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A 13-year-old mare presented for evaluation of recurrent colic episodes. The horse was diagnosed with a mass within the spleen at the ultrasound examination of the abdomen; the levels of Serum Amyloid A and the fibrinogen were high and so a presumptive diagnosis of an abscess involving the spleen was made base on clinical, ultrasonographic and laboratory findings and it was decided to perform n exploratory laparotomy for a definitive diagnosis and possible treatment. Upon abdominal exploration a mass involving the spleen, the lateral wall of the ventral colon adherent to the left abdominal wall was diagnosed and with an intraoperative ultrasound examination a linear hyperechoic foreign body was diagnosed within the mass. It was removed through an enterotomy of the left ventral colon that allowed the digital exploration of the mass without spilling of pus within the peritoneal cavity. The horse was discharged and the long term follow-up revealed no complications and no more signs of abdominal pain.  相似文献   

猫股骨骨折多因直接外力、患病动物自身骨质等问题而发生。介绍了1例狸花猫股骨骨折的诊断、治疗及术后护理过程,以期对临床实践有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

一例猫胫腓骨骨折的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猫胫腓骨骨折发生后,由于猫胫腓骨很细,且近心端附着丰富的肌肉,而远心端很少,如果单纯采用外固定或内固定的治疗方法,效果往往不理想。文章就一例猫胫腓骨骨折采用髓内针和金属丝进行内固定后,又在外面用夹板进行外固定,术后恢复良好的病例来进行研究,希望能对猫胫腓骨骨折的治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

A 1-year-old working Kelpie developed pneumothorax and focal peritonitis after inhalation of a grass awn that migrated from the lung, through the diaphragm, into the peritoneal cavity. Radiographic evidence of sternal lymph node enlargement was fundamental in the diagnosis of intraperitoneal disease and prompted abdominal ultrasound leading to definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

Although recognized as a possible complication to sepsis, there are few published reports on brain abscesses in foals. This case report describes a 4-month-old Icelandic filly that, as a neonate, had a history of pyrexia and lameness, which resolved with antibiotic treatment. Approximately 3 months later, the foal developed neurological signs which were initially attributed to trauma; she was referred for further investigation. The clinical signs were consistent with a lesion of the right forebrain. Computed tomography examination revealed a mass, approximately 6 cm in diameter, located in the right cerebral hemisphere craniolateral to the right lateral ventricle. Because of the poor prognosis, the foal was killed, and a postmortem was performed. The findings confirmed the presence of an abscess of the right cerebral hemisphere, leading to severe atrophy of the cortex and dilation of both lateral ventricles. The left hemisphere was moderate-to-severe atrophic and had displaced to the left. Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus was isolated in pure culture from the abscess. The clinical features of the foal were compared with the pathological findings.  相似文献   

This report describes nitrate poisoning observed in thoroughbred mares. Nine horses died at a farm in Bursa, Turkey, between February and April of 2008. Five of them were pregnant. Clinical findings developed over a short period and included severe abdominal pain, limited response to analgesics and antispasmodics, diarrhea, shallow and rapid breathing, tachycardia, blue-brown discoloration of the mucosal membranes, tremors, ataxia, convulsions before death, and abortion in the pregnant mares. The main postmortem finding was chocolate brown–colored blood as well as congestion and inflammation of the intra-abdominal organs. Uterine rupture, colonic ruptures, and torsio uteri were seen in the pregnant mares. Stomach and intestinal ruptures were seen in four nonpregnant mares. High nitrate concentrations were determined in some grass and alfalfa samples used to feed the animals. Nitrate poisoning is considered to be very rare in horses, but, in this case, the clinical symptoms, postmortem findings, and nitrate levels in the collected samples supported nitrate and nitrite poisoning as the cause of deaths.  相似文献   

We report an unusual case of orbital cellulitis in a cat. Drainage via the pterygopalatine fossa and medical treatment were performed. Failure of resolution and loss of ocular structure and visual function with a poor prognosis led to enucleation. During surgery, plant material and purulent exudate were present in the orbit. Histopathology showed an intraocular foreign body of grass that had migrated through the sclera causing a suprachoroidal abscess with choroidal and retinal detachment.  相似文献   

猫的肾上腺皮质癌转移至脾在兽医临床非常罕见。在本报告中,描述了1例10岁田园猫,其症状表现为腹部疼痛,频繁呕吐,消瘦,有慢性肾上腺功能损伤病史,影像学检查脾肿大。对患猫进行脾摘除手术,并对摘除的组织进行组织病理学检查和免疫组化分析。病理组织学结果显示,肿瘤细胞具有丰富的脂质样空泡,细胞体积大,有丝分裂象多见,且肿瘤细胞已发生血管侵袭,细胞核浓染;免疫组织化学结果显示,synaptophysin、S-100和GATA4阳性表达。根据病理组织学和免疫组织化学及病史和实验室检查,最后诊断为肾上腺皮质癌的脾转移。首次报道了猫肾上腺皮质癌脾转移临床病例及病理学诊断,对于临床相关疾病诊疗有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

一只2岁布偶猫,体重4.3 kg,怀孕61 d,精神不好,血常规检查严重贫血,腹部彩超检查死胎、子宫扭转、子宫破裂、血腹,诊断为子宫扭转破裂。母猫交叉配血后输血60 mL,呼吸麻醉,行卵巢子宫切除术,术后消炎止血,1周拆线恢复。  相似文献   

