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Fractals and search paths in mammals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bascompte  Jordi  Vilà  Carles 《Landscape Ecology》1997,12(4):213-221
The fractal index by Katz and George (1985) for thecharacterization of planar curves is applied to wolf search pathsrecorded by radio-telemetry. All the sets of paths studied showspatial patterns whose complexity is between a straight line anda true random walk. Females fractal dimensions show significantchanges throughout the year, depending on the state of their lifecycle (normal, breeding and wandering). There are alsodifferences between males and females, but not between adults andnon-adults. The results are discussed with regard to wolffood-search strategies.  相似文献   

A meaningful interpretation of landscape metrics is possible only when the limitations of each measure are fully understood, the range of attainable values is known, and the user is aware of potential shifts in the range of values due to characteristics of landscape patches. To examine the behavior of landscape metrics, we generated artificial landscapes that mimicked fragmentation processes while controlling the size and shape of patches in the landscape and the mode of disturbance growth. We developed nine series of increasingly fragmented landscapes and used these to investigate the behavior of edge density, contagion, mean nearest neighbor distance, mean proximity index, perimeter-area fractal dimension, and mass fractal dimension. We found that most of the measures were highly correlated, especially contagion and edge density, which had a near-perfect inverse correspondence. Many of the measures were linearly-associated with increasing disturbance until the proportion of disturbance on the landscape was approximately 0.40, with non-linear associations at higher proportions. None of the measures was able to differentiate between landscape patterns characterized by dispersed versus aggregated patches. The highest attainable value of each measure was altered by either patch size or shape, and in some cases, by both attributes. We summarize our findings by discussing the utility of each metric.  相似文献   

Liu  Amy J.  Cameron  Guy N. 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(7):581-595
High productivity and accessibility have made coastal wetlands attractive sites for human settlements. This study analyzed the patterns of wetland landscapes in Galveston Bay, Texas, USA. The first objective of the study was to describe the relationships between the fractal dimension of wetland boundaries and those factors which affect the wetland landscapes (e.g., land use, type of vegetation, size, location, and level of human disturbance). The second objective was to construct a historical database to contrast wetland areas which had experienced different levels of disturbance between 1956 and 1989. The fractal dimension, a measure of how much of the geographical space is filled by boundaries, was measured by the perimeter-area method. The fractal dimension of wetlands was significantly affected by land use, type of vegetation, size, and level of anthropogenic disturbance. In addition, increasing the size of buffers around roads did not significantly affect the fractal dimension of wetlands. Landscape indices, such as fractal dimension, dominance, and diversity, were used to characterize spatial heterogeneity in the historical database. Lake Stephenson, an area of low anthropogenic disturbance, experienced no changes in wetland composition and abundance over time. Anahuac, an area of medium disturbance, experienced changes in both wetland composition and abundance. Texas City, an area of high disturbance, experienced a change in wetland composition. These differences can be associated with the type and level of disturbance present; however, more evidence is needed to determine whether certain landscape patterns have stable, intrinsic properties which allow persistence in the face of disturbance. These results will be informative to resource managers determining how wetlands can be managed as natural resources and nature reserves.  相似文献   

Changes in landscape patterns in Georgia,USA   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The objectives of this study were to determine how landscape patterns in Georgia, USA have changed through time and whether the spatial patterns varied by physiographic region. Historical aerial photography was used to analyze spatial patterns of land use from the 1930's to the 1980's. Land use patterns were quantified by: (1) mean number and size of patches; (2) fractal dimension of patches; (3) amount of edge between land uses; and (4) indices of diversity, dominance, and contagion. Forest cover increased in aerial extent and in mean patch size. The mean size of agricultural patches increased in the coastal plain and decreased in the mountains and piedmont. Edges between land uses decreased through time, indicating less dissection of the landscape. Fractal dimensions also decreased, indicating simpler patch shapes. Indices of diversity and dominance differed through time but not among regions; the contagion index differed among regions but not through time. A geographic trend of decreasing diversity and increasing dominance and contagion was observed from the mountains to the lower coastal plain. Landscape patterns exhibited the greatest changes in the piedmont region. Overall, the Georgia landscape has become less fragmented and more connected during the past 50 years. Changing patterns in the landscape may have implications for many ecological processes and resources.  相似文献   

