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Savannas are notable for the varied patterns of leaf display in the tree layer. Characterising this variation, and assessing the range of phenological strategies apparent in savanna ecosystems will be helpful for understanding savanna tree life-histories and their response to global change. We recorded leaf phenological metrics on a monthly basis for 28 woody species for one year in a semi-arid savanna at Nylsvley Nature Reserve, South Africa. Using these metrics four plant functional types were described: (1) evergreen species, which retained full canopy throughout the year; (2) semi-evergreen species, which lost a significant amount of canopy during the dry season, but not less than 60%; (3) obligate deciduous species in which the canopy was leafless for about 3 months during the dry season; and (4) rain-stimulated species, in which canopy flushing was driven by rainfall patterns. Of the 28 species, 18% were evergreen, 18% obligate deciduous, 32% semi-evergreen and 32% were rain-stimulated species. These results confirm that phenological strategies are variable in savannas, and highlight that there are numerous cues controlling the timing of leaf out and leaf drop. By defining distinct phenological strategies we can predict which plant functional types will have phenological cues that will be vulnerable to shifting climates.  相似文献   

The Nama-Karoo biome occupies 28% of South Africa’s land area. Alien leguminous trees of the genus Prosopis have invaded large tracts of Nama-Karoo rangeland. We evaluated the impact of Prosopis invasion and clearing on vegetation species composition and diversity (alien and indigenous species richness and cover) in Nama-Karoo rangeland on two sheep farms in the Beaufort West district of the Western Cape province of South Africa. Our results suggest that Prosopis invasion and clearing can significantly change Nama-Karoo rangeland species composition. Invasion and clearing appear to have no effect on alien species richness. Invasion, however, increases alien species cover, while clearing restores it to pre-invasion levels. In contrast, invasion reduces indigenous species richness while clearing restores it to pre-invasion levels. Invasion appears to have no effect on indigenous species cover. This lack of effect appears to be the serendipitous result of a site-specific trade-off between a decline in cover of grasses that are negatively affected by Prosopis invasion and a concomitant increase in the cover of positively affected grasses. Clearing increases indigenous species cover to above pre-invasion levels. The higher than usual indigenous species cover after clearing could be a transient legacy of Prosopis soil nutrient enrichment.  相似文献   

The Nama-Karoo is the largest of the three biomes that comprise the semi-arid Karoo-Namib ecoregion of southern Africa. Large tracts of Nama-Karoo rangeland have been invaded by alien leguminous trees of the genus Prosopis. We assessed the impact of Prosopis invasion and clearing on vegetation cover in heavily grazed Nama-Karoo rangeland on two sheep farms in the Beaufort West district of the Western Cape province of South Africa. Our results suggest that, below critical threshold cover levels, Prosopis trees do not affect indigenous vegetation and add to overall rangeland vegetation cover. However, once Prosopis cover exceeds critical thresholds, the trees begin to negatively impact on indigenous vegetation (especially grasses) and overall vegetation cover. In addition, our data suggest that vegetation cover recovers after Prosopis clearing, being temporarily higher than pre-invasion levels possibly as a result of enhanced post-invasion soil fertility. Lastly, our results suggest that Prosopis trees reduce rangeland erosion potential at low cover and increase it after they exceed critical threshold cover. Information about thresholds of Prosopis impact can be used to direct clearing efforts for maximum benefit when resources are limited.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of ranging patterns in species susceptible to habitat fragmentation is fundamental for assessing their long‐term adaptability to an increasingly human‐dominated landscape. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the influence of ground‐based food availability, remotely sensed plant productivity, and indigenous forest use on the ranging patterns of the endangered samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi). We collected monthly ranging data on two habituated samango monkey groups, from February 2012 to December 2016, from our field site in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa. We used linear mixed models to explore how food availability, plant productivity, and indigenous forest use influenced monthly ranging patterns, while controlling for group size, number of sample days and day length. We found that as more areas of high plant productivity (derived from remotely sensed EVI) were incorporated into the ranging area, both total and core monthly ranging areas decreased. In addition, both total ranging area and mean monthly daily path length decreased as more indigenous forest was incorporated into the ranging area. However, we found no effect of either ground‐based food availability or remotely sensed plant productivity on ranging patterns. Our findings demonstrate the behavioral flexibility in samango monkey ranging, as samangos can utilize matrix habitat during periods of low productivity but are ultimately dependent on access to indigenous forest patches. In addition, we highlight the potential of using remotely sensed areas of high plant productivity to predict ranging patterns in a small ranging, forest‐dwelling guenon, over ground‐based estimates of food availability.  相似文献   

