments were a 2 x 3 factorial: supplementation with 0 or 1.96 kg/d of alfalfa DM, and supplementation with no cooked molasses block or with a low-protein or a high-protein cooked molasses block (14.4 and 27.5% CP, respectively, DM basis). There were no significant interactions between alfalfa and cooked molasses block for intake or gain. Forage intake and ADG were increased (P < 0.05) by alfalfa supplementation. Heifers fed high-protein cooked molasses blocks gained more (P < 0.05) weight than those fed low-protein cooked molasses blocks or no cooked molasses block. Heifers fed high-protein cooked molasses blocks ate more (P < 0.05) forage than those fed low-protein cooked molasses blocks, with heifers fed no cooked molasses block being intermediate. In Exp. 2, responses to cooked molasses blocks containing 33% CP (DM basis) were measured in 18 steers fed: 1) brome (8.4% CP), 2) alfalfa (19.2% CP), or 3) brome supplemented with 1.93 kg/d of alfalfa DM. Forages were available ad libitum. Forage DM intake was not affected by cooked molasses block and was greater (P < 0.05) for alfalfa than the alfalfa/brome mix, which in turn was greater (P < 0.05) than brome. Digestibility of DM was greater (P < 0.05) for alfalfa than brome or the alfalfa/brome mix and was not affected by cooked molasses block supplementation. Supplementation with cooked molasses blocks had only small effects on intake and digestion of medium- to high-quality forages, but it improved gains and feed efficiencies of heifers fed prairie hay ad libitum, with or without supplemental alfalfa.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study using primiparous and multiparous, spring-calving, crossbred beef cows was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplemental whole corn germ on reproductive performance, calf performance, and serum leptin concentrations. Each year, cows were blocked by age and BCS and assigned randomly to one of three treatments: PRE (n = 115) cows received 1.14 kg/d (DM basis) of whole corn germ for approximately 45 d before calving; POST (n = 109) cows were fed 1.14 kg/d of whole corn germ for approximately 45 d after calving; and control cows (n = 118) were fed similar energy and protein from dry-rolled corn (1.82 kg of DM/d) for 45 d before and after calving. Additionally, PRE cows were grouped with controls after calving, and POST cows were grouped with control cows before calving, so that corn germ-supplemented cows received the control supplement in the alternate feeding period. Cow BW (538 +/- 13 kg) and BCS (5.4 +/- 0.13) did not differ among treatments at any time during the experiment. Calf birth weight (39 +/- 2 kg), weaning weight (225 +/- 7 kg), and age-adjusted weaning weight (234 +/- 8 kg) did not differ because of dam supplementation regimen. Treatment did not affect the proportion of cows exhibiting ovarian luteal activity before the start of the breeding season (67%) or pregnancy rate (91%). The interval from exposure to bulls until subsequent calving did not differ (P = 0.16) among PRE (298 +/- 2.3 d), POST (303 +/- 2.6 d), and control (304 +/- 2.3 d) cows. Leptin concentrations did not differ among treatments and were 2.15 +/- 0.75, 1.88 +/- 0.76, and 1.91 +/- 0.75 ng/mL for control, POST, and PRE cows, respectively. Age and week relative to calving influenced leptin concentration. Primiparous cows had similar leptin concentrations to 3-yr-old and mature cows for wk -7 and -6 relative to calving, but lower (P < 0.10) concentrations than mature cows for wk -5, and lower (P < 0.05) concentrations than either 3-yr-old or mature cows for wk -4 to +7 relative to calving. Serum leptin was correlated with BCS (P < 0.0001; r = 0.35) at initiation of the feeding period and was correlated with BCS (P = 0.02; r = 0.12) and weight (P < 0.01; r = 0.14) at the completion of the supplement period, but it was not correlated with initial BW or interim BCS. Calving interval was not correlated (P > 0.12) with weekly measures of serum leptin concentration. Supplementing beef cows with whole corn germ had no effect on cow performance, calf performance, or serum leptin concentrations of cows.  相似文献   

