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The pathological and histopathological examination of two female roe deer found dead after a severe thunderstorm is described. One of the two roe deer was killed by a direct hit of atmospheric flash, while the other animal, lying 1.5 m from the first one, died as a consequence of ground current strike. The major part of the coat and skin of the animal that was killed by a direct hit was covered with scorched streaks. The trachea and bronchi of both animals contained a considerable amount of aspirated light-red foam. Necropsy revealed diffuse haemorrhages over the epicardium of the right atrium with a diameter of 1 millimetre. The liver and the kidney exhibited severe congestion.  相似文献   

This is the first report of a Corynebacterium (C) ulcerans-infection in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The bacterium was isolated from a grapefruit sized abscess of an animal that had been shot. In addition to biochemical tests, the isolate was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and partial sequencing of the rpoB gene. The isolated bacteria showed phospholipase D activity that could be demonstrated by reverse CAMP-test. A tox-gene could be detected by PCR but the Elek-test specific for diphtheria toxin failed.The isolate was compared to two C. ulcerans-strains isolated from wild boar (Sus scrofa) from the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg described recently.  相似文献   

Electrocardiographic parameters were measured in 28 free-ranging roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded in base-apex lead, standard bipolar limb leads (I, II, III), and augmented unipolar limb leads (aVR, aVL, aVF). Morphology and amplitude of P waves, QRS complexes, and T waves were analyzed in all seven leads. Cardiac rhythm, heart rate, and durations of P, QRS, and T waves, PR interval, QTc interval, and ST segment were calculated in the base-apex lead. The mean electrical axis for each individual was determined from the net amplitude of the QRS complex in leads I and II. All of the animals had a sinus rhythm. Heart rates ranged from 60-180 beats per minute, with a mean +/- SD of 104.8 +/- 44.1. The electrical axis was 100 degrees-220 degrees, with a mean +/- SD of 169.5 degrees +/- 40.8 degrees. The base-apex lead provided the most uniform ECG patterns and higher mean amplitudes than did standard leads.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of hypertrophic osteopathy in an approximately three years old male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The hunter reported that the animal was apparently healthy and showed no signs of movement imparities. At dissection, a combination of a lung abscess with bony swellings at the distal parts of the limbs was observed. Further investigation revealed that the bony swellings were caused by a severe periosteal hyperosteosis at the diaphyses of the digital phalanges, metacarpal and metatarsal bones. The periosteal new bone was characterized by the formation of coralliform osteophytes, typically seen in cases of hypertrophic osteopathy. As usual in animals with hypertrophic osteopathy, the pathological changes in this roe deer developed secondary to a intrathoracic lesion (lung abscess).  相似文献   

From 1993 to 1995, 148 hunter killed roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) from game reserves in Lugo (northwestern Spain) were examined for lungworm infection. The overall prevalence of infection was high (66.2%). Infections were comprised to two species, Varestrongylus capreoli and Dictyocaulus noerneri with a prevalence of 62.0 and 18.2%, respectively. Significant differences in the prevalence and larval burdens in lungs and faecal samples were observed between different locations. The highest overall prevalence of lungworm infection was observed in the large reserve at Ancares (78%) in comparison to that in smaller reserves (61.7%). Considering that the species recorded in this study are highly host-specific, it is unlikely that roe deer represent a significant reservoir of lungworm transmissible to domestic ruminants in northwestern Spain.  相似文献   

Demodex mites are part of the normal fauna of hair follicles of many, if not all, healthy mammal species. Normally these parasites live in harmony with their host, however in states of putative immunosuppression the acarids undergo excessive proliferation and cause clinical disease, which may be localised or generalised. This paper describes four cases of demodicosis in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) with localised to generalised alopecia.  相似文献   

Anaplasma spp. (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) are tick-borne pathogens of veterinary and human importance. The wildlife hosts for these pathogens are not well characterized and may play an important role in the epidemiology of the disease. The objective of this research was to study the infection with A. marginale, A. ovis and A. phagocytophilum in free-ranging European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain. Of 17 roe deer tested, 14 (82%) and 5 (29%) had antibodies reactive to Anaplasma spp. and A. phagocytophilum by competitive ELISA and indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis of Anaplasma major surface protein 4 (msp4) gene was conducted on blood samples from all roe deer examined. Nine (53%) animals had evidence of infection with A. ovis and 3 (18%) were positive for A. phagocytophilum. Concurrent infections were not detected. Despite the presence of A. marginale infections in cattle in the study site (36% msp4 PCR-positive animals), none of the msp4 amplicons from roe deer corresponded to A. marginale sequences. A. ovis msp4 sequences were identical to a genotype previously identified in sheep in Sicily, Italy. Two different A. phagocytophilum genotypes were identified in infected roe deer. This is the first report of roe deer naturally infected with A. ovis. These results demonstrate that roe deer are infected with A. ovis and A. phagocytophilum in Spain and suggest that this species may be involved in the natural cycle of these pathogens in this region, thus acting as potential reservoir for transmission to domestic and wild animals.  相似文献   

