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AIM: To determine the effect of hCG administration to cycling Thoroughbred mares, on pregnancy and twinning rates and the number of serves in the treated cycle. METHODS: A retrospective case control approach was conducted involving 2119 mare ovulatory cycles, on 1110 mares over a 7-year period. Data were collected by 1 of the authors during routine stud work at 3 commercial Thoroughbred farms in the Waikato region of New Zealand. The hCG (1500 IU) was administered by intravenous injection to selected mares 24 h before the expected time of breeding. Mares were scanned for pregnancy (singleton or twins) 14 days after the onset of dioestrus or detection of ovulation. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were used to identify the risk factors associated with the outcomes of interest while simultaneously controlling for possible confounding factors. RESULTS: Treatment with hCG tended to improve the odds of pregnancy (p=0.06), produced a 3-fold increase in the odds of twins (p<0.001), and increased the odds of a mare having a single serve in the treated ovulatory cycle (p=0.036). The first ovulatory cycle of a season in which a mare was bred was associated with a lower odds of pregnancy (p=0.02), and a lower odds of twins (p=0.003), when compared with subsequent cycles. Lactating mares were less likely to be diagnosed with twins (p=0.005), and were more likely to have a single serve (p<0.001), in any one ovulatory cycle than non-lactating mares. CONCLUSIONS: This report supports the role of hCG as an important therapeutic tool in veterinary management of broodmares for optimal reproductive performance. Mares treated with hCG must be managed in the knowledge that they have an increased likelihood of twins.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible relationship of pharmacological induction of estrous and/or ovulation with the occurrence of twin pregnancies in Thoroughbred mares. Out of 680 mares, 356 received one of the following treatments during the estrous cycle in which they became pregnant: injection of 0.5mg of cloprostenol at the ultrasonographic detection of a CL (n=86); injection of 5000 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) immediately before mating (n=221); injection of 0.5mg of cloprostenol at the ultrasonographic detection of a CL plus injection of 5000 IU hCG immediately before mating on cloprostenol-induced estrous (n=49). The other 324 mares, not treated for induction of estrous or ovulation in the estrous cycle resulting in pregnancy, were used as control group. The occurrence of twin and single pregnancies in treated and control mares underlines that the percentage of twin pregnancy in treated mares (16.6%) was statistically significantly higher (P<0.0001; odds ratio, OR=2.87) than the percentage of twinning in the control group (6.5%). Comparison of the occurrence of twins between treatments revealed a statistically significant difference between mares treated with hCG alone compared to animals given prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) plus hCG. The results show a statistically significant difference for each treatment compared to controls, with the least difference (P<0.05; OR=2.18) for the comparison between hCG treatment group and controls, a significance of P<0.01; OR=3.05 for the comparison between PGF2alpha treatment and controls, and a highly statistically significant difference (P<0.0001; OR=6.37) for the comparison between PGF2alpha plus hCG-treated animals and controls.  相似文献   

