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一、幼树期修剪 短枝型品种应以促为主,普通品种则应以缓为主。短枝型品种树体矮小,节间短,短枝系数高,萌芽率高,但成枝力弱,一但形成短枝,进入结果期后,树冠扩大就极其缓慢,因而在幼树期修剪时应以促为主,枝条放任生长,利用枝条直立生长的优势,尽量多发枝,发旺枝,实行轻剪多留枝,基本不疏枝,增加枝量,扩大树冠,尽快成形。普通品种多数树体高大,萌芽力高,成枝力  相似文献   

经对24个板栗新品系幼树的发枝结果习性进行观测,结果表明,新品系平均结果枝占当年萌发枝的50%以上,且连续结果性能好,达到国家板栗丰产选种标准.对24个板栗新品系幼树1年生健壮枝作轻剪、中剪、重剪和不剪(缓放)4种修剪方法的试验,结果表明,轻剪能显著促进幼树发枝和座果,中剪和缓放次之,重剪结实差,发枝少而壮.  相似文献   

板栗新品系幼树发枝结果习性观测及修剪试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经对24个板栗新品系幼树的发枝结果习性进行观测,结果表明,新品系平均结果枝占当年萌发枝的50%以上,且连续结果性能好,达到国家板栗丰产选种标准,对24个板栗新品系幼树1年生健壮枝作轻剪,中剪,重剪和不剪(缓放)4种修剪方法的试验,结果表明,经剪能显著促进幼树发枝和座果,中剪和缓放次之,重剪结实差,发枝少而壮。  相似文献   

为了解短枝型板栗品种和优系特性,对7个短枝型板栗品种(优系)在幼树生长结果、栗实品质等方面进行了调查分析,采用平均隶属度方法进行短枝型板栗品种(优系)的分析评价。结果表明,参试品种(优系)在生长结果、栗实外观以及营养品质等方面,有一定或较大差异。根据平均隶属度排序结果,‘下港短枝’、‘燕山短枝’、‘泰山短枝-10’综合性状较好,建议生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

<正>1幼树修剪山楂幼树具有极性强,生长旺,枝量少的特点。幼树时期的修剪,应"短截轰条,先促后控"。定植后1~4a内进行重短截,尽量增加枝量。4、5a以后除骨干枝和部分辅养枝短截外,其它大部枝条进行缓放,尽量少疏枝。缓放的枝条,特别是平斜的,其新梢顶芽以下的1~2腋芽大部分都能形成花芽。  相似文献   

1 杏树因品种和单株间生长情况的差异 ,在整体修剪时 ,不要机械地套搬某种树形 ,把大树改成小树。应采取因树修剪、随枝造形的做法 ,只要通风透光良好 ,各主、侧枝之间布局合理 ,树势生长健壮 ,可早实、高产、稳产、优质即可。2 对大枝 (骨干枝 )进行修剪时 ,由于冬天伤口干裂 ,不易愈合 ,易招致病菌寄生 ,造成腐烂和流胶 ,所以宜在早春萌芽时进行 ,并且剪口上要留 2~ 3cm的残桩 ,以利伤口的愈合和剪口下第一芽的萌发和成枝。锯口要用利刀削平 ,最好涂以铅油或黏泥 ,保护伤口。3 幼树期和初果期 ,若延长枝等短截过重 ,易发粗枝 ,造成生…  相似文献   

北斗苹果幼树宜轻剪缓放辽宁省果树研究所冯孝严等经试验比较认为,北斗苹果幼树年生长量大,修剪反应敏感。对1年生枝宜采用轻剪,成枝、总生长量较大,能迅速增加枝芽量,有利于扩大树冠。缓放能增加萌芽数,形成较多中、短枝,有利于幼树提早结果。一般轻剪仅剪去枝1...  相似文献   

仁用杏不同程度的修剪与成枝力萌芽力及座果的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在杏扁管理上 ,过去多放任生长 ,不加修剪 ,这样虽然也能早结果 ,但分枝少、产量低、衰老快。用短截培养枝组的办法 ,长势转弱 ,不利于结果 ,而甩放长枝 ,培养串花枝结果的剪法则是符合杏扁生长发育规律的。1 杏扁树成枝力低重剪整形能增加枝量杏扁定植后 ,抽生几个长枝 ,若不加修剪管理 ,这些长枝即进入结果而少分枝 ,致使枝量不足 ,不能迅速成形。杏扁树的修剪反映是 :若甩放不剪除顶芽单轴延长外 ,一般不抽生长枝 ,适度剪截后 ,剪口下抽生 2~ 3个长枝 ,其抽生枝条的数量及长度与修剪轻重有关 (见表 1)。幼树重剪可促生分枝 ,增加枝量 ,…  相似文献   

唐颖 《陕西林业》2006,(5):39-39
在幼树整形修剪时,对竞争枝的处理要本着控制与利用相结合的原则来进行。一、中心主枝头上竞争枝的处理:对中心主枝头上的竞争枝要区别不同情况进行处理:1、竞争枝换头:当原头生长势弱,而竞争枝长势位置比原头好时,为了保证中心头的优势,可用竞争枝换头。另外,当中干连年直线延  相似文献   