Landscape patterns simulation with a modified random clusters method   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A new modified random clusters method for the simulation of landscape the matic spatial patterns is presented. It produces more realistic and general results than landscape models that have been commonly used to date in the field of landscape ecology. Simulated patterns are said to be realistic, apart from their patchy and irregular appearance, because the values of the spatial indices as a function of habitat abundance measured in real landscape patterns (number of patches, edge length and patch cohesion index) can be replicated with the proposed landscape model. It allows a wide range of spatial patterns to be obtained, in which fragmentation and habitat abundance can be systematically and independently varied. Furthermore, a degree of control over the irregularity of the shapes of the simulated landscapes can be achieved, and it is also possible to simulate patterns with anisotropy. The proposed method is easy to implement and requires little computation time, which enhances the practical possibilities of this method in different areas of landscape ecology.  相似文献   

Eighteen mice of each of 3 types were radio-tagged and released at 6 standard points in farmland fencerows. Mice were residents (trapped on site) or translocated from distant forest or from distant corn fields. Of total (net) distance moved, most was in fencerows; 77% for residents, 83% for mice translocated from cropland and 92% for mice translocated from forest. Structurally complex fencerows were preferred significantly over intermediate or simple structures by all types of mice. Time spent in movement was not a linear function of distance moved and averaged from 12.5 to 16.5% of total available activity time. Total distance moved in 2 nights averaged 287 to 422 m and area explored averaged 0.67 to 1.15 ha and ranged to 11.0 ha; both exceed literature values for this species in forest. This enlarged scale of landscape use illustrates the potential importance of landscape-specific behaviour. The measurement of rate of corridor use also is discussed.  相似文献   

The Illinois Geographic Information System was used to compare the soil and landscape attributes of the State with its historic vegetation, current land use, and patterns of land-use change over the past 160 years. Patch structural characteristics among land types in four geographic zones were also compared. The assessment of patch characteristics revealed a highly modified State with most land patches controlled by human influences and relatively few by topographic and hydrologic features. Correlation and regression analyses determined the relationships of land type and abundance within each of 50 general soil associations to properties of the soil associations - typically slope, texture, organic matter, productivity index, and available waterholding capacity. The distribution of the historic vegetation of the State and its current deciduous forests and nonforested wetlands related moderately (r2 0.44) to various landscape attributes. Urban and other highly modified land types were less closely related.  相似文献   

电力系统中的内部过电压类型多种多样,其产生原因错综复杂.目前,对过电压智能化分析的整体水平还不高,数据的分析只能依靠人工的方法,由生产技术人员凭经验并依据过电压波形的时间、幅值、频率等参数进行分析.但仅仅依靠这几个参数,有时不能对内部过电压进行完全正确的定性.对常见的几种内部过电压进行ATP-EMTP(电磁暂态计算软件)仿真,并提出基于分形理论的过电压信号识别,计算出过电压波形的分形维数.仿真结果表明,随着过电压发生条件的不同及参数的变化,同种过电压的分形维数在一定的范围之内;不同种类的过电压的分形维数在不同的范围.  相似文献   

Pärtel  Meelis  Mändla  Riina  Zobel  Martin 《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(2):187-196
The landscape history of the largest calcareous seminatural alvar site (ca. 700 ha) in Estonia, is described with the help of a historical map from 1705 and aerial photographs from 1951, and recent vegetation mapping from 1994–1996. The seminatural, species rich alvar grasslands originate and are maintained by grazing of domestic animals. Three hundred years ago the area was mainly open grassland with sparse shrubs and some fields. Forty years ago the vegetation pattern was similar, with some smaller forests and forest clear-cut areas present. Now, since grazing has ceased for ca. 40 years, only 30% of the area remains as open grassland and 70% as forest. Identification of clusters of field layer vegetation using the program TABORD resulted in 8 clusters, which agreed with the empirically determined community types. The field layer within the young pine forest (up to 20 year old pines) is similar to the open alvar grassland. In older forests, the field layer has already changed. There were no phytosociological differences found between ancient grasslands and grasslands on former arable fields or forest clear-cut areas. Decrease in species richness, compared to open grassland, was most drastic in forests of age 20–40 years where the canopy was most closed. Forests have spread more extensively in areas with deeper soil. The continuation of traditional management (grazing and tree cutting) in alvar grasslands is urgently needed in order to keep seminatural alvar grasslands open. The possibility to restore open grasslands remains as long as there is a pool of grassland species available, especially in younger forests.  相似文献   

