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The effectiveness of various treatments upon, and pathological and biochemical changes in, ovine weaner nutritional myopathy were observed. Clinical myopathy was already apparent in the sheep at the start of the study, and they were fed decreasing amounts of a ration containing low levels of selenium and alpha-tocopherol, and periodically deprived of water. In spite of this management there was a spontaneous remission of the clinical myopathy in the sheep, but a subclinical myopathy was identified in some of the sheep at the end of the trail. The conclusions were that the myopathy was not caused by a low dietary intake of selenium and/or alpha-tocopherol alone, that alpha-tocopherol was involved in the aetiology, that alpha-tocopherol was completely effective and selenium possibly partially effective in treating it, and that the condition may be a Type II muscle fibre disease. Data on plasma creatine phosphokinase and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activities, and terminal liver selenium and alpha-tocopherol concentrations are presented, and their roles in the diagnosis of ovine weaner nutritional myopathy discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The diagnostic performance of plasma tests for muscle enzymes was measured in sheep from flocks affected by clinical and sub-clinical nutritional myopathy. Parallel combinations of tests for creatine kinase (CK), alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase had higher diagnostic sensitivity than CK alone. The enzymes ALT and AST showed the highest correlation with the degree of muscle damage. A parallel combination of tests for plasma CK and ALT as well as tests for plasma α-tocopherol and red cell glutathione peroxidase are recommended for the diagnosis of nutritional myopathy and a decision on the appropriate treatment. The number of false negative results based on a diagnosis from the microscopic examination of single muscles was higher than for the parallel combination of tests. The number of false negatives was highest for the vastus intermedius and lowest for the tensor fascia lata. Diagnosis using a panel of blood tests has the advantages of overcoming problems of inadequate muscle sampling, a larger number of sheep in the flock can be tested and a more rapid diagnosis can be obtained.  相似文献   

Maternal plasma leptin is elevated in ewes during pregnancy. The authors studied whether there was any relation between maternal plasma leptin and insulin concentrations, the number of fetuses and the circulating and faecal levels of gestagens. At the end of the breeding season in January the ovarian activity of Prolific Merino ewes was induced/synchronised with gestagen + eCG treatment. Ewes were inseminated artificially (AI) by laparoscopy. Blood and faecal samples were collected before AI (day 0) and again 41, 81 and 101 days later. The plasma levels of leptin (pL), insulin and progesterone (pP4), and the faecal P4 metabolite (P4-met) content were determined. The day 0 level of pL was significantly higher in pregnant (n = 24) than in non-pregnant ewes (n = 32). By day 41 the pL of pregnant animals had doubled, it showed a further moderate increase on day 81, and decreased slightly thereafter. During pregnancy pP4 and faecal P4-met rose continuously and were positively correlated at all stages. The mean levels of pL and pP4 and the faecal content of P4-met were lower in ewes bearing single (n = 12) than in those with 2 (n = 6) or 3-5 fetuses (n = 6). Analysis of variance demonstrated significant differences according to the number of fetuses in the pL and pP4, but not in P4-met (p = 0.042, 0.044, and 0.051, respectively). Leptin showed positive correlation with insulin before the AI but not during pregnancy. On days 41 and 81 pL showed a slight positive correlation with P4 and P4-met, which decreased slightly by day 101. This study shows that although leptinaemia is affected by the number of fetuses and the level of P4, pregnancy stage is a more important regulator than these additional factors.  相似文献   

Eight experiments were carried out on eight clinically healthy non-pregnant ewes. Each animal was injected intravenously with either sulphadiazine or sulphadimidine at a dose rate of 100 mg/kg body weight. A two-compartment pharmacokinetic model was developed to describe the disposition of these drugs. The elimination half-lives were 7.15 ± 0.58 h and 9.51 ± 0.59 h and the distribution half-lives were 0.56 ± 0.07 h and 0.42 ± 0.05 h for sulphadiazine and sulphadimidine, respectively. The apparent specific volumes of distribution were less than 1 litre/kg (0.410 and 0.501 litres/kg for sulphadiazine and sulphadimidine, respectively) which indicates a relatively lower distribution of these drugs to tissues than in plasma in sheep. The degree of plasma protein binding was similar for both drugs (19.15 ± 0.55% and 23.12 ± 0.32%) for sulphadiazine and sulphadimidine, respectively). Serum concentrations of ketone bodies, total lipids and calcium were significantly reduced, and blood glucose concentration significantly increased following administration of both of these sulphonamides, whilst serum total protein concentration was unaltered. The serum cholesterol concentration was significantly reduced following sulphadiazine administration, but not after sulphadimidine.  相似文献   

