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Soil organic carbon stocks in Flemish grasslands: how accurate are they?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Articles 3·3 and 3·4 of the Kyoto protocol provide Annex I countries the possibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the sequestration of carbon (C) in their terrestrial ecosystems. For such accounting, the 1990 flux is needed and, therefore, a correct knowledge of the baseline (1990) C stocks is necessary. In addition, a correct methodology should be used to investigate the capacity of ecosystems to sequester C through changes in land use or management by the end of the first commitment period (2008–2012). At national and regional scales, formulation of baseline C stocks in terrestrial ecosystems is difficult and uncertain. Differences in method of analysis, sampling depth of soil, lack of sufficient C data and the necessity to extrapolate C data to total soil organic C stocks, provide problems when comparing databases with each other. In this study, three extrapolation models were compared with the classical layer‐based method to determine the model with the best fit. The model with the best predictions, in relation to the classical layer‐based model, uses recent soil C profiles for estimating the parameter k, which represents the decrease in the proportion of soil organic C with depth, and for extrapolating the C data available for 1990 and 2000 to a depth of 1 m. The other two models gave large underestimates.  相似文献   

我们的老师周毓珩研究员,1931年生,原籍河北省丰南县张六庄,出身农民家庭,1950年于辽东省农业专科学校毕业后,分配到辽东省立熊岳农业实验站工作。历任技术员、副股长、副科长和盘山水稻分站站长,1957年调到辽宁省农业科学院作物系,任稻作组组长、稻作室副主任,1963年晋升农业技师,1965年任稻作所副所长(主持工作),1980年起任辽宁省农业科学院副院长,1982年晋升高级农艺师,1989年被评聘为研究员,1987至1994年任辽宁省农业科学院院长,1996年退休。周老师有许多社会兼职和业务兼职,在学术团体的兼职曾有中国作物学会理事、常务理事、栽培委员…  相似文献   

The nutritional characteristics and food potentials of jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) have been reviewed. The bean is a good sources of protein, 23% to 34%, and carbohydrate 55%. It is also a good source of Ca, Zn, P, Mg, Cu and Ni. Jack bean protein is adequate in most essential amino acids with the exception of methionine and cystine which may be nutritionally limiting. Antinutritional and toxic factors including trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins, cyanogen glucosides, oligosaccharides and others are present in jack bean. Properly processed jack bean could be used to prepare some of the popular dishes made from cowpea, peanut, pigeon pea and soybean. Industrial products such as protein concentrates and isolates, starch, flakes, grits and flours can be produced from the bean. Further research is needed to identify varieties with high protein and nutritional quality. Development of new highly nutritious food products based on whole or processed jack bean should increase production and expand use.  相似文献   

The major potato of commerce,Solanum tuberosum L., is the fourth most important food crop in the world after rice, wheat and corn. Fortunately, the potato has many primitive cultivars and wild species relatives useful to reduce our reliance on chemical controls. These include resistances against diseases, pests, and traits for useful agronomic characters such as yield, specific gravity, chipping qualities, and suppression of enzymatic browning. This paper summarizes some of these qualities, and provides an overview of germplasm availability and taxonomy of the wild species. The major potato of commerce,Solanum tuberosum L., is the fourth most important food crop in the world after rice, wheat and maize. It is grown in more countries than any other crop but maize, and forms the staple crop of many societies. Over 280 million metric tons were grown worldwide in 1989, with Eastern Europe growing 46%, Asia 22%, Western Europe 17%, North America 7%, Latin America 5%, and Africa 3% (2). It is the leading vegetable crop in acreage and farm value in the United States, with 1.2 million acres planted in 1991, with a value of sales almost two and one-half billion dollars (53).Solanum tuberosum is one species of a group of seven cultivated and 216 additional tuber-bearing, and nine non-tuber-bearing wild relatives, all classified by Hawkes (41) in the genusSolanum, sectionPetota Dumort The purposes of this paper are threefold: 1) to provide examples of the proven and potential utility of wild and cultivated landrace members of sect.Petota for reducing our reliance on chemical controls for many pests and diseases that affect commercial cultivars, 2) to provide an overview of the status of germplasm availability of these species, and 3) to highlight the benefits for continuing germplasm collections and systematic studies of the group.  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most important crops in the world. The rice community needs to cooperate and share efforts and resources so that we can understand the functions of rice genes, especially those with a role in important agronomical traits, for application in agricultural production. Mutation is a major source of genetic variation that can be used for studying gene function. We will present here the status of mutant collections affected in a random manner by physical/chemical and insertion mutageneses.As of early September 2013, a total of 447, 919 flanking sequence tags from rice mutant libraries with T-DNA, Ac/Ds, En/Spm, Tos17, nDART/aDART insertions have been collected and publicly available. From these, 336,262 sequences are precisely positioned on the japonica rice chromosomes, and 67.5% are in gene interval. We discuss the genome coverage and preference of the insertion, issues limiting the exchange and use of the current collections, as well as new and improved resources. We propose a call to renew all mutant populations as soon as possible. We also suggest that a common web portal should be established for ordering seeds.  相似文献   

