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2008年初,长沙市遭遇罕见的严重冰冻灾害,抗冰救灾期间,为保交通,对市区21条主干道进行撒盐融冰,累计抛撒工业用盐近7000t,处理后的积雪大量堆积融化在绿化带土壤中,冰冻与盐害造成大面积花灌木死亡或生长不良1,2。2010年追踪调查发现,渗入绿化带土壤中的盐分已使土壤出现不同程度的持续盐碱化,对适宜酸性土生长的本土植物构成不可低估的生态灾害。    相似文献   

长沙城市森林树种冰冻灾害的调查与反思   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2008年1月中旬至2月初,湖南遭遇50年以来罕见的严重冰冻灾害,大面积交通受阻,供电中断,给全省人民的生产生活带来严重影响。持续了20多天的冰冻,对长沙城市森林损害巨大,大量木竹倒伏、折枝、断干、翻蔸,其中栽植密度较大的景观林、生态林和湿地松、火炬松、桉树、香樟、桂花、广玉兰、毛竹、观赏竹类等常绿树种及古树名木受冰冻雪压尤为严重。通过对灾情的调查与反思,提出在我国南方城市森林建设中,要加强抗灾预警机制的建设,要重视选用抗冰冻雪压性能强的乡土树种。    相似文献   

城市土壤特性及其改良   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
城市土壤是经过人类活动的长期干扰,并在城市特殊的环境背景下发育起来的土壤。它与农田土壤的特性有着明显的不同,对城市森林植物的生长十分不利。文章就城市土壤的特性及改良技术措施作简要介绍。    相似文献   

城市风灾与防风林建设   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在分析城市大风灾害的特点、类型及其灾害的基础上,探讨了植物的防风功能,分析了防风林的多种结构及其防风效果,并对城市防风林栽植结构与防风植物的选择进行了介绍。    相似文献   

广州城市森林与岭南文化特色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章综述了岭南自然地理、气候特点和土壤与森林植被的分布规律,以及岭南文化的精髓,提出广州城市森林的建设要根据岭南气候特点,结合岭南植物、岭南园林、城市地理特色和文化品位的评定,突出岭南文化特色。    相似文献   

湖南省城市森林苗木产销现状及走势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湖南是全国城市森林苗木生产大省,2007年全省城市森林苗木生产面积2.67万hm2,年销售额34亿元,分别占全省花木生产总面积及年销售额的80.2%、75.6%。"浏阳河百里花木产业带"的建成,使省会长沙成为中南地区最大的城市森林苗木生产与集散中心。全省各地苗市有喜有忧,花灌木和大、中规格全冠苗畅销,小规格乔木和截干移栽大树积压严重。苗木品种结构调整和标准化生产势在必行。    相似文献   

研究了广州地区城市绿地系统森林植物-土壤系统生物同化、吸储、固定C,P,K,SO2,Pb,Cd的生态效益,结果表明:研究区域内绿地系统土壤中有机C储量最高达184t/hm2,最低为24.6t/hm2;TN储量最高达16.7t/hm2,最低为2.0t/hm2;Pb,Cd储量最高分别达837.4kg/hm2、3.9kg/hm2,最低分别为577kg/hm2、1.2kg/hm2;植物叶对SO2的积累量以高山榕最高,海芒果最低;小叶榕叶吸收固定Pb量最高为22.6g/hm2,尾叶桉叶和白玉兰叶吸收固定Cd量最高达0.15g/hm2。    相似文献   

基于紫金山森林资源清查资料,比较历年的森林面积和蓄积量,分析紫金山森林增长速度快慢的原因,并从汇总出的2006年各优势树种蓄积量数据中,采用生物量换算因子连续函数法等研究方法,核算出森林的最新固碳释氧量数据,突出自2004年大型环境综合整治以来,紫金山森林生态系统中植物地上部分固碳释氧的生态功能。结果表明:固碳量为176095.9t,释氧量为129641.2t,为今后紫金山植物栽植和配置、南京城市森林规划和建设提供参考。    相似文献   

城市森林不同类型绿地植物配置抑菌效应初析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江苏省淮安市城市森林不类型绿地植物配置的抑菌效应测定结果表明,无论春、夏、冬季各样地绿化配置树种、植物均有明显抑菌功能,且抑菌效果存在明显的差异。研究结果为城市森林绿地生态保健型绿化模式构建提供了科学依据。    相似文献   

