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Portosystemic shunting occurs frequently either as congenital anomalies of the portal vein (PVA) or as acquired shunting (AS) due to portal hypertension secondary to parenchymal liver disease or portal vein thrombosis. The 2 most commonly used screening tests for portosystemic shunting are bile acid and plasma ammonia concentrations. The purpose of this study was to compare the 12-hour fasting plasma ammonia (AMM) and bile acid concentration (BA) as tests for diagnosing portosystemic shunting. Medical records of 337 dogs were used in which AMM and BA were measured simultaneously and in which portosystemic shunting was confirmed or excluded. These dogs were divided into 2 groups (group 1: portosystemic shunting present, n = 153, and group 2: portosystemic shunting absent, n = 184). Group 1 was subdivided into 2 subgroups (group 1a: PVA, n = 132 and group 1b: AS, n = 21). The sensitivity of AMM in detecting PVA was 100% and of BA was 92.2%. For portosystemic shunting in general (PVA or AS), the sensitivity of AMM was 98% and that of BA was 88.9%. The specificity in the total population of AMM was 89.1% and that of BA was 67.9%. If only dogs with liver diseases were included with (n = 153) or without (n = 28) shunting, the specificity of AMM to detect shunting was 89.3% and that of BA was 17.9%. In conclusion, AMM is a highly sensitive and specific parameter to detect PVA and portosystemic shunting in a general population and in dogs with liver disease, whereas BA is somewhat less sensitive and considerably less specific.  相似文献   

The congenital portosystemic shunts in 23 dogs were closed partially in 18 and completely in five with a single silk ligature. The clinical results were studied and the degree of portosystemic shunting was measured by a scintigraphic method, the results being expressed as the shunt index (SI). In 17 of the dogs, the mean (sd) SI decreased from 0.92 (0.16) before surgery to 0.34 (0.25) during surgery after the attenuation of the shunt, and then to 0.10 (0.12) one month later. The dogs' venous ammonia concentration decreased from 203 (122) microM before surgery to 36 (18) one month after surgery. At the same time the clinical scores improved significantly. There were positive correlations between the SI and the general evaluation of the dogs' well-being by their owners (rs = 0.60), the ammonia concentration (rs = 0.86), and the diameter of the shunt (rs = 0.86). In the other six dogs, the intraoperative and/or postoperative SI was high. In two of them the shunt was further attenuated during a second operation, which resulted in lower SI values; in two a second small shunt was responsible for the high SI; in one multiple portosystemic shunts were found postmortem; and one dog was lost to follow-up.  相似文献   

Plasma bile acid concentrations were measured in normal horses. There was no diurnal variation in values, and age and sex had no effect. There was no significant difference between serum and plasma bile acid concentrations in clinically normal horses. Plasma bile acids were stable on storage for one month at -20 degrees C. The total plasma bile acid concentrations together with total and direct bilirubin concentrations and plasma activities of aspartate aminotransferase, glutamate and iditol dehydrogenase were evaluated in horses with various types of hepatobiliary disease (hepatic necrosis, lipidosis, neoplasia and cirrhosis), gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular, orthopaedic and various other conditions not affecting the liver. Total plasma bile acids together with plasma glutamate and iditol dehydrogenase activities were the best indicators of liver disease. Total plasma bile acid concentrations were the most sensitive indicator of a wide variety of hepatic diseases but alone were unhelpful in differential diagnosis and were of more value when combined with the other tests of hepatic disease.  相似文献   

In samples collected from 170 dogs suspected of having hepatobiliary disease, preprandial serum bile acids (PRSBA) and postprandial serum bile acids (POSBA) concentrations were measured, using a spectrophotometric enzymatic method. Dogs were assigned to 8 disease groups and 1 control group on the basis of hepatic histopathologic findings. Pre- and postprandial SBA concentrations and results of routine biochemical analyses (including total bilirubin, albumin, and BUN concentrations, and serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine transaminase (ALT), and aspartate transaminase (AST) activities) were expressed, using 4 indices: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Single tests and combinations of tests in series were evaluated. For diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease, the specificity of PRSBA was 100% at values greater than 20 mumol/L and of POSBA was 100% at values greater than 25 mumol/L. Test combinations with the best sensitivity for diagnosing the following diseases were: PRSBA-POSBA for cirrhosis, portosystemic vascular anomaly, and glucocorticoid hepatopathy; PRSBA-POSBA or PRSBA-ALP for cholestasis; PRSBA-POSBA or ALT-AST for chronic hepatitis; PRSBA-ALT for hepatic necrosis and passive congestion; and PRSBA-ALP for neoplasia. Test combinations with the overall highest sensitivity and positive predictive value for the fewest number of tests were PRSBA-POSBA, and either PRSBA or POSBA combined with an enzyme activity (ALT, AST, or ALP). The overall test efficacy for PRSBA vs POSBA was nearly identical: for PRSBA, it was 82.4%, and for POSBA, it was 82.3%. On the basis of the results of this study, PRSBA greater than 20 mumol/L or POSBA greater than 25 mumol/L (measured by use of an enzymatic procedure) indicates histopathologic abnormalities of the hepatobiliary system or portosystemic vascular anastomosis. Seemingly, determination of SBA concentrations can be used to indicate the propriety for hepatic biopsy. Pre- and postprandial serum bile acids concentrations should be evaluated in conjunction with routinely used hepatobiliary screening tests for best diagnostic advantage.  相似文献   

