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Decision-makers in the protected crop environment face similar pest-management decisions, in economic terms, to growers of field crops or grain store managers. As a result, the principles of economic thresholds, cost: benefit analyses and risk minimisation apply equally to each of these systems. Growers are faced with several general classes of pest-control decisions: the general control strategy to adopt, and then tactical questions such as when to start control and when to stop or change control practices. However, there are a number of aspects of protected crops which require a somewhat different view of the problem. Several economic models for these questions are examined. The high density of protected crops means that a great deal is at risk at any one time. The protected environment reduces uncertainty about losses, but by optimising temperatures and humidities it increases the probability of loss. The feeling of being able to “control” the environment may extend to pests as well, increasing the use of standard pesticide or biocontrol programmes, rather than responsive pest management based on thresholds. The relatively small scale of protected crops, their accessibility for inspection and the high level of management skills involved in their production improve prospects for monitoring and predicting crop levels, insects and diseases, thus reducing uncertainty. However, the high probability of loss may reduce the value of gathering information, and encourage growers to rely on standard prophylactic procedures which allow them to devote management effort to more productive activities, such as marketing. The balance may be shifted towards more information-based decisions in the future to try to avoid excessive pesticide use because of more stringent regulations on pesticide residues and changing market demand for more organic produce. This may affect disease control in particular, where prophylactic biological control is not an option. At the policy level, feedback on environmental impacts to consumers and policy-makers is poor and decisions with expensive implications for the economy and for environmental quality may not be made in an optimal manner.  相似文献   

橘果实蝇犤Bactroceradorsalis(Hendel)犦又称橘小实蝇、蛀果虫、针蜂,属双翅目,实蝇科,其寄主植物250种以上。在潮州市,橘果实蝇除为害柑橘等果树外,2000年首次发现为害台湾青枣,近2~3a来,又发现此虫对瓜类作物为害比较严重,对瓜类生产造成很大的威胁。1为害状橘果实蝇成虫主  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta is a pest from South America which has been detected in many European and Mediterranean countries since 2006. It was identified in Corsica and the South of France in late 2008, and by 2010 this Lepidopteran species had spread to further tomato‐production areas. The pest is present mainly on tomatoes in protected and field crops, and damage on leaves and fruit can be so severe that it can lead to total destruction of the plant. Since 2010, studies have been carried out in experimental insect‐proof glasshouses with artificial infestations of the pest. The objective was to gain better knowledge of this emergent pest and to develop adapted control strategies under the conditions of the South‐East of France. Integrated pest management is widely used on tomato crops in France, and the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus and the parasitoid Trichogramma achaeae were studied, alone and in combination. The possible effect of the concurrent prey Trialeurodes vaporariorum on the impact of the predator on T. absoluta was also studied. The best results were obtained when the two beneficials were released in combination, even in the presence of whiteflies T. vaporariorum.  相似文献   

俞满根 《江西植保》2001,24(4):134-135
施田农药的目的 ,不仅为了防治病、虫、草害 ,更重要的是保证农作物的丰收。农药对被保护作物的影响有两个方面 :刺激植物生长发育或者影响生理、代谢 ;抑制或破坏植物的正常生长发育规律 ,造成不同程度的药害。今特探讨作物药害及其预防问题。1 药害的症状类型药害是指作物施用农药不当而引起的各种病态反应 ,包括作物体内生理过程的非正常的变化、生长受阻、植株变态 ,甚至死亡等一系列的症状 ,最终导致减产。从药害症状表现时间来看 ,可分为急性药害和慢性药害。急性药害是指施药后几小时至数日内即表现出来 ,多呈斑点、失绿、落花、落…  相似文献   

俞满根 《江西植保》2002,25(1):26-29
2 引起药害的原因引起药害的原因较为复杂 ,但主要有下列几个方面 :2 .1 农药方面2 .1 .1 农药的理化性质 :在一般情况下 ,农药对农作物都有一定的生理影响 ,一些油剂、粉剂等能堵塞植物叶片的气孔而造成药害 ,一些铜制剂、砷制剂如硫酸铜、砷酸钙等 ,喷在植物叶片上 ,使这些水溶性药剂渗入植物组织内而产生药害。一些广谱性的除草剂如草甘膦 ,喷洒到作物绿色部位 ,吸收后使一些植物的花粉母细胞减数分裂发生紊乱 ,干扰植物的苯基丙氨酸的生物合成 ,以致植物基叶枯黄 ,根基腐烂而枯死。有些药剂可抑制植物的光合作用和同化作用 ,阻碍细胞…  相似文献   

Clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae is an emerging threat to canola (Brassica napus) production in western Canada, and a serious disease on crucifer vegetable crops in eastern Canada. In this study, seven biological control agents and two fungicides were evaluated as soil drenches or seed treatments for control of clubroot. Under growth cabinet conditions, a soil‐drench application of formulated biocontrol agents Bacillus subtilis and Gliocladium catenulatum reduced clubroot severity by more than 80% relative to pathogen‐inoculated controls on a highly susceptible canola cultivar. This efficacy was similar to that of the fungicides fluazinam and cyazofamid. Under high disease pressure in greenhouse conditions, the biocontrol agents were less effective than the fungicides. Additionally, all of the treatments delivered as a seed coating were less effective than the soil drench. In field trials conducted in 2009, different treatments consisting of a commercial formulation of B. subtilis, G. catenulatum, fluazinam or cyazofamid were applied as an in‐furrow drench at 500 L ha?1 water volume to one susceptible and one resistant cultivar at two sites seeded to canola in Alberta and one site of Chinese cabbage in Ontario. There was no substantial impact on the susceptible canola cultivar, but all of the treatments reduced clubroot on the susceptible cultivar of Chinese cabbage, lowering disease severity by 54–84%. There was a period of 4 weeks without rain after the canola was seeded, which likely contributed to the low treatment efficacy on canola. Under growth cabinet conditions, fluazinam and B. subtilis products became substantially less effective after 2 weeks in a dry soil, but cyazofamid retained its efficacy for at least 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Best results in Frankliniella occidentulis control on gerbera, with very good long-term effects, were obtained only with the following plant protection products: Tamaron LC 600 (0.1 %) among organophosphorus compounds, Marshal 25 EC (0.15%) and Mesurol 500 FS (0.1%) among carbamates, Baythroid 0.35 SC (0.05%) and Rufast 15 EC (0.1%) among pyrethroids, Applaud 25 WP (0.05%), Cascade 5 EC (0.3%), GR-572 10 EC (0.1 and 0.25%) and Konfidor 200 EC (0.08%) among insect growth regulators.  相似文献   

本文概述了1949-2009年60年来北京地区农作物有害生物灾害发生和应对情况。分析了灾害形成的原因,同时从减灾的角度提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

Cephalosporium stripe, caused by the fungus Cephalosporium gramineum, is the only known vascular wilt disease of small grain cereals. The pathogen causes characteristic striping of leaf blades and sheaths, but can also result in seedling death, stunting, and sterile seed heads (white heads). Cephalosporium stripe is a disease of autumn (fall)‐sown wheat, especially in cool and wet production regions. The disease is further favoured by early sowing, reduced tillage practices, low pH soils, and by frost heaving that damages roots. Infections occur almost entirely from spores produced on surface crop debris that are washed into the soil, although a low level of seed transmission can also occur. The pathogen colonizes root epidermis and cortical cells, subsequently moves into the vascular tissue, and eventually spreads throughout the entire plant. Production of fungal toxin(s) and extracellular polysaccharides probably play an important role in pathogenesis. Cultural practices such as delayed sowing, crop rotation, destruction of crop debris, liming of soil and fertilizer management all have potential to reduce the incidence of cephalosporium stripe. All of these cultural practices have negative economic impacts and/or increase soil erosion, and thus there is much interest in the development of resistant cultivars. There is potential for introgression of highly effective resistance from wild species into cultivated wheat. Genes for quantitatively inherited resistance can also be accumulated within cultivated wheat to attain moderate resistance. The continued use of cultivars with moderate resistance will probably be sufficient for long‐term control of the disease.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In the Jiloca valley (Teruel, Spain) saffron (Crocus sativus) is attracting attention because of its high quality and the growing demand in the gourmet...  相似文献   