上海林地和绿地碳汇发展困境与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
上海林地和绿地的土壤碳含量较低,固碳能力约为7.5万t/年。通过植树造林增加碳汇的潜力有限。建议通过加强森林抚育提高森林碳储量和碳密度;探索多元化的城市林业建设方式;因地制宜发展立体绿化,提高城市绿量;实施节约型园林绿化管理模式等措施来提高碳存储能力。    相似文献   

The effect of a single night frost during late spring on the current year production of two clones of Salix viminalis was determined in two monoclonal stands that displayed a gradient from virtually undamaged plants, shielded from outgoing radiation by a neighbouring spruce forest, to heavily damaged plants in the unshielded parts. Compared with the undamaged stand parts, frost caused production losses of 47% and 60% in the two clones during the first year of the second cutting cycle. The clone‐specific allometric relationship between shoot dry weight and diameter was changed by the frost in one clone, showing lower shoot weights in damaged shoots compared with undamaged shoots of the same diameter. In the other clone, allometric relations were not affected by the frost. The relative variation in weight between the stools did not differ systematically with frost damage intensity, and therefore it could not be concluded that frost in monoclonal stands would enforce a competitive hierarchy. It was inferred that the single night frost indirectly can have a negative effect on the production of the stands during the years to come.  相似文献   

An increased risk of frost is expected during the growing season, as climate warming increases spring temperatures in the Arctic. Because deciduous species have a growth season limited in length and also have generally larger conduit volumes, they are more likely than evergreens to be injured by freeze-thaw-induced cavitation during the growing season. To test whether growth at elevated temperature increases susceptibility to freeze-thaw damage, we grew a deciduous arctic shrub species (Salix pulchra Cham.) in simulated Alaskan summer temperatures and at 5 degrees C above the ambient simulation (+5 degrees C plants) in controlled environments. Stem specific hydraulic conductivity (k(s)) and leaf stomatal conductance (g(s)) were measured in plants grown at both temperatures before and after a freeze treatment simulating a mid-season frost. Before the freeze treatment, specific xylem conductivity was 2.5 times higher and stomatal conductances were 1.3 times higher in +5 degrees C plants than in ambient-grown plants. Reductions in hydraulic conductivity and stomatal conductance as a result of the freeze were 3.5 and 1.8 times greater respectively in +5 degrees C plants than in ambient-grown plants. Many of the +5 degrees C plants showed extensive leaf damage. Plants grown in the two treatments also differed in comparative xylem anatomy; +5 degrees C plants had larger vessel diameters (25.4 versus 22.6 micro m) and higher vessel densities (71 versus 67.4 vessels mm(-2)) than ambient-grown plants. Our results suggest that higher growing season temperatures will increase the susceptibility of arctic deciduous shrubs to frost damage, which may offset their competitive growth advantage.  相似文献   

In Finland, under nursery conditions hybrid aspen may continue their shoot growth until early September. Thus, frost hardening is usually delayed. To solve this problem, we used a three-week period of short-day (SD) treatment between late July and mid-August. During autumn after frost exposure, frost hardiness (FH) was assessed three times with a stem-browning test. The re-sults showed that after SD treatment shoot growth ceased and FH increased when compared to untreated hybrid aspen. Furthermore, the height of SD-treated hybrid aspen varied much less than that of the control plants. We conclude that SD treatment in the nursery during the growing period can be used as a supplementary method for producing well-hardened and uniform hybrid aspen plants.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Larix leptolepis were grown in a growth chamber under short day conditions (8 h day) at 4 different photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD's). After a period of 8 weeks frost hardiness of the shoot tips and roots, dry matter content, dry weight (dw), content of glucose and starch were determined. The frost hardiness in the shoot tips increased from ‐15°C at a PPFD of 55μmol m‐2s‐1 to about ‐35°C at 440 μmol m‐2s‐1. No effect of PPFD was found on frost hardiness of the roots. A high PPFD results in a high dry matter content. The effect on dry matter content was most pronounced for the shoot tips and less pronounced for the roots. The total dry weight increased for both root and top with increasing PPFD. The height of the plants increased when the PPFD increased up to 220 μmol m‐2s‐1.  相似文献   

A frost on 8 September 1972 caused widespread damage to youngSitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantations. Inan experiment designed to examine the interaction of climateand P nutrition on the growth of young transplants in southScotland damage was greater on plants growing at low elevationand with high P content. This effect was attributed to theirextended growth period compared to those with low P supply.The lack of low temperatures prior to the frost resulted ininsufficient hardening of tissues to avoid damage from relativelyhigh temperatures. Damage and recovery were assessed by thereduction in height and dry weight increase compared to undamagedplants.  相似文献   

