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西蜂在经历了长达 40余年的蜂螨危害之后 ,时至今日 ,它仍然没有离开人们的保护。假如今天人们不再去保护它 ,这个物种是否要从地球上灭绝掉呢 ?从西蜂的引进 ,到中蜂生存空间一直在缩小 ,说明西蜂是适宜在我国生存的。但面对大小蜂螨 ,西蜂似乎束手无策 ,而中蜂则表现得异常适应。中蜂有抗螨性能 ,西蜂有没有抗螨性能呢 ?从查阅的资料看 ,一些学者认为 ,中蜂是蜂螨的原始寄主。从这一观点看 ,西蜂是后来受害者。但这种观点遇到解释上的困难。因为西蜂早从 2 0年代就引进我国 ,而大小蜂螨则是从60年代才开始危害西蜂。那么 ,在 2 0年代— 60…  相似文献   

蜜蜂的抗螨机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂的抗螨机理中国养蜂学会(北京香山卧佛寺西侧:100093)黄立诚雅氏瓦螨(简称瓦螨),俗称大蜂螨,自本世纪5o年代由原寄主东方蜜蜂传入西方蜜蜂以来,除大洋洲的澳大利亚和新西兰尚未发现以外,瓦螨已经由亚洲传播到欧洲、非洲和南北美洲,对西方蜜蜂造成了...  相似文献   

抗螨蜜蜂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《美国蜜蜂杂志》1 998年第 1 1期报道了E .H .埃里克森等在抗螨蜜蜂培育方面所取得的进展。研究表明 ,从各蜂场中找出抗螨蜂群 ,在不采取其它控制蜂螨措施的情况下 ,对这些蜂群进行繁殖 ,并维持其抗螨特性 ,是比较容易实现的。这项研究已得到一些养蜂者的实践证明。该杂志 1 999年第 1 2期又报道了埃里克森等在抗螨蜜蜂培育方面的最新进展。在他们研究的65群抗螨蜂群中 ,既有欧洲蜂 ,也有非洲蜂 ,还有它们的杂交种。结果并未发现非洲化蜜蜂的抗螨性强于欧洲蜜蜂。自 1 994年 1 1月以来 ,他们通过选择育种、隔离交尾和常规的饲养方法 ,不…  相似文献   

东方蜜蜂抗螨的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择3群没有受大蜂螨感染,群势不同的东方蜜蜂蜂群,分别引入受大蜂螨感染的雄蜂幼虫脾,和工蜂幼虫脾,在蜂群底部放入收集蜂集废屑的纸板,以后每隔24小时,检查蜂群底部的落螨数;先2脾未受蜂螨感染的东方蜜蜂为幼虫脾放入受大蜂螨感染的西方蜜蜂蜂群里,让其受大蜂螨感染,72小时后还回原蜂群,工蜂为其清理蜂螨,结果表明:东方蜜蜂有很强的抗螨性,5-6天后,基本上可以清出,原引入的西方蜜蜂幼虫脾或东方蜜蜂幼虫脾上的所有蜂螨。  相似文献   

蜂胶的抗螨作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了避免蜂群受到蜂螨的为害 ,养蜂者通常采用杀螨剂来防治蜂螨 ,但使用杀螨剂有很多缺点。其中最大的问题 :一是造成蜂产品中药物的残留 ;二是蜂螨产生抗药性。所以 ,如何避免杀螨剂对蜂产品的污染以及降低蜂螨的抗药性 ,是蜂螨防治和杀螨剂筛选中必须重点考虑的问题。近年来 ,人们试图从天然产物的提取物中筛选抗螨药物。其中 ,有一种天然产物引起了科研人员的兴趣和重视 ,这种产物就是蜂产品中的重要成员———蜂胶。德国柏林大学动物研究所的GaredewA等科研人员研究了蜂胶对一种大蜂螨 (Varroadestructor)的作用 ,结果发现蜂胶对大蜂…  相似文献   


