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1 发病情况病奶牛 4岁 ,体重约 60 0 kg。平时饲喂铡碎的地瓜秧及少量精料。第 1次出诊时 ,该奶牛已发病 7天。初步诊断为不完全肠套叠 ,需手术治疗。在拉往动物保健医院的途中 ,患牛排出一些粪便 ,畜主认为好转不想手术 ,带药回家采取保守治疗。发病第 1 1天 ,仍然无食欲 ,不  相似文献   

对一头体重约为600kg的患有真胃积食的奶牛进行手术治疗,由于牛体过大不能采用左肷部中切口,而采用右侧肋骨弓下斜切口行真胃切开术,手术成功。作者认为体重超过500kg的奶牛,如果体质良好,左侧倒数第二肋骨处切口行瘤胃切开术是诊断及治疗真胃积食的有效方法;切除真胃创口周围的坏死组织可明显提高真胃切开的成功率。  相似文献   

王金帮 《中国牛业科学》2005,31(6):93-94,96
牛真胃积食也叫四胃阻塞或皱胃阻塞,是临床上常见的疑难病症之一。病程长达1至2周,个别的可达一月以上,病的初中期如能及时确诊,可望治愈,后期多预后不良,转归死亡。因死亡率和发病率较高,已引起高度重视。笔者近年来经临床实践选用加减当归苁蓉汤治疗该病45例,治愈达38例,治愈率达849,5以上。  相似文献   

<正> 牦牛真胃积食病在川西北草原比较常见,患牛病情发展缓慢,病程一般为10~20 d,初期症状不明显,诊断较困难。有时也继发于前胃疾病或肠道疾病,易于误诊。笔者认为,采用右腹底真胃区触诊法是早期确诊本病的较好方法,及早实行真胃切开,辅以高压水管冲洗,掏出积食,效果显著。术后及时应用兴奋胃肠蠕动的药物,促使排粪,加速机体恢复。对于本病的治疗,手术愈早,效果愈好。如果长期灌服大量泻药,会使病程延长,病势加重,虽后经手术治疗,效果仍然较差。  相似文献   

对1头体重约600kg的患有真胃积食的奶牛进行手术治疗,由于牛体过大不能采用左肷部切口,而采用右侧肋骨弓下斜切口进行真胃切开术,手术成功。实践表明,体重超过500kg的奶牛,如果体质良好,左侧倒数第二肋骨处切口进行瘤胃切开术是诊断及治疗真胃积食的有效方法,切除真胃创口周围坏死组织可明显提高真胃切开的成功率。  相似文献   

真胃积食的原因很多 ,就临床观察来看 ,与机体的状况、饲草种类、牙齿缺损 ,特别是创伤性网胃炎和真胃器质性病变有关 ,而由绦虫感染引起真胃积食的病例不多见。  症状患畜食欲和反刍减少 ,排粪数量和次数减少 ,粪便较干燥 ,曾见有虫体体节排出。体温 38.7℃ ,脉博 85次 /min,呼吸 1 0次 /min,体格稍消瘦 ,皮毛粗乱无光泽。口作咀嚼运动 ,口的周围留有许多泡沫 ,感觉较迟顿 ,瘤胃臌满 ,内容物稀薄。听诊瘤胃蠕动波变短 ,收缩力减弱 ,真胃体积极度扩大 ,后界达膝关节 ,上界达右腹部中 1 /3与下 1 /3交界处 ,于腹白线左侧的下腹部可触到较硬…  相似文献   

奶牛真胃积食在临床上较少见,初期症状又与前胃积食、消化不良相似,故少有人注意。现就1病例的诊断及处置情况介绍如下,以供参考。  相似文献   

耕牛瘤胃积食为耕牛多发病之一,中兽医称为宿草不转,是过多的食物积滞在瘤胃中,导致瘤胃不能正常运转之症。本病的发生主要是畜体虚弱,前胃运动机能减退,在饲养管理不当的情况下:一次性过量采食不易消化的劣质、粗硬饲草,谷物、豆类等;或是过量饲喂干料后饮水不足;或是饱食后立即使役,使耕牛失去正常的反刍时间,加上大量出汗,丧失水分等均可导致本病的发生。笔者在浦城县盘亭乡多年在本病的诊治上采用同病异治,根据不同的病因采取不同方法,取得较为满意的效果现报道如下:  相似文献   

瘤胃积食是由于胃内积滞过多的粗硬饮料,引起胃体积增大,胃壁扩张,胃正常运动机能紊乱的疾病。以瘤胃膨满,触诊粘硬或坚硬,胃蠕动音消失为特征。舍饲牛较多见,耕牛多于春耕和秋收大忙季节发生。  相似文献   

在农村,尤其春耕大忙季节,耕牛常因饲养管理不当引起原发性瘤胃积食。该病主要表现为:发病较急,瘤胃蠕动音减弱或消失,无反刍,嗳气酸臭,触诊瘤胃胀满,内容物较稠硬,拳压留痕,腹痛。笔者在临床实践中采用“啤洒灌服辅以瘤胃按摩”的方法治疗本病10余例,疗效十分明显,方法简单,即经济又适用,特整理报道,供同道参考。  相似文献   

