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Storm damage of Douglas-fir unexpectedly high compared to Norway spruce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Since storm damage has a large impact on forest management in Central Europe, we investigated the main storm risk factors for two important conifer species, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirbel] Franco) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.).


We compared general storm damage levels of Douglas-fir and Norway spruce, the latter being known to have high storm risk among European tree species.


Generalized linear mixed models and boosted regression trees were applied to recorded storm damage of individual trees from long-term experimental plots in southwest Germany. This included two major winter storm events in 1990 and 1999. Over 40 candidate predictors were tested for their explanatory power for storm damage and summarized into predictor categories for further interpretation.


The two most important categories associated with storm damage were timber removals and topographic or site information, explaining between 18 and 54 % of storm damage risk, respectively. Remarkably, general damage levels were not different between Douglas-fir and Norway spruce.


Under current forest management approaches, Douglas-fir may be considered a species with high storm risk in Central Europe, comparable to that of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Detached needles from 20-week-old black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) seedlings root-drenched with 60 mg of paclobutrazol were exposed to two temperatures (22 and 50 degrees C) and two light treatments (100 and 1900 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) PAR) in a factorial combination for 4 h in vitro. Mean dry weights of individual needles from paclobutrazol-treated plants were approximately 1.9 times heavier than that of needles from untreated controls at 22 degrees C, but no differences were observed following incubation at 50 degrees C. Numbers of cells per needle remained constant in all treatments. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents per needle were higher in seedlings treated with paclobutrazol than in untreated control seedlings, and the differences were most pronounced in the high temperature plus high light treatment. In low light at 50 degrees C, quantum efficiency of photosystem II was 45% higher in needles of paclobutrazol-treated seedlings than in needles of untreated control seedlings, but quantum efficiency of needles from treated seedlings declined when needles were exposed to high light at either temperature. Peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities were up-regulated by paclobutrazol, whereas catalase activities were depressed and no significant differences were observed between treated and control needles at 50 degrees C in either light treatment. Paclobutrazol treatment did not moderate the depressive effects of high temperature on total soluble protein or on the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. In contrast, high activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were maintained in paclobutrazol-treated needles under all stress conditions, whereas large losses in activity were recorded in untreated needles at 50 degrees C. Collectively, these observations suggest that paclobutrazol treatment may convey resistance to excessive light and high temperatures by increasing the potential of conifers to limit damage caused by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Bigras FJ 《Tree physiology》1997,17(5):311-318
Root systems of 6-month-old, cold-hardened, container-grown black spruce seedlings (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) were exposed to 0, -5, -10, -15, -20, or -22.5 degrees C. Freezing-induced damage to fine roots, coarse roots and the whole root system was assessed by various viability tests including leakage of electrolytes, leakage of phenolic compounds, water loss, root and shoot water potentials, and live root dry mass. To assess the long-term effects of freezing-induced root damage, seedling survival and regrowth were measured. Leakage of both electrolytes and phenolic compounds differed among fine roots, coarse roots, and whole root systems. In coarse roots and the whole root system, but not in fine roots, leakage of electrolytes, leakage of phenolic compounds, water loss, and root and shoot water potentials were correlated with percentage of live root dry mass which, in turn, was highly correlated with seedling survival and regrowth. Compared with live root dry mass, electrolyte and phenolic leakage, water loss, and root and shoot water potentials were less well correlated with seedling survival and regrowth. Among the viability tests, electrolyte leakage of the whole root system correlated most closely with seedling survival and regrowth. Under freezing conditions that destroyed less than 50% of each seedling's root system, about 70% of the seedlings survived and subsequent growth was little affected, whereas under freezing conditions that destroyed 70% of each seedling's root system, only about 30% of the seedlings survived and subsequent growth was reduced compared with that of undamaged plants.  相似文献   

Leaf reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths (400-1000 nm) is related primarily to pigmentation, leaf structure and water content, and is an important tool for studying stress physiology and relationships between plants and their growth environment. We studied reflectance of two co-occurring Alaskan conifers, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), at elevations from 60 to 930 m a.s.l. along a latitudinal gradient from 61 degrees to 68 degrees N. Black spruce samples were collected from 24 sites and white spruce from 30 sites. Overall, reflectance spectra of the two species were similar, but from 400 to 700 nm, needle reflectance was consistently higher in black spruce than in white spruce (all P 相似文献   

