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Previous studies comparing cultivars of different maturity groups in different soils demonstrated that early maturity group cultivars were more sensitive to glyphosate injury than those of other maturity groups. In this work, we evaluated the effect of increasing rates of glyphosate on water absorption and photosynthetic parameters in early maturity group cultivar BRS 242 GR soybean. Plants were grown in a complete nutrient solution and subjected to a range of glyphosate rates either as a single or sequential leaf application. Net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, sub-stomatal CO2, carboxylation efficiency, fluorescence, maximal fluorescence and chlorophyll content were monitored right before and at different stages after herbicide application; water absorption was measured daily. All photosynthetic parameters were affected by glyphosate. Total water absorbed and biomass production by plants were also decreased as glyphosate rates increased, with the affect being more intense with a single full rate than half the rate applied in two sequential applications. Water use efficiency (WUE) was significantly reduced with increasing rates of glyphosate.  相似文献   

The bioherbicidal fungus, Colletotrichum truncatum (Schwein.) Andrus & Moore, was tested at different inoculum concentrations alone and in combination with, prior to or following treatment with different rates of glyphosate ( N -[phosphonomethyl]glycine) (Roundup Ultra) for the control of hemp sesbania ( Sesbania exaltata [Raf.] Rydb. ex A.W. Hill) in Roundup Ready soybean field plots. Colletotrichum truncatum and glyphosate were applied in all pair-wise combinations of 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 × 106 spores mL−1 (i.e. 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, and 25 × 1011 spores ha−1), and 0.15, 0.30, 0.60, and 1.2 kg ha−1, respectively. Weed control and disease incidence were enhanced at the two lowest fungal and herbicidal rates when the fungal spores were applied after glyphosate treatment. The application of the fungus in combination with or prior to glyphosate application at 0.30 kg ha−1 resulted in reduced disease incidence and weed control regardless of the inoculum's concentration. At the highest glyphosate rates, the weeds were controlled by the herbicide alone. These results suggest that it might be possible to utilize additive or synergistic herbicide and pathogen interactions to enhance hemp sesbania control.  相似文献   

转基因大豆新品种在商业化之前必须进行环境安全评价,其中,转基因大豆对田间生物多样性的影响是环境安全评价的重要组成部分。本研究以转G2-EPSPS和GAT双价基因的抗草甘膦大豆‘ZH10-6’及其受体大豆‘中黄10’为材料,于2019年在北京顺义地区进行了大田试验,调查了不同处理对节肢动物多样性、主要病害发生、根瘤菌及杂草多样性的影响。结果表明:与非转基因大豆‘中黄10’相比,转基因大豆‘ZH10-6’不同处理田间节肢动物物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势集中性指数、Pielou均匀性指数无显著差异;大豆霜霉病与病毒病的发病率和病情指数无显著差异;根瘤数差异不显著,大豆田杂草多样性无显著差异。研究结果为抗草甘膦转基因大豆‘ZH10-6’的环境安全性评价提供了依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glyphosate is a widely used broad-spectrum herbicide. Recent studies in glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops have shown that, in addition to its herbicidal activity, glyphosate exhibits activity against fungi, thereby providing disease control benefits. In GR wheat, glyphosate has shown both preventive and curative activities against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Erikss) CO Johnston and Puccinia triticina Erikss, which cause stripe and leaf rusts respectively. RESULTS: Laboratory studies confirmed earlier observations that glyphosate has activity against Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd & P Syd which causes Asian soybean rust (ASR) in GR soybeans. The results showed that glyphosate at rates between 0.84 and 1.68 kg ha(-1) delayed the onset of ASR in GR soybeans. However, field trials conducted in Argentina and Brazil under natural infestations showed variable ASR control from application of glyphosate in GR soybeans. Further field studies are ongoing to define the activity of glyphosate against ASR. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the disease control activities of glyphosate against rust diseases in GR wheat and GR soybeans.  相似文献   

