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BackgroundReduced pelvic limb reflexes in dogs with spinal cord injury typically suggests a lesion of the L4‐S3 spinal cord segments. However, pelvic limb reflexes might also be reduced in dogs with a T3‐L3 myelopathy and concurrent spinal shock.Hypothesis/ObjectivesWe hypothesized that statistical models could be used to identify clinical variables associated with spinal shock in dogs with spinal cord injuries.AnimalsCohort of 59 dogs with T3‐L3 myelopathies and spinal shock and 13 dogs with L4‐S3 myelopathies.MethodsData used for this study were prospectively entered by partner institutions into the International Canine Spinal Cord Injury observational registry between October 2016 and July 2019. Univariable logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association between independent variables and the presence of spinal shock. Independent variables were selected for inclusion in a multivariable logistic regression model if they had a significant effect (P ≤ .1) on the odds of spinal shock in univariable logistic regression.ResultsThe final multivariable model included the natural log of weight (kg), the natural log of duration of clinical signs (hours), severity (paresis vs paraplegia), and pelvic limb tone (normal vs decreased/absent). The odds of spinal shock decreased with increasing weight (odds ratio [OR] = 0.28, P = .09; confidence interval [CI] 0.07‐1.2), increasing duration (OR = 0.44, P = .02; CI 0.21‐0.9), decreased pelvic limb tone (OR = 0.04, P = .003; CI 0.01‐0.36), and increased in the presence of paraplegia (OR = 7.87, P = .04; CI 1.1‐56.62).Conclusions and Clinical ImportanceA formula, as developed by the present study and after external validation, could be useful for assisting clinicians in determining the likelihood of spinal shock in various clinical scenarios and aid in diagnostic planning.  相似文献   

Progressive myelomalacia (PMM) is a fatal sequela of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion in dogs, with unpredictable onset in the days after the inciting injury. No single reliable diagnostic test is currently available. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features such as T2-weighted spinal cord hyperintensity and loss of subarachnoid signal in a half-Fourier single-shot turbo spin echo (HASTE) sequence have been associated with PMM, but are sometimes present in other dogs with severe deficits. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in 22 dogs with a clinical or histopathologic diagnosis of PMM and 38 deep pain-negative paraplegic dogs were compared in a retrospective case-control study. Length of T2-weighted hyperintense spinal cord change and HASTE signal loss were significantly associated with clinically evident PMM (P = .0019 and P = .0085), however, there were no significant differences between groups when analysis was restricted to dogs not yet showing clinical signs of PMM. The PMM group also had significantly shorter compressive lesions than the control group (P = 0.026), suggesting a possible role of more severe focal pressure at the extrusion site. A segment of total loss of contrast enhancement in the venous sinuses and meninges, a feature not previously described, was more common in the PMM group and the difference approached significance (P = 0.054). Findings show that MRI features can support the diagnosis in dogs with clinical evidence of PMM, and absence of these features supports absence of PMM at time of imaging. However, their absence does not reliably differentiate dogs with imminent progressive myelomalacia from other dogs with severe deficits following intervertebral disc extrusion.  相似文献   

The case details and outcome after surgical decompression of 46 dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease with loss of deep pain perception prior to surgery were reviewed. Nineteen dogs (41.3%) recovered with a median follow-up period of 12.5 months. Recovery was defined as an ambulatory paraparesis, or better, with urinary and fecal continence. There was a better outcome in dogs with loss of deep pain for less than 24 hours prior to surgery (19/41; 46.3% recovered) than in dogs without deep pain perception for more than 24 hours (0/5; 0% recovered). Dogs with deep pain perception present at two weeks postoperatively had significantly higher success rate (8/12; 66.7% recovered) than dogs without deep pain perception at this time period (1/10; 10.0% recovered). The return of deep pain perception by two weeks postoperatively can be a useful positive prognostic indicator.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare half-Fourier-acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE) and T2-weighted (T2-W) sequences in dogs with thoracolumbar disc extrusion. MRI studies in 60 dogs (767 individual intervertebral disc spaces) were evaluated. Agreement between T2-W and HASTE sequences was assessed for two criteria: presence of an extradural lesion and treatment recommendation. There was moderate agreement between T2-W and HASTE sequences as to presence of an extradural lesion (kappa = 0.575). HASTE was in agreement in 96.1% of the sites where no extradural lesion was identified on T2-W images, but only in 58.1% of the sites where extradural lesions were identified on T2-W images. There was also moderate agreement between T2-W and HASTE sequences as to treatment recommendations (kappa = 0.476). HASTE was in agreement in 98.4% of the sites where a lesion was considered nonsurgical on T2 but only 82.1% of sites a lesion was considered surgical on T2. In 1.0% of sites considered not surgical and in 9.8% of sites considered equivocal based on T2-W images, a surgical lesion was identified on HASTE. Acquisition of a HASTE sequence in addition to conventional sequences may be beneficial in determining the severity of spinal cord compression in some cases when evaluating the canine spine.  相似文献   