Prior to 1996, worldwide holdings of germplasm of wild potatoes from Costa Rica amounted to just two collections; this country therefore formed a priority for collecting. We mapped all localities of wild potatoes from herbarium specimen data from Costa Rica and collected throughout the country. We made 13 collections, 10 of these with botanical seeds. These collections considerably extend the numbers of accessions and geographic range of the germplasm available from Costa Rica. The taxonomic identity of the species of wild potatoes (Solanum sect. Petota) in Costa Rica was previously unresolved. Our fieldwork supports the concept that Costa Rican wild potatoes belong to a single species,S. longiconicum.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):247-275

Soil salinity is assuming menacing proportions for production of agricultural and horticultural crops in South India. South India comprises of Andhra Pradesh (AP), Tamil Nadu (TN), Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, and Islands in Bay of Bengal (Andaman and Nicobar) and Arabian Sea (Lakshadweep). It comprises central uplands, Deccan plateau (Karnataka plateau and Telangana plateau of AP), Nilgiri hills of TN, South Sahiailri, Eastern hills (Eastern Ghats, TN, upland) and Coastal Plains. The rainfall ranges from 400 to 500 mm in AP, 450 to 1300 mm in Karnataka, 500 to 1215 mm in TN, 100 to 450 mm in Kerala. Climate is mainly semi-arid in nature. Red soils (Alfisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols) make up about 60–65% and are well drained, blacksoils (Vertisols and Inceptisols) comprise about 20–25% and the rest are coastal sands. Soil salinity problems are encountered in almost all the districts in Karnataka and AP. The area extends to about 0.176 million ha in AP, 0.2 million ha in Karnataka, 0.0427 million ha in TN and about 0.03 million ha in Kerala. Introduction of canal irrigation water and use of underground saline waters accelerated the appearance of salt affected soils. Soil salinity observed in South India ranges from hydrometphic saline soils in Kerala to highly saline (EC 20–30 dS m?1) in Karnataka and AP. Saline soils were classified in to Natrargids or Solarthrids at subgroup level depending on the occurance of nitric or salic horizon within few centimetres of the surface. Soil salinity has reduced crop yields upto 50% and consequently cropping has been abandoned in many areas. Excess soluble salts can be removed through scrapping the surface salt crust or flushing and leaching or through subsurface drainage depending on the problem. Crops also vary in their ability to tolerate salinity at different stages of growth. In most crops subjected to irrigations with saline waters, germination and early seedling stages are generally the most sensitive and their tolerance increases with age. Salt tolerant varieties and nutrient management of crops in saline soils are important solutions for crop production under saline soils.  相似文献   

Wild potato (Solanum sect.Petota) germplasm has been collected in Mexico on nine major expeditions, as determined by 20 collections or more from each expedition currently at the United States potato genebank, the National Research Support Program-6 (NRSP-6). These have resulted in 609 accessions with good collection data. In addition, NRSP-6 has germplasm of approximately 90 other Mexican collections that are unspecific regarding date or place of collection. This expedition was funded to collect those remaining collections with no or little germplasm:Solanum clarum,S. xedinense, S. hintonii, S. hjertingii var.physaloides, S. leptosepalum, S. lesteri, S. macropilosum, S. xmichoacanum, S. xsambucinum, andS. stenophyllidium. In addition, some species and species groups (species groups indicated in parentheses) have unresolved taxonomic problems that needed clarification by additional field collections. These are (S. agrimonifolium and S.oxycarpum), (S. brachycarpum, S. guerreroense, S. hougasii, andS. iopetalum - theS. brachycarpum complex), (S. fendleri, S. papita, S. stoloniferum - theS. stoloniferum complex),S. leptosepalum, andS. macropilosum. We conducted a wild potato germplasm collecting expedition in Mexico from August 22 to October 31, 1997. Our 103 collections, 71 as germplasm collections, provide the first germplasm samples forS. hjertingii var.physaloides,S. leptosepalum, andS. macropilosum. They provide additional germplasm of the rare speciesS. clarum, S. xedinense, S. lesteri, S. xmichoacanum, S. xsambucinum, andS. stenophyllidium. We additionally gathered germplasm and field data to help resolve taxonomic difficulties inS. agrimonifolium andS. oxycarpum, theS. brachycarpum complex, and theS. stoloniferum complex.  相似文献   