草甘膦抗性杂草的田间监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京的大兴区北藏村镇巴园子村的苦菜、节节草对草甘膦不敏感,防效仅为40%~60%;顺义区木林镇魏家店村的马唐对草甘膦不敏感,防效仅70%;通州区潞城镇小营村的藜对草甘膦不敏感,防效仅50%;延庆县井庄镇二司村的黄花蒿、刺儿菜、狗尾草、苦荬菜对草甘膦不敏感,防效仅40%~60%;延庆县农场的黄花蒿、刺儿菜、紫花地丁、苦荬菜对草甘膦不敏感,防效仅30%~50%;山东省淄博的铁苋菜对草甘膦不敏感,防效为70%;滕州的小飞蓬、苘麻、葎草对草甘膦不敏感,防效为40%~60%;广西的杂草对草甘膦都比较敏感,防效都在88%以上;其他杂草对草甘膦较敏感。  相似文献   

This paper compares the responses of conventional and transgenic soybean to glyphosate application in terms of the contents of 17 detectable soluble amino acids in leaves, analyzed by HPLC and fluorescence detection. Glutamate, histidine, asparagine, arginine + alanine, glycine + threonine and isoleucine increased in conventional soybean leaves when compared to transgenic soybean leaves, whereas for other amino acids, no significant differences were recorded. Univariate analysis allowed us to make an approximate differentiation between conventional and transgenic lines, observing the changes of some variables by glyphosate application. In addition, by means of the multivariate analysis, using principal components analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) it was possible to identify and discriminate different groups based on the soybean genetic origin.  相似文献   

转基因耐草甘膦大豆对豆田节肢动物群落多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在田间试验条件下,采用直接观察法,通过对多样性指数、优势集中性指数、均匀性指数、物种数的分析比较,研究转基因耐草甘膦大豆对豆田节肢动物群落多样性的影响。结果显示,大豆生长期转基因耐草甘膦大豆和受体的节肢动物多样性指数、均匀性指数、物种数均显著低于当地常规品种,优势集中性指数显著高于当地常规品种,但转基因抗草甘膦大豆与对照受体间各指标无显著性差异,说明转基因耐草甘膦大豆对豆田节肢动物群落无明显影响。  相似文献   

将具有我国自主知识产权的抗虫、耐除草剂基因转化到玉米中获得兼具抗虫和耐除草剂的复合性状转基因玉米,实现了玉米复杂性状的有效改良,研究了转耐除草剂CC-2基因和可表达Bt毒素的cry1Ac基因的双抗玉米对除草剂的耐受性及目标蛋白表达量。通过调查喷施除草剂后玉米植株存活率及株高和生长发育情况,研究了转抗虫耐除草剂基因玉米‘CC-2×BT799’、抗虫玉米‘BT799’、耐除草剂玉米‘CC-2’,以及常规玉米‘郑58’在田间对除草剂的耐受性,并用ELISA测定了供试品种中CP4EPSPS和Cry1Ac蛋白含量。对草甘膦的耐受性试验表明,转复合基因玉米‘CC-2×BT799’与单抗草甘膦品种‘CC-2’对草甘膦均具有良好的耐受性。心叶期喷施草甘膦推荐施用剂量中量和2倍剂量对其株高和后期生长发育无不良影响。ELISA检测显示,CP4EPSPS蛋白在雄穗中的表达量较叶片稍高。且双抗品种‘CC-2×BT799’较‘CC-2’中的CP4EPSPS蛋白含量稍高。在雄穗中,‘BT799’的Cry1Ac蛋白含量与‘CC-2×BT799’相当。在叶片中,‘BT799’的Cry1Ac蛋白含量约为‘CC-2×BT799’的2倍。抗虫耐除草剂玉米能够有效抵御草甘膦的喷施,Cry1Ac蛋白含量在不同品种不同组织中存在差异。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the emergence of glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds, the environmental consequences of alternatives to GR technology are of increasing importance. A well-known acute mammalian toxicity measure, the LD(50) dose for rats, is used to assess one potential environmental impact of the loss of GR technology. A new dataset with this index is used to estimate and simulate the effects for corn, soybeans and cotton.RESULTS: With conventional tillage it is found that the use of GR seeds reduces the number of LD(50) doses applied per hectare by 17-98% depending on crop. With no-till, the use of GR seeds reduces LD(50) doses only in corn. If farmers switch to conventional seeds because of GR weeds but maintain the same tillage practice, the present simulations suggest that LD(50) doses could increase by as much as 100 LD(50) doses per hectare in soybeans, and 500 LD(50) doses per hectare in cotton, or 11.4 and 19.8% respectively.CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to use field-level data to assess GR technology with a mammalian toxicity environmental indicator. It has been found that GR crops have a positive environmental effect, and that alternatives to GR technology increase toxicity.  相似文献   

