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Pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel extracts have been shown to possess significant antioxidant activity in various in vitro models. Dried pomegranate peels were powdered and extracted with methanol for 4 h. The dried methanolic extract was fed to albino rats of the Wistar strain, followed by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), and the levels of various enzymes, such as catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and lipid peroxidation were studied. Treatment of rats with a single dose of CCl4 at 2.0 g/kg of body weight decreases the levels of catalase, SOD, and peroxidase by 81, 49, and 89% respectively, whereas the lipid peroxidation value increased nearly 3-fold. Pretreatment of the rats with a methanolic extract of pomegranate peel at 50 mg/kg (in terms of catechin equivalents) followed by CCl4 treatment causes preservation of catalase, peroxidase, and SOD to values comparable with control values, wheres lipid peroxidation was brought back by 54% as compared to control. Histopathological studies of the liver were also carried out to determine the hepatoprotection effect exhibited by the pomegranate peel extract against the toxic effects of CCl4. Histopathological studies of the liver of different groups also support the protective effects exhibited by the MeOH extract of pomegranate peel by restoring the normal hepatic architecture.  相似文献   

Vanilla extract was prepared by extraction of cured vanilla beans with aqueous ethyl alcohol (60%). The extract was profiled by HPLC, wherein major compounds, viz., vanillic acid, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and vanillin, could be identified and separated. Extract and pure standard compounds were screened for antioxidant activity using beta-carotene-linoleate and DPPH in vitro model systems. At a concentration of 200 ppm, the extract showed 26% and 43% of antioxidant activity by beta-carotene-linoleate and DPPH methods, respectively, in comparison to corresponding values of 93% and 92% for BHA. Interestingly, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol exhibited antioxidant activity of 65% and 45% by beta-carotene-linoleate method and 90% and 50% by DPPH methods, respectively. In contrast, pure vanillin exhibited much lower antioxidant activity. The present study points toward the potential use of vanilla extract components as antioxidants for food preservation and in health supplements as nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

以易感黑斑病甘薯品种“徐薯18”为试验材料, 分别接种分离自石榴、甘薯和芋头的甘薯长喙壳(Ceratocystis fimbriata), 研究其保护酶活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量变化。结果显示, 非亲和性菌株[分离自石榴的甘薯长喙壳(CQS2)和分离自芋头的甘薯长喙壳(YP1)]和亲和性菌株[分离自甘薯的甘薯长喙壳(SP1)]接种的甘薯块根苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性, 与对照处理相比均有升高, 且接种CQS2 和YP1 的处理始终高于接种SP1 的处理; 非亲和性菌株和亲和性菌株接种的甘薯块根MDA 含量均呈先上升后下降趋势, 且接种CQS2 和YP1 的处理在接种25 h 时MDA 含量明显高于接种SP1 的处理, 接种SP1 的处理在接种后期(50 h)的MDA 含量降至与对照相当水平。由此表明: 不同寄主的甘薯长喙壳侵染甘薯块根后, 非亲和性接种菌株(CQS2 和YP1)比亲和性接种菌株(SP1)能增强POD、SOD和CAT 酶活性及诱导较多的MDA, 从而增强病原菌侵染的抗性。  相似文献   

Inoculation of leaf explants of Echinacea purpurea (Moench) with Agrobacterium rhizogenes induced hairy roots with the capacity to produce biologically active caffeic acid derivatives (CADs), especially cichoric acid. The kinetics of growth, the uptake of macronutrients, and the accumulation of CADs were investigated in heterotrophically cultured hairy roots for a 50 day period. A maximum of 12.2 g L(-1) dry biomass was achieved in MS nutrients supplemented with 30 g L(-1) sucrose on day 40. The mathematical relationship between hairy root growth and conductivity was established during the exponential phase in Erlenmeyer flasks. HPLC analyses of methanolic (0.1% phosphoric acid; 70:30, v/v) extracts from hairy roots revealed the presence of important CADs: cichoric acid (19.21 mg g(-1) dry biomass), caftaric acid (3.56 mg g(-1) dry biomass), and chlorogenic acid (0.93 mg g(-1) dry biomass). These results demonstrate that biotechnological production of CADs in hairy roots of E. purpurea is possible. Furthermore, these hairy root cultures offer, for the very first time, an excellent biological model to study the biosynthetic pathway of medicinally important CADs.  相似文献   