介绍 一直到20世纪末,瓦螨属(Aarroa)已确定的有3种高度分化的蜜蜂专性体表寄生螨类,它们靠吸食蜜蜂的血淋巴生活.  相似文献   

健蜂抗螨香粉防治蜂螨的联合试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“健蜂抗螨香粉”是以中兽医、中医理论为指导 ,结合植物药学、民间“土农药”验方研制而成的。现将试验结果汇总报告如下 :1 试验材料供试蜂群 :甘肃省养蜂研究所定点试验蜂场及甘肃宁县、陕西绥德县、宁夏固原县、青海西宁市等地养蜂重点户的蜂群 ,蜂种为意大利蜜蜂。试验蜂药 :健蜂抗螨香粉 ,由甘肃省养蜂研究所蜂药厂提供。试验地点 :甘肃省天水市北道区、甘肃省宁县中村乡、陕西绥德县城关、宁夏固原县黑城镇、青海省西宁市。2 试验方法2 1 用药群的设立试验在甘肃省养蜂研究所定点试验蜂场进行 ,选取群势相似、蜂螨寄生率较高的蜂…  相似文献   

抗螨育种的目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方兵兵 《中国蜂业》2002,53(3):45-45
目前 ,欧洲蜜蜂感染大蜂螨后 ,一般是采用药物治疗 ,需要每年治螨 ,为此也产生了一些问题 ,如蜂产品药物残留和蜂螨抗药性问题。因此 ,许多养蜂者和养蜂研究机构对蜜蜂抗螨育种产生了极大兴趣。抗螨能力在蜂群表现为 :在受大蜂螨危害时 ,未经任何治疗蜂群不发生螨害 ;或出现病情时 ,未经治疗 ,但病情不会严重发展。抗螨机制抗螨蜂群能成功抗御螨害 ,使蜂螨在蜜蜂与幼虫间的感染率很低。如印度蜜蜂的抗螨能力表现为大蜂螨只能在雄蜂幼虫房繁育 ,而不能在工蜂幼虫房繁育。另外 ,印度蜜蜂能主动追踪大蜂螨 ,清除受大蜂螨感染的幼虫。虽然欧洲蜜…  相似文献   

An investigation was made in 252 Barbari and Jamunapari kids to assess their resistance to natural infection with gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes and to establish indicator traits for such resistance in Indian goats. The indicator traits, faecal egg counts (FEC) and packed cell volume (PCV) were affected by various genetic and non-genetic factors. There were no breed differences in the FEC or PCV at 3, 6 or 9 months of age. Jamunapari male kids had a higher FEC than the female kids at 6 months of age. However, Barbari female kids had a higher FEC than the respective male kids at 9 months of age. At 6 months of age in both breeds, the kids born in the spring (March–April) had a higher FEC than those born in the autumn (October–November). The FEC of kids at 9 months of age was higher than at 3 or 6 months of age. Sire had a significant effect on PCV at 6 and 9 months of age. The kids born in the autumn had a higher PCV than those born in the spring. The PCV of male Barbari kids differed significantly from that of female kids at all the ages. The correlation coefficient of FEC on both body weight and body weight gain was negative, and there was a loss of body weight in the individuals with a high FEC.  相似文献   