The use of multivariate analysis (MVA) methods in the processing of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) data has become increasingly more common. MVA presents a powerful set of tools to aid the user in processing data from complex, multicomponent surfaces such as biological materials and biosensors. When properly used, MVA can help the user identify the major sources of differences within a sample or between samples, determine where certain compounds exist on a sample, or verify the presence of compounds that have been engineered into the surface. Of all the MVA methods, principal component analysis (PCA) is the most commonly used and forms an excellent starting point for the application of many of the other methods employed to process ToF-SIMS data. Herein we discuss the application of PCA and other MVA methods to multicomponent ToF-SIMS data and provide guidelines on their application and use.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):440-446

Plant roots release mucilage and root border cells (RBCs) into rhizosphere, which function as a complex at the root–soil interface. The dynamics of RBCs in rhizosphere soil, however, remains unknown. In this study, the ratio of crushed root cap cells during root penetration into soil and survival of the RBCs after the release from the root cap were estimated in maize seminal root. In addition, the effects of long term soil compaction on RBCs release were investigated. During the root penetration into rhizosphere soil, 78, 56, and 45% of sloughed root cap cells were estimated to be crushed at the first, second, and third day after planting, respectively. The number of surviving RBCs decreased with time, but 6% of the RBCs in the rhizosphere still retained their cell walls at one month after planting. These cells were estimated to remain in the soil for at least 10 d after the release from lateral roots. Furthermore, RBCs release from newly emerged nodal root increased with aging of plants, and the cell release was significantly increased by soil compaction only at the seedling stage. In conclusion, significant number of RBCs were crushed during root penetration into soil, however many RBCs remained in the rhizosphere soil for a relatively longer period. Soil compaction significantly increased cell release only at the seedling stage.  相似文献   

To contribute to the development of new methods to reduce the contamination of coffee beans with Aspergillus ochraceus and ochratoxin A, a toxin produced by this fungus, the present work initially aimed to select plant extracts active against A. ochraceus. Among the extracts from 43 plant species, the most active was the one obtained from leaves of Heteropterys byrsonimifolia. This extract was subjected to a fractionation process that resulted in the purification of four flavonoids, among which the most active against the fungus was rutin, which presented a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC, 32.5 μg/mL) close to the value obtained for the commercial fungicide benzalkonium chloride (7.84 μg/mL). In vitro studies with the isolated flavonoids and other four from commercial sources showed that the MIC for the flavonoid chrysin is equal to that observed for rutin, and results from an in silico study suggested that these flavonoids act against A. ochraceus by binding to a protein kinase produced by this fungus. Consequently, this enzyme and the studied flavonoids are potentially useful for the development of new products to control A. ochraceus in coffee beans.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1986,5(3):190-198
Soil solarization is a special mulching process which causes hydrothermal disinfestation and other physical and biological changes in soil which are beneficial to plant health and growth. Plastic film laid over moist soil during periods of high air temperature, usually for 1–2 months, can greatly reduce or eradicate a number of pathogens and pests including fungi, bacteria, nematodes, arthropods and weeds. Following soil solarization, growth of microflora beneficial to plant growth or antagonistic to pathogens and pests may slow the reinfestation of soil by these organisms for more than one growing season. Increased plant growth and yield of annual and perennial field, row, and nursery crops usually occur following soil solarization. In addition, the availability of increased mineral nutrients following solarization may reduce crop fertilization requirements. Soil solarization has been effective as a pre-plant and as a post-plant treatment, and has been compatible with chemical soil treatments and also biological soil amendments after solarization. Soil solarization is a significant advance in the non-chemical control of many pathogens and pests.  相似文献   

Industrial agriculture is the root cause of many health problems that honey bees (Apis mellifera Linneaus, 1758) face, but honey bee researchers seldom call attention to this fact. We often discuss the stressors that contribute to colony loss (e.g., pathogens, pesticides, poor nutrition), but we rarely talk about where those stressors come from. This is a problem because we cannot resolve honey bee health issues unless we confront the systems that cause them harm. In this forum article, I unpack the relationship between honey bee health and industrial agriculture. I propose steps we can take to reframe our research to account for the impacts of this destructive system, and I discuss the uncomfortable questions that surface when we engage in this process. The goal of this article is to encourage conversation within the honey bee research community around the impacts of industrial agriculture, so that we can fully engage in the transformative change needed to support honey bee health.  相似文献   

滨海盐碱地棉花轻简栽培:现状、问题与对策   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
董合忠 《中国棉花》2011,38(12):2-4
 棉花轻简栽培是利用现代农业科学技术手段,在确保高产、优质、高效、生态和安全的前提下,使棉花生产管理变得更轻便简捷的栽培技术体系。本文以黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地植棉区为例,对该区棉花轻简栽培的现状和问题进行了分析,提出了进一步发展的对策。  相似文献   