Most mammals, including dogs, synthesize vitamin C in the liver. We measured the plasma concentration of vitamin C to assess the body vitamin C status in 15 dogs with a portosystemic shunt (PSS). The plasma biochemical parameters indicated liver abnormalities in all the dogs. In contrast, the plasma concentration of vitamin C ranged from 2.21 to 9.03 mg/L in the 15 dogs and was below the reference range (3.2 to 8.9 mg/L) in only 2 dogs. These findings suggest that vitamin C status is not impaired in dogs with PSS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical utility of serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha, C-reactive protein and microalbuminuria as disease activity markers in canine idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Dogs with chronic gastrointestinal disease for which no underlying cause could be identified were considered to have idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease and were included in the study. Serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha was assessed using a canine-specific ELISA, C-reactive protein by immunoturbidometric assay and quantitative microalbuminuria was analysed using a monoclonal antibody directed against canine albumin. The canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and histopathologic grade were used to assess disease severity; biologic markers were then compared with the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and histopathologic grade. RESULTS: Sixteen dogs were included in the study. C-reactive protein level was mildly elevated in 15 dogs. Microalbuminuria was elevated in two of 15 dogs, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha was not detected in any dog tested. No correlation was found between the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and C-reactive protein or microalbuminuria or between histopathologic grade and C-reactive protein or microalbuminuria. There was no correlation between histopathologic grade and the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Although only a small number of dogs were evaluated, this study does not support the use of serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha measured by canine-specific ELISA or microalbuminuria in the evaluation of disease activity in dogs with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. Although mildly elevated in most dogs, C-reactive protein did not reflect disease severity as assessed by the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index or histopathologic grade.  相似文献   

The diagnostic value of determining total conjugated serum bile acid (SBA) concentrations was evaluated in fasting dogs with spontaneous liver disease. Conjugated primary SBA values were determined by radioimmunoassay in 12 healthy dogs, 64 dogs with hepatobiliary disease, and 9 dogs with intestinal disorders unassociated with clinical or biochemical evidence of liver disease. Reference values for SBA concentrations ranged from 0 to 5 mumol/L and were not significantly different from those determined in dogs with intestinal disease (P less than 0.05). Mean SBA concentrations determined in dogs with portosystemic shunts, glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy, hepatic neoplasia, hepatitis, cholestasis, and cirrhosis were significantly greater than reference values (P less than 0.05). The mean SBA concentration in dogs with glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower than that in all other clinical groups of dogs with liver disease, except in dogs with cholestasis. Although these 2 groups were statistically indistinguishable, dogs with glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy generally had lower SBA values (2 to 37 mumol/L) than did the group with cholestasis (2 to 562 mumol/L). The SBA concentrations in fasting dogs were weakly correlated with histologic evidence of hepatic damage, as determined by a total biopsy score (r = 0.28, P less than 0.02). Because total SBA concentrations were increased in 89% of all dogs with hepatobiliary disease, the determination of SBA appears to be a sensitive test of hepatic dysfunction.  相似文献   

Dogs with portosystemic encephalopathy (PSE) are known to develop pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, but there have been no reports on the plasma protein binding of cortisol in these dogs. Since the liver is involved in the synthesis of corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) and other transport proteins for cortisol, the binding characteristics of these proteins and thus the biologically-active free fraction of cortisol might be altered in dogs with PSE. We investigated the total concentration of cortisol and the free fraction and the free cortisol concentration in plasma of thirty-two dogs with PSE due to inherited portosystemic shunts or chronic active hepatitis with cirrhosis. We found a significantly higher free fraction (14.7 ± 5.8%, P<0.0001) and free cortisol concentration (26.3 ± 23.1 nM, P<0.001) in these dogs than in healthy controls (8.2 ± 2.3% and 9.2 ± 7.2 nM, respectively). Moreover, basal concentrations of total cortisol in the dogs with PSE were higher than in the healthy controls (190 ± 146 nM v. 107 ± 65, P<0.01). The per cent free cortisol in plasma was not significantly correlated with the concentration of albumin or the total cortisol in plasma. We conclude that there is decreased binding of cortisol in plasma of dogs with PSE due to decreased hepatic synthesis of cortisol binding proteins. The presence of increased concentrations of free cortisol in these dogs indicates that their basal pituitary-adrenocortical activity was increased, probably due to aberrant neurotransmission in brain centers associated with pituitary function, as a result of hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

