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挤压膨化工艺中原料的选择与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜正安 《饲料工业》2000,21(6):8-10
采用挤压膨化技术生产水产动物饲料在我国已有十多年的历史,该技术的发展为水产饲料的生产带来革命性的变革,同时在资源的开发上也越来越显示出重要作用。饲料原料成分的选择对最终产品的结构、质量、挤出难易度、营养价值、经济效益以及需要时适应高水平脂肪能力影响极大。因此,选择原料使配料价在最低位仍能保持高质量标准,并且加工费用最低,这样的能力对每一位技术人员来说是一场挑战。1蛋白质资源蛋白质成分是水产动物成长和维持生命所必需的一种营养素,也是水产饲料中最重要的成分,通常占配方的25%~50%,甚至更多。蛋白质资源可分…  相似文献   

王继强  张波 《饲料研究》2003,(11):24-25
当前秸秆和干牧草是我国草食动物冬季主要粗饲料 ,但秸秆、干牧草营养成分低 ,木质素含量高 ,饲喂动物生长速度慢 ,生长周期长。因此研究和开发新的饲料资源是畜牧工作者现在和将来的一项重要工作。而大豆皮是一种较理想的饲料资源 ,有很大的潜力。1 大豆皮的营养价值大豆皮是大豆制油工艺的副产品 ,占整个大豆体积的 1 0 % ,占整个大豆重量的 8%。大豆皮主要是大豆外层包被的物质 ,颜色为米黄色或浅黄色 ,由油脂加工热法脱皮或压碎筛理两种加工方法所得。主要成分是细胞壁和植物纤维 ,粗纤维含量为38% ,粗蛋白 1 2 .2 % ,氧化钙 0 .5 3% ,…  相似文献   

回眸2004年的抗生素市场经历,可以用一个“对号”趋势图来形容(见图1)。市场规律无法回避,面对已经形成的庞大产业链,过度膨胀的抗生素原料药产能使2004年的市场不得不延续价格下滑的惯性,上半年抗生素又在大波动中度过。2003年年底刮起的粮油、煤炭、化工等基础原材料涨价风一  相似文献   

大米草作为饲料原料的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大米草作为一种入侵种,曾受到很多质疑,但是作为潜在资源,却没有得到重视。本文就近年来国内外的文献报道,综述了大米草作为饲料原料在畜禽生产上的应用及其对畜禽生长性能、健康以及经济效益的影响研究,同时阐述了开发利用大米草的广阔前景。  相似文献   

依据被测物质在特定波长处的发光强度与物质质量浓度呈正比的关系,应用紫外分光光度法测定恩诺沙星原料中恩诺沙星的含量。恩诺沙星的检测波长为271 nm,与高氯酸滴定法做比较,表明本法可有效消除基体影响。具有操作简便,快速准确等特点,适用于原料药质量快速检验。  相似文献   

This study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the effects of glycerine supplementation at various concentrations on performance, rumen fermentation, blood metabolites and product characteristics of beef and dairy cattle in vivo by using a quantitative meta-analysis approach. Meta-analysis was performed by integrating a total of 52 studies from 39 articles and 182 treatments into a database. Data were constructed into an intact database and did not distinguish between beef and dairy cattle, except for the parameters of production performance and product characteristics. Data summarized were analysed by using a statistical meta-analysis that employed a fixed effect of glycerine supplementation level and a random effect of various studies for both beef and dairy cattle. Significance of an effect was stated at the probability level of p < .05, and p < .1 was considered as a tendency of significant. Results revealed that there was a linear decrease on dry matter intake (p < .01) and daily gain (p < .05) of beef cattle with the increasing levels of glycerine supplementation. Glycerine supplementation did not decrease milk production of lactating dairy cows. Molar proportion of acetate in the rumen was decreased (p < .001), whereas propionate and butyrate proportions were increased (both at p < .001) by glycerine supplementation. Generally, glycerine did not change nutrient digestibility except that it reduced fibre digestibility (p < .001). Glycerine supplementation linearly lowered triglyceride and NEFA concentrations (both at p < .05) in the blood serum, but not other blood metabolites. Glycerine tended to linearly increase (p < .1) carcass percentage in beef cattle. Increasing dietary glycerine levels decreased milk fat (p < .01) but elevated milk protein (p < .001). Glycerine tended to increase milk lactose (p < .1) by following a quadratic pattern. The proportion of MUFA was increased quadratically by glycerine supplementation (p < .05), whereas glycerine tended to decrease SFA by following a quadratic pattern (p < .1).  相似文献   

