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渔船数据的管理,多使用EXCEL工作表和AC-CESS数据库管理系统,例如新版<捕捞许可证>换证工作就是使用这两种软件进行的.总体说来,就统计功能而言,EXCEL比较直观,各项操作应用灵活,摆脱了ACCESS繁琐的表达式的应用,非常适宜用作原始数据的录入;而ACCESS在数据交换分析方面具有无可替代的优势,能把不同表间的大量数据整合处理,仅就一本2004版<捕捞许可证>而言,涉及到的数据就有30项.……  相似文献   

为了降低橄榄蛏蚌(Solenaia oleivora)规模化繁育过程中亲本性别鉴定的工作量,通过对壳长(SL)、壳高(SH)、壳宽(SW)、体质量(BW)4个性状221行数据采集并归一化处理,从原始数据中随机抽取90%的数据(199个样本)用于数据测试,并以此建立人工神经网络模型对橄榄蛏蚌进行性别预测.结果显示,建立的...  相似文献   

多次口灌呋喃唑酮在草鱼体内残留研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了多次口灌呋喃唑酮(60 mg/kg,连续3 d,每天1次)在草鱼体内血浆、肌肉、肝脏和肾脏中的消除与残留研究。采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测用药后不同时间各组织中药物浓度,M ILLEMNIUM32工作站处理原始数据,MCPKP药代动力学软件处理药时数据。结果表明:多次口灌呋喃唑酮在草鱼体内的药时数据符合一级速率吸收一室开放模型,其主要药动学参数为:AUC 2.3182μg.h/m l,Cmax 0.850μg/m l,Ka 0.5515 h-1,K 0.0936 h-1,T1/2ka1.2565h,T1/2k7.4308h,Tp 2.8732 h,药物在血浆、肌肉、肝脏、肾脏中消除时间分别为:72 h、15 d、20 d、20 d。  相似文献   

池塘养鱼使用增氧机是夺取池塘高产的重要技术措施之一,这已为许多地区的实践所证明,但是,池塘使用增氧机后,除增加水中溶氧外,引起了整个池塘水体因子的变化。华南师范学院生物系鱼类科研小组对使用增氧机前后的浮游生物相变化情况作了大量的试验研究工作,并有详细的原始数据记录,本刊因限于篇幅,对原始数据部分未能予以刊登。读者如需要,请直接与华南师范学院联系。  相似文献   

上海市标准化水产养殖场改造的工程概算至今主要由人工使用计算器完成,该方法耗时长且错误率高.针对这一问题,利用Excel软件的数据处理功能力和提供的各类函数(ROUND、COUNT等)建立完善的数据通道,制作成清晰的工作表,实现工程设计数据与概算自动转化,自主完成规划图设计数据与标准化养殖场规范核对,并提高表格可调性,最终只要输入规划图设计数据,便立刻得到该项目投资概算,同时输出核查结果.结果表明,该方法初步实现了项目概算的智能化,大大提高工作效率和计算准确度,为标准化水产养殖场设计节约了时间.  相似文献   

基于成像声呐的鱼类三维空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋牧场中鱼群的三维空间分布问题,本研究提出一种利用成像声呐进行位置计算的方法。将成像声呐固定在船舷外侧的水下,并保证波束发射方向和声呐移动方向一致,通过走航的方式采集水下鱼群信息。首先对采集的原始数据进行图像处理,包括图像构建、背景去除、目标提取等,然后利用基于交互式多模型联合概率数据关联算法对水下目标进行关联处理,得到同一个目标在声呐水平视场中不同帧图像中的对应关系,在此基础上根据连续两帧图像中目标位置关系计算目标的空间坐标,最后结合关联算法获得多目标在三维空间中的运动轨迹以及深度分布情况。研究表明,本方法可以有效获取鱼群在水下的三维运动轨迹及其分布情况,这将为鱼类行为分析以及海洋牧场的资源评估提供技术支持。  相似文献   

睾丸体积与青年公猪精液质量、数量性状的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘文 《畜禽业》1998,(12):12-14
该试验进行于Pawlowice杂交猪培育中心。791头波兰杂交990系青年公诸于150、180日龄测试睾丸长度、宽度,同时测试青年公猪体重。睾丸的原始数据用来估评双侧睾丸的体积、不对称发育及性能力。150、180日龄采集的精液用标准法进行数量、质量性状详细评估。  相似文献   

条斑紫菜品系评价方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结并分析了“国家级紫菜种质库”中有关紫菜种质材料的原始数据和资料,调查研究了条斑紫菜不同品系的形态结构等生物学特性及环境适应性表现;通过对条斑紫菜不同品系经济性状的定量测评、丝状体生长发育特征的测评、品系产品生化成分的分析评价以及分子标记技术在条斑紫菜种质评价分析中的应用等研究,初步得到了条斑紫菜品系的评价方法;筛选...  相似文献   