The effects of pre-ovulatory and post ovulatory insemination on pregnancy rate and embryonic-loss rate were studied in 268 mares in two experiments. Within each experiment mares were randomised within replicates as follows: to be inseminated on the day the pre-ovulatory follicle reached 35 mm (pre-ovulatory group), to be inseminated on the day of ovulation (Day 0 group), and to be inseminated on the day after ovulation (Day 1 group). Ultrasonic pregnancy diagnoses were performed on Days 11, 12, 13 and 14 (Experiment 1) and Days 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20 and 40 (Experiment 2). Combined for the two experiments, pregnancy rates were different (P less than 0.01) among the three groups. For Experiment 2, pregnancy rate within the pre-ovulatory group was lower (P less than 0.05) for insemination 4 days or more before ovulation than for up to 3 days before ovulation. Pregnancy rate was lower (P less than 0.05) for the Day 0 group than for the pre-ovulatory group inseminated up to 3 days before ovulation. In Experiment 2, ovulation was detected by examinations every 6 h; pregnancy rate was greater (P less than 0.05) for mares inseminated 0 to 6 h after ovulation than for mares inseminated at 18 to 24 h. No pregnancies occurred when mares were inseminated 30 h or more after ovulation. The mean day of first detection of the embryonic vesicle was different (P less than 0.0001) among the three groups. Diameter of embryonic vesicle averaged over Days 11 to 15 also differed (P less than 0.0001) among groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of additional human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) on the ovarian response of gilts previously treated with 200 IU hCG combined with 400 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) (eCG/hCG). Seventy-one prepuberal gilts (105 ± 7.5 kg) were assigned to groups: i) eCG/hCG (hCG-0; n = 25); ii) eCG/hCG followed by 100 IU of hCG at 24 h (hCG-100; n = 24); iii) eCG/hCG followed by 200 IU hCG at 24 h (hCG-200; n = 10); and iv) controls (CON; n = 12). Ovulation response was assessed by ovarian dissection or real-time ultrasonography. Additional hCG did not significantly improve numbers of gilts ovulating. Numbers of corpora lutea increased with hCG, and was higher in hCG-200 (P < 0.01). Compared to hCG-0, the frequency of cysts in gilts was higher in hCG-100 (P < 0.05) and further increased in hCG-200 (P < 0.01). The number of cysts per gilt was dose-dependently increased by additional hCG. We conclude that supplemental hCG will increase the number of corpora lutea but will be associated with follicular cyst development in a dose dependent manner.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the incidence of pregnancy loss of mares carrying a mule embryo with that of mares carrying a horse embryo. The possible causes of such mortality were evaluated through serial ultrasonographic evaluations and hormonal monitoring, paying special attention to the role of premature regression of the endometrial cups and its relation to inadequate luteal function.

Twenty-eight mares impregnated by stallions and 19 mares impregnated with donkey semen were evaluated ultrasonographically every week from day 20 to day 150 of pregnancy. The viability of the product was assessed each time, and the diameter of the embryonic vesicle was measured from day 25 to day 60. Blood samples for progesterone and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) determination were taken every week.

Both progesterone and eCG concentrations during normal pregnancies wegre significantly lower in the mares inseminated with donkey semen than in the mares impregnated by stallions (P<.05). In 7 of the mares carrying mule conceptuses to term, the concentrations of eCG remained basal throughout the study. In the other animals from this group, the levels of this hormone did increase but returned to baseline much earlier (on day 77 of pregnancy) than in the mares served by stallions (on day 126 day of pregnancy). There was no significant difference between the growth rate of embryonic vesicles of mares carrying mule embryos and that of mares carrying horse embryos (P>.05).

The incidence of pregnancy loss was significantly higher (P<.05) in mares carrying a mule embryo (36.8 %) than in mares carrying a horse embryo (21.4%); it occurred on average on day 93 of pregnancy in mares carrying mule embryos and on day 43 on mares carrying horse embryos. There was only 1 case in which pregnancy loss was associated with concentrations of both eCG and progesterone that were much lower than the average for the normal pregnancies of the same group, and this was in a mare carrying a horse embryo. The most frequent cause of pregnancy loss was premature luteal regression due to primary luteolysis, as evaluated via peripheral progesterone concentrations. This occurred in 2 mares carrying horse embryos and in 4 mares carrying mule embryos. Three mares carrying mule embryos and 1 carrying a horse embryo had abortions that were not preceded or accompanied by any alteration in progesterone or eCG levels and were thus classified as fetal deaths of non-endocrine origin.