从1985年开始,通过对红富士、红元帅等苹果树的主干粗度(干周)和枝组粗度及枝量的调查,发现干周和全树着生的枝量间的关系为正相关且呈幂函数曲线,枝组粗度和其着生的枝量亦呈幂函数相关,二者相关系数均达0.01~0.05显著水平。根据干周和枝组粗度,可计算出相应的枝量,并应用于修剪,使苹果树的修剪达到简化、量化、科学、合理。通过不同年龄阶段,不同修剪强度的对比试验,找出了各年龄阶段的最佳修剪指标:幼树期为0.2(即剪下20%枝量),初盛果期为0.3,老龄树为0.4~0.5。此项技术在正定县670hm2苹果产区推广应用,收到了良好效果  相似文献   

京亚葡萄无核高效栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了京亚葡萄无核化栽培的药剂处理、果穗整理、肥水管理、负载量控制、整形修剪、生长季架面管理、病虫害防治、存在问题及解决办法等技术和效益情况。  相似文献   

以梯田堰边老龄低产花椒为试材,采用随机区组设计进行不同修剪试验。发现刻芽、中截、重截、疏枝修剪处理均能促进新梢生长,提高叶绿素含量,显著提高花椒单株产量、穗重,增加花椒出皮率。以疏枝处理对花椒新梢生长、果实产量品质影响最显著。平茬更新处理的花椒树的叶色浓绿、叶片肥厚、生长壮旺,果实产量和枝量明显高于对照树,复壮效果明显。  相似文献   

In August, eight 4-m tall citrus trees were pruned by removing the top third of their canopy. Eight unpruned trees served as controls. Root growth, which was examined nondestructively with minirhizotrons over a four-month period, tended to be less in the pruned than unpruned trees seven days after pruning and this difference was significant (P < 0.05) from 14 to 49 days after pruning. Total reducing and ketone sugars (includes free fructose, sucrose and fructans) in the fine roots were less in pruned than unpruned trees 20 days after pruning, but not thereafter. By 30 days after pruning, at least 20% of the roots of the pruned trees at a soil depth of 9 to 35 cm apparently died. By 63 days after pruning, root length density had recovered to that of the unpruned trees, although starch reserves were 18% less in the fine roots of pruned than unpruned trees at this time. Nine to eleven months after pruning (May to July), total biomass of leaves and fine roots to a depth of 1 m were similar in pruned and unpruned trees. However, fruit biomass harvested in April from pruned trees was only 24% of that in the unpruned trees. In May, nonstructural carbohydrates in the fine and coarse roots of pruned trees were generally greater than in unpruned trees, possibly reflecting previous differences in fruit production.  相似文献   

We studied the relief of water stress associated with fruit thinning in pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees during drought to determine what mechanisms, other than stomatal adjustment, were involved. Combinations of control irrigation (equal to crop water use less effective rainfall) and deficit irrigation (equal to 20% of control irrigation), fruit load (unthinned and thinned to 40 fruits per tree) and root pruning (pruned and unpruned) treatments were applied to pear (cv. 'Conference') trees during Stage II of fruit development. Daily patterns of midday stem water potential (Psi(stem)) and leaf conductance to water vapor (g(l)) of deficit-irrigated trees differed after fruit thinning. In response to fruit thinning, gl progressively declined with water stress until 30 days after fruit thinning and then leveled off, whereas the effects of decreased fruit load on Psi(stem) peaked 30-40 days after fruit thinning and then tended to decline. Soil water depletion was significantly correlated with fruit load during drought. Our results indicate that stomatal adjustment and the resulting soil water conservation were the factors determining the Psi(stem) response to fruit thinning. However, these factors could not explain differences in daily patterns between g(l) and Psi(stem) after fruit thinning. In all cases, effects of root pruning treatments on Psi(stem) in deficit-irrigated trees were transitory (Psi(stem) recovered from root pruning in less than 30 days), but the recovery of Psi(stem) after root pruning was faster in trees with low fruit loads. This behavior is compatible with the concept that the water balance (reflected by Psi(stem) values) was better in trees with low fruit loads compared with unthinned trees, perhaps because more carbon was available for root growth. Thus, a root growth component is hypothesized as a mechanism to explain the bimodal Psi(stem) response to fruit thinning during drought.  相似文献   