Distribution of [14C]glyphosate was examined in mature glyphosate-resistant cotton plants at the 13-node stage in the absence of phytotoxicity. Initial experiments employed manual application of glyphosate to individual leaves within a relatively immature (Node 9) or mature (Node 5) sympodium (i.e., fruiting node) in the plant. We measured glyphosate export out of the treated leaf to the fruiting structures and foliage in the sympodium as well as out of the sympodium into the plant. Application to the Stem leaf, Leaf 1 or Leaf 2 in Node 9 showed 30-37% glyphosate export by 14 days after treatment. While Stem leaf exported mainly to the plant, Leaves 1 and 2 exported equally between the plant and the sympodium. Within the sympodium, glyphosate was distributed almost entirely to the fruiting structures with Boll 1 containing the highest level irrespective of the treated leaf. In Node 5, application to the Stem leaf or Leaves 1-3 showed overall lower glyphosate export (20-27%) with Stem leaf and Leaf 3 exporting mainly to the plant, and Leaves 1 and 2 exporting mainly to the sympodium. Within Node 5, the subtending boll of the treated leaf was not the main distribution target, but instead the boll at the next higher sympodial position relative to the treated leaf. Subsequent studies were conducted using over-the-top spray application of [14C]glyphosate at field use-rates in mature plants at the 13-node stage. Analysis of open bolls at full maturity showed high residues in seeds and fiber of Bolls 1 and 2 in the mature sympodia. Our results suggest that glyphosate distribution in mature plants was affected by sympodial age, position of the treated leaf, and position and sink strength of the bolls.  相似文献   

Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) blocks the shikimate pathway, reducing the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids, followed by the arrest interruption of protein production and a general metabolic disruption of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Glyphosate-resistance is conferred to soybean by incorporating a gene encoding a glyphosate-insensitive enzyme (CP4-EPSP synthase) that acts in the shikimate pathway. This paper evaluates the metabolic effects caused by this herbicide on the shikimate (shikimate dehydrogenase activity and shikimate content) and phenylpropanoid (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity, phenolic and lignin contents) pathways in BRS-133 (susceptible) and BRS-245RR (resistant) soybean (Glycine max L.) roots. In general, the results showed that in susceptible roots (1) glyphosate affects the shikimate pathway (massive shikimate accumulation and enhanced shikimate dehydrogenase activity) and the phenylpropanoid pathway (increase in PAL activity, production of benzoate derivatives and decrease of lignin) and (2) the metabolic disruption contributes to the production of p-hydroxybenzoate and vanillate, which likely originate from shikimate and/or cinnamate and their derivatives. No such changes were observed in the genetically modified soybean consistent with its resistance to glyphosate.  相似文献   