冰冻雪压对杉木人工林近成熟林分危害调查   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以受冰冻雪灾较为严莺的江西省大岗山林区杉木近成熟林分为研究对象,探讨杉木林分结构和立地条件与杉木受损类型及灾害发生程度的关系,得到几点主要结论:1)冰冻雪压造成大岗山林区杉木受害株数比例达66.84%,受灾相当严重,杉木林分受害类型可分为弯梢、断梢、斜干、断干、倒地及翻蔸等6种,其中断干和断梢为最主要的2种受害类型.2)杉木林分结构对冰冻雪压危害具有明显的调节作用,灾害主要发生于径阶相对较小的林木,林分内径阶越大的林木其受害程度明显越轻;林分密度与受害强度具极显著正相关,密度越高,林分受损株数愈多,且密度主要影响断干、翻蔸这2种不可逆的受损类型,合理的密度调控至关重要.3)杉木林分的立地条件与受害程度紧密相关,高海拔、高坡位、陡坡处的林分更易受到冰冻雪压的危害,较高的立地指数有利于杉木在遭受冰冻雪压灾害时减轻损失.  相似文献   

Damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings by summer frost was monitored on 10 clear-cuttings of various ages to which slash removal and four types of site preparation had been applied. The clear-cuttings were established on two sites (5 on each) in southern Sweden from 1989 through 1993 and planted each year from the year of cutting until 1993. In total, 7680 seedlings were analysed for frost injuries during the first three years following planting. The site preparation methods evaluated were: application of herbicide to ground vegetation; mowing of ground vegetation; scarification (mounding); and control. Two seedling types, bare-rooted and containerised seedlings, were evaluated.Periods of frost susceptibility were calculated using data on bud and shoot development during 1997 together with weather data for each of the studied years and sites. The date of flushing was well correlated to the air temperature sum (+5°C threshold value) in spring. Frost damage varied considerably between sites and study years. The lowest measured minimum air temperature and the frost-day sum during the frost-susceptible period were correlated to the frequency of frost damage. Soil scarification reduced frost damage in the first growing season. Bare-rooted seedlings had a considerably lower frequency of frost injury compared with containerised ones, possibly because flushing of the former was delayed. There was no statistically significant effect of herbicide application, mowing or slash removal on the frequency of frost damage. Seedling growth was significantly reduced by frost injury, especially in cases where injuries were sustained during several years. Survival was only slightly affected by frost damage.  相似文献   

Frost Hardiness of Red Alder (Alnus rubra) Provenances in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phenology and frost hardiness of shoots of 15 provenancesof Alnus rubra growing in Scotland were measured over one autumn,winter and spring. Dates of budset (in September) and the onsetof rapid frost hardening (in October-November) occurred about2 days earlier for each degree latitude of origin northwards,except for an Idaho provenance. However, all provenances dehardenedat about the same time in March and burst their buds between8 and 14 April. Assuming that rapid frost hardening in the autumnwas triggered primarily by shortening daylengths, Alaskan provenancesof A. rubra seemed better adapted to British conditions thansouthern British Columbian provenances, which have been mostcommonly planted. However, even Alaskan provenances are proneto spring frost damage. Scottish A. glutinosa and Alaskan A.sinuata set buds and frost hardened 1–2 weeks before eventhe Alaskan A. rubra, and burst their buds 2–3 weeks laterin April-May. All three species were hardy to below –30°Cfrom December to mid-March.  相似文献   

为给枸杞春季霜冻预报和预警提供参考,以3年生盆栽宁夏枸杞‘宁杞1号’为研究对象,于2016、2017、2018年在MSX-2F型霜冻箱内进行人工模拟霜冻试验,处理温度为-3、-4、-5、-6、-7、-8℃,处理时间为1、2、3h,研究不同温度和持续时间处理下宁夏枸杞花蕾期、初花期、盛花期的霜冻率,最终确定宁夏枸杞的霜冻等级。结果表明:根据霜冻率,将霜冻程度划分为3个等级,轻度为霜冻率低于40%,中度为霜冻率40%~80%,重度为霜冻率高于80%;不同低温和持续时间对宁夏枸杞花蕾期、初花期、盛花期的影响程度不同,温度越低、持续时间越长,宁夏枸杞的霜冻率越大;同一温度和持续时间处理下,花蕾期的耐霜冻性最强,初花期的次之,盛花期的最弱。  相似文献   

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