Producing high value veneer wood requires that the tree bole be branch-free. This can be accomplished by natural or artificial pruning. Since wild cherry does not self prune well, pruning artificially is the only practical option. The study analysed the effect of conventional whorl-wise pruning and selective pruning, on height growth, diameter growth and secondary shoot development of wild cherry. Four pruning treatments were applied on cherry trees in summer 2007, one group of cherries was left unpruned to serve as a control: treatment C1 (upper 5 whorls left), C2 (upper 3 whorls left), S1 (removal of branches larger than 3 cm or with an angle to the stem < 40°), S2 (removal of branches larger than 2 cm or with an angle to the stem < 40°), N (unpruned). Data showed that height growth was not affected by pruning. In contrast, diameter growth at breast height of the C2 pruned cherry was reduced by approximately 5% (SE = 2.7%) in the year of pruning (trees were pruned in July). This pruning treatment produced significant (p = 0.028) nine percent less diameter growth than the control in the second year following pruning. The diameter increment of the C1 pruned trees with five whorls left after pruning and the selective pruned cherries were only about 4% (SE = 4.0%) smaller than the control after two years. This loss was statistically not significant. Analyses showed that on selective pruned trees the survival rate of secondary shoots was significantly reduced compared to those on whorl-wise pruned trees. Significant differences in the size of the secondary shoots were only found between the C1 and S1 (p < 0.05) pruned trees. We did not find differences in the total number of secondary shoots per tree among pruning treatments. Solely from a tree growth perspective, the moderate whorl-wise pruning treatment C1 and the selective prunings were equally effective in minimizing the reduction of diameter growth and are recommended in practice. However it was found that the survival of secondary shoots was reduced on selective pruned trees although the amount of pruning work needed in selective pruning was slightly greater than conventional moderate pruning.  相似文献   

The effects of decapitation at various levels, combined with heavy pruning of remaining branches, were examined for Caribbean pine. This treatment stimulated the development of shoots with long primary needles at all levels in the crown of trees aged one, four and eight years. Although a significant positive relationship between primary needle length and rooting was demonstrated, the very juvenile appearance of these shoots was not a reliable guide to rooting. There was an over-riding effect on rooting of the ortet age × level in crown × decapitation height treatment. Decapitated trees provided shoots of higher rooting capacity than intact trees for the one and four, but not the eight year old trees. Shoots developing in the lower crown in response to decapitation and heavy pruning of four year old trees displayed a high level of rooting-equivalent to that of shoots from the decapitated and pruned one year old trees.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外气动剪枝机的发展现状及特点,在总结分析国内现有气动果树剪枝机存在问题的基础上,对我国气动果树剪枝机的研发方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

不同强度修剪对幼龄期油茶无性系生长及结实的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年冬在江西中部新余市设置两片油茶幼林修剪试验林。结果表明,在生长势良好林分中,修剪处理对次年春梢的抽生长度、次年新梢数量以及次年产量均具有显著或极显著影响,但对全年新梢长度及粗度,以及次年的花芽数影响不显著。修剪虽然对无性系间的新梢长度和粗度影响不大,但对无性系间的新梢数量、花芽数量及产量却有显著影响。修剪对亚林4号和亚林56号无性系有较好的促进作用,而对亚林27号无性系有较明显的抑制作用。其新梢数量分别比对照增加87.20%和6.47%,而亚林27号无性系则比对照低49.33%;次年结果数则分别比对照增加153.72%和5.49%,而亚林27号无性系则比对照低44.39%。在生长势一般的林分中,强度修剪明显抑制了幼林的生长。因此,油茶幼林修剪需要考虑无性系和长势因素。  相似文献   

通过对无患子春梢进行不同强度的修剪处理,结果表明:轻度修剪最有利于新梢的萌发,进行轻剪处理的标准枝,平均新梢数为5.67条,极显著高于中剪和重剪处理的标准枝,是不修剪处理组的2.73倍。进行中度修剪的标准枝上萌发的新梢,其基径和梢长的生长情况均明显高出不修剪或经过轻剪和重剪处理的标准枝;经轻剪处理的标准枝,其平均开花枝数和平均坐果枝数分别为3.75条和2.58条,较未做修剪处理的标准枝1.33条的开花枝数和0.83条的坐果枝数,分别高出了181.95%和210.84%;较中剪处理组高出了80.29%和63.29%,较重剪处理组则高出了220.51%和180.43%;各处理组标准枝的新梢开花枝率和结果枝率则是随着修剪强度的增强而呈递增趋势;修剪强度对各指标的关联序为:新梢平均梢长新梢平均基径平均结果枝数结果枝平均坐果数平均新梢数平均开花枝数。  相似文献   

The effects of crown pruning of mature indigenous fruit trees of Vitellaria paradoxa C. F Gaertn (commonly known as karité) and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don (commonly known as néré) on recovery of crown size and fruit yield were assessed during 6 years in an agroforestry parkland system in Burkina Faso. Three treatments of crown pruning (total-pruning, half-pruning and a control of no-pruning) were applied to karité and néré. Each treatment comprised ten individuals of each species or a total of 60 trees of both species. Six years after pruning, higher recovery (81%) of crown diameter was achieved in total-pruned trees of néré as opposed to karité which recovered by only 73%. On the contrary, fruit production in total-pruned trees of karité recovered by 83% 5 years after pruning and fully (100%) 6 years after pruning as opposed to néré which recovered by only 57% 5 years after pruning but declined to 16% on the sixth year probably due to interannual variability. Fruit yields did not differ significantly between unpruned and half-pruned trees of both species throughout the experiment period. Total pruning may, therefore, be recommended to farmers to rejuvenate old trees of karité in parklands on the basis of fast recovery of fruit and slow recovery of crown in the species. Slow recovery of crown in pruned trees is the most desirable characteristic in parklands in order to avoid the negative effect of tree shade on adjacent crop.  相似文献   

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