Fetuses and placental tissues were taken from pregnant ewes at intervals varying between eight and 21 days after inoculation with tissue suspensions from cases of Border disease. Virus isolation procedures involving the detection of a cytopathic effect in tissue cultures with or without interference tests produced universally negative results but interference tests, using a plaque technique with the NADL strain of bovine virus diarrhoea virus as a challenge virus, detected the presence of an agent in tissues from six out of 10 fetuses. Inoculated ewes allowed to proceed to term showed a serological response characteristic of Border disease infection, as measured by four different tests. Although hairy shaker lambs were not seen, the occurence of abortion and stillbirth due to causes other than bacterial agents, was an indication that the Border disease agent was present. Electron microscopy of fetal fluids failed to detect viral particles.  相似文献   

Steers and bulls under feedlot conditions and on an apparently adequate ration developed transitory signs of diarrhea and unthriftiness. One animal became recumbent. Sick and clinically normal animals in the group had elevated serum creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase enzyme values and degenerative changes in muscle fibers on biopsy. Feed analysis was carried out and the animals were monitored over several weeks by means of muscle biopsy and serum enzyme analysis as well as by postmortem examination at slaughter. Subclinical myopathy was found in several animals and was thought to be related to low vitamin E content in the high moisture corn ration.  相似文献   

Ewes bearing more than 1 fetus are more susceptible to pregnancy toxemia than those with a single fetus. Crossbreeding programs in Israel increased the occurrences of ewes bearing more than 2 fetuses; therefore, the aim was to assess the exacerbation in the metabolic status of ewes pregnant with several fetuses. Fifty ewes, genetically developed to achieve multiple-fetus pregnancies, were monitored, on average, from d 115 of pregnancy until lambing for plasma concentrations of several key metabolites and insulin. The numbers of fetuses were examined by ultrasonography at 35 d of pregnancy. Blood samples were collected weekly, and concentrations of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), NEFA, triglycerides, cholesterol, total calcium, and insulin were determined. The average litter size was 2.75 (±1.1), and 1 (1F), 2 (2F), 3 (3F), and 4 or more (4F) fetuses were conceived, respectively, by 6 (12%), 17 (34%), 14 (28%), and 13 (26%) ewes. Total birth weights of lambs were 6.1, 9.5, 12.7, and 15.0 kg for 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F, respectively (P < 0.001). Plasma glucose concentrations in 1F were greater than those in 3F and 4F (P < 0.05) and were similar among 2F, 3F, and 4F. Trends toward increasing plasma concentrations of BHBA and NEFA were observed as the number of fetuses increased and also as lambing approached. Plasma concentrations of BHBA and NEFA were, respectively, 3.7 (P < 0.002) and 2.1 (P < 0.001) times as great in 4F ewes as in 1F ewes. Trends toward decreased concentrations of triglycerides and cholesterol were observed as litter size increased. Insulin concentrations in blood decreased considerably as the numbers of fetuses increased and, on average, they were less by a factor of 5 in the 4F ewes than in the 1F ewes (P < 0.001). Moreover, insulin concentrations during the week before lambing were extremely low (e.g., 0.54 μIU/mL in the 4F ewes). Insulin concentrations were reduced in ewes bearing >3 fetuses, even 5 wk before lambing; this decline apparently began earlier than the last month of gestation. Therefore, it seems that insulin has a pivotal role in the etiology of pregnancy ketonemia in ewes carrying multiple fetuses. The present findings may suggest that the decline in insulin concentrations that apparently occurs in the earlier stages of pregnancy represents a homeorhetic control to spare glucose for the brains and fetoplacental units of the dams. The results clearly demonstrate the increased susceptibility to pregnancy toxemia of ewes carrying multiple fetuses. Appropriate nutritional strategies should be developed for ewes that conceive >3 fetuses, to meet the increased nutritional requirements of the fetoplacental unit.  相似文献   