A data base was constructed to describe and estimate supplementation effects in nonlactating cattle consuming forage ad libitum. The data base included 66 publications on 126 forages (73 harvested and 53 grazed) and a total of 444 comparisons between a control, unsupplemented treatment and a supplemented treatment. Daily gains were reported for 301 comparisons and voluntary intake for 258. Direct measures of forage digestibility were reported for 202 comparisons, and total diet digestibility for 150. Supplements did not increase gain in all cases. Change in ADG due to supplement was not related closely to intake of supplemental TDN. Lowest increases in ADG were with native forages supplemented with molasses alone or with low intakes of molasses containing high levels of NPN. Greatest increases in gain were with improved forages, supplements with > 60% TDN, and supplemental CP intake > .05% of BW. Supplements decreased voluntary forage intake (VFI) when supplemental TDN intake was > .7% of BW, forage TDN:CP ratio was < 7 (adequate N), or VFI when fed alone was > 1.75% of BW. When supplements increased VFI, forage TDN: CP ratio was > 7 (N deficit), and VFI when fed alone was often low. There was little relationship between change in VFI and sources of supplemental CP and TDN. Supplements caused total diet TDN concentration to deviate from expected values by -10 to +5% of OM. When supplemental TDN intake was > .7% of BW, diet TDN concentration was always less than expected. There was little relationship between deviation from expected total diet TDN and type or composition of forages or supplements. Empirical multiple regression equations were developed to estimate effects of supplements on VFI and total diet TDN concentration. The most acceptable intake equation estimated VFI when fed with supplement (r2 = .84) That equation included VFI when fed alone, supplement intake, CP and TDN concentrations in forage and supplement, and classification codes describing forages and supplemental energy. The most acceptable equation for estimating total diet TDN concentration included only the expected total diet TDN concentration (r2 = .87). These equations may be used in nutritional models to account for associative effects.  相似文献   

李侠  范承祥 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):17-20
文章旨在评估海藻在肉牛上的应用,研究其对肉牛生长性能、血清生化和肉品质的影响.试验选择平均初始体重为(600.09±1.73)kg的荷斯坦肉牛16头,随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复2头.对照组饲喂以玉米和青贮玉米为主的日粮,处理组饲喂与对照组营养水平相近的日粮,但日粮中添加15 g/kg海藻粉.试验共进行20周....  相似文献   

本研究旨在研究不同代谢能水平日粮对妊娠和哺乳期母猪生理状态、繁殖性能及血清生化指标的影响.试验将60头妊娠28 d、平均体重为(131.96±0.52)kg的头胎二元母猪随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复5头.T1~T3组妊娠母猪分别饲喂代谢能水平为3150、3250和3350 kcal/kg的日粮,粗蛋白质水平均为...  相似文献   

A three-year study was conducted to investigate the effects of endophyte-free (E−), endophyte-infected (E+) and novel endophyte-infected (EN) tall fescue on the growth and pregnancy rate of beef heifers during the spring. Each year, 48 beef heifers were strip-grazed on stockpiled fescue from December through February, fed fescue hay during late February to early April and then rotationally grazed on spring growth of fescue until June. At the end of the trial, heifers had been maintained on E+, E− or EN (pasture or hay) for a total of 152, 188 and 191 d in years 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In late March, heifers were synchronized using a controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device, (CIDR®) for 7 d followed by injection with PGF2α (Lutalyse®). Heatmount detectors (Kamar®) and observation for behavioral estrus were used to detect estrus for 63 d. Heifers were artificially inseminated 8 to12 h after the onset of standing estrus. Conception was determined by transrectal ultrasonography at approximately 30, 60 and 90 d after synchronization. Reproductive performance did not differ among treatments (P ≥ 0.20). Pregnancy rate was 54, 65, and 65% for E+, E− and EN, respectively. However, during the spring, growth and prolactin were decreased (P < 0.01) for heifers on E+. Gains on spring pasture were 0.24, 0.75, and 0.71 kg/d (SEM ± 0.03) for E+, E− and EN, respectively. Based on these results, the wild type endophyte-infected fescue can be used in production systems as a source of winter forage but producers should consider placing heifers on alternative forage (such as the novel endophyte-infected fescue) in the spring.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to quantify the impact on forage use and performance of varying supplementation frequency of cattle consuming forage diets across a range of frequencies. In both experiments, a common supplement was used that contained a relatively high concentration of CP (43%) and was fed at the following frequencies: 1) 2 d/wk; 2) 3 d/wk; 3) 5 d/wk; and 4) 7 d/wk. In Exp. 1, 120 Hereford x Angus cows (BW = 537 kg) grazing winter tallgrass-prairie range were supplemented at the various frequencies from December 7 until calving (average calving date = 3/7/99). All treatments provided the same quantity of supplement on a weekly basis (12.74 kg, as-fed) but divided the amount delivered on a given day equally among the number of supplementation events for that treatment. Less BW was lost from December 7 through calving (linear effect, P = 0.02) as frequency of supplementation increased, but the magnitude of difference in weight change was relatively small. Body condition responded similarly through early February (linear effect, P = 0.02), although treatment effects were not as distinct at calving (cubic effect, P = 0.11). In Exp. 2, 16 ruminally fistulated Hereford x Angus steers (BW = 257 kg) were blocked by weight and assigned to one of the four frequencies of supplementation. Steers were offered tallgrass prairie hay (73.5% NDF, 4.8% CP) ad libitum and were supplemented at a rate (relative to BW) similar to that of the cows in Exp. 1. Increasing frequency of supplementation increased (linear effect, P < or = 0.02) forage OM intake, OM and NDF digestion, and digestible OM intake. However, the most prominent differences in forage OM intake tended (cubic effect, P = 0.07) to occur with the two extreme frequencies of supplementation. In conclusion, forage use was improved with an increased frequency of supplementation, but the impact on performance is not likely to be large unless extreme differences in frequency occur.  相似文献   