T. T. LEE 《Weed Research》1980,20(6):365-369
Callus cultures or tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. While Gold and N. glauca-langsdorffii, a tumour-forming amphidiploid hybrid) and soybean Glycine max L., cv. Chippewa) were used lo study the effect of glyphosate [N-(phosphonnmethyl) glycine) un growth and interactions with growth hormones. Glyphosate inhibited growth both in the dark and light but showed a greater toxicity in the dark. This was contrary to its effect on chlorophyll degradation which was accelerated by light. The inhibition of growth was not reversed by simultaneous addition of aromatic amino acids to the medium. Thus the results suggest a multiple glyphosate action. The tobacco callus tissue was more sensitive to glyphosate than the soybean callus tissue, confirming a difference in tolerance between plant species. Despite the inhibitory effect of glyphosate. the treated tissue revived after being transferred to a glyphosate-free medium. The glyphosate-induced growth inhibition in soybean and tumour-forming tobacco callus cultures also was reversible by high levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), which itself was inhibitory Theglyphosate-IAA interaction in the tissues which were sensitive to IAA suggests that the inhibition of growth by glyphosate was related to auxin levels in these tissues.  相似文献   

针对抗草甘膦转基因大豆的外源基因Cp4-epsps,建立了一种基于环介导等温扩增(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)技术的抗草甘膦转基因大豆的检测体系,其扩增产物既可利用常规琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测,还可通过SYBR Green I染色进行快速检测。LAMP检测体系中dNTPs浓度为0.8 mmol/L、Mg2+浓度为3mmol/L、反应时间为45min时扩增效果最佳,其检测灵敏度为5μg/L,比常规PCR灵敏100倍。田间实际检测结果表明,LAMP检测结果和PCR检测结果完全一致,准确率为100%。本研究所建立的抗草甘膦转基因大豆LAMP检测方法具有简便快速、特异性强、灵敏度高等特征,是一种能够用于抗草甘膦转基因大豆检测、田间基因漂移监测和环境安全研究的有力工具。  相似文献   

在室内把同种常规栽培大豆染色后与非染色大豆按照1∶20、1∶40、1∶60、1∶80比例模拟混合后,随机取样,统计染色大豆的分布和数量。之后采用方差均值比、Morisita指数检验、卡方测验3种格局分布类型检验方法,对经过模拟收获、运输、储藏过程的4种比例混合后的染色大豆进行分布格局分析。结果表明,在高比例情况下,染色大豆呈聚集分布;中比例和低比例下,分布格局呈现随机分布。该研究结果对转基因大豆混杂在常规大豆中的田间抽样检测技术制定有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Calcium ion in hydroponic solution with glyphosate [N-phosphonomethyl (glycine)] did not significantly influence the efficacy of the herbicide in reducing growth of soybean (Glycine max) seedlings. Data from atomic absorption spectroscopy studies revealed that glyphosate reduced Ca2+ uptake and translocation, whether supplied alone or with other metal ions. Results with radiolabelled 45Ca2+ indicated that glyphosate severely retards translocation of Ca2+ from the roots to the leaves and cotyledons but the effect is not detectable until 24 h after exposure to glyphosate. Influence du glyphosate sur l'absorption el le mourement de I'ion calcium dans des plantules de soja. L'ion calcium présent dans une solution hydroponique contenant du glyphosate (N-phosphono-methyl (glycine) ne modifie pas dc facon significative I'efficacité de I'herbicide dans son action sur la réduction de croissance de plantules de soya. Des données fournies par la spectroscopie d'absorption atomique montrent que le glyphosate reduit l'absorption et le mouvement des ions Ca2+ seuls ou en présence d'ionsd'autresmétaux. Les résultats obtenus avec des ions marqués 45Ca2+ révèlent que le glyphosate retarde notablement le mouvement des ions Ca2+ entre les racines et les feuilles ou les cotylédons mais cet effct n'est pas détectable avant une péríode de 24h suivant l'exposition au glyphosate.  相似文献   