Man  Rongzhou  Lu  Pengxin  Dang  Qing-Lai 《New Forests》2021,52(2):317-328
New Forests - Understanding tree vulnerability to freezing temperatures will help resource managers to mitigate the effects of climatic variability. To test the effectiveness of tissue dehardening...  相似文献   

Wood drying experiments are conducted in which the temperature and the drying rate are controlled independently. In relationship to drying processes, at least three mechanisms are believed to contribute to the properties of dried wood. However, only two of these are found to affect the properties of macroscopic specimens, the third mechanism being observable in microtomed earlywood sections, and possibly in specimens loaded in the radial direction. Degradation of structural components and irreversible hydrogen bonding (hornification) are found to contribute to both the hygroscopicity and the mechanical properties of macroscopic wood specimens. Mass loss from thermal degradation occurs predominantly in slow high-temperature drying processes. Irreversible hydrogen bonding takes place in high-temperature drying, in particular with high ultimate dryness. Regarding the effect on strength and stiffness, mass loss and hornification appear to compete. The third identified mechanism, microscopic cell wall damage caused by incompatible drying shrinkage of cell wall elements, does not seem to affect the mechanical properties of macroscopic wood specimens. Consequently, slow high-temperature drying processes do not provide much benefit regarding the mechanical behavior of dried wood. The reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The acquired thermotolerance of first-year seedlings of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) hardened at 36, 38, 40 or 42 degrees C for 90, 180 or 360 minutes and of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) hardened at 34, 36, 38 or 40 degrees C for 30, 90, 180 or 360 minutes was determined by comparison of needle damage to that of non-hardened seedlings (25 degrees C) following exposure to temperatures of 49 and 47.5 degrees C, respectively. Compared to seedlings kept at 25 degrees C, heat injury sustained from exposure to high temperatures was markedly reduced following hardening for 180 minutes at 36 and 38 degrees C in jack pine and black spruce, respectively. Increasing the exposure time at 36 degrees C in jack pine, and at 36 to 40 degrees C in black spruce, also reduced needle damage. The duration of increased thermotolerance was investigated in jack pine, black spruce and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) by comparing heat injury from high temperatures in non-hardened seedlings and in seedlings hardened at 38 degrees C for 180 minutes a day for either 1, 3 or 6 days. In all three species, the duration of acquired thermotolerance increased with the number of days of heat hardening. For jack pine and white spruce seedlings hardened at 38 degrees C for 6 days, increased thermotolerance persisted for at least 14 and 10 days, respectively, after the end of the hardening treatment. In contrast, the thermotolerance of black spruce seedlings hardened at 38 degrees C for 6 days remained elevated for only 4 days.  相似文献   