A hospital-based case-control study was conducted to evaluate and compare risk factors for abomasal volvulus (AV) and left displaced abomasum (LDA) in cattle. Medical record abstracts were derived from 17 North American veterinary schools by the Veterinary Medical Data Program for all cattle admitted between Jan 1, 1977 and Dec 31, 1986, and for those with a diagnosis of AV or LDA. From a total of 108,956 individual cattle records, 1,036 cases of AV and 7,695 cases of LDA were identified, with a ratio of LDA to AV cases of 7.4 to 1. In-hospital mortality was 23.5% for AV and 5.6% for LDA. Age, breed, gender, and season each had significant (P less than 0.05) effects on risk for AV and LDA. Risk for AV and LDA increased with increasing age, with greater risk in cattle aged 4 to 7 years. Dairy cattle were at higher risk of developing AV (adjusted odds ratio, 36.4) and LDA (adjusted odds ratio, 95.2) than were beef cattle. The odds of AV in Brown Swiss cattle were significantly (P less than 0.0001) lower, and the odds of LDA in Guernsey cattle were significantly (P less than 0.0001) higher than those in Holstein cattle. Female cattle were also at higher risk of developing AV (adjusted odds ratio, 3.3) and LDA (adjusted odds ratio, 29.1) than were male cattle. The odds of AV and LDA varied considerably throughout the year, with the lowest number of cases observed in autumn. Seasonal development of AV differed significantly (P less than 0.0001) from that of LDA, with the odds of AV and LDA being highest in January and March, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

81例奶牛真胃右方变位和真胃扭转临床诊断治疗及体会   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
报道了南京地区 81例奶牛真胃右方变位 (RAD)和真胃扭转 (AV)的发病情况、临床症状、剖检变化、诊断和治疗过程 ,并就RAD和AV在奶牛胎次、产后天数、病程天数等方面进行了比较 ;详述了RAD和AV各自临床症状、诊断特点、治疗方法上的差异以及作者对手术固定方法的改进 ,同时对病因、预后等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The significance of the worm burden in the diagnosis of parasitic gastroenteritis is examined. It is emphasised that the worm population is in a dynamic state with the calf constantly losing part of its worm burden while picking up new infective larvae. The numbers and proportion of late fourth stage Ostertagia ostertagi larvae gives an indication of the success of the animal in controlling its worm burden. During an examination of the worm population it is also necessary to look at the condition and degree of development of adult female worms to assess the efficiency of the calf's acquired resistance to infection.  相似文献   

An episode of dietary abomasal impaction in a herd of dairy replacement heifers was found to be caused by excess almond shells in the ration. Clinical signs and necropsy findings led to the diagnosis. Removal of the almond shells and increasing the energy and digestibility of the ration corrected the problem. Factors contributing to the dietary impactions included advanced stages of pregnancy, high energy demands of growing heifers, and cold weather. Dietary abomasal impactions are not common in dairy cattle because of the high-quality ration a dairy cow generally receives. Replacement heifers in advanced stages of pregnancy have nutritional requirements similar to those of dairy cows, yet are often nutritionally neglected. The clinical findings in this report may help make veterinarians aware of the possibility of dietary abomasal impactions in dairy replacement heifers fed low-quality feeds.  相似文献   

Seventy-five necropsy reports of cattle diagnosed as abomasal impaction by the Pathology Department of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine were reviewed. Twenty percent of all affected animals had lesions of traumatic reticuloperitonitis and 60% were believed to be primarily dietary in origin resulting from the ingestion of too much fibre. The remaining 20% did not fit into either category. Abomasal tears, ulcers, and necrosis of the walls of the rumen, omasum, or abomasum were recorded in almost half of the cases. Pyloric stenosis was not encountered. The disease occurred mostly in winter in association with straw feed. Sixty percent of impacted beef cattle suffered from the dietary form, but the majority of dairy cattle, which would have been fed better diets, had the traumatic form which may have been precipitated by dry fibrous feeds. There was no indication of a higher incidence in heavily pregnant animals. Thirty-five of the animals necropsied had been presented alive, and the clinical features of the two main types of abomasal impaction were examined. Cattle with impactions associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis were sick for a longer period than those animals with dietary related impactions, were single incident cases, and had a statistically significant rise in serum protein.  相似文献   

The efficacy of febantel at a dosage of 5 mg/kg (45.5% paste formulation) against inhibited early 4th-stage larvae (EL4) of Ostertagia ostertagi, other nematodes of the abomasum, and Dictyocaulus viviparus was investigated in 4- to 6-month-old Holstein calves that grazed on pasture heavily contaminated with parasites from February 24 to April 1, 1986 (36 days). In Louisiana, this is the first month of a 3-month period in which increasing numbers of inhibition-prone O ostertagi larvae are acquired, and infection risk with D viviparus may remain high. Three of 4 calves that died of lungworm infection during the pasture-exposure period were necropsied. Large numbers of abomasal nematodes, including inhibited O ostertagi larvae, and large numbers of D viviparus were recovered. Twenty-five calves were randomly allotted by equal distribution of body weight to 2 groups and treated on April 4: placebo-treated calves (n = 13) and febantel-treated calves (n = 12). Equal numbers of treated and control calves were killed at 6 and 7 days, respectively, after treatment. Mean numbers of O ostertagi in control cattle were: adults, 4,931; developing 4th-stage larvae (DL4), 1,119; and inhibited EL4, 3,410. Ostertagia lyrata, Trichostrongylus axei, Haemonchus sp, and D viviparus were well distributed in nearly all control calves. Percentage reduction of O ostertagi in treated calves, when compared with controls, was: adults, 83.6%; DL4, 57.8%; and inhibited EL4, 34.8%. Percentage reductions of other species were: O lyrata, 92.6%; T axei adults, 99.3% and 4th-stage larvae (L4), 100%; Haemonchus sp adults, 66.7%, and L4, 64%; D viviparus adults 90.6%, and immature forms, 97.1%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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