Research performed on microlandscapes embodies the essence of landscape ecology by focusing on the ecological consequences of the mosaic structure of different landscape elements. As an illustration, observations and simulations were used to test whether the fractal structure of grassland microlandscapes affected the movement patterns of tenebrionid beeetles in natural environments. The significant tendency of beetles to avoid 1 m2 cells with fractal dimensions of 1.85 to 1.89 (indicating the area-filling tendency of bare ground) demonstrated the role of landscape structure as a modifier of beetle movements or diffusion in heterogeneous landscapes. Experiments in microlandscapes may accelerate the development of quantitative conceptual frameworks applicable to landscapes at all scales.  相似文献   

Scaling properties in landscape patterns: New Zealand experience   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In this paper we present a case study of spatial structure in landscape patterns for the North and South Islands of New Zealand. The aim was to characterise quantitatively landscape heterogeneity and investigate its possible scaling properties. The study examines spatial heterogeneity, in particular patchiness, at a range of spatial scales, to help build understanding on the effects of landscape heterogeneity on water movement in particular, and landscape ecology in general.We used spatial information on various landscape properties (soils, hydrogeology, vegetation, topography) generated from the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory. To analyse this data set we applied various methods of fractal analyses following the hypothesis that patchiness in selected landscape properties demonstrates fractal scaling behaviour at two structural levels: (1) individual patches; and (2) mosaics (sets) of patches.Individual patches revealed scaling behaviour for both patch shape and boundary. We found self-affinity in patch shape with Hurst exponent H from 0.75 to 0.95. We also showed that patch boundaries in most cases were self-similar and in a few cases of large patches were self-affine. The degree of self-affinity was lower for finer patches. Similarly, when patch scale decreases the orientation of patches tends to be uniformly distributed, though patch orientation on average is clearly correlated with broad scale geological structures. These results reflect a tendency to isotropic behaviour of individual patches from broad to finer scales. Mosaics of patches also revealed fractal scaling in the total patch boundaries, patch centers of mass, and in patch area distribution. All these reflect a special organisation in patchiness represented in fractal patch clustering. General relationships which interconnect fractal scaling exponents were derived and tested. These relationships show how scaling properties of individual patches affect those for mosaics of patches and vice-versa. To explain similarity in scaling behaviour in patchiness of different types we suggest that the Self-Organised Criticality concept should be used. Also, potential applications of our results in landscape ecology are discussed, especially in relation to improved neutral landscape models.  相似文献   

Gao  Qiong  Yu  Mei  Yang  Xiusheng  Wu  Jianguo 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(4):289-300
The behavioral dependence of vegetation simulation models for spatially heterogeneous grasslands on simulation resolution was investigated. The dependence can be largely attributed to the non-linearity of the models. We showed that increasing scale or decreasing spatial resolution tended to overestimate the changing rate of an ecosystem using our landscape simulation model for alkaline grasslands in northeast China. A technique for scaling up simulation models with diffusive transportation was developed in this study by means of expanding the nonlinear driving functions in the model. The analysis showed that a simulation model for spatially heterogeneous landscapes might necessitate modification of both its mathematical structure and parameterization when applied to different scales. The scaling coefficients derived in this study were shown to be proportional to the variances or covariance of the spatially referenced variables, and can be estimated by running the model at a fine resolution for selected samples of the coarser grid cells. The technique was applied to a grassland landscape in northeast China and the results were compared with five-year observations on community succession. The comparison indicated that the proposed technique could effectively reduce overall scaling error of the model by as much as 80%, depending on the scaling difference between the fine and the coarse resolutions as well as the sampling scheme used.  相似文献   