Sakura-cha (salted cherry blossom tea) is a Japanese tea that is traditionally served at celebrations such as wedding ceremonies. The production of Sakura-cha includes the immersion of cherry blossom flowers in Japanese plum vinegar, and through this process, the byproduct (plum vinegar extract of cherry blossom) is obtained. In this study, the antioxidant activity of the plum vinegar extract of cherry blossom was examined. The plum vinegar extract of cherry blossom had a greater superoxide anion scavenging activity compared with red wine, which is a well-known strong antioxidant. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed that cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside, and caffeic acid were the major components in the phenolic extract prepared from plum vinegar extract of cherry blossom, and they possessed superoxide anion scavenging activity. Caffeic acid is mainly responsible for the scavenging activity of phenolic extract; the contributions of cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside were minor.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that enzymatic degradation and oxidation of cichoric acid and other caffeic derivatives occurs in Echinacea preparations. However, very little is known as to the means of stabilizing these phytopreparations. To stabilize the glycerin extract of Echinacea purpurea, we have evaluated the effects of 3 natural antioxidants (citric acid, malic acid, and hibiscus extract) on the stability of the major caffeic acid derivatives (caftaric acid, caffeic acid, cichoric acid, and 2-O-feruloyl-tartaric acid). Chlorogenic acid, which normally occurs in an ethanol extract of E. purpurea, was not present in the glycerin extract. The caffeic acid derivatives, with the exception of 2-O-feruloyl-tartaric acid, were subject to degradation in the control sample. 2-O-Feruloyl-tartaric acid was stable during the whole testing period. All antioxidant treatments greatly improved the stability of caffeic acid derivatives. Stability was dependent upon the concentration of antioxidant added.  相似文献   

Crocus sativus stigmas are one of the widely known spices (saffron) and consist of unusually polar carotenoids. Alzheimer's disease is characterized pathologically by deposition of amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) fibrils. Oxidation is thought to promote Abeta fibril formation and deposition. To identify agents inhibiting the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, we examined in vitro the antioxidant properties of extract of C. sativus stigmas and its effect on Abeta(1-40) fibrillogenesis. The antioxidant properties were determined by measuring the ferric-reducing antioxidant power and Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity, while its effects on Abeta-aggregation and fibrillogenesis were studied by thioflavine T-based fluorescence assay and by DNA binding shift assay. The water:methanol (50:50, v/v) extract of C. sativus stigmas possesses good antioxidant properties, higher than those of tomatoes and carrots, and inhibited Abeta fibrillogenesis in a concentration and time-dependent manner. The main carotenoid constituent, trans-crocin-4, the digentibiosyl ester of crocetin, inhibited Abeta fibrillogenesis at lower concentrations than dimethylcrocetin, revealing that the action of the carotenoid is enhanced by the presence of the sugars. Our findings suggest the possible use of C. sativus stigma constituents for inhibition of aggregation and deposition of Abeta in the human brain.  相似文献   

This study examined the phenolic composition and the antioxidant potencies of black currant juices that had been experimentally clarified with acidic proteases and pectinases to retain the phenolics and which had been subjected to rat intestinal mucosa extract incubation to mimic gut cell mediated biotransformation of phenolics. When compared at equimolar levels of 2.5 microM gallic acid equivalents, the black currant juice samples prolonged the induction time of human low-density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro by 2.6-3.6 times, and the order of antioxidant potency of differently clarified black currant juices was centrifuged juice > gelatin silica sol clarified juice > enzymatically clarified juice approximately raw juice. No immediate relationship between the, almost similar, phenolic profiles of the juice samples and their relative antioxidant activities could be established. Incubation of juices with a rat small intestine cell extract for 19 h promoted significant decreases in the contents of the anthocyanin 3-O-beta-glucosides (cyanidin 3-O-beta-glucoside and delphinidin 3-O-beta-glucoside), but did not affect the anthocyanin 3-O-beta-rutinosides (cyanidin 3-O-beta-rutinoside and delphinidin 3-O-beta-rutinoside) of the black currant juice. Black currant juice samples subjected to such intestinal cell extract incubation had approximately 30% decreased antioxidant capacity. Incubation of juices with the rat small intestine cell extracts at neutral pH appeared to decrease the levels of delphinidin glucosides more than the levels of cyanidin glucosides. The results provide an explanation for the predominant detection of anthocyanin rutinosides, and not anthocyanin glucosides, in plasma and urine in in vivo studies and provide important clues to better understand the complex mechanisms affecting dietary phenols in the gut.  相似文献   