Flow cytometry of testicular and sperm cells was used to evaluate effects of pre-weaning zeranol implants on spermatogenesis. Forty five Angus-Simmental bulls were randomly assigned to three treatment groups of 15 bulls each: no implant, one implant at 30 d of age and two implants, one at 30 and the second at 120 d of age. Prior to slaughter at approximately 15 mo, semen was collected from 30 bulls, 10 of each group. Following slaughter, testes were weighed, and testicular biopsies and vas deferens sperm obtained from the same 30 bulls. Testicular and sperm cells were stained with acridine orange and measured by flow cytometry. Proportions of testicular haploid, diploid and tetraploid cells were determined by relative amounts of green (DNA) and red (RNA) fluorescence. Treatment of sperm at low pH prior to acridine orange staining potentially induces partial denaturation of DNA, detectable by the metachromatic shift from green (native DNA) to red (single-stranded DNA) fluorescence. The effect of this shift was quantified by alpha-t [alpha t = red/red + green) fluorescence]. Nonimplanted bulls had heavier (P less than .01) testicular weights than treated bulls. The proportion of haploid cells was greater (P less than .02) and diploid cells less (P less than .03) in testes of nonimplanted bulls. Sperm from implanted bulls had altered chromatin structure, indicated by higher (P less than .05) alpha t values. Flow cytometry is an effective means for detecting changes in testicular cell subpopulations and chromatin structure of sperm.  相似文献   

舒小舟 《饲料工业》2002,23(3):35-36
在南方每年6月份至9月份为高温季节,最高温度可达37℃~38℃,仓库内温度可达40℃左右,适宜害虫的生长和繁殖,给饲料厂带来很大的危害,造成很大的经济损失。危害之一:害虫汲取饲料原料中的营养,造成饲料原料中的营养成分的损失;其二,污染饲料原料,造成饲料原料的适口性下降,影响畜禽的采食量,降低饲料的转化率;其三,害虫进行呼吸作用,造成饲料原料的发热、发霉、变味,大大地降低饲料原料的质量。饲料原料被害虫侵害是饲料厂常见的现象。因此,必须消灭害虫,对饲料原料进行熏蒸,以提高饲料产品的品质,下面具体谈谈…  相似文献   

Multiple-breath nitrogen washouts (MBNW) were performed with 21 adult dairy cows (seven normal cows tested on two days each, four clinically normal cows tested on six days, and ten cows with respiratory disease tested on one day each). The functional residual capacity (FRC), lung clearance index (LCI), Becklake index (BI), mixing ratio (MR), pulmonary N2 clearance delay (PCD), index of distribution of inspiration (IDI) and ventilatory efficiency (EFF) were calculated for each MBNW. The LCI, MR, PCD, IDI and EFF were calculated at an end-tidal N2 concentration of 3% (FETN2,3%) and the end-tidal N2 concentration of the final breath of the MBNW (FETN2,fb), while BI was calculated and EFF was also calculated at FETN2 = 8% (i.e. after washout of 90% of the N2 in the lung). All of the MBNW were irregular due to breath-to-breath variability in the breathing pattern of cows and variability in FRC. The within day coefficients of variation for FRC, LCI, MR, IDI, EFF3% and EFFfb were less than 10%, but in the four cows tested on six days there was significant day-to-day variability for individuals for FRC, LCI, BI, MR, PCD and IDI. The shape of the MBNW curves differed between the normal cows and those with respiratory disease. The FRC, EFF3% and EFFfb were the most sensitive indices in detecting the cows with respiratory disease, and when EFF3%, EFFfb or FETN2fb, was used in conjunction with FRC it was possible to detect all of the cows with respiratory disease.  相似文献   

The development of the dairy industry plays an important role in the economy of Middle Eastern countries. Judged by its growth rate, the dairy industry is viewed as one of the most progressive food industries in the Middle East. During the early 1970s, countries established executive programs to promote dairy farming; the major objective was to attain self-sufficiency in milk production. A massive investment was set up for importing top class cattle, complying with top industry operating standards, and a simultaneous introduction of the latest technology in processing, packaging, and distributing. Milk production has grown tremendously at rates of 6.6% and 4.9% in Syria and Saudi Arabia, respectively, between 2002 and 2007, which resulted in these nations being almost self-sufficient. Regarding Jordan, milk production has not yet met this target. An excessive growth in the dairy industry is quite noticeable in this region with an expanding capacity for exports. The aim of this study is to show the most recent trends and future prospects of the dairy industries in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. It also attempts to investigate the drivers for the development of milk production, consumption, and trade in the region.  相似文献   