Hereford x Angus cows (n = 36; initial wt = 568+/-59 kg) were used to evaluate effects of undegradable intake protein (UIP) supplementation on forage utilization and performance of beef cows fed low-quality hay. Treatments were control (unsupplemented) or one of three protein supplements. Supplements were fed at 1.3 kg DM/d and included UIP at low, medium, or high levels (53, 223, or 412 g UIP/kg supplement DM, respectively). Supplements were formulated to be isocaloric (1.77 Mcal NEm/kg) and to contain equal amounts of degradable intake protein (DIP; 211 g DIP/kg supplement DM). Intake of forage was measured daily during six 7-d collection periods, which approximated mo 7, 8, and 9 of gestation and mo 1, 2, and 3 of lactation. Prairie hay (5.8% CP) was offered daily for ad libitum consumption. Cows were weighed and condition-scored on d 7 of each period. Supplemented cows had greater (P = .01) total organic matter intake (g/kg BW) compared with control animals during gestation. Forage organic matter intake (g/kg BW) was greater (P< or =.02) for control cows than for supplemented cows during lactation. Digestion of OM and NDF was lower (P<.10) for control than for supplemented cows. Body weight of supplemented cows was greater (P = .01) than that of control cows on four of six weigh dates. Supplemental UIP did not affect (P> .10) cow body weight or condition score. Body condition scores of supplemented cows were higher (P = .02) during mo 9 of gestation and during mo 3 of lactation compared with controls. Reproductive performance was similar (P>.10) among treatment groups, and there were few differences in calf performance. These data were interpreted to suggest that supplemental protein can increase total tract OM and NDF digestion by beef cows and increase body weight. Increasing the level of UIP in the supplement had little effect on forage utilization or animal performance.  相似文献   

以小麦秸秆和燕麦干草分别作为皖东牛粗饲料来源,探究粗饲料品质对皖东牛瘤胃内环境和消化代谢的影响。选取(493±33) kg,28~36月龄的健康皖东牛公牛10头,随机分为2组,分别饲喂小麦秸秆(XMJ)和燕麦干草(YMC)为粗饲料来源的日粮,每组5头,利用口腔采集瘤胃液和全收粪法采集样本用于指标测定,探索秸秆和牧草对皖东牛瘤胃内环境和营养物质代谢的影响。研究结果表明,XMJ组和YMC组皖东牛瘤胃pH值之间差异不显著(P0.05),NH_3-N浓度和菌体蛋白(MCP)产量YMC组显著高于XMJ组(P0.05);YMC组干物质(DM)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的表观消化率显著高于XMJ组(P0.05),进食氮YMC组高于XMJ组(P0.05),由于YMC组排泄氮较多,氮利用率方面YMC组低于XMJ组(P0.05)。综上所述,禾本科来源的粗饲料品质对皖东牛的纤维消化代谢影响显著,单一饲喂小麦秸秆或燕麦干草不利于氮利用。  相似文献   

