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objective: To demonstrate the range of toxicities with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU).
Case Summary: A one-year-old male castrated Labrador Retriever presented to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Teaching Hospital Emergency Service following accidental ingestion of a 5% 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) topical antineoplastic cream. The animal presented with status epilepticus and later demonstrated additional clinical signs consistent with 5-FU toxicosis including mucositis and diarrhea, profound but transient leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
New Information Provided: The calculated ingested dosage was 46 mg/kg. The dog responded well to intensive therapy, recovering uneventfully.  相似文献   

Cantharidin toxicosis in horses has become an increasing problem in certain regions of the United States. Toxicosis occurs when horses ingest alfalfa hay or products that are contaminated with "blister" beetles. Clinical signs may vary from depression to severe shock and death, depending upon the amount of toxin ingested. The most frequently observed signs include varying degrees of abdominal pain, anorexia, depression, and signs suggestive of oral irritation. Many horses make frequent attempts to void urine. Less commonly observed signs include synchronous diaphragmatic flutter and erosions of the oral mucosal surfaces. Clinical laboratory abnormalities suggestive of cantharidin toxicosis include persistent hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia, development of hypoproteinemia, microscopic hematuria, and mild azotemia with inappropriate urine specific gravity. Chemical analysis for cantharidin is accomplished by evaluation of urine or stomach contents. Treatment of cantharidin toxicosis is symptomatic, but must include removal of toxin source. Gastrointestinal protectants, laxative, intravenous fluids, analgesics, diuretics, calcium gluconate, and magnesium are all included in the treatment regimen. Early and vigorous therapy is imperative if it is to be successful. In horses that remain alive for several days, persistence of elevated heart and respiratory rates and increasing serum creatine kinase concentration are associated with a deteriorating condition. Prevention is aimed at timely harvesting of alfalfa hay. Hay fields should be inspected for the presence of beetle clusters before harvesting. Involved areas of the field should not be harvested.  相似文献   

Organophosphate compounds are widely employed for control of external parasites in cats and for control of insects in homes and yards. Chlorpyrifos is a long-acting organophosphate (OP) available for use as a systemically and topically acting parasiticide and insecticide in cattle. Its use on cats is not recommended, and no previous clinical cases of toxicosis have been described. Two cases of chronic chlorpyrifos toxicosis in cats are presented and pathophysiology as well as treatment are discussed. The cats had been showing signs of chronic organophosphate toxicosis before diazepam administration. Signs of acute organophosphate toxicosis were precipitated after diazepam was given. Treatment with pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM) and atropine was attempted. Response to treatment was dramatic and complete recovery was achieved with six injections of pralidoxime and atropine administration.  相似文献   

Copper toxicosis of Bedlington Terriers (Chronic progressive hepatitis) is a genetically transmitted disease. The typical feature of this disease is accumulation of copper in the liver tissue. The changes vary from mild hepatitis to chronic progressive hepatitis and cirrhosis.The material of this study consists of 2 cases of copper toxicosis examined at the Department of Pathology in Helsinki in the years 1980–82. Moreover a re-examination of tissue samples was made of all Bedlington Terriers examined during the years 1969–1982 at the same department. Six of the 14 examined dogs showed a positive reaction for copper in their liver tissues. The possible relationship of the examined dogs is not yet known.  相似文献   

Most agricultural chemicals that horses are exposed to are pesticides. Toxicosis from pesticides is infrequent in horses and is usually the result of inappropriate use, handling, or storage. Most herbicides have low toxicity in mammals, especially if the dilution rate, application rate, and re-entry times are observed. However, some herbicides can alter the toxicity of poisonous plants. Herbicides that contain arsenic or chlorates are the most toxic. Pentachlorophenol is a fungicide and wood preservative that can be contaminated with dioxins. Horses develop a chronic wasting syndrome and significant skin lesions. Some pesticides are marketed in a pelleted form that may contain grains, which are readily consumed by horses. Metaldehyde is a molluscicide that affects the nervous system. Strychnine also affects the nervous system. Zinc phosphide is a rodenticide that is converted into a toxic gas in the horse's stomach and can be toxic to humans as well. The organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, the insecticide class most frequently associated with toxicosis. The most recognizable signs of toxicosis are the “SLUD” signs, but some of these insecticides, as well as the organochlorine insecticides, can cause seizures.  相似文献   

2010年春季以来,在辽西部分养羊户中的断奶羔羊及育成羊群中出现不明原因的死亡现象,经抗生素等药物进行常规治疗无效,死亡率达12%.临床症状为可视黏膜及皮肤重度黄染并排血红蛋白尿,最后因肝肾功能衰竭死亡;病理剖检变化为肝、肾变性坏死及实质性器官出血性变化为主.通过流行病学调查,并对病死羊进行病理剖检及对饲料真菌毒素的检...  相似文献   

Acetaminophen Toxicosis In 17 Cats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seventeen cases of acetamninophen intoxication in cats were identified over a 12-year period. Information obtained from the medical records included the signalment, amount acetaminophen ingested, time from ingestion until treatment was initiated, clinical signs, physical examination, clinical pathology, treatment and outcome. The most common cause intoxication was owner administration. In cats that died or were euthanized the dose administered ranged from 10mg/kg to 17Omg/kg, while in cats that survived the dosage ranged from 10mg/kg to 400mg/kg. The most common clinical signs were depression, increased respiratory rate, respiratory distress, pale/muddy mucous membranes, and hypothermia. Twelve cats survived. Ten of these cats had treatment initiated within 14 hours after ingestion. One cat that survived had treatment initiated 24 hours after ingestion, and a second cat that survived had treatment initiated 48 hours after ingestion. Time between ingestion and initiation treatment may be as important if not more important than the actual dosage acetaminophen administered.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications -  相似文献   

猪赤霉烯酮中毒的初步调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对四川省农村养猪发生的临床上以阴户肿胀、乳腺增大、子宫增生为特征的流行性疾病的调查,初步确定为饲料原料感染赤霉菌,并产生类雌激素物质赤霉烯酮(RAL,F-2)而导致猪生殖器官机能和形态学变化。  相似文献   

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