Tolerance of bareroot and container-grown seedlings of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), and eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) to competition from herbaceous vegetation was examined in the first five years after planting on a site in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence forest of Ontario, Canada. Shoot and root morphological characteristics of various stocktypes were measured before planting and correlated with 5-year survival and growth following control and no control of herbaceous vegetation. For black spruce and jack pine, medium-sized bareroot stocktypes had greater relative 5-year stem volume growth in the presence of herbaceous vegetation than did container stock of either species or large bareroot stock of spruce. Relative volume growth was measured as the ratio of the cumulative stem volume increment in the presence of vegetation (Veg) to that in the absence of vegetation (NoVeg), i.e., the Veg:NoVeg ratio. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratio of volume increment of medium container and large bareroot stocktypes exceeded that of small container and medium bareroot stocktypes. In jack pine, root collar diameter at planting and number of first-order lateral roots were positively correlated with 5-year Veg:NoVeg ratio of volume increment. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratio was also positively correlated with root collar diameter at planting and with root volume. In black spruce, the ratio was not related to pre-plant morphology. Thus, for white pine and jack pine, certain pre-plant morphological features may be useful in forecasting the relative ability of different stocktypes to grow under herbaceous competition conditions in the field.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of nutrient addition on several physiological characteristics of 60-cm-tall black spruce (Picea mariana Mill. B.S.P.) layers (i.e., rooted branches of overstory trees) and 20-cm-tall planted seedlings on a clear-cut, N-limited boreal site. After two growing seasons, current-year and one-year-old needles of fertilized trees (layers and seedlings combined) had higher net photosynthetic rates (A(n)) and maximum capacity of Rubisco for CO(2) fixation (V(max)) than unfertilized trees. One-year-old needles of fertilized trees had higher stomatal conductance (g(s)), higher water-use efficiency, and lower intercellular to ambient CO(2) ratio than unfertilized trees. Additionally, fertilized trees had higher predawn and midday shoot water potentials than unfertilized trees. Stomatal conductance of 1-year-old needles was 23% higher in seedlings than in layers, but there were no significant differences in g(s) of current-year needles between the regeneration types. For both needle age-classes, A(n) and V(max) of layers were 25 and 40% higher, respectively, than the corresponding values for seedlings. The higher values of A(n), V(max) and foliar N concentration of layers compared with seedlings after two growing seasons may be associated with the larger root systems of the layers compared with the transplanted seedlings.  相似文献   

Bigras  F.J.  Margolis  H.A. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):29-49
Damage to containerized forest seedlings due to freezing can occur in the fall or early winter in Canadian forest nurseries. The following spring, damage to shoots and impairment of growth is observed. The objectives of this experiment were to measure the impact of late fall low temperatures (0° to --30°C) on whole seedlings of the three most common species used for reforestation in Quebec: black spruce (BS), white spruce (WS) and jack pine (JP). Impacts of freezing temperatures on (i) whole seedling and apical bud mortality, (ii) shoot growth and root mortality, (iii) stem electrical resistance, (iv) shoot and root water relations, (v) concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and total sugars in shoots were assessed. JP showed the highest rate of whole seedling mortality while WS showed the highest rate of apical bud mortality. JP was the most severely affected: destruction of the root system at low temperatures as well as a reduction of shoot growth and stem diameter and a decrease (more negative) in shoot and root water potential. WS showed a reduction of shoot growth despite no apparent damage to the root system at low temperatures. BS was not affected by temperatures as low as --30°C. Nutrient and sugar concentrations were not affected by low temperature treatments.  相似文献   

Significant reductions in needle water content were observed in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill) B.S.P.), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings in response to a 10-day drought, although turgor was apparently maintained. When the seedlings were re-watered after the drought, jack pine needles regained their original saturated volume, whereas white spruce and black spruce needles did not. Significant drought-induced reductions in turgor-loss volume (i.e., tissue volume at the point of turgor loss) were observed in shoots of all three species, especially jack pine. Repeated exposure to 7 days of drought or treatment with the cytochrome P(450) inhibitor, paclobutrazol ((2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-pentan-3-ol), reduced seedling height relative to that of untreated controls in all three species. The reductions in saturated and turgor-loss needle volumes in the paclobutrazol-treated seedlings were comparable with those of seedlings subjected to a 10-day drought. The treatment-induced reductions in shoot and needle water contents enabled seedlings to maintain turgor with tissue volumes close to, or below, the turgor-loss volume of untreated seedlings. Paclobutrazol-treated seedlings subsequently survived drought treatments that were lethal to untreated seedlings.  相似文献   

A genetic basis for variation in resistance to defoliating insects within Eucalyptus species has been identified in many studies. This variation has frequently been ascribed to variation in secondary metabolites but studies investigating variation in resistance to defoliation by paropsine chrysomelids have failed to correlate foliar chemistry with resistance. We found that the extent of crown damage due to defoliation by Paropsis atomaria (Chrysomelidae: Colepoptera) in two matched progeny trials of Eucalyptus grandis was a heritable trait that exhibited a strong correlation with provenance latitude. Despite this, neither foliar nitrogen or concentrations of a recently discovered group of compounds, formylated phloroglucinol compounds, could account for significant variation in defoliation. We also investigated whether defoliation in the field could be predicted from foliar near-infrared reflectance spectra. Such an approach takes into account all compositional variation simultaneously rather than relying on a restricted number of measured traits. Modified partial least squares regression models performed poorly in predicting variation in crown defoliation between trees within a site primarily due to the high level of variability and coarseness of the calibration data. Discriminant analyses however demonstrated a consistent difference between spectra from trees in families suffering low level defoliation from families more susceptible to defoliation by P. atomaria suggesting chemical differences between the two groups are important in determining resistance to this insect.  相似文献   