Spatial simulation models were developed to predict temporal changes in land use patterns in a piedmont county in Georgia (USA). Five land use categories were included: urban, cropland, abandoned cropland, pasture, and forest. Land use data were obtained from historical aerial photography and digitized into a matrix based on a 1 ha grid cell format. Three different types of spatial simulation were compared: (1) random simulations based solely on transition probabilities; (2) spatial simulations in which the four nearest neighbors (adjacent cells only) influence transitions; and (3) spatial simulations in which the eight nearest neighbors (adjacent and diagonal cells) influence transitions. Models and data were compared using the mean number and size of patches, fractal dimension of patches, and amount of edge between land uses. The random model simulated a highly fragmented landscape having numerous, small patches with relatively complex shapes. The two versions of the spatial model simulated cropland well, but simulated patches of forest and abandoned cropland were fewer, larger, and more simple than those in the real landscape. Several possible modifications of model structure are proposed. The modeling approach presented here is a potentially general one for simulating human-influenced landscapes.  相似文献   

Gao  Qiong  Yang  Xiusheng 《Landscape Ecology》1997,12(5):321-330
A linear, semi-theoretical relationship between the coverage change of plant communities due to spatial processes and a partial patchiness index of the community distribution patterns in a grassland landscape was established by partitioning the overall coverage change into a spatial increment caused by species migration and a local increment due to local ecological processes. This relationship implies that patchiness of grassland landscapes can accelerate either recovery or degradation of a community, depending on the environmental conditions depicted by a parameter termed as gradient strength. The established relationship also has potential applications in simulating pattern dynamics of plant community distributions for a grassland landscape using a spatially homogeneous patch-scale model.The derived linear relationship was applied to a one-hectare alkaline grassland observatory in northeast China. Gradient strengths of two major plant community types were determined via linear regression from simulation results for selected subregions of the grassland. The calibrated linear relationship was then applied to the rest of the grassland landscape. Preliminary comparisons with complete spatial simulations and observations indicated that using this linear relationship with a patch-scale model can simulate the coverage changes as accurately as using a comprehensive spatial simulation model.  相似文献   

A working method for landscape planning is proposed. There are 11 steps in this method. In step one, an issue (or set of related issues) is identified as posing a problem or an opportunity to people and/or the environment. In step two, a goal (or several goals) is established to address the problem. In steps three and four, ecological inventories and analyses are conducted at two scales, first at the regional level (drainage basins are suggested as an appropriate unit) and then at the landscape level (watersheds are recommended). These inventories and analyses consider human ecology as well as bio-physical processes. Step five involves detailed studies, such as suitability analyses, that link inventory and analysis information to the problem(s) and goal(s). In step six, concepts are developed that lead to a landscape (watershed) master plan in step seven. During step eight, the plan is explained through a systematic educational effort to the affected public. In step nine, detailed designs are developed. In step 10 the plan and designs are implemented. Step 11 involves administering and monitoring the plan. The method is explained through an example of soil conservation planning. The case study was undertaken in the Missouri Flat Creek watershed of the Palouse region in the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.) to help achieve the goals for erosion control established by the federal Food Security Act of 1985 and state clean water legislation.  相似文献   