正疫苗北京市水产技术推广站在通州区小务养殖基地进行鲤浮肿病组织灭活疫苗室外试验。这次试验旨在测试组织灭活疫苗的室外防控效果,积累组织灭活疫苗防控鲤浮肿病原始数据,为该疫苗广泛应用奠定基础。科技由南京软件研究院(中国科学院软件研究所南京分中心)研制的水产养殖机器人可进行自动巡航、投料、喂药,自动水质监测和养殖环境监控,实现完全无人值守,智能化养殖。  相似文献   

由挪威海洋研究所(IMR)科考船进行的磷虾监测调查结果已经发布,报告给出了调查的原始数据和初步的调查结果。该项调查是为了帮助靠近南极的南奥克尼群岛地区建立起与地形、地势和水文等相关的磷虾数量和分布格局的一个时间序列,以及磷虾猎食者的猎食行为。这个历时数年的调查提供的数据是对美国和英国分别进行过的南极科学调查项目的一个补充。将这三项调查综合起来,就可以  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to address the increasing need for a strategic approach to industry–science data collections in the face of reducing resources and growing need for evidence in fisheries management. The aim was to evaluate progress in the development of plans and procedures that can be employed to collect, record and use fishing industry knowledge and data in the evidence base for managing fisheries. This was achieved by reviewing industry‐led data initiatives already undertaken or ongoing within the United Kingdom to document how these projects have/are incorporating fishing industry data into the process of management decision‐making; canvassing stakeholder opinion on data gaps and whether these could be filled by data gathered by commercial fishing vessels; establishing what issues might prevent or stimulate commercial fishing vessels in collecting data when they have the opportunity; and describing guidance on a step‐by‐step process for gathering scientific information such that fishers are empowered to collect the right data, at the right times and in the right format for their fishery. Given recent advances in the collection, interpretation and application of fisheries‐dependent data, we compare progress made in the UK to other areas of the world. We conclude that there is considerable evidence of a paradigm shift from the conventional practice of scientists asking fishers to provide data for scientific analyses towards full engagement of key stakeholders in data collection.  相似文献   

数据仓库技术作为数据库技术应用的新型手段,是海洋渔业数据集成、实现业务化管理的良好的解决方案。根据海洋渔业的特点,本文提出了构建海洋渔业数据仓库的策略、基本框架,探讨了在海洋环境数据仓库建设过程中数据集市模型设计、建立数据准备区、数据规划和数据提取等四个关键问题,用SQL Server初步建成了海洋渔业数据仓库。  相似文献   

多种数据源下栖息地模型及预测结果的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
由于多来源的海洋环境数据常以不同时间、空间分辨率呈现,并具有不同的误差,因此,有必要分析数据源的差异是否会对研究结果产生显著影响,是否会影响基于不同数据源估计的模型对其他数据的适用性。为此,本研究利用多个网站提供的叶绿素浓度与海表水温数据,采用线性回归与随机检验方法,分析了不同数据源对栖息地模型构建及其预测效果的影响。研究结果表明,不同数据源的数据之间常存在系统性偏差,从而使得模型参数的估计具有显著性差异,该模型不适合于其他数据源的数据;多源环境数据间的离散性反映数据存在随机误差,环境数据的随机误差将使模型结果具有随机性,因此本研究建议定量分析模型结果的不确定性,以使模型结果得到科学应用。  相似文献   

以全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)等3S技术集成平台,并结合船舶监控系统(VMS)、北斗卫星短报文信道、ARM高性能处理器、NR嵌入式操作系统等前沿技术,建立"南海渔业信息动态采集与实时自动分析系统"。该系统是一个分布式系统,包括船载捕捞信息实时采集装备、南海渔业数据集成中心、南海渔业捕捞地理信息系统及外海渔场预报系统等4个完全独立分布的子系统。本系统自主研发了具备北斗通信功能的船载捕捞实时采集装备,并创新性地利用北斗卫星短报文信道实现了海上渔船与地面数据中心的实时信息交互,此外利用VPN信道实现了数据中心与数据处理分析应用系统之间安全可靠的数据共享,从而最终建立了海上渔船与岸上数据分析系统之间的无缝连接虚拟网络。基于这一网络,海上渔船将渔业捕捞数据实时发送至南海渔业捕捞GIS系统,进行实时分析与显示海洋捕捞(分)渔区/渔船/鱼类产量的数据分析专题图;外海渔场预报系统依据多年的捕捞、渔业生物学及渔场环境数据收集与分析将南海外海鸢乌贼渔场信息发送给海上渔船,推进海上渔业捕捞的高效生产。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to assess the usefulness of the laser optical plankton counter (LOPC) as a Calanus finmarchicus monitoring tool in the NE Norwegian Sea in winter. To test this, a multinet and an LOPC were used simultaneously to sample overwintering copepods in the Lofoten basin in January 2007. Additional data from an LOPC laboratory experiment were also analyzed to help the interpretation of the field data. Both the laboratory data and the field data indicated that the presence of particles other than zooplankton generally contaminated the zooplankton signal in the LOPC data. However, reliable abundance estimates could be made from the LOPC data by choosing an appropriate size range in the LOPC size distribution. This size range was determined by comparing LOPC abundance estimates from systematically varying size ranges to multinet zooplankton abundance data. The average difference was smallest for a size range of about 900–1500 μm. As C. finmarchicus, stages IV and V, was by far the most abundant species in the NE Norwegian Sea, abundance estimates from the LOPC in this size range were in practice estimates of C. finmarchicus abundance, making the LOPC suitable as a tool for providing high resolution winter data in the NE Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