Red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) are genetically and morphologically similar but ecologically distinct species. We determined intraspecific seed-source and interspecific variation of red spruce and black spruce, from across the near-northern margins of their ranges, for several light-energy processing and freezing-tolerance adaptive traits. Before exposure to low temperature, red spruce had variable fluorescence (Fv) similar to black spruce, but higher photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), lower quantum yield, lower chlorophyll fluorescence (%), and higher thermal dissipation efficiency (qN), although the seed-source effect and the seed-source x species interaction were significant only for Fv/Fm. After low-temperature exposure (-40 degrees C), red spruce had significantly lower Fv/Fm, quantum yield and qN than black spruce, but higher chlorophyll fluorescence and relative fluorescence. Species, seed-source effect, and seed-source x species interaction were consistent with predictions based on genetic (e.g., geographic) origins. Multi-temperature exposures (5, -20 and -40 degrees C) often produced significant species and temperature effects, and species x temperature interactions as a result of species-specific responses to temperature exposures. The inherent physiological species-specific adaptations of red spruce and black spruce were largely consistent with a shade-tolerant, late-successional species and an early successional species, respectively. Species differences in physiological adaptations conform to a biological trade-off, probably as a result of natural selection pressure in response to light availability and prevailing temperature gradients.  相似文献   

The broom rusts of balsam fir and black spruce occur sporadically throughout the island of Newfoundland, but they are not a serious threat to the forests. The incidence and intensity of the rusts vary, but no tree mortality can be attributed to the diseases. The average number of brooms per tree was higher in black spruce than in balsam fir. Also, more brooms occurred on brandies than on tree trunks. Height and diameter growth was less in infected trees than in uninfected trees of both the species.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of various forms of treatment — chemical, thermal and pressure — on the tensile properties of wood was investigated. Spruce was impregnated in water, sodium sulfite and/or sodium bicarbonate, and heated at temperatures ranging from 20 to 190 °C. At the end of cooking (190 °C), decompression was applied both slowly and suddenly.A rise in temperature, an increase in heating time, from 4 to 10 min. at 190 °C, as well as fast pressure release influenced the tensile strength. The chemical treatment resulted in lignin sulfonation while carboxylation produced fiber swelling and, consequently, tensile strength decreased.The authors wish to thank the FCAR (Québec), NSERC (Canada) and Stake Tech. Co. for their financial support  相似文献   

The antitranspirants Plantco, Cloudcover, Vapor Gard and Dow X2-1337 were effective in reducing water loss from black spruce container seedlings. Clearspray and Folicote were unable to reduce moisture loss. Toxicity symptoms and abnormal bud flushing were evident in Vapor Gard treated seedlings. Surfactants failed to increase the effectiveness of Vapor Gard at lower, non-toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

The traumatic wound response of families of white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, resistant or susceptible to the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck), were compared after simulated weevil damage. Leaders from 331 trees were wounded just below the apical bud in the spring, coinciding with the natural time of weevil oviposition. A portable 1-mm diameter drill was used to drill 24 holes per leader. Leaders were removed in the fall and examined for evidence of traumatic resin canal formation. Drilled trees had a traumatic wound response 8 times greater than that of undrilled trees; however, undrilled trees also formed some resin canals in response to unknown causes. In the drilled trees, the traumatic wound response extended into the lower part of the leader, where it could possibly affect older larvae. Trees from resistant families responded with greater intensity than trees from susceptible families, by producing multiple rings of traumatic resin canals. Trees from resistant families also responded more rapidly than trees from susceptible families based on number of cells to the first ring of traumatic resin canals. Trees from some resistant families exhibited no traumatic resin canal formation, showing considerable within-family variation and suggesting that other resistance mechanisms might be important. In the year after drilling, there was a reduction in tree diameter growth and trees suffered a reduction in constitutive resin canals in the bark, which suggests some energetic cost of traumatic resin production. There was no indication that the extent of constitutive defenses, as measured by density of cortical resin canals before wounding, was related to the ability to produce traumatic resin canals. Screening trees based on their capacity to produce traumatic resin canals may be useful in selecting genotypes resistant to white pine weevil.  相似文献   