为了明确连作烤烟的自毒作用,研究了烤烟根系提取物对烤烟种子萌发、烟苗干物质积累、烟苗根系生长发育及烟苗光合参数的影响。结果表明,随着根系提取物浓度的增加,烤烟种子发芽率、烟苗根系总根长、总根面积、总根体积、根尖数、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率逐渐降低;平均根系直径,烟苗地上部干、湿重,地下部干、湿重及总干、湿重,总叶绿素含量,净光合速率均表现为先升高后降低的趋势;气孔限制值逐渐升高。烟草根系提取物对烤烟种子萌发及烟苗生长发育具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench cv. Yangjul No. 2) extract on the antioxidant activity of lipids in mouse brain and the structural change during in vitro human digestion. Buckwheat was collected from a wild farm and extracted with water. The buckwheat extracts were then passed through an in vitro human digestion model that simulated the composition of the mouth, stomach, and small intestine juice. The results confirmed that the main phenolics of buckwheat extract were rutin, quercitrin, and quercetin. The rutin content increased with digestion of the buckwheat (from 48.82 to 96.34 μg/g) and rutin standard samples (from 92.76 to 556.56 μg/g). Antioxidant activity was more strongly influenced by in vitro human digestion of both buckwheat and rutin standard. After digestion by the small intestine, the antioxidant activity values were dramatically increased (from 5.06 to 87.82%), whereas the antioxidant activity was not influenced by digestion in the stomach for both buckwheat extract and rutin standard. Inhibition of lipid oxidation of buckwheat in mouse brain lipids increased after digestion in the stomach for both buckwheat extract and the rutin standard. The major finding of this study was that in vitro human digestion may be an important modulator of the antioxidant capacity of buckwheat and that this may be because in vitro human digestion increased the antioxidative activity via an increase in antioxidants such as rutin and quercetin.  相似文献   


Root exudate is derived from plant metabolites and its composition is affected by plant nutrient status. A deficiency of mineral nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), strongly affects the type and amount of plant metabolites. We applied a metabolite profiling technique to investigate root exudates of rice plants under N and P deficiency. Oryza sativa was grown in culture solution containing two N levels (0 and 60 mg N L?1) or two P levels (0 and 8 mg P L?1). Shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates were obtained from the rice plants 5 and 15 days after transplanting and their metabolites were determined by capillary electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Shoot N concentration and dry weight of rice plants grown at ?N level were lower than those of plants grown at +N level. Shoot P concentration and dry weight of rice plants grown at ?P level were lower than those of plants grown at +P level. One hundred and thirty-two, 127, and 98 metabolites were identified in shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates, respectively, at the two N levels. One hundred and thirty-two, 128, and 99 metabolites were identified in shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates, respectively, at the two P levels. Seventy-seven percent of the metabolites were exuded to the rhizosphere. The concentrations of betaine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and glutarate in root exudates were higher at both ?N and ?P levels than at their respective high levels. The concentration of spermidine in root exudates was lower at both ?N and ?P levels than at their respective high levels. The concentrations of the other metabolites in root exudates were affected differently by plant N or P status. These results suggest that rice roots actively release many metabolites in response to N and P deficiency.  相似文献   