The tick burdens of 10 crowned guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), shot at approximately 3-monthly intervals in the Mountain Zebra National Park, and of 21 crowned guinea fowl from the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, the majority of which were shot at monthly intervals, were determined. No adult ticks were recovered from any of the guinea fowl. The birds in the Mountain Zebra National Park harboured 4 species of ixodid ticks of which Amblyomma marmoreum was the most abundant and most prevalent. Three birds also harboured Hyalomma marginatum turanicum. Six ixodid tick species were present on guinea fowl in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve. Of these Amblyomma hebraeum was the most abundant and all the birds were infested. Most of these birds were also infested with A. marmoreum and Haemaphysalis silacea and some harboured Hyalomma marginatum rufipes. The seasonal abundance of ticks on crowned guinea fowl is discussed.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):378-386
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) have been introduced to many South African river systems where they become invasive and pose a threat to native biota. The diets of small (32–138 mm TL) and large (192–448 mm TL) sized bass were analysed and compared in a marine fish nursery area in the lower Kowie River on the warm temperate coast of South Africa over a one-year period from March 2009 to February 2010. Dietary differences were detected between the two size groups. Amphipod sp. (% index of relative importance (IRI) = 69.2) and dipterans (Insecta) (%IRI = 21.9) dominated gut contents of small bass while larger bass preyed mostly on odonates (Insecta) (%IRI = 16.3) and the brachyuran Potamonautes sidneyi (%IRI = 80.0). Fish prey was of low importance during this study but comparisons with previous work on the lower Kowie River showed that when the river is flowing, young marine fish recruiting into the freshwater from the estuary become important prey items. These data suggest that in the lower Kowie River bass utilize invertebrate prey at low fish prey abundance and opportunistically feed on migrant fish when these are available.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of knowledge on the effects of annual burning of fire-breaks on species composition, plant diversity and soil properties. Whittaker's plant diversity technique was used to gather data on species composition and diversity in four grassland communities on the Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (LDNR). The study demonstrated that fire-beaks did not have a negative effect on plant diversity and an increase was even noted in various diversity parameters in the grassland on abandoned cropland. Fire-breaks were changing the species composition, as three of the four communities illustrated a clear separation in species composition between fire-break and unburnt plots. There was not a strong association between specific species and the fire-break or unburnt plots, except for Themeda triandra and Tristachya leucothrix, known for their association with and without fire, respectively. The change in species composition was not negatively affecting range condition. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations were slightly lower in the fire-break than unburnt soils, but the reduced concentrations were unlikely to cause severe soil degradation in fire-break zones. From a management perspective, fire-breaks appear to be a sustainable management tool as they are not adversely affecting plant diversity or range condition in the grassland association on LDNR.  相似文献   

Arthropods are valuable biological indicators owing to strong relationships with primary producers. The supposition that arthropod-plant interactions are constant over seasons was tested using Mantel tests on correlations between these groups. A total of 78 plant species and 108 arthropod families were sampled monthly from the endangered Bloemfontein Dry Grassland at the Free State National Botanical Gardens between April 2009 and March 2010. Interaction strengths between plants and arthropods varied within a calendar year; being strongest in winter months (July and August), initiation of the growth season (November) and peak growth season (February and March). It was hypothesised that variation was caused by changing primary productivity. The trophic composition of the arthropod community supported this hypothesis as the ratio between primary consumers (herbivores) and secondary consumers (predators and parasitoids) showed patterns that coincided with periods of strong arthropod-plant interactions. Patterns were explained by multiple theories linking plant and arthropod diversity. It was concluded that arthropod assemblages are closely linked to primary producers, the abiotic environment and top-down trophic forces at different times of the year. Future arthropod-based studies should be performed with clear objectives and seasonal benchmark conditions to overcome these variations.  相似文献   