It is concluded that the incidence of pregnancy loss is higher in mares carrying a mule embryo than in mares carrying a horse embryo. However, this is not due to the low progesterone concentrations associated with the premature regression of the endometrial cups that occurs in mares with interspecific pregnancy.  相似文献   

Breeding records of 48 Thoroughbred and Standardbred mares treated with native GnRH (500μg im, bid) during February—April, 1999 or 2000, on 7 farms in central Kentucky were retrospectively examined. Treated mares were classified as being in anestrus or early transition (n=42; if no signs of estrus occurred within 31/2 weeks and the largest follicle remained ≤25 mm in diameter or the first larger follicle(s) of the season regressed without ovulating), or were classified as being in late transition (n=6; if follicular growth achieved 30-40 mm diameter but ovulation had not yet occurred during the breeding season). Thirty-eight mares (38/48; 79%) ovulated in 13.7 ± 7.4 days. Interval to ovulation was negatively associated with size of follicles at onset of native GnRH therapy (P < 0.01). Per cycle pregnancy rate was 53% (19/36 mares bred). Ovulation inducing drugs were administered to 32 of the native GnRH treated mares (2500 units hCG intravenously, n = 20; deslorelin implant [Ovuplant™] subcutaneously, n=12), while 6 mares were not administered any additional drugs to induce ovulation. Per cycle pregnancy rate did not differ among mares treated only with native GnRH (2/5 mares bred; 40% PR), mares treated with native GnRH plus hCG (12/19 mares bred; 63% PR), or mares treated with native GnRH plus Ovuplant™ (5/12 mares bred; 42% PR) (P > 0.10). Additional treatment with either hCG or Ovuplant™ did not alter mean follicle size at ovulation or interovulatory interval (P > 0.10). The proportion of interovulatory intervals > 25 days was not different between mares receiving no additional treatment to induce ovulation (0/4; 0%) compared to mares receiving hCG to induce ovulation (3/8; 38%) (P > 0.10), but the proportion of interovulatory intervals > 25 days was greater for mares receiving Ovuplant™ to induce ovulation (5/7; 71%) compared to mares receiving no additional treatment to induce ovulation (P < 0.05). The proportion of mares with extended interovulatory intervals (i.e., > 25 days) did not differ between mares with follicles < 15 mm diameter (4/8, 50%) and those with follicles > 15 mm diameter (3/11, 27%) at onset of native GnRH treatment (P > 0.10). While concurrent untreated controls were not used in this study, the 79% response rate to twice daily administration of native GnRH is in agreement with other reports using pulsatile or constant infusion as methods of administration, confirming therapy can hasten follicular development and first ovulation of the breeding season. As with previous reports, follicle size at onset of treatment is an important determinant of interval from onset of native GnRH therapy to ovulation. Use of hCG or Ovuplant™ did not enhance ovulatory response in native GnRH treated mares. Use of Ovuplant™ during native GnRH therapy may increase the incidence of post-treatment anestrus in mares not becoming pregnant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of breeding method and season on pregnancy rate and cumulative embryonic and fetal losses in Nili-Ravi buffalo. Estrus detection was performed twice a day by teaser buffalo bull for 1 hour each. A 2?×?2 factorial design was used to address the breeding method and season. Buffaloes (n?=?130) exhibiting estrus were randomly assigned to be bred either in peak breeding season (PBS; n?=?80) or low breeding season (LBS; n?=?50). Within each season, buffaloes were divided to receive either natural service (NS; n?=?65) or artificial insemination (AI; n?=?65). NS buffaloes, in estrus, were allowed to remain with the bull until mating. AI was achieved, using frozen thawed semen of bull of known fertility. PBS comprised of September to December and LBS were from May to July. Serial ultrasonography was performed on days 30, 45, 60, and 90 after breeding (day 0) to monitor pregnancy rate and embryonic and fetal losses. The pregnancy rate on day 30 after breeding was higher in NS as compared to AI group (63 vs. 43%; P?<?0.05) during PBS while it did not differ (48 vs. 32%; P?>?0.05) in LBS. The cumulative embryonic and fetal losses between days 31 and 90 were significantly lower in PBS than LBS (33 vs. 60%; P?<?0.05), ignoring breeding method. Pregnancy rates were better with NS in PBS, and cumulative embryonic fetal losses were higher in LBS in Nili-Ravi buffalo.  相似文献   