Astragalus mongholicus has been of medicinal use within the traditional Chinese system for centuries. However, little information is available on its allelopathic effects on other crop plants and soil biochemical properties. Field experiment showed that the extracted residues of A. mongholicus root inhibited seed germination of wheat. Inhibition of seed germination was further confirmed in laboratory using the same crude extract. When the crude extract was applied to soil at various rates and incubated for 30 days, soil urease activity and denitrifying enzyme activity were significantly increased while soil nitrification rate was significantly decreased at 10% amendment rate as compared to the control. Soil respiration rate was significantly increased by the crude extract when measured at the start of incubation but returned to basal levels after 30 days of incubation. The crude extract supplemented to NB medium significantly decreased the colony numbers of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, Paraccocus denitrificans and soil bacteria. The stimulating effects of crude extract observed in the amended soil was attributed to the easily-available carbohydrates in the extract, which might served as external energy sources for heterotrophic microbial activities. It was concluded that A. mongholicus contained some compounds that inhibited seed germination, soil nitrification and bacterial growth in general. Possible links between allelochemicals responsible for the inhibitory effects observed in the present study and the medically bioactive compounds are discussed based on information reported in other fields. Further work is needed to specify and verify the allelochemicals produced by this herbal plant.  相似文献   

The antioxidant activities of a commercial brewed coffee were investigated by measuring malonaldehyde (MA) formation from oxidized cod liver oil using a gas chromatographic method (MA-GC assay) and a thiobarbituric acid method (TBA assay). The highest antioxidant activity obtained by the MA-GC assay was from regular whole brewed coffee (97.8%) at a level of 20%, and the highest antioxidant activity obtained by the TBA assay was from decaffeinated whole brewed coffee (96.6%) at a level of 5%. Among 31 chemicals identified in a dichloromethane extract, guaiacol, ethylguaiacol, and vinylguaiacol exhibited antioxidant activities, which were comparable to that of alpha-tocopherol. Among nine chlorogenic acids (three caffeoylquinic acids, three feruloylquinic acids, and three dicaffeoylquinic acids) identified, 5-caffeoylquinic acid contained the greatest amount both in regular (883.5 microg/mL) and in decaffeinated (1032.6 microg/mL) coffees; it exhibited 24.5% activity by the MA-GC assay and 45.3% activity by the TBA assay at a level of 10 microg/mL. Caffeic and ferulic acids showed moderate antioxidant activities in both assays.  相似文献   

Effect of roasting on the antioxidant activity of coffee brews   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Colombian Arabica coffee beans were roasted to give light, medium, and dark samples. Their aqueous extracts were analyzed by gel filtration chromatography, UV-visible spectrophotometry, capillary electrophoresis, and the ABTS(*)(+) assay. A progressive decrease in antioxidant activity (associated mainly with chlorogenic acids in the green beans) with degree of roasting was observed with the simultaneous generation of high (HMM) and low molecular mass (LMM) compounds possessing antioxidant activity. Maximum antioxidant activity was observed for the medium-roasted coffee; the dark coffee had a lower antioxidant activity despite the increase in color. Analysis of the gel filtration chromatography fractions showed that the LMM fraction made a greater contribution to total antioxidant activity than the HMM components.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of heat treatment on huyou (Citrus paradisi Changshanhuyou) peel in terms of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a photodiode array (PDA) detector was used in this study for the analysis of phenolic acids (divided into four fractions: free, ester, glycoside, and ester-bound) and flavanone glycosides (FGs) in huyou peel (HP) before and after heat treatment. The results showed that after heat treatment, the free fraction of phenolic acids increased, whereas ester, glycoside, and ester-bound fractions decreased and the content of total FGs declined (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of methanol extract of HP increased (P < 0.05), which was evaluated by total phenolics contents (TPC) assay, 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS*+) method, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. The correlation coefficients among TPC, ABTS, FRAP assay, and total cinnamics and benzoics (TCB) in the free fraction were significantly high (P < 0.05), which meant that the increase of total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of HP extract was due at least in part to the increase of TCB in free fraction. In addition, FGs may be destroyed when heated at higher temperature for a long time (for example, 120 degrees C for 90 min or 150 degrees C for 30 min). Therefore, it is suggested that a proper and reasonable heat treatment could be used to enhance the antioxidant capacity of citrus peel.  相似文献   