Primiparous Angus x Gelbvieh (n = 36) rotationally crossed beef cows (initial BW = 487.9 +/- 10.5 kg, body condition score = 5.5 +/- 0.02) were utilized to determine effects of supplemental safflower seeds high in linoleic (76% 18:2) or oleic (72% 18:1) acid on cow BW change, body condition score, milk production and composition, calf weight gain, cow serum metabolites, and metabolic hormones. On d 3 postpartum, cows were randomly assigned to one of three isonitrogenous dietary supplements with equal total quantity of TDN: corn-soybean control supplement (n = 12); high-linoleate safflower seeds (n = 12); or high-oleate safflower seeds (n = 12). Safflower-seed supplements were formulated to provide 5% DMI as fat. Supplements were individually fed from d 3 postpartum through 90 d postpartum. Cows had ad libitum access to native grass hay (7.8% CP), trace-mineralized salt, and water. Date of parturition was evenly distributed across treatments with all cows calving within 14 +/- 0.8 d. There were no differences (P = 0.65) in total OM intake among treatments. Although cow BW change did not differ (P = 0.33) by treatment, supplementation influenced cow body condition score (P = 0.02) with linoleate-supple-mented cows in higher (P = 0.005) condition overall than oleate-supplemented cows (5.1 +/- 0.06 vs 4.9 +/- 0.06). Twenty-four-hour milk production did not differ (P = 0.68) among treatments. Percentage milk fat was not different at d 30; however, at d 60 and d 90 percentage milk fat was greater (P ( 0.05) in control and oleate-supplemented cows than in linoleate-supplemented cows. Calf BW gains (P = 0.27) and adjusted 205-d weights (P = 0.48) were not affected by supplement treatment. Supplementation did not influence serum concentrations of glucose (P = 0.38), NEFA (P = 0.61), GH (P = 0.29), IGF-I (P = 0.81), insulin (P = 0.26), or IGF-I binding proteins (P > or = 0.11). Days to conception did not differ (P = 0.40) among treatments. Although overall productivity of the primiparous cows and their calves was not altered by safflower-seed supplementation, differential effects were noted between supplements. Oleate supplementation increased percentage milk fat at d 60, and cow body condition score was lower than in linoleate-supplemented cows. Linoleate-supplemented cows had greater body condition scores by 90 d postpartum than either corn-soybean- or oleatesupplemented cows.  相似文献   

为探究青贮饲用高粱对肉牛屠宰性能、胴体品质的影响,综合考虑各种青贮饲用高粱的营养搭配是否满足肉牛营养需要,以期推动中国现代肉牛经济发展。研究以西门塔尔三代阉牛为试验牛,以BJ0603青贮饲料作为基础饲粮。饲喂试验结束后,每个日粮处理组挑选3头牛进行屠宰分割,测定屠宰性能及胴体品质。结果表明,不同比例的青贮高粱和青贮玉米不仅会影响肉牛的采食量和日增重,还会间接影响肉牛的产肉性能。随着日粮中青贮饲用高粱比例的增加,肉牛的采食量降低,能量摄入不足,影响机体内脂肪的正常沉积,降低了肉的嫩度。但对牛肉常规营养成分无显著影响,对其肉色影响显著。  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the animal production per unit area and per animal at 3 different stocking rates in combination with two deworming programs. Due to drought conditions, fecal egg output, serum pepsinogen levels and herbage larval counts were low throughout the grazing season. The beneficial effects of the strategic deworming program were, however, indicated by lower fecal egg counts and serum pepsinogen levels in the treated groups during most of the grazing season. Differences in weight gain, favoring the treated groups, were also observed and a clear effect of stocking rate was demonstrated. The lowest stocking rate groups continuously had the lowest egg output and serum pepsinogen levels and the highest average weight gain per animal. The experiment also clearly showed that the production per unit area increased with an increase in stocking rate. The medium and high stocking rate groups had a production per unit area exceeding that of the conventional stocking rate group by 15 and 45%, respectively.  相似文献   