It is useful to determine the gestational age in sheep to provide essential information for effective flock management practices. The aims of this study were to evaluate the efficacy and practical aspects for using two ultrasound techniques, transabdominal and transrectal, in determining the gestational age in Württemberg ewes. Monitoring of embryo and fetus developmental stages during the ewes’ gestation was carried out with real time ultrasound using a transabdominal convex probe, frequency 3.5 MHz, and a transrectal linear probe, frequency 7.5 MHz. The size of the embryonic vesicle during the period from the 23rd to the 38th day of gestation can be used as a confirmational indicator of gestational age when the transrectal probe is used. The occipital nasal diameter correlated with the gestational age with both transabdominal (P < 0.05) and transrectal probes (P < 0.01) from the 46th to the 63rd day of gestation. The biparietal diameter of the fetal head measured by transabdominal probe during the period from the 46th to the 63rd day of gestation correlates with gestation age (P < 0.05). The diameter of the fetal eye orbit monitored by transrectal probe from the 46th to the 63rd day of gestation also correlated well with gestational age (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

SUMMARY Subclinical nutritional myopathy was induced in 5-month-old sheep by feeding them a diet low in vitamin E and selenium. Subsequently clinical myopathy was induced by dosing with protected polyunsaturated fatty acids. Plasma activities of creatine kinase (CK), pyruvate kinase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase and aldolase, enzymes of muscle origin, all remained above their reference ranges in clinically affected sheep, but fluctuated widely. Similar fluctuations occurred in subclinically affected animals, resulting in some activities being within the reference ranges and some above, at different times. Plasma malondialdehyde, an indicator of lipid peroxidation, proved of no diagnostic value. Terminal plasma CK activities were significantly correlated with microscopic damage in the vastus lateralis (VL), but not the vastus intermedius (VI) or the tensor fascia lata (TFL) muscles. AST was the most highly correlated with damage in VI and VL. In two clinically affected sheep successfully treated with an oral dose of α-tocopherol actetate all enzymes decreased steadily to within their reference ranges, at rates probably related to their plasma half-lives. These results suggest that measurement of plasma CK activity would be useful in monitoring recovery of treated sheep.  相似文献   

This study investigated the body composition and metabolic status of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes and their fetuses in late pregnancy. The aim was to identify factors that could explain the lower survival rates of triplet lambs compared with twin lambs. Ten twin- and 10 triplet-bearing ewes and their fetuses were euthanased on either day 139 or 140 of pregnancy and fetal and placental measurements recorded. The weights of the gravid uterus (P < 0.01) and mammary gland (P < 0.05) were significantly heavier (although not proportionally), in triplet-bearing than twin-bearing ewes (21.10 vs. 16.85 and 1.08 vs. 0.80 kg respectively). There were no other differences in the weight of ewe organs or in metabolite concentrations. The number of cotyledons per triplet fetus was significantly (P < 0.001) less compared to twins although this was countered by a tendency for greater (P = 0.05) individual cotyledon weight, resulting in no differences in either total fetal membrane plus cotyledon or total cotyledon weights.

The absolute weight of many organs were significantly (P < 0.05) heavier in twin fetuses than in triplet fetuses. However, after correction for fetal body weight the only differences observed were significantly (P < 0.05) lighter, by approximately 10%, semitendinosus muscle, liver and heart weights in triplet compared to twin fetuses (6.2 vs. 5.6, 88.9 vs. 80.4, 33 vs. 30 g respectively). The fetal fructose concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in triplet than in twin fetuses.

The mean weight of the lightest triplet fetus within each triplet set was 31% lighter than that of the heaviest triplet (P < 0.05), resulting in significantly (P < 0.05) lighter absolute weights of most fetal measurements taken. However, after correction for fetal body weight these differences disappeared. Within twin sets, the mean weight of the lightest fetus was only 16% lighter (P < 0.05) than its heavier counterpart but there were no significant differences in absolute organ weights. When corrected for fetal body weight, the lightest twin fetus had significantly (P = 0.05) greater kidney weights and tended to have heavier heart (P = 0.07) and lungs (P = 0.07). It is unknown why the relative organ weight relationships between the heaviest and lightest differ between twin and triplet fetuses.