犬猫单纯的股骨头颈部骨折临床上较少,其发病原因是骨盆或股骨受到直接或间接的外力导致,也常继发于髋关节发育不良导致的骨质疏松,轻微的外力就可造成动物的股骨头颈部骨折。介绍了猫股骨头颈部骨折的临床症状、诊断及治疗过程,以供参考。  相似文献   

猫下泌尿道疾病是对猫泌尿系统发生的一种或多种疾病的综合性描述,是猫最常见的疾病之一,多数情况下不能自愈,一旦发病往往不断加重,不仅累及泌尿系统原发病灶,而且常引起其他组织器官的损害,甚至以死亡归转。通过对30例猫下泌尿道病例诊断和治疗过程的统计整理与分析,系统地梳理了猫下泌尿道疾病的诊断和治疗方法,以期对兽医临床工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser keratectomy was compared to lamellar keratectomy (LK) and penetrating keratoplasty (PK) as a potential treatment option for equine corneal stromal abscessation. The medical records of 35 client owned horses undergoing surgical management of stromal abscessation were reviewed. Among those 17 underwent LK, 3 PK and 15 CO2 laser keratectomy. Healing of the stromal abscess was achieved in all treated eyes. Those horses undergoing CO2 laser keratectomy demonstrated few complications, and the time to healing and cosmetic outcome was comparable to those horses undergoing LK and PK.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old neutered female British Blue cat was presented with a presumed diagnosis of a prolapsed nictitans gland and associated ocular irritation and epiphora. However, during surgery, the apparent nictitans gland protrusion was determined to be an everted cartilage of the nictitating membrane. The scrolled portion of the cartilage was removed through an incision through the conjunctiva on the bulbar aspect of the third eyelid, as previously described in the dog. This operation resolved the ocular irritation occurring, and the third eyelid returned to its anatomically correct position.  相似文献   

Pantoea agglomerans, family Enterobacteriaceae, is a Gram-negative bacterium that may be isolated from soil and from plants. This bacterium has been associated with disease in plants, humans, and rarely in domestic animal species. We describe here a case of fibrinonecrotic placentitis and equine abortion associated with P. agglomerans infection in southern Brazil. A fetus with 10 months of gestation and its placenta were evaluated. Gross lesions were observed in the cervical star extending to the body of the chorioallantois and consisted of a focally extensive, transmural, severely thickened yellow area. Histologically, this area in the chorioallantois was effaced by severe necrosis, associated with marked inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils and abundant deposition of fibrin and cellular debris. Aggregates of bacterial rods were noted intermixed with inflammation areas. No significant lesions were observed in the remaining organs inspected. Tissue samples of the lung, placenta, and stomach contents were cultured, and microbiological tests revealed the growth of P. agglomerans in all evaluated samples. The present study reaffirms the participation of P. agglomerans as a cause of bacterial placentitis and abortion in horses.  相似文献   

在山地红壤引种冬季牧草鸡脚草、宽叶型一年生黑麦草、牛尾草、白三叶,并利用鸡脚草进行喂鹅试验。引种观测表明几种牧草均适应在福州山区种植,鸡脚草、宽叶型一年生黑麦草、白三叶对鹅适口性很好。鸡脚草喂鹅试验结果表明,经40d饲养,仔鹅平均日增重达43.0g,比饲喂当地野生杂草的对照组有明显的提高,饲料报酬比对照组提高28.6%,在屠体品质方面,也有改善和提高的趋势。  相似文献   

A comparison was made between a hay fed group, consisting of 23 ewes, and a grass silage fed group of 22 ewes, all pregnant. Excretion of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in the faeces and milk, antibody titres in sera and whey and delayed hypersensitivity against Lm, and several blood components were determined. The animals had previously been exposed to Lm, and Lm was isolated from the faeces from several animals when the experiment started.No significant difference in number of excretors between the 2 groups was found during the experimental period. The haemagglutination titres in both sera and whey were low and on the same level in both groups. The titres were higher in animals with 1 foetus than in animals with more than 1 foetus.In the first part of the experimental period the silage group had a reduced number of lymphocytes, lower total serum protein values and higher serum iron values, compared with the hay group.The silage group also had a stronger delayed hypersensitivity reaction against Lm than the hay group, and in the silage group the reaction was significantly stronger in ewes with 3 or more foetuses than in ewes with 1 foetus.In conclusion, the combined effect of some of the changes found in animals fed grass silage may leave them more susceptible to infections.  相似文献   

A 22‐year‐old Quarter Horse gelding with a history of dental (107) extraction 2 weeks previously was presented with facial cellulitis and an orbital abscess. The abscess was drained surgically dorsally and ventrally to the zygomatic arch and the horse was treated with parenteral antimicrobial and anti‐inflammatory drugs. The affected eye was protected with a temporary tarsorrhaphy and treated via a subpalpebral catheter. Six months after presentation, the horse was in excellent general condition and returned to previous level of exercise but showed blindness on the affected side. Pallor of the optic disc and severe attenuation of the retinal vessels, suggestive of optic disc atrophy, were present.  相似文献   

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