Spring born, crossbred beef heifers (n=372) were utilized over four years to measure reductions in body weights, reproductive performance and calf weights caused by gastrointestinal nematodes (primarily Ostertagia ostertagi) and the bovine liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and to differentiate losses attributable to each type of parasitism. Each year, weaned heifers were allotted to one of the four treatment regimens: Group 1, untreated controls; Group 2, treated for nematodes; Group 3, treated for liver fluke; and Group 4, treated for both nematodes and liver fluke. Nematodes were controlled with subcutaneous injections of either ivermectin (Ivomec, Merial) or doramectin (Dectomax, Pfizer), both at the recommended dose of 200 ug/kg bodyweight. Clorsulon (Curatrem, Merial) drench was given at the recommended rate of 7 mg/kg bodyweight to control flukes. Treatments and fecal collections were initiated at allotment each year and were repeated at 28-84-day intervals until palpation for pregnancy diagnosis. Open heifers were removed from the study at this time. Treatment dates were based on expected length of treatment efficacy, the stage of growth of the heifers and the seasonal risk of infection by the parasites. Pregnant females were pooled and received their assigned treatments prior to their calving and breeding seasons and remained together until their calves were weaned. Heifers treated for nematode infections were heavier and had higher condition scores (P<0.01) than untreated control heifers at initiation of breeding, and maintained that difference through pregnancy diagnosis. Liver fluke infection did not affect heifer gains or condition scores prior to palpation (P<0.01). At palpation, heifers treated for both forms of parasitism had the highest condition scores and weight gains (P<0.01), and also higher pregnancy rates than control heifers and heifers treated for nematodes only (P<0.01). Pregnancy rates for heifers treated for flukes only were not significantly different from those treated for both nematodes and flukes. Heifers treated for nematodes weaned heavier calves than those not treated for nematodes (P<0.05).  相似文献   

A digestion study with 28 yearling heifers (428 +/- 9.9 kg; Exp. 1) and a 2-yr winter grazing trial with 60 crossbred cows (552 +/- 6.9 kg; Exp. 2) were used to determine the effects of level of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) supplementation on intake and digestibility of low-quality forage. Treatments were as follows: 1) control, no supplement; 2) 0.32 kg of NSC (1.8 kg/d of soybean hulls and soybean meal; DM basis); 3) 0.64 kg of NSC (1.7 kg/d of wheat middlings; DM basis); and 4) 0.96 kg of NSC (1.7 kg/d of barley and soybean meal; DM basis). Supplements provided 0.34 kg of CP/d and 5.1 Mcal of ME/d. In Exp. 1, heifers were individually fed hay (5.5% CP, DM basis) and their respective supplements in Calan gates for 28 d. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design. In Exp. 2, cows were individually fed supplement on alternate days, and grazed a single rangeland pasture stocked at 1.8 ha/ animal unit month. Two ruminally cannulated cows were used per treatment to obtain forage extrusa and to measure in situ DM disappearance (DMD) and carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) activity of particle-associated ruminal microbes. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design with the effects of treatment, year, and their interaction. In both experiments, Cr2O3 boluses were used to determine fecal output, individual animal was the experimental unit, and contrasts were used to test linear and quadratic effects of NSC level and control vs. supplemented treatments. In Exp. 1, hay and diet DM, NDF, and CP intakes and digestibilities were increased (P < 0.01) by NSC supplementation compared with the control. In Exp. 2, 72-h in situ DMD and CMCase were decreased linearly (P < 0.08) with increasing NSC supplementation. Intake of forage DM, NDF, and CP was decreased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing NSC supplementation during both years. Supplementation with NSC decreased (P = 0.01) cow BW loss compared with the control in yr 1, whereas in yr 2, cow BW loss was linearly increased (P = 0.03) by increasing NSC supplementation. Supplements containing NSC improved forage digestion and intake when heifers consumed forage deficient in CP relative to energy (digestible OM:CP > 7), but decreased forage digestion and intake when cows grazed forage with adequate CP relative to energy (digestible OM:CP < 7). Forage and supplement digestible OM:CP seemed to be superior predictors of response to supplementation with NSC compared with forage CP levels alone.  相似文献   

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