NRAMP1基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
天然抗性相关巨噬蛋白(natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1,NRAMP1)与多种胞内菌如结核分枝杆菌、沙门氏杆菌和利什曼原虫等易感和抗性相关。综述了NRAMP1基因的结构特点、作用机理、表达调控及其与疾病的相关性,以期为应用于猪的抗病育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Mites are frequent agents of skin diseases in veterinary dermatology, particularly in rodents. The authors report an original case of infestation in two guinea pigs of the same household. Two adult guinea pigs were presented with a 3‐month history of alopecia, matted hair, erythema, scales and mild pruritus. The first guinea pig showed almost complete truncal alopecia with mild scaling, whereas the other one had only recently developed mild alopecia of the abdomen and mild pruritus. Numerous live, long‐legged mites were present both in adhesive tape and skin scrapings. Mycology (Wood's lamp and DTM agar culture) was negative. Histopathological examination of a skin biopsy did not reveal any significant inflammatory disease and morphological changes were limited to hair follicles in the telogen phase. Mites were identified as hypopodes of Acarus farris (Acaridae), but no adult stages were present. Hypopodes were also found in the hay. Control was obtained with acaricidal treatment with Phoxim 0.05% once weekly for 4 weeks, and the elimination of contaminated hay. The lesions and the alopecia resolved rapidly. Hypopodes are additional nymphal stages of some mites of the suborder Astigmata. They develop for dispersing or dormancy under disadvantageous conditions. They can be active or inert, and some can be phoretic on the skin surface or intrafollicular. Although nonparasitic, they may cause dermatitis. Acarus farris have been rarely mentioned in the literature as a cause of dermatitis. This condition could be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in veterinary dermatology. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

蜂王浆抗菌作用的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和啤酒酵母为供试菌株 ,用抑菌圈实验法研究了蜂王浆的抗菌活性 ,结果表明蜂王浆对大肠杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌有明显的抑制活性 ,而对啤酒酵母的生长没有抑制 ;蜂王浆提取物的抑菌实验结果表明 :蜂王浆中含有不同的抑菌活性物质  相似文献   

[目的]通过大额牛与黄牛杂交的试验来为探索种间杂交的研究提供依据。[方法]用2头大额牛公牛与20头黄牛母牛圈舍混养分别进行本交试验。[结果]表明,大额牛能与黄牛进行本交使母牛受孕,受孕率达50%。[结论]不仅证实了大额牛与黄牛的种间杂交可行性,也为牛种间杂交改良提供强有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

本文通过自由基共聚合丙烯酰胺(缩写为AM)和双键硼化物(缩写为DB/BS14)获得共聚物P(AMDB/BS14),水解度分别在20%、40%和60%的条件下对共聚物进行后水解,测试在不同水解度条件下得到的共聚物溶液粘度随体系温度和氯化钠盐度的变化情况。实验表明,在20%、40%和60%三种水解度条件下的共聚物耐温抗盐性能有明显的不同,其中共聚物在60%水解度时耐温和抗盐性能最优,在20%水解度时耐温抗盐性能最差。  相似文献   

In order to optimize the production of embryos under tropical conditions and to test a possible seasonal effect on embryo quality, 40 Zebu cows were superovulated during the dry season (April to May) and during the rainy season (July to August). A total of 116 (average 2.7/cow) and 83 embryos (3.5 average/cow) were obtained during the respective seasons. After classification as good, fair or poor quality, embryos were tested based on their ultrastructural differences (n = 53 dry season 16 good, 20 fair and 17 poor and n = 61 rainy season 21 good, 20 fair and 20 poor) and their degree of apoptosis using the TUNEL technique (n = 30 during the dry season and n = 55 in the rainy season). Structural characteristics determining embryo quality varied between good and fair quality embryos. No difference, however, was observed between good, fair and poor quality embryos from the two seasons. The number of TUNEL-positive cells was different among embryos (p < 0.001), being lower in labelled cells of good quality embryos regardless of the season. Fewer apoptotic cells were observed in embryos assigned in all three quality levels during the rainy season (p < 0.001). Ultrastructural evaluations confirmed the results obtained by TUNEL. Cryopreserved embryos of good (n = 25 in each season) and fair quality (n = 11 dry season; n = 17 rainy season) showed a significant decrease of TUNEL-positive cells during the rainy season (p < 0.05). Results suggest that embryos collected in the dry season have more cellular damage in contrast; embryos cryopreserved in the rainy season appeared morphologically better equipped to result in a pregnancy following transfer.  相似文献   

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