In conclusion this study has identified three factors which may contribute to the lower survival rates observed in triplet-compared to twin-born lambs; low fructose concentrations, lighter fetal weights, especially in one fetus within each triplet set, and maternal mammary gland increases that are not proportional to the increase in numbers of fetuses. While these findings are not novel, there were no other factors identified that could account the lower survival rates reported in triplet-born lambs compared to twins. The other only other significant differences identified were the proportionally lighter livers and hearts in triplets although the possible effects of these on survival is unknown.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of feeding or fasting of fat or thin ewes on 24-h leptin profiles. Ewes were assigned, based on ultrasonic assessments of last-rib subcutaneous fat measurements, into fat (fat thickness > 1 cm; mean = 1.52 +/- 0.03 cm; range 1.14 to 2.18 cm) or thin (fat thickness < 1 cm; mean = 0.25 +/- 0.03 cm; range 0.03 to 0.84 cm) groups. Fat and thin ewes were then assigned to either fed or fasted (deprived of feed) groups consisting of five ewes per group. Thus, four groups existed and were designated as fat-fed, fat-fasted, thin-fed, and thin-fasted. Fed ewes had ad libitum access to feed throughout the study. Fasted ewes were prohibited access to feed beginning 48 h preceding the experiment. Plasma samples were collected for leptin analysis from ewes every 15 min for 24 h beginning 48 h after the initiation of feed restriction or the congruent interval in fed ewes. Data were subjected to CLUSTER pulse analysis procedures. Profiles of plasma concentrations of leptin were episodic in nature and did not differ in a diurnal manner. Fed ewes had greater mean concentrations of leptin, area under the curve, number of peaks, peak height, peak nadir, and a shorter interval between peaks than fasted ewes (P < or = 0.05). Fat ewes had greater mean concentrations of leptin, area under the curve, number of peaks, peak height, peak nadir, and a shorter interval between peaks than thin ewes (P < 0.02). There also was a tendency for a body condition x treatment interaction for number of peaks (P = 0.073) and interval between peaks (P = 0.056). These results provide evidence that plasma concentrations of leptin are episodic in nature and are influenced by nutritive state and fat thickness over the ribs, but display no circadian variation.  相似文献   

甘肃高山细毛羊妊娠母羊营养需要量估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助其他品种绵羊营养需要的一些研究方法,结合甘肃高山细毛羊四季牧草干物质采食量、营养物质摄入量、采食牧草营养成分、牧草营养物质消化率以及生产相关数据,采用析因法估测甘肃高山细毛羊能量和蛋白质需要量:成年母羊维持代谢能需要量为6.58 MJ/d(每kg代谢体重维持代谢能需要为0.417 MJ/W0.75),维持蛋白质需要量107.62 g/d;妊娠前期代谢能需要量为12.54 MJ/d,粗蛋白质需要量125.19 g/d;妊娠后期代谢能需要量为12.86 MJ/d,粗蛋白质需要量为146 g/d;通过对比研究表明,甘肃高山细毛羊成年母羊钙需要量约为8.22~9.61 g/d,磷需要量为4.98~5.87 g/d,食盐需要量为9~16 g/d。  相似文献   

Clinical and biochemical responses were studied after taking the measures to prevent nutrition muscular dystrophy in young cattle in the given ecological conditions. Analyzing the biological material (blood, hair, feed, soil), we found the sufficiently high saturation of heifer organisms with the microelement selenium and on the contrary, vitamin E deficiency. Sensitive indicators of the break-down of muscular tissue were the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and mainly creatinine kinase (CPK): the activities of these enzymes increased significantly after the heifers had been driven to pasture. The stay of animals in the run to get them used to the physical load before going to the pasture was not found to be a sufficient measure to prevent muscular nutrition myodystrophy if the animals had not been administered vitamin E and selenium supplements. Of the one hundred heifers we examined, seven animals began to show the signs of nutrition muscular dystrophy; none of these animals had been administered vitamin E and selenium supplements.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate effects of supplemental protein source and ME intake (Exp. 1) on ewe nutritional status during pregnancy. Forty-two mature Targhee ewes were allotted randomly in Exp. 1 to one of six treatments (n = 7) using a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Ewes were individually fed chopped barley straw and supplements containing either urea (U), soybean meal (SBM), or blood meal (BM) plus SBM during the 84-d experiment. Straw and supplement intakes were adjusted to meet either 80 or 100% of ME requirements. In Exp. 2, 30 pregnant Targhee ewes that were allotted randomly to one of three groups (n = 10) were individually fed protein supplements similar to those in Exp. 1 and had group access to long-stem barley straw. In Exp. 1, ewes fed BM + SBM gained more (P less than .05) weight, lost less (P less than .05) body condition, and had increased (P less than .05) wool fiber length compared with ewes fed U; SBM ewes were intermediate (P less than .05) in response. Ewes fed BW + SBM had increased (P less than .05) blood urea N and albumin concentrations compared with ewes fed U. Metabolizable energy intake did not affect (P greater than .05) ewe performance or serum metabolite concentrations. Ewes fed BM + SBM in Exp. 2 gained more (P less than .05) weight than ewes fed either SBM or U, and ewes fed SBM lost less weight (P less than .05) than ewes fed U.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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