Hansen  A.J.  Rotella  J.J.  Kraska  M.P.V.  Brown  D. 《Landscape Ecology》2000,15(6):505-522
Landscapes are often heterogeneous in abiotic factors such as topography, climate, and soil, yet little is known about how these factors may influence the spatial distribution of primary productivity. We report estimates of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in 90 sample stands stratified by cover type and elevation class, and use the results to predict ANPP across a portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Tree ANPP was estimated by sampling tree density by species and diameter classes and estimating average annual diameter increment by tree coring. Biomass for current tree diameter and past tree diameter were calculated by species and diameter class for each stand using the dimension analysis software BIOPAK. Shrub ANPP was estimated by calculating current biomass from basal area using BIOPAK and dividing by the assumed average life span of the shrubs. Clipping at the end of the growing season was used to estimate herb ANPP. Differences in ANPP among cover types and elevation classes were examined with analysis of variance. Multiple regression was used to examine relationships between ANPP, and soil parent material, topography, and cover type. The best regression model was used to predict ANPP across the study area.We found ANPP was highest in cottonwood, Douglas-fir, and aspen stands, intermediate in various seral stages of lodgepole pine, and lowest in grassland and sagebrush cover types. Parent material explained significant variation in ANPP in mature and old-growth lodgepole pine stands, with rhyolite ash/loess being the most productive parent material type. ANPP decreased with increasing elevation in most cover types, possibly because low temperatures limit plant growth at higher elevations in the study area. ANPP was not related to elevation in mature and old-growth lodgepole pine stands, due to relatively rapid growth of subalpine fir at higher elevations.A regression model based on cover type and elevation explained 89% of the variation in ANPP among the sample stands. This model was used to generate a spatially continuous surface of predicted ANPP across the study area. The frequency distribution of predicted ANPP was skewed towards lower levels of ANPP, and only 6.3% of the study area had a predicted ANPP level exceeding 4500 kg/ha/yr. Patches high in predicted ANPP were primarily at lower elevations, outside of Yellowstone National Park, and near the national forest/private lands boundary. These patterns of ANPP may influence fire behavior, vertebrate population dynamics, and other ecological processes. The results reinforce the need for coordinated management across ownership boundaries in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  相似文献   

缺氮和缺铁对平邑甜茶幼苗根系构型的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
 研究水培条件下缺氮、缺铁对平邑甜茶幼苗根系总长度、表面积、体积、根尖数、分枝角度、分形维数等根系构型参数的影响。结果表明:缺氮或缺铁处理后,幼苗细根比例增大,根系直径变小;一级侧根与主根的夹角整体上增大,大夹角植株数量普遍增多,根系趋向于水平分布;根系分形维数降低。其中缺氮使幼苗根系总长度、根系总表面积、根系总体积以及二级侧根数显著增加,但根系活力显著下降;缺铁使根尖数和主根的长度显著增加,根系活力和根系总表面积均下降;缺铁比缺氮时根系分形维数下降更多。  相似文献   

Bank vole, striped field mouse, wood mouse, and yellow-necked mouse populations were studied in a mosaic of field and forest habitats. Live-trapping was carried out in 8 woodlots of different sizes (1.5–9.5 ha), situated 5 to 900 m from each other and surrounded by agricultural fields. Near the study area a dense, several hundred hectare forest complex was situated. It was found that the densities of all the studied species' populations in the woodlots were positively correlated with woodlot quality. For local bank vole populations a positive correlation of density with the surface area and circumference of woodlots, as well as with the area/circumference ratio was found. A negative correlation was found for population density and the distance between a given woodlot and the forest complex. For the yellow-necked mouse a positive correlation occurred between the density of local populations and the distance to the nearest neighboring woodlot. For the striped field mouse a positive correlation was found only between the population density in each woodlot and the distance to the forest complex. The wood mouse was insensitive to the variations in woodlot features present except for woodlot quality, and hence was probably responding in density to some other factors. Four rodent species, coexisting in the field-forest habitat mosaic demonstrated different reactions to its spatial characteristics, which were mainly related to different habitat preferences, spatial behavior, and mobility of individuals of the studied species.  相似文献   

Pattern in ecological landscapes is often the result of different processes operating at different scales. Neutral landscape models were introduced in landscape ecology to differentiate patterns that are the result of simple random processes from patterns that arise from more complex ecological processes. Recent studies have used increasingly complex neutral models that incorporate contagion and other constraints on random patterns, as well as using neutral landscapes as input to spatial simulation models. Here, I consider a common mathematical framework based on spectral transforms that represents all neutral landscape models in terms of sets of spectral basis functions. Fractal and multi-fractal models are considered, as well as models with multiple scaling regions and anisotropy. All of the models considered are shown to be variations on a basic theme: a scaling relation between frequency and amplitude of spectral components. Two example landscapes examined showed long-range correlations (distances up to 1000 km) consistent with fractal scaling.  相似文献   

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