在围网改进设计阶段常用模型网具进行模拟实验,其中沉降数据是其重要参数。设计了微型围网沉降数据记录仪。仪器采用MSP430F149单片机作为主控芯片,通过传感器模块获取水中的压强数据,经校正后储存在非易失固态存储芯片中;通过串口读出校正的压强数据,从中可以计算出围网的深度,结合数据采样频率计算出下沉速度。设计的数据仪具有体积小(5.2 cm×3.0 cm×2.1 cm)、重量轻(约33 g)的特点,仪器平均密度为1 007 kg/m3,接近海水密度,可在几乎不影响网具本身沉降状态的情况下进行测量。试验表明,在2.6 m的量程内,相对误差≤1.50%。  相似文献   

渔业资源评估一般有两种数据来源,即科学调查数据和渔业生产数据;前者需要定期出海采样,耗时长且费用高,后者易于获取但样本代表性存在问题。本研究以山东近海口虾蛄为例,基于电子体长频率方法(ELEFAN)评估了口虾蛄的生长参数,采用bootstrap 重抽样方法比较了基于渔业生产数据与科学调查数据分析结果的差异,旨在探讨渔业生产数据在估算生长参数上的准确性。结果表明,科学调查数据估算得到的口虾蛄von Bertalanffy季节性生长方程中的极限体长L∞=193.16 mm, K=0.62,生产数据估算得到的口虾蛄极限体长L∞=171.70 mm,K=0.67;非参数检验表明基于两种采样方法所求得的口虾蛄的极限体长L∞呈现显著性差异, K 和“夏季点”ts 均呈现不显著性差异。本研究表明,渔业生产数据在一定程度上能够反映生物的生长状况,对K 和ts 的估算与科学调查数据估算的结果较为接近,但对极限体长的估算误差较大。因此口虾蛄生长研究需要依靠科学调查数据的支持,同时渔业生产数据可以作为辅助信息。  相似文献   

Pop‐up archival tags (PAT) provide summary and high‐resolution time series data at predefined temporal intervals. The limited battery capabilities of PATs often restrict the transmission success and thus temporal coverage of both data products. While summary data are usually less affected by this problem, as a result of its lower size, it might be less informative. We here investigate the accuracy and feasibility of using temperature at depth summary data provided by PATs to describe encountered oceanographic conditions. Interpolated temperature at depth summary data was found to provide accurate estimates of three major thermal water column structure indicators: thermocline depth, stratification and ocean heat content. Such indicators are useful for the interpretation of the tagged animal's horizontal and vertical behaviour. The accuracy of these indicators was found to be particularly sensitive to the number of data points available in the first 100 m, which in turn depends on the vertical behaviour of the tagged animal. Based on our results, we recommend the use of temperature at depth summary data as opposed to temperature time series data for PAT studies; doing so during the tag programming will help to maximize the amount of transmitted time series data for other key data types such as light levels and depth.  相似文献   

Standardization of catch-per-unit-of-effort (CPUE) data can be integrated into stock assessment methods. We apply this method to the stock of trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex) off the west coast of New Zealand to address: (1) whether the stock assessment model explains all of the annual variation in the CPUE data, and (2) the impact on the assessment results of how the catch-at-age data are weighted. If not all of annual variation in CPUE is explained by the stock assessment model, the assessment may be statistically inadequate. The inadequacy may be in the representation of the population dynamics, in the relationship between CPUE and abundance, or due to additional variation in CPUE left unexplained by the independent variables. Catch-at-age data often have too much influence on the estimated abundance trajectory, so the sample size used in the catch-at-age likelihood function is often reduced when applying age-structured stock assessment methods. The integrated approach automatically places more weight on the CPUE data compared to the catch-at-age data, and may therefore provide an alternative to arbitrarily downweighting catch-at-age data.  相似文献   

An ecological risk assessment was undertaken using productivity‐susceptibility analysis (PSA) to determine the relative vulnerability of 52 species caught by fisheries in the waters off eastern Taiwan. Overall, eight and 20 species were classified as having high and moderate vulnerability, respectively, and the remaining 24 species were classified as having low vulnerability. The species with the highest vulnerability scores were caught mainly by longline and gillnet fisheries, highlighting the need for improved data collection to facilitate a more detailed investigation using more quantitative methods. The data quality analysis indicated that the quality of data was classified as “moderate” for economically important species. However, many species were considered data‐limited and thus collecting high‐resolution catch and effort information and conducting biological studies, especially relating to age, growth and reproduction, are recommended to improve the reliability of outputs from data‐limited assessments such as PSA.  相似文献   

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