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对福建省林木良种基地发展的意见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对林木良种基地的发展提出下列建议:(1)建立一育二繁良种生产新体制;(2)良种基地建设要适应林业产业多样性需要。林木改良工作应符合两个规律、满足三个要求、采用五多的办法,达到发展高产优质高效林业的目的。  相似文献   

四川省林科院黑龙滩林木良种研究所隶属四川省林业科学研究院,是集科研,苗木生产,经营和旅游为一体的综合型事业单位,地处眉山市黑龙滩水库库区,所部设在最北端的青龙咀岛上,南北长约700米,东西宽2500米,  相似文献   

本文分析了影响林木良种基地质量的因素,提出提高良种基地效能的对策并对福建省良种选育和繁殖工作提出建议。  相似文献   

提高种苗质量,按照林业可持续发展理论和林业建设的总体要求,实现林木良种优化是林业速生丰产、是实现林业可持续发展最大经济效益的重要保证。  相似文献   

关于林木良种概念和特点的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了林木良种概念是其产品的产量,质量和特性能够满足市场需求的繁殖材料。并提出了良种具有客观性,市场性,周期性,效益性,稀缺性,区域性,系统性等特点,鉴于良种的自然风险,市场风险和技术风险等,一要确立林农“自主经营,自负盈亏、自我发展”的市场主体地位,充分尊重林农选择良种的自主权;二要切实转变政府职能,逐步放弃微观经营管理职能,加强和改善宏观经济调控,建立公平竞争,规范有序的市场体系;三是在实施种子工程时,要搞好规划,严格控制总量,保持适度规模,并注重规模生产与规模采购相连接;四是政府要加强与良种相配套的技术,市场信息供应,以及林业公共基础设施建设;五要尽快建立和完善林产品期货市场。  相似文献   

曹颖 《防护林科技》2014,(5):100-100
总结了辽宁省林木良种补贴工作的开展情况,分析了在实际工作中存在的主要问题,针对性地提出了加快辽宁省林木良种事业发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

林木良种是森林资源培育和发展的重要基础。作者根据广东目前林木良种的发展趋势,介绍了广东主要造林树种的引种、选育及研究进展情况和所取得的重要成果;分析了目前广东林木良种研究方面存在的主要问题;并提出了加快广东林木良种研究及发展的具体对策。  相似文献   

冯峻 《湖南林业》2006,(8):23-23
种苗是植树造林的物质基础,无论是育苗造林,还是直播造林,只有使用优良种子,才能培育出质量好的苗木,使林木速生、优质、丰产。因林木生产周期长.林木种子的优劣.对林业生产的影响不是一年、几年,而是一代、几代。因此,繁育、生产和使用良种是坚持科学植树造林的第一步.是实现林业现代化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

冯峻 《云南林业》2006,27(3):19-19
种苗是植树造林的物质基础,无论是育苗造林,还是直播造林,只有使用优良种子,才能培育出质量好的苗木,使林木速生、优质、丰产。因林木生产周期长,林木种子的优劣,对林业生产的影响不是一年、几年,而是一代、几代。因此,繁育、生产和使用良种是坚持科学植树造林的第一步,是实现林业现代化的重要组成部分。什么样的种子是良种呢?良种是指遗传品质和播种品质2方面都优良的种子。遗传品质一般是指采种母树的品质,播种品质也叫使用品质。林木良种是经过人工选育,通过严格试验和鉴定,证明在适生区域内,在产量和质量以及其他主要性状方面明显优于当…  相似文献   

白凡 《陕西林业》1999,(2):9-10
安栗Ⅰ号:具有高产、稳产、耐瘠薄等优良性状,大砧嫁接4年生亩产可达200kg以上,单果重12.6g,果皮浅褐色,9月中下旬成熟。顶端优势强,生产中应早定型,加强修剪和水  相似文献   

Pine honeydew honey is an economically important non-wood forest product from eastern Mediterranean Pinus brutia forests, which are also important for timber production. Pine honey is produced by bees that feed on the honeydew secretions of Marchalina hellenica, a scale insect that infests pine stands and feeds on pine sap. The aim of this study was to optimize the joint production of pine honeydew honey and timber by maximizing the soil expectation value of pine stands. The simulation of P. brutia stand dynamics and timber production in healthy and infested stands is based on individual-tree growth and yield models that account for the effect of M. hellenica on tree- and stand-level growth and mortality. The optimization procedure uses a direct search method based on nonlinear programming. The results suggest that pine stands growing on good sites should be managed using rather short rotations and mainly aiming at timber production. In contrast, forest management in medium- and poor-quality sites should aim at longer rotations by taking advantage of the joint production of pine honey and timber assortments. Honey-oriented forest management can be much more profitable than timber production in stands growing on medium and poor sites. Pine honey represents an opportunity to increase the value and economic profitability of P. brutia forests.  相似文献   

提出发挥森林资源管理作用,提高林地生产力的重要性和紧迫性,进一步完善森林资源监测体系,才能发挥出森林经营方案在科学组织林业生产中的作用。  相似文献   

Forest tree breeding started in the middle of the twentieth century and since then the use of improved forest regeneration material has become an essential part of forestry in many countries. This review describes methods and achievements of tree breeding programmes, which aim at increasing the quantities and improving qualities of wood-based raw materials through selection, field testing and controlled crossings. Most improved materials currently deployed are seed crops from first-generation phenotypic or tested seed orchards, which offer 10–25% gains in yield depending on the selection intensity of parent trees. Methods of vegetative propagation are developed intensively so that it could be applied to a larger range of species, because it offers high genetic gain and uniformity of the material. Genomic tools are also developed to enhance the efficacy of selection. Applications of genetic engineering are currently limited to research purposes. Forest tree breeding will be an integral part of bioeconomy in securing the production of good quality raw materials in large quantities and will have a significant economic impact on the profitability of forestry in the long term.  相似文献   