Seasonal differences in the resumption of postpartum ovarian activity, milk production and periparturient metabolic status were investigated in lactating non-suckling dairy Awassi sheep in two consecutive experiments. In Experiment 1, autumn-lambing (AL, n = 27) and spring-lambing (SL, n = 37) ewes were investigated. Ovarian activity was monitored by means of individual progesterone (P4) profiles from day 5 to day 100 post partum. Most of the AL dams (89%) ovulated till day 35 after parturition and became cyclic thereafter. Incidence of persistent corpus luteum (CLP) and short luteal phases (sCL) was frequent (18% and 29%, respectively) among non-conceiving dams. In contrast, only 24% of the SL ewes ovulated before day 35. P4 levels during the luteal phase were lower in cyclic animals, and the cycle was longer in SL than in AL animals. No CLP or sCL was detected in the spring-lambing group, and 61% of SL ewes remained acyclic till the end of the trial. Lactation length was significantly longer in SL dams than in AL ewes (P = 0.008). According to the plasma metabolites (BHB, NEFA) and metabolic hormones (insulin, IGF-I, thyroxine) examined, negative energy balance did not appear in any of the animals. However, seasonal differences were seen in IGF-I and thyroxine levels, which were higher in the SL dams. In Experiment 2, influence of additional lighting was studied in autumn-lambing ewes. The long-day photoperiod (LD, n = 23) group was exposed to artificial light from sunset till midnight (approx. 16 h light/8 h dark) from some weeks before the expected date of delivery in mid-September until the end of December. The control group (n = 25) experienced only natural daylength. The first postpartum ovulation tended to occur later in the LD animals than in the controls (P = 0.047). The lactation of the LD group tended to be longer (P = 0.061). NEFA, BHB, insulin, IGF-I and thyroxine levels did not differ between the groups. Conclusions: (i) The ovarian function of the Awassi population is seasonal under temperate continental climate conditions. (ii) The first postpartum ovulation of non-suckling, autumn-lambing dams may occur very early, even before the completion of uterine involution. (iii) Additional artificial lighting may delay the time of first postpartum ovulation in AL ewes. (iv) Postpartum negative energy balance is unlikely to occur in dairy Awassi ewes even in high-producing intensive systems.  相似文献   

Several methods have been proposed to advance the onset of the breeding season in horses. Most of them are based on the exposure to an artificial lighting period combined with hormonal treatments. Mares exposed to an artificial photoperiod are most often housed indoors where the ambient temperature is often higher than the outside temperature. Mares held in barns are also exposed to different daylight intensities than horses kept outside, depending on the architecture. In the current study, we evaluated the impact of ambient temperature, daylight intensity and changes in body condition score (BCS) on the timing of first ovulation after winter anestrus in mares exposed to an artificial photoperiod. Mares (n = 211) were housed in barns with different ambient temperature and daylight exposure but with the same artificial photoperiod exposure (except for a natural photoperiod control group). Artificial photoperiod as well as an increase in BCS over the winter significantly advanced the first spring ovulation. The BCS at the start and end of the anestrus period did not have an effect on the interval to first ovulation and neither did the modest increase in ambient temperature in the barn. However, a higher light intensity during the daytime significantly advanced the first spring ovulation. The results of this study suggest that exposure to more sunlight advances the onset of the breeding season. This effect is likely mediated through the biological effect of short wavelength blue light and its impact on melatonin suppression and biological rhythms. We suggest that greater/direct exposure to the blue light component of daylight improves the response to the artificial photoperiod. The results of the present study can further assist to optimize the conditions that lead to an efficient spring transition of breeding mares.  相似文献   