橘小实蝇生物学及控制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙国坤 《植物保护》2006,32(5):115-117
橘小实蝇[Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)]是水果类作物重要害虫之一,作物受其危害,不仅严重影响产量、品质,也严重影响水果出口贸易,造成巨大的经济损失。国内不少省市已对橘小实蝇的生态、发生规律、种群消长、寄主种类、防治及检疫处理等作过不同程度的调查和研究。国外对橘小实蝇的生态、发生、消长、防治、寄生天敌以及化学防治药剂对寄生天敌的影响等均有较详细的报道。国外采用雄性不育技术,大量饲养、释放不育雄虫防治橘小实蝇已取得成效。20世纪90年代初期橘小实蝇在本地区开始发生,近年危害越来越严重,尤其橘小实蝇嗜好的番石榴,比其他水果受害都重。为控制其危害,笔者于2002—2005年,在“橘小实蝇疫情监测发生规律及防治技术研究”课题基础上,对其进行了生物学及控制技术研究。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.) is a damaging disease affecting container-grown Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. Trials were conducted to test anilinopyrimidine fungicides (pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and mepanipyrim), azoxystrobin and tolylfluanid for crop safety on cultivars, and to evaluate spray programmes based on alternating these fungicides with different modes of action for disease control. Timing and application at different spray intervals were also investigated. RESULTS:Cyprodinil was slightly phytotoxic on only one of the seven cvs tested. Alternating nine-spray programmes of azoxystrobin with an anilinopyrimidine or tolylfluanid, or an anilinopyrimidine with tolylfluanid, with the first spray applied immediately after potting, were equally effective in reducing disease incidence and severity compared with untreated plants. Spray programmes of five or eight sprays, using an anilinopyrimidine and at least one other fungicide with a different mode of action, applied alternately or in blocks of two sprays of the same fungicide and immediately after potting, were equally effective in reducing disease. Omission of early fungicide sprays until 9 weeks after potting and subsequent alternate application of pyrimethanil and tolylfluanid with a different mode of action at 6 week intervals gave reduced disease control. CONCLUSION:There is potential to use spray programmes based on alternating anilinopyrimidines with fungicides with a different mode of action to provide effective control of B. cinerea on C. vulgaris.  相似文献   

马铃薯粉痂病综合防治技术初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,粉痂病已成为云南省马铃薯生产上的重要病害之一,但目前还没有有效防治粉痂病的药剂和措施。本试验于2005年对云南省马铃薯粉痂病的综合防治技术进行了大田试验和温室盆栽试验。结果表明:在大田试验和温室盆栽试验中,品种会-2对马铃薯粉痂病均表现较高的抗性,在播种穴中施用适量的豆饼进行处理均能较好地防止粉痂病的发生,其他处理的防治效果则不明显。  相似文献   

Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a major pest of onion worldwide. In 2011, research was conducted in a commercial onion field in northwestern Italy to: (i) assess the presence of autochthonous onion thrips predators on the crop; and (ii) evaluate the impact of the commonly used insecticides and alternative pest management strategies on onion thrips and its autochthonous predators. Toxicity of the active ingredients on local populations of onion thrips and its predatory thrips was also evaluated in laboratory bioassays. During field surveys, the highest and lowest thrips infestations were observed in plots treated with lambda-cyhalothrin and spinosad, respectively. The effectiveness of spinosad on T. tabaci was also confirmed in laboratory bioassays. The dominant zoophagous species Aeolothrips intermedius (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) was more adversely affected by treatment with lambda-cyhalothrin, confirmed by a decrease in predator/prey ratios. The use of spinosad and acibenzolar-S-methyl is suggested as an alternative to conventional insecticides for the preservation of A. intermedius, which proved to be a potential biological control agent of T. tabaci.  相似文献   

V. JOVANI 《EPPO Bulletin》1994,24(2):423-427
From studies carried out on soil and root samples from the different agricultural crops in Albania, the following nematode genera have been detected: Meloidogyne, Ditylenchus, Tylenchulus, Globodera, Heterodera, Xiphinema, Pratylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Paratylenchus, Longidorus and Rotylenchus. The commonest species of nematodes are: M. incognita, X. pachtaicum, D. dipsaci, D. destructor, T. semipenetrans, G. rostochiensis, H. schachtii and P. penetrans. Trials on chemical control of root-knot nematodes on tomato have indicated that methyl bromide (500 kg ha-1) and dichloropropane/dichloropropene are still the best chemicals. Certification of garlic crops, with selection of bulbs before and after sowing, has increased garlic yields to 5–10t ha-1. Chemical methods to control D. dipsaci are not usually economical.  相似文献   

加拿大一枝黄花综合防控技术初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陆彦 《杂草科学》2007,(3):39-40
秋季人工防除加拿大一枝黄花以复耕复种形式为最好,人工割除效果很差;化学防除以草甘膦与使它隆混用为好。在加拿大一枝黄花综合防控措施中,有条件的地区可采取以复耕复种为主的农业措施进行防除,否则可使用化学药剂进行防除。  相似文献   

黄瓜枯萎病研究进展及其综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由镰刀菌引起的黄瓜枯萎病是生产上制约黄瓜产量和品质的重要因素。为此介绍了黄瓜枯萎病的发生为害、病原种类、病害循环、病原菌毒素情况及其综合防治等。同时,概述了黄瓜种传镰刀菌的相关研究。  相似文献   

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