The infusion of aerial parts of Ilex paraguariensis is widely consumed. Its antioxidant activity suggests an important role of this plant in the treatment/prevention of oxidative stress related diseases. Plant extract active compounds are frequently found in esterified form that may be poorly absorbed. Hydrolysis of the extract is a possible approach to increase its bioavailability. The aim of this study was to perform a phytochemical analysis and evaluate in rats the plasma concentration and tissue distribution of antioxidant compounds in the hydroethanolic extract of Ilex paraguariensis, before and after enzymatic hydrolysis. Both extracts presented high antioxidant activity and phenolic content. Rats given single or repeated doses of the hydrolyzed extract showed increased plasma antioxidant activity and higher plasma levels of caffeic acid. However, no changes of endogenous antioxidants were observed. In conclusion, hydrolysis of the extract of Ilex paraguariensis is a strategy to improve its bioavailability and in vivo antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Antioxidant-rich fractions were extracted from pomegranate (Punica granatum) peels and seeds using ethyl acetate, methanol, and water. The extracts were screened for their potential as antioxidants using various in vitro models, such as beta-carotene-linoleate and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) model systems. The methanol extract of peels showed 83 and 81% antioxidant activity at 50 ppm using the beta-carotene-linoleate and DPPH model systems, respectively. Similarly, the methanol extract of seeds showed 22.6 and 23.2% antioxidant activity at 100 ppm using the beta-carotene-linoleate and DPPH model systems, respectively. As the methanol extract of pomegranate peel showed the highest antioxidant activity among all of the extracts, it was selected for testing of its effect on lipid peroxidation, hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, and human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. The methanol extract showed 56, 58, and 93.7% inhibition using the thiobarbituric acid method, hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, and LDL oxidation, respectively, at 100 ppm. This is the first report on the antioxidant properties of the extracts from pomegranate peel and seeds. Owing to this property, the studies can be further extended to exploit them for their possible application for the preservation of food products as well as their use as health supplements and neutraceuticals.  相似文献   

After far-infrared (FIR) radiation onto rice hull, a methanolic extract was prepared for the determination of antioxidant ability. After 30 min of FIR treatment, the radical scavenging activity and total phenol contents of rice hull extracts increased from 47.74 to 79.63% and from 0.12 to 0.19 mM, respectively, compared to control. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation in extracts was also increased from 41.07 to 47.96%. According to the GC-MS analysis, more phenolic compounds (p-coumaric acid, 3-vinyl-1-oxybenzene, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and 4,7-dihydroxyvanillic acid) were detected in FIR-irradiated rice hull extract. These results indicated that FIR radiation onto rice hull could liberate and activate covalently bound phenolic compounds that have antioxidant activities.  相似文献   

Antioxidant activity of instant coffees produced from the same green coffee beans roasted at three different degrees was analyzed. Coffee melanoidins were obtained by ultrafiltration (10 kDa cutoff) and subsequent diafiltration. Pure melanoidins were isolated from melanoidins after overnight incubation in 2 M NaCl and then ultrafiltered. Filtrates, corresponding to the low molecular weight (LMW) fraction noncovalently linked to the melanoidin skeleton, were also preserved. Antioxidant activity of coffee brews (CB), melanoidins (M), pure melanoidins (PM), and bounded melanoidin compounds (BMC) were tested using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2'-azobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), and ferric reducing power (FRAP) methods. The correlation between the different methods was studied. The higher contribution of melanoidins to the total antioxidant activity of coffees was shown to be caused by the LMW compounds linked noncovalently to the melanoidin skeleton, as data from BMC confirmed. CB, M, and BMC fractions exert the highest antioxidant activity in aqueous media, whereas PM was not dependent on the reaction media. The highest correlation was found between DPPH and FRAP methods.  相似文献   

The isolation of six flavon glycosides (1-6), among them four new natural compounds (1-4), from the CHCl(3)/MeOH extract of the fruits of Cyclanthera pedata is reported. All of the structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, including the concerted application of one-dimensional ((1)H, (1)H TOCSY, (13)C, and (13)C DEPT-NMR) and two-dimensional NMR techniques (DQF-COSY, HSQC, and HMBC). For all of the isolated compounds the antioxidant activity was determined by measuring the free radical scavenging activity, using the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) method, and the coupled oxidation of beta-carotene and linoleic acid.  相似文献   

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