Three feeding trials (278 pigs) and one balance trial (14 pigs) were conducted to evaluate acceptance and utilization of diets containing a dry-fat product containing 90% fat. The fat was a mixture of equal parts vegetable and animal fats. In Trial 1, 4-wk-old pigs fed diets with 5% dry-fat added had average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain/feed (G/F) values equal to pigs fed the diet containing 4.5% liquid fat, the unprocessed equivalent to the dry-fat. Values for G/F with both diets were higher (P less than .05) than for pigs fed the unsupplemented control diet. In Trial 2, dry-fat and roasted soybeans were compared as sources of supplemental fat in diets for finishing pigs. Both were efficiently utilized, with no differences (P greater than .05) among diets. In Trial 3, diets with 0, 5 and 10% levels of added dry-fat were fed to pigs from 34 to 100 kg. Rates of gain were not affected, but ADFI decreased (P less than .05) and G/F increased (P less than .05) with increased fat level. Carcass measurements were not affected by dietary treatment, but iodine number of backfat increased (P less than .05) with dietary fat level. In Trial 4, values for grams of N absorbed and retained and megacalories of energy absorbed and metabolized did not differ (P greater than .05) between diets with 0 and 5% added dry-fat. These results show that the dry-fat product was efficiently utilized by growing and finishing pigs.  相似文献   

To quantify the radiographic parameters of the caudal vena cava (CVC) in healthy cattle and demonstrate their clinical usefulness, the present study compared the ratios of the diameter of the thoracic CVC to the diameter of the aorta (Ao) and length of the thoracic vertebrae (VL), which are all positioned in the same intercostal space, in 81 healthy control cattle (43 growing, 38 adult) and 10 cattle with heart disease. The average diameter of the CVC (CVCave) was correlated with the size of the Ao and VL in the control cows. Although the diameter and pulsation index of the CVC differed significantly between the growing and adult cows, the ratios of CVC/Ao and CVC/VL were fixed values for both the growing and mature cattle. However, in the cattle with heart disease, the pulsation index of the CVC was significantly lower or there was absence of pulsation due to a dilated CVC, and the ratio of CVCave/Ao and CVCave/VL were significantly higher than those in the healthy cattle.  相似文献   

中国乳业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳业是我国畜牧业生产中最具发展潜力的一大产业。积极扶持奶农和乳业既是我国农业结构调整的重要内容,也关系到我国居民饮食习惯的改善和身体素质的提高。国务院已将乳业列为重点鼓励发展的产业,引导牛奶消费的努力已取得明显效果。在竞争中造就了一批乳业龙头企业,乳业产业化经营正在向深度和广度发展。乳业横跨第一、二、三产业,具有一定的特殊性。分析乳业经济发展的经验和教训,制定合理的发展战略,对于提升我国乳业发展水平,进一步繁荣和扩大乳品市场具有重要的意义。1改革开放以来,我国乳业迅速发展1.1改革开放以前,乳业缓慢发展这一…  相似文献   

新华社北京11月19日电国务院办公厅近日转发发展改革委、农业部、工业和信息化部、商务部、卫生部、质检总局、工商总局、财政部、人民银行、银监会、保监会、中央宣传部、监察部等部门制定的《奶业整顿和振兴规划纲要》,全文如下:  相似文献   

中国水牛乳业开发模式的运行发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
一、前言中国水牛属沼泽型水牛,是一种具有优良特性的役用水牛,历史悠久。它在南方水稻产区主要从事劳役耕作,仅在少数地方作为乳用或肉用。随着中国加入WTO和市场经济的发展,人们生活水平和农村机械化程度的提高,水牛生产由单一役用向乳、肉、役多用发展。农村由自给或半自给的传统生产方式转为开放性的商品生产方式,人们深刻地认识到“科学技术是第一生产力”,也意识到饲养水牛必需综合开发利用,才能获得更好的经济效益。近20年来,中国水牛科学研究工作有了很大的进展,并获得多项科技进步成果,这些科技成果,大大地推动了…  相似文献   

1我国饲料原料仓仓储现状1.1仓型及储存方式目前国内大宗饲料原料(如玉米、豆粕(饼)、鱼粉等)及成品(粉状饲料、颗粒饲料)的存放要么采用立筒仓(钢板仓、混凝土仓、砖圆仓等),要么采用房式仓。对于立筒仓,物料多通过散装的形式存放,而对于房式仓,物料多采用包装形式堆放。1.2现有仓型的优、缺点1.2.1立筒仓立筒仓作为一种比较重要的散装原料仓,在储存散装饲料原料方面占有很大比例,一般情况下,饲料厂大多配置有1座~3座立筒仓,筒仓平面形式多采用圆形或正方形。圆形筒仓的直径,当为钢筋混凝土结构时,一般为…  相似文献   

深圳市光明华侨农场集团是一个以奶牛为主的外向型、综合性的集约化企业集团。奶牛由1973年的48头,发展到2001年的7467头,增长154倍,产奶量也从1973年的50吨上升到2001年的20652吨,增长412倍。年出口香港鲜奶10000多吨,年创汇8000多万港元。奶品质量长期达到国际先进标准,以加工牛奶为骨干项目的晨光饮料公司的奶品质量标准早已同国际标准接轨,先后获得《ISO9002质量体系认证证书》、《绿色食品商标标志证书》、《ISO14001环保认证证书》,其奶品质量在国内外赢得良好声誉…  相似文献   

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