文章介绍了完善和建立林业科技转化为生产力的有关政策措施的迫切性。  相似文献   

The current approach to modelling pest impacts on forest net primary production (NPP) is to apply a constant modifier. This does not capture the large spatial and temporal variability in pest abundance and activity that can occur, meaning that overestimates or underestimates of pest impacts on forest NPP are likely. Taking a more mechanistic approach that incorporates an understanding of how physiology is influenced by pest attack, enables us to better capture system feedbacks and dynamics, thereby improving the capacity to predict into novel situations such as changing climate, and to account for both changes in pest activity and host responses to the growing environment now and into the future. We reviewed the effects of pests on forest NPP and found a range of responses and physiological mechanisms underlying those responses. Pest outbreaks can clearly be a major perturbation to forest NPP, and it seems likely that the frequency and intensity of pest outbreaks, and the ways in which host species respond to pest damage, will change in the future. We summarized these impacts in the form of a conceptual model at leaf, tree and stand scales, and compared the physiological processes embedded within that framework with the capacity of a representative range of NPP models to capture those processes. We found that some models can encapsulate some of the processes, but no model can comprehensively account for the range of physiological responses to pest attack experienced by trees. This is not surprising, given the paucity of empirical data for most of the world's forests, and that the models were developed primarily for other purposes. We conclude with a list of the key physiological processes and pathways that need to be included in forest growth models in order to adequately capture pest impacts on forest NPP under current and future climate scenarios, the equations that might enable this and the empirical data required to support them.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate fine root production(FP) and fine root mortality(FM) at 0–10,10–20,and 20–30 cm soil depths using minirhizotrons in a75-year-old Pinus densiflora Sieb.et Zucc.forest located in Gwangneung,Korea.We developed the conversion factors(frame cm-2) of three soil depths(0.158 for 0–10 cm,0.120 for 10–20 cm,and 0.131 for 20–30 cm) based on soil coring and minirhizotron data.FP and FM were estimated using conversion factors from March 26,2013 to March 2,2014.The annual FP and FM values at the 0–30 cm soil depth were 3200.2 and 2271.5 kg ha~(-1)yr~(-1),respectively.The FP estimate accounted for approximately 17 % of the total net primary production at the study site.FP was highest in summer(July 31–September 26),and FM was highest in autumn(September 27–November 29).FP was positively correlated with seasonal change in soil temperature,while FM was not related to that change.The seasonality of FP and FM might be linked to above-ground photosynthetic activity.Both FP and FM at the 0–10 cm depth were significantly higher than at 10–20 and20–30 cm depths,and this resulted from the decrease in nutrient availability with increasing soil depth.The minirhizotron approach and conversion factors developed in this study will enable fast and accurate estimation of the fine root dynamics in P.densiflora forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

利用Visual Basic 6.0编制了林木种子库房管理的应用软件,实现了种子微机统计分析及打印有关报表等,应用简便,运行可靠,效果良好。  相似文献   

森林采伐更新作业与林地生产力的维护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵康 《森林工程》1999,15(4):5-6,41
根据森林资源可持续发展的要求,分析了采运作业可能引起林地生产力下降的因素,并提出了减缓措施。  相似文献   

Factors causing variation in fine root biomass in forest ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fine roots form one of the most significant components contributing to carbon cycling in forest ecosystems. We study here the effect of variation in root diameter classes, sampling depth and the inclusion of understorey vegetation root biomass in fine root biomass (FRB) estimates. The FRB estimates for different forest biomes are updated using a database of 512 forest stands compiled from the literature. We also investigate the relationships between environmental or forest stand variables and fine root biomass (≤2 mm in diameter) at the stand (g m−2) and tree level (g tree−1). The FRB estimates extrapolated for the whole rooting depth were 526 ± 321 g m−2, 775 ± 474 g m−2 and 776 ± 518 g m−2 for boreal, temperate and tropical forests, respectively, and were 26-67% higher than those based on the original sampling depths used. We found significant positive correlations between ≤1 and ≤2 mm diameter roots and between ≤2 and ≤5 mm roots. The FRB estimates, standardized to the ≤2 mm diameter class, were 34-60% higher and 25-29% smaller than those standardized to the ≤1 mm and ≤5 mm diameter classes, respectively. The FRB of the understorey vegetation accounted for 31% of the total FRB in boreal forests and 20% in temperate forests. The results indicate that environmental factors (latitude, mean annual precipitation, elevation, temperature) or forest stand factors (life form, age, basal area, density) can not explain a significant amount of the variation in the total FRB and a maximum of 30% that in the FRB of trees at the stand level, whereas the mean basal area of the forest stand can explain 49% of the total FRB and 79% of the FRB of trees at the tree level.  相似文献   

加速林木良种推广使用的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从分析现状入手 ,提出加速良种推广使用的措施与途径。作者从良种宣传、繁育推广体系建设、种质资源保护、扶持政策、规范化管理等方面论述了自己的观点。  相似文献   

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