A postprandial ammonia tolerance test (PPATT) was performed on normal dogs and dogs with signs that suggested they may have liver disease. All dogs underwent transcolonic scintigraphy, liver biopsy, or both and were assigned to extrahepatic disease, primary hepatocellular, and congenital portosystemic vascular anomalies (PSVA) groups. Each dog was fed a chicken and rice diet providing 25% of its estimated daily metabolizable energy requirement (MER) as an ammonia challenge. This is practical in patients with liver disease because ammonium chloride administration often causes vomiting or ammonia toxicity. Venous ammonia concentrations were measured before feeding and every 2 hours after feeding for 8 hours. No difference in mean ammonia concentrations between dogs with extrahepatic disease and control dogs was found. Therefore, the specificity of the PPATT was 100%. Dogs with hepatocellular disease showed no change in mean ammonia concentration at any time point, before or after feeding, but sensitivity was greatest when venous ammonia was measured 6 hours after feeding (sensitivity before feeding, 28%, and after feeding, 36%). Among dogs with congenital PSVA, mean ammonia concentrations were higher than the reference range at all time points before and after feeding, and peak mean ammonia concentration occurred 6 hours after feeding. In this group, the sensitivity of the PPATT was 81% before feeding and 91% 6 hours after feeding. This study demonstrates that the measurement of venous ammonia concentration is a useful test to detect congenital PSVA, and the sensitivity of the test may be improved by sampling 6 hours after feeding. The PPATT has poor sensitivity in detecting primary hepatocellular disease.  相似文献   

Congenital portosystemic shunts (PPS) are abnormal vascular communications that allow blood from the intestine to bypass the liver, and are classified as intrahepatic or extrahepatic. Clinical signs are generally related to the nervous, gastrointestinal or urinary systems, and are often vague. In addition, changes present on routine blood analysis are often mild and non-specific. For this reason, alternative tests are required for a diagnosis. Diagnostic tests include serum bile-acid concentrations, ammonia tolerance test, portography, ultrasonography and/or scintigraphy. Medical therapy involves reducing absorption of encephalopathic toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and may prolong survival. Surgical therapy is aimed at attenuation of the shunting vessel and provides improved survival rates. The traditional approach has been complete or partial ligation of the shunt. More recent approaches have involved slow, progressive attenuation with ameroid constrictors or cellophane banding. Overall, prognosis following surgical therapy is good in dogs and fair in cats.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate platelet surface-associated P-selectin, mean platelet component concentration (MPC), mean platelet component distribution width (MPCDW), mean platelet volume (MPV), and platelet distribution width (PDW) for detection of activated platelets in dogs with septic and nonseptic inflammatory disease. ANIMALS: 20 healthy dogs and 20 dogs with septic and nonseptic inflammatory disease. Procedures-Platelet surface-associated P-selectin (expressed as the median fluorescence intensity [MFI] of the platelet population), MPC, MPCDW, MPV, and PDW were determined in 20 healthy adult dogs, and reference ranges were calculated. These parameters were also determined in 11 dogs with nonseptic and 9 dogs with septic inflammatory disease and evaluated to determine which parameters were useful for detection of activated platelets. Results-12 dogs with inflammatory disease had P-selectin greater than the upper limit of the reference range, whereas 16 dogs with inflammatory disease had MPC lower than the lower limit of the reference range. All dogs in which P-selectin was greater than the upper limit of the reference range had MPC lower than the lower limit of the reference range. The correlation coefficient for P-selectin and MPC was 0.62. Differences in the MPCDW, MPV, and PDW in most dogs with inflammatory disease (compared with healthy dogs) were found; however, the correlation coefficients for P-selectin and MPCDW, MPV, and PDW were low. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Platelet surface-associated P-selectin and MPC appeared to be useful to detect activated platelets in most dogs with septic and nonseptic inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of intraoperative attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts (CEPSSs) during cellophane banding procedures in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series and prospective study. ANIMALS: 18 cases evaluated retrospectively and 14 dogs evaluated prospectively. PROCEDURES: Gradual occlusion of CEPSSs was performed via cellophane banding. Shunts were occluded to a diameter < 3.0 mm during surgery in dogs prospectively enrolled in the partial attenuation group, whereas the shunt was not attenuated during surgery in dogs prospectively enrolled in the no-attenuation group or in dogs that had previously undergone surgery and were retrospectively evaluated. Postprandial serum bile acids (PPSBA) concentrations were measured before surgery and at various time points after surgery. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD PPSBA concentrations were 26.8 +/- 24.5 micromol/L at < 2.25 months after surgery (n = 16 dogs), 22.1 +/- 14.0 micromol/L from 2.25 to 6 months after surgery (12 dogs), and 34.9 +/- 32.5 micromol/L at > 6 months after surgery (22 dogs). In the prospectively enrolled dogs, mean PPSBA concentrations increased over time in dogs in the partial attenuation group, but not in dogs in the no-attenuation group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cellophane banding may be used to occlude larger CEPSSs and may decrease the need for intraoperative monitoring of portal vein blood pressure. The technique may facilitate minimally invasive treatment of CEPSSs in dogs. Intraoperative attenuation of CEPSSs to a diameter < 3.0 mm is not necessary and may result in a less favorable outcome.  相似文献   

The operative technique for placement of a pleurovenous shunt catheter is described. Pleurovenous shunting was used in the surgical treatment of 3 dogs with chylothorax refractory to medical management. Chylothorax in 2 of the dogs was palliated, but because of severe restrictive fibrous pleuritis, the third dog was euthanatized during follow-up surgery.  相似文献   

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