Surface quality and gluing performance of black spruce samples prepared by peripheral straight-edge knife planing and sanding were studied. Four wavelengths (1.5, 1.9, 3.1, and 6.5 mm) and four rake angles (15°, 20°, 25°, and 30°) were tested for peripheral planing. Three feed speeds (4, 10.5, and 17 m/min) and three grit size sandpapers (80, 100, and 120) were studied for sanding. The resulting surfaces were glued with an isocyanate adhesive and tested to evaluate their gluing performance (shear strength and percent wood failure). Results revealed that planing with a rake angle of 20° and wavelengths of up to 3.1 mm produced wood surfaces with adequate glueline shear strength. Sanding with 80-grit sandpaper produced the best glueline shear strength, regardless of feed speed. After accelerated aging, the loss of gluing performance was lower for the sanded samples compared with that of planed samples. In general, sanding process produced better wood surfaces for bonding with the adhesive studied.  相似文献   

Specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area index (LAI) were estimated using site-specific allometric equations for a boreal black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) fire chronosequence in northern Manitoba, Canada. Stands ranged from 3 to 131 years in age and had soils that were categorized as well or poorly drained. The goals of the study were to: (i) measure SLA for the dominant tree and understory species of boreal black spruce-dominated stands, and examine the effect of various biophysical conditions on SLA; and (ii) examine leaf area dynamics of both understory and overstory for well- and poorly drained stands in the chronosequence. Overall, average SLA values for black spruce (n = 215), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb., n = 72) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx., n = 27) were 5.82 +/- 1.91, 5.76 +/- 1.91 and 17.42 +/- 2.21 m2 x kg-1, respectively. Foliage age, stand age, vertical position in the canopy and soil drainage had significant effects on SLA. Black spruce dominated overstory LAI in the older stands. Well-drained stands had significantly higher overstory LAI (P < 0.001), but lower understory LAI (P = 0.022), than poorly drained stands. Overstory LAI was negligible in the recent (3-12 years old) burn sites and highest in the 70-year-old burn site (6.8 and 3.0 in the well- and poorly drained stands, respectively), declining significantly (by 30-50%) from this peak in the oldest stands. Understory leaf area represented a significant portion (> 40%) of total leaf area in all stands except the oldest.  相似文献   


Key Message

Gene expression analysis showed that prolonged short day (SD) treatment deepened dormancy and stimulated development of freezing tolerance of Picea abies seedlings. Prolonged SD treatment also caused later appearance of visible buds in autumn, reduced risks for reflushing, and promoted earlier spring bud break.


Short day (SD) treatment of seedlings is a common practice in boreal forest tree nurseries to regulate shoot growth and prepare the seedlings for autumn planting or frozen storage.


The aim of this study was to examine responses of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) to a range of SD treatments of different length and evaluate gene expression related to dormancy induction and development of freezing tolerance.


The seedlings were SD treated for 11 h a day during 7, 14, 21, or 28 days. Molecular tests were performed, and the expression profiles of dormancy and freezing tolerance-related genes were analyzed as well as determination of shoot growth, bud set, bud size, reflushing, dry matter content, and timing of spring bud break.


The 7-day SD treatment was as effective as longer SD treatments in terminating apical shoot growth. However, short (7 days) SD treatment resulted in later activation of dormancy-related genes and of genes related to freezing tolerance compared to the longer treatments which had an impact on seedling phenology.


Gene expression analysis indicated an effective stimulus of dormancy-related genes when the SD treatment is prolonged for at least 1–2 weeks after shoot elongation has terminated and that seedlings thereafter are exposed to ambient outdoor climate conditions.

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