Subarachnoid-pleural fistula is a rare occurrence in humans as a result of trauma or spinal surgery. Such fistulas commonly remain undiagnosed until sufficient cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the pleural space to cause respiratory distress. We describe a subarachnoid-pleural fistula in a dog that occurred subsequent to blunt trauma sustained during a fall, with concurrent acute, traumatic intervertebral disc rupture. The extruded disc material penetrated the dura mater, allowing communication between the subarachnoid space and the extrapleural thoracic cavity. Radiographic, myelographic, and computed tomographic (CT) findings are reviewed. Abnormalities noted during myelography included an intradural-extramedullary lesion at T11-T12, with epidural leakage of contrast medium from the region of T12 extending cranially. In images from myelography and CT there was extravasation of contrast medium extending from the subarachnoid and epidural space into the extrapleural thoracic cavity.  相似文献   

针灸治疗犬椎间盘突出症90例(2000-2002)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对90例犬椎间盘突出症病例进行了总结性回顾,经针灸治疗有81例取得了很好的疗效,有效率为90%,但对于临床分级为四级的病例的疗效较低,仅为45.5%,但是针灸疗法对于提高患犬的食欲、精神状态和降低疼痛方面具有很好的作用。总之,采取中医针灸的治疗方法是一种有效的、经济的治疗方法。该种疗法是值得推广和发扬的中国中兽医的传统治疗方法。  相似文献   

Thoracolumbar myelopathy encompasses a number of disease processes such as intervertebral disc disease, discospondylitis, trauma, congenital malformations, neoplasia, and intramedullary spinal cord disease. Compressive disc herniations are most common in dogs and require imaging procedures such as myelography, computed tomography (CT), and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the need and location for decompressive surgery. The purposes of this retrospective, cross‐sectional study were to evaluate all dogs undergoing thoracolumbar CT imaging as the initial diagnostic step between 2010 and 2015 and determine whether any of the imaging characteristics could be used to predict the need for additional imaging in the form of myelography, CT myelography, and/or MRI. A total of 555 dogs were identified in this time frame which underwent CT imaging for myelopathy of the thoracolumbar region. Various parameters including age, gender, sexual status, breed, chronicity, site of lesion, time of study, and contrast administration were evaluated. Findings indicated that 7.6% of dogs needed additional imaging after CT. Dachshunds were less likely to need additional imaging (P = 0.0111) as were patients scanned during normal business hours (P = 0.0075). Increasing age of the patient increased the likelihood of additional imaging (P = 0.0107). Dogs which did not have additional imaging performed were 21.89 times more likely to require surgery than those which did have additional imaging (P < 0.0001). Findings supported the use of CT as a first‐line imaging modality for dogs presenting with thoracolumbar myelopathy.  相似文献   

Transversal, horizontal and sagittal sections of the brain were stained by the ancient but efficient Mulligan method, a procedure that establishes a clear macroscopic difference between the white and grey substances. Different structures of each section were studied and most of the details were identified and named according to the NAV. All sections were projected onto the whole brain. By means of this easy and basic procedure the students increase their understanding of (1) the size and/or the form and/or the topography of several prominent structures of the brain, (2) the general distribution of the substancia alba and grisea, and they begin to understand the complexity of the brain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a technique for thoracolumbar lateral corpectomy and to evaluate its use for treatment of chronic thoracolumbar disk disease in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Fifteen dogs with signs of chronic thoracolumbar disk herniation. METHODS: After a dorsal or lateral approach to the spine, a lateral slot was created in 2 adjacent vertebral bodies on either side of the herniated disk and extruded/protruded material was removed. Data collected included history, duration of clinical signs, presurgical assessment of neurologic status, postsurgical neurologic status, complications, and outcome. RESULTS: Ambulatory capacity was maintained or regained, and neurologic status improved by 1 grade (3 dogs), 2 grades (8), 3 grades (2), or 4 grades (2). Eleven dogs were considered free of disease. A seroma in 1 dog was the sole complication observed. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral corpectomy permits relatively easy removal of protruded-extruded disk material from within the vertebral canal in chronic disk disease without further iatrogenic injury to the spinal cord. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Lateral corpectomy is an alternative to dorsal decompression for treatment of ventral and lateroventral thoracolumbar chronic disk disease in dogs.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases concern human and animal populations and are transmitted between both humans and animals. Nevertheless, surveillance data on zoonoses are collected separately for the most part in different databases for either humans or animals. Bearing in mind the concept of One Health, it is assumed that a global view of these data might help to prevent and control zoonotic diseases. In following this approach, we wanted to determine which zoonotic data are routinely collected in Germany and whether these data could be integrated in a useful way to improve surveillance. Therefore, we conducted an inventory of the existing data collections and gathered information on possible One Health surveillance areas in Germany by approaching experts through a scoping survey, personal interviews and during a workshop. In matching the information between the status quo for existing data collections and the possible use cases for One Health surveillance, this study revealed that data integration is currently hindered by missing data, missing pathogen information or a lack of timeliness, depending on the surveillance purpose. Therefore, integrating the existing data would require substantial efforts and changes to adapt the collection procedures for routine databases. Nevertheless, during this study, we observed a need for different stakeholders from the human and animal health sectors to share information to improve the surveillance of zoonoses. Therefore, our findings suggest that before the data sets from different databases are integrated for joint analyses, the surveillance could be improved by the sharing of information and knowledge through a collaboration of stakeholders from different sectors and institutions.  相似文献   

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