采用堵洞法设置高原鼠兔干扰区和非干扰区,然后在干扰区和非干扰区内利用样方法研究了高原鼠兔干扰对青海湖流域高山嵩草草甸植物多样性和地上生物量的影响。结果表明,植物物种多样性和不同植物功能群多样性对高原鼠兔干扰的响应并不一致,其中干扰增加了杂类草功能群丰富度指数与物种丰富度指数,降低了物种均匀度指数、莎草科功能群丰富度指数和禾草科功能群均匀度指数(P<0.05)。干扰区内物种均匀度指数、物种丰富度指数和杂类草功能群丰富度指数随干扰强度增加而呈增加趋势,但禾草科功能群均匀度指数却呈显著降低趋势。虽然高原鼠兔干扰显著降低了植物群落总生物量,莎草科、禾草科和豆科功能群生物量(P<0.05),但显著增加了杂类草功能群生物量(P<0.05)。干扰区随干扰程度增加,莎草科功能群和豆科功能群生物量逐渐降低,杂类草功能群生物量逐渐增加,而禾草科功能群生物量则先增加后降低。鉴于高山嵩草草甸植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性对高原鼠兔干扰的响应不一致,植物物种多样性和功能群多样性之间不能互相替代。  相似文献   

Chrysomya megacephala, also known as the Oriental latrine fly, is indigenous to south-east Asia. During the 1970's it successfully invaded Africa and South America, and more recently during the 1980's also established itself in the United States of America. Although the first specimens from South Africa were collected from the south-western Cape Province in 1978, no published data appears to exist on its subsequent spread or status in southern Africa. During May 1991 a specimen of C. megacephala was incidentally captured near Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa, which prompted re-examination of blow-flies captured in the Kruger National Park during 1984. In this way it was found that C. megacephala was already well established in the south-eastern Transvaal by mid-1984. Adult C. megacephala can easily be confused with C. bezziana and medical/veterinary entomologists and veterinarians should take note of the existence of this species and the fact that it is probably widespread throughout southern Africa at this state.  相似文献   

外来入侵物种的遗传变异以及在此基础上建立的控制措施受到了广泛关注,但是,对本地产生杂草的遗传变异却研究较少。菊科中的黄帚橐吾主要依赖根状茎和种子进行繁殖,是青藏高原高山草地生态系统中的广布杂草。本研究利用RAPD随机扩增的DNA多态性研究该物种11个种群的遗传变异。结果表明,13个随机引物获得了81条可重复的扩增带,每个引物平均产生6.23条带,74.07%(61条)的带是多态的。种群中多态位点变化为19.45%~60.49%,He是0.1698±0.03,表明该物种具有中等程度的遗传多样性。种群间的RAPD表型(基因型)十分丰富,并且变异较大。进一步分析发现,总遗传变异的67.64%存在于种群间,而只有31.74%的变异分布在种群内。与起初认为该物种由于克隆繁殖导致的遗传多样性与遗传分化均较小的预期相反,发现了十分丰富的遗传变异和较高的遗传分化,这些遗传参数接近非克隆或非入侵物种的平均值。有性繁殖、长距离扩散以及可能的杂交渗入是导致该本地杂草具有不同于其他入侵杂草遗传结构的主要原因。  相似文献   

Two freshwater shrimps, Caridina nilotica (Roux) and Macrobrachium petersi (Hilgendorf), were collected in the Gamtoos River in the eastern Cape, representing a southwestern range extension for both. This is the first known record of these species west of Port Elizabeth, and also the first record of an overlap of their distribution ranges with that of the Cape river shrimp, Palaemon capensis (de Man).  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):204-215
Although savanna is one of the most important biomes in southern Africa, it is, apart from the botanical component, one of the least studied. This study aimed to document the distribution patterns, richness and diversity of selected ground-dwelling, flightless arthropods (millipedes, centipedes and scorpions) within savanna habitats to improve invertebrate conservation planning. Five habitat types (white sand bushveld, brown sand bushveld, general mixed bushveld, rocky outcrops and mopane woodland) within the Greater Makalali Conservancy, Limpopo Province, South Africa, were studied using four successful sampling methods (active searching of two types of quadrats, pitfall traps and drive transects) during three sampling periods between February 1999 and March 2000. Millipedes were consistently the most species rich and abundant taxon. Species were not uniformly distributed across all habitat types; some species were unique to certain habitats. Generally, the more heterogeneous habitats supported the greatest millipede, centipede and scorpion diversity, richness and density, and in the case of the millipedes contained the highest number of regional endemics and habitat specialists. There was no significant difference in scorpion diversity among habitats.  相似文献   

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