Increased plant population density in irrigated and fertilized maize crops enhances plant-to-plant variability since early vegetative stages, because the most suppressed individuals of the stand intercept less radiation per unit leaf area than the dominant ones (i.e. a size-asymmetric competition for light). Contrarily, a size-symmetric competition has been proposed for the acquisition of soil resources in a plant community (e.g. N capture per unit root length is similar among plants of different size). Hence, N fertilization effect on the variability of maize plants would depend on the initial plant-to-plant variability or on that promoted by a high plant population density. Two maize hybrids with contrasting tolerance to crowding (tolerant AX820 and intolerant AX877) were cultivated under different combinations of stand densities (6, 9 and 12 plants m−2) and N supplies (0 and 200 kg N ha−1) without water restrictions. Variability in plant growth rate among plants was computed along the cycle, especially after fertilizer was applied (i.e. the early reproductive period; PGRER) and during the critical period around silking (PGRCP). Plant-to-plant variability in biomass partitioning to the ear (partition index; PI), ear growth rate during the critical period (EGRCP) and kernel number per plant (KNP) was also established. Reduced N supply increased the coefficient of variation (CV) of PGRER, PGRCP, EGRCP and KNP (0.05 < P < 0.10). The CVs of PGRCP, PI, EGRCP and KNP augmented (0.001 < P < 0.10) at the highest stand density. The CVs of PGRER, PGRCP, PI and KNP were larger for hybrid AX877 than for hybrid AX820 (0.001 < P < 0.10). N fertilization smoothed the initial plant-to-plant variability, but the extent of this benefit in a maize crop is genotype dependent; it was much larger in the hybrid tolerant to crowding stress than in the intolerant one. For the latter, the variability held during the critical period around silking and produced a high CV of KNP.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1997,52(3):209-219
A study was carried out over 4 years at two sites in semi-arid, north-west Victoria, Australia, to examine the effect of soil surface management during fallow on water and nitrogen accumulation and their effect on the growth and yield of the subsequent wheat crop. The fallow treatments comprised four combinations of stubble management and tillage in 18-month-long fallows of a fallow-wheat rotation together with a pea-wheat rotation which included an annual short (6 month) tilled summer fallow. The two sites are representative of the major soil types of the region; a chromic vertisol at Dooen and a calcic xerosol at Walpeup. This paper reports observations and analyses of soil water accumulation during the fallow phase. At Dooen, tillage without stubble increased soil water storage, at sowing, on average by 76 mm (range 24–122 mm) above the summer fallow. Stubble retention added a further 52 mm (range 36–65 mm). Zero tillage was beneficial in one year, and was enhanced by the presence of stubble. In contrast, at Walpeup, tillage without stubble provided an average of 37 mm more water at sowing than the summer fallow. Stubble retention without tillage increased water storage by 27 mm in only one year. At both sites the additional water stored due to stubble retention was located deep in the profile to 2.0 m. In general, zero tillage, primarily with stubble retention, offered large and consistent increases in soil water storage on heavy-textured clay soils in a 420-mm rainfall zone. On the lighter, sandy loam soil under the lower rainfall regime (343 mm), the advantage in soil water storage, through both stubble retention and zero tillage, was less frequent.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1997,52(3):221-229
The accumulation of soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) was studied over 4 years at two sites in north-west Victoria, Australia in response to fallow treatments. The four combinations of stubble management (with and without) and tillage (with and without) in 18-month-long fallows of a fallow-wheat rotation were compared with a tilled summer fallow prior to field pea and wheat crops in rotation.Across both sites, root-zone SMN ranged from 66 to 222 kg N h−1 during the fallows and at sowing time was generally less at Dooen than at Walpeup despite greater total soil N (Dooen 0.11%, Walpeup 0.05%). At Dooen, the long fallow with stubble retention and tillage accumulated 46 kg N h−1 more SMN than the short fallow after field pea. In one year, stubble retention increased SMN by 20 kg N ha−1 but reduced it by an average of 26 kg N h−1 in two of the four years. At Walpeup, SMN increased in the pea-wheat rotation by an average of 46 kg N h−1 above the tilled fallow without stubble in two of the four years. The inclusion of field pea in the rotation increased SMN at depth by the second cycle of the rotation at Walpeup only. Stubble retention and tillage had little effect on SMN accumulation at Walpeup. The distribution of SMN in the soil profile was different every year at each site despite some years having similar total SMN. There was a tendency for stubble retention to depress SMN in the surface layers possibly through immobilisation and denitrification.  相似文献   

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