During breeding of mares, ultrasonographic detection of uterine fluid accumulations in the first postpartum ovulatory period was associated with significantly decreased pregnancy rates, when compared with rates in control mares (P less than 0.005). The previously gravid uterine horn was recognized as the larger horn, when assessed for size by ultrasonography, for a mean of 21 days (range, 15 to 25 days) after parturition. On the basis of similar measurements obtained during 3 ultrasonographic scans (5-day period), uterine involution was determined to be completed in a mean of 23 days (range, 13 to 29 days). Progestin treatment did not affect uterine size, fluid accumulation, or rate of involution after parturition. However, delaying the first postpartum ovulation with 8 days of progestin treatment significantly improved pregnancy rates (P less than 0.05). More (P less than 0.05) mares became pregnant (23 of 28, 82%) when ovulation occurred after day 15 in the first postpartum ovulatory period, compared with those mares that ovulated before day 15 (6 of 12, 50%). We concluded that ultrasonographic detection of uterine fluid and postpartum progestin treatment can be used to manipulate breeding strategies and to improve pregnancy rates in mares bred during the first postpartum ovulatory period.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the ovulation rate after treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in two groups of gilts characterized by different ovarian morphology: grape-type (GT; n = 11) and honeycomb-type (HT; n = 7). At 170 d of age (d 0), gilts were examined by laparoscopy and ovarian type was determined by the distribution of macroscopic follicles present on the ovarian surface. Five to ten minutes after surgery, each gilt received a single injection (i.m.) of 750 IU of hCG. At d 0, GT ovaries had a greater number of large follicles (greater than or equal to 6 mm) than HT ovaries (10.0 +/- .5 vs 2.6 +/- .3; P less than .05), whereas HT ovaries had more small follicles (1 to 3 mm; HT: 42.3 +/- .8 vs GT: 26.7 +/- .9; P less than .05) and total follicles (HT: 59.4 +/- 2.3 vs GT: 52.2 +/- 1.5; P less than .05), although numbers of medium follicles (4 to 5 mm) were similar (GT: 15.6 +/- .8 vs HT: 14.6 +/- 1.7; P greater than .10). Number of induced corpora lutea (CL) per ovary was greater (P less than .05) in gilts with GT ovaries (10.59 +/- 2.9 CL) than in gilts with HT ovaries (5.21 +/- .66 CL). Total weight of luteal tissue (LT) per ovary and serum progesterone concentrations 8 d after induction of ovulation were greater in GT gilts than in HT gilts (GT: 6.37 +/- 1.09 g vs HT: 3.31 +/- .49 g for LT, P less than .05; GT: 21.08 +/- 4.76 ng/ml vs HT: 13.40 +/- 2.05 ng/ml for progesterone, P less than .07).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Deslorelin acetate (Ovuplant™, Fort Dodge), a GnRH agonist, is commonly used to induce ovulation in cycling mares. Although its efficacy in hastening ovulation has been previously reported, the effects of age of mare and month of administration on percent of mares responding and interval to ovulation have not been studied.Data was gathered from reproduction records of 376 mares receiving deslorelin acetate at the Equine Reproduction Laboratory, Colorado State University, from 1995 to 1999. Age of mare, date of administration, size of largest follicle at treatment, and interval to ovulation were recorded. Age of mare was categorized into five groups: 2–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, and greater than or equal to 20 years. Date of administration was divided into four groups: March and April, May and June, July and August, and September and October.A higher (p < 0.05) percentage of mares aged 10–14 (98.5%) ovulated in response to deslorelin acetate than mares aged 2–4 or 5–9 (90.2% or 91.0%, respectively) or mares aged 15–19 or ≥ 20 (87.9% or 83.8%, respectively). Mares ≥ 20 had the lowest ovulation rate (83.8%). However, mares ≥ 20 that responded to deslorelin acetate had a shorter (p < 0.05) interval from treatment to ovulation (1.7 ± 0.1 days) than mares 2–4 and 5–9 years of age (1.9 ± 0.1 and 1.9 ± 0.0 days, respectively).Deslorelin acetate was more effective in inducing ovulation in the July and August (95.4%) (p < 0.01) and September and October (95.7%) (p = 0. 04) than in the March and April (81.1%). Mares treated in May through October also experienced shorter (p < 0.05) intervals to ovulation than mares treated in March and April.  相似文献   

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