不同生育期转基因抗草甘膦抗虫棉花对草甘膦的耐受性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为明确转基因抗草甘膦抗虫棉田草甘膦的使用适期,于棉花子叶期、3~4片真叶期和花铃期喷施不同浓度的草甘膦,比较药害发生情况、棉花产量和纤维品质。棉花子叶期、3~4片真叶期和花铃期喷施1 640~9 840 g/hm2(有效成分,下同)草甘膦后,施药初期棉花均表现出一定的药害症状,药后4~8 d药害株率和药害指数达最大值,药后12 d药害症状逐渐减轻或消失。棉花子叶期和3~4片真叶期喷施草甘膦,对棉花产量无显著影响,但棉花花铃期喷施2 460~9 840 g/hm2草甘膦后,棉花产量显著降低,降幅达35.0%~63.3%。3个时期喷施草甘膦均不影响棉花的纤维品质。研究表明,转基因抗草甘膦抗虫棉田草甘膦的使用适期为棉花苗期。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Crops resistant to glyphosate may mitigate the increasing contamination of the environment by herbicides, since their weeding requires smaller amounts of herbicides and fewer active ingredients. However, there are few published data comparing the fate of glyphosate with that of substitute herbicides under similar soil and climatic conditions. The objectives of the work reported here were (i) to evaluate and compare the fate in soil in field conditions of glyphosate, as used on glyphosate-resistant oilseed rape, with that of two herbicides frequently used for weed control on the same crop, albeit non-resistant: trifluralin and metazachlor, and (ii) to compare field results with predictions of the pesticide root zone model (PRZM), parameterized with laboratory data. Dissipation and vertical distribution in the soil profile of glyphosate, trifluralin and metazachlor were monitored in an experimental site located in Eastern France for 1 year. RESULTS: Herbicide persistence in the field increased as follows: metazachlor < glyphosate < trifluralin, contrary to laboratory results showing glyphosate to be least persistent. The main metabolite of glyphosate-aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA)-was more persistent than glyphosate. AMPA and trifluralin had the largest vertical mobility, followed by metazachlor and glyphosate. PRZM underestimated the dissipation rate of glyphosate in the field and the formation of AMPA, but its predictions for trifluralin and metazachlor were correct. The simulation of herbicides and AMPA distribution in the soil profile was satisfactory, but the mobility of trifluralin and metazachlor was slightly underestimated, probably because PRZM ignores preferential flow. In general, data from the laboratory allowed an acceptable parameterization of the model, as indicated by goodness-of-fit indices. CONCLUSION: Because of the detection of AMPA in the deep soil layer, the replacement of both trifluralin and metazachlor with glyphosate might not contribute to decreasing environmental contamination by herbicides. PRZM may be used to evaluate and to compare other weed control strategies for herbicide-resistant as well as non-resistant crops.  相似文献   

Weed species shifts in glyphosate-resistant crops   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The adoption of glyphosate-based crop production systems has been one of the most important revolutions in the history of agriculture. Changes in weed communities owing to species that do not respond to current glyphosate-based management tactics are rapidly increasing. Clearly, glyphosate-resistant crops (GRCs) do not influence weeds any more than non-transgenic crops. For most crops, the trait itself is essentially benign in the environment. Rather, the weed control tactics imposed by growers create the ecological selection pressure that ultimately changes the weed communities. This is seen in the adoption of conservation tillage and weed management programs that focus on one herbicide mode of action and have hastened several important weed population shifts. Tillage (disturbance) is one of the primary factors that affect changes in weed communities. The intense selection pressure from herbicide use will result in the evolution of herbicide-resistant weed biotypes or shifts in the relative prominence of one weed species in the weed community. Changes in weed communities are inevitable and an intrinsic consequence of growing crops over time. The glyphosate-based weed management tactics used in GRCs impose the selection pressure that supports weed population shifts. Examples of weed population shifts in GRCs include common waterhemp [Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq ex DC) JD Sauer], horseweed (Conyza canadensis L), giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L) and other relatively new weed problems. Growers have handled these weed population shifts with varying success depending on the crop.  相似文献   

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