Roe deer feeding habits were studied in the western Alps during the summer season using the faecal analysis method. The diet of cattle grazing in the same area was also investigated and the trophical niche overlap between the two species was determined. The roe deer diet was found very variable and mostly composed of dicotyledons, with Leguminosae and Cistaceae as prevalent species. Monocotyledons, mainly represented by Graminaceae, were consumed to a lesser extent. A significant preference was observed for Cistaceae and other dicotyledons whereas a significant refuse was observed for Graminaceae and Asteraceae. These data confirmed the roe deer's behaviour to select food with a better nutritive value. Despite the differences between the cattle and roe deer's diets, the trophical niche overlap was quite high. This can be explained by the homogeneity of the plants covering the whole area which probably limited food selection by the roe deer.  相似文献   

The embryonic stage of development is defined as the period between fertilization and the establishment of most of the organ systems by the end of this period. Development in this stage is rapid. In many mammalian species, particularly in humans, the interval between fertilization and implantation is exactly determined and continuous without intermission. However, European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) embryos undergo a reversible retardation of development. This interesting reproduction strategy is called embryonic diapause (delayed implantation). After this period of embryonic arrest, development continues without further interruption. The aim of this study was to investigate embryonic development after diapause in European roe deer. Because of the embryonic diapause and the unknown date of fertilization, it was impossible to assign the embryos to a certain gestational age (days). This study describes normal stages of embryonic development mainly based on the external morphological traits of 56 well‐preserved post‐implantation roe deer embryos and attempts to assign the embryos to certain development stages. Carnegie stages of human embryos were used as an orientation for staging roe deer embryos. We observed a considerable range of variation of embryonic stages investigated until the end of January. We found post‐implantation stages of embryonic development already at the end of December and foetuses at the end of January. Moreover, assigning the embryos to a particular stage of development allows the comparison between pairs of twins and triplets. We showed that twins and triplets were always at the same development level, despite the discrepancy in inter‐twin and inter‐triplet size.  相似文献   

Multiple bilateral fractures of the lumbar transverse processes were radiographically identified postmortem in a recently captured roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). These fractures were probably caused by an avulsion of the psoas major occurring during introduction into the transport box. The deer probably died from shock caused by the fractures, muscle damage, and subsequent hemorrhage. Although easily overlooked, fractured lumbar transverse processes may indicate inadequate postcapture management practices.  相似文献   

Cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild cervids have yet not been reported in Europe, whereas the disease is considered enzootic in free-ranging mule deer, Rocky mountain elk and white-tailed deer in the area of Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska. New foci of CWD continue to be detected in other parts of the United States. However, no large-scale active epidemiosurveillance of European wild cervids is yet installed in Europe. In accordance with the opinion of the European Scientific Steering Committee, a preliminary (active) surveillance scheme was installed, in order to improve the knowledge of the CWD status of wild cervids (roe deer) in the Northern part of Belgium. Spleen samples (n=206) and brain samples (n=222) of roe deer collected in the Northern part of Belgium, were examined for CWD using the antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) of IDEXX. Afterwards, the EIA was systematically confirmed by immunohistochemistry using three antibodies, namely R524, 2G11 and 12F10. There were no indications on the occurrence of TSE in any of the samples. A Bayesian framework was used for the estimation of the true prevalence of CWD in the Northern part of Belgium that was estimated to have a median value of zero with a 95th percentile value of 0.0049 and 0.0045 for spleen and brain samples respectively.  相似文献   

The differences between the capture stress responses of captive and free-ranging roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and their modulation by acepromazine, during a period of three hours' physical restraint after capture in drive-nets, were examined in 16 free-ranging and 16 captive roe deer. Eight of the free-ranging and eight of the captive animals received acepromazine intramuscularly, and the other eight free-ranging and eight captive deer received the same volume of saline. Heart rate, body temperature and haematological and serum biochemical parameters were analysed. In the groups treated with acepromazine, the heart rate stabilised sooner, and the red blood cell (RBC) count, haemoglobin concentration, packed-cell volume, the serum activities of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and the concentrations of creatinine and lactate were significantly lower, and serum glucose started to decrease earlier, than in the untreated groups. Serum potassium levels decreased over time only in the untreated groups. The body temperature stabilised earlier, and the RBC count, haemoglobin concentration, serum CK, AST, ALT and LDH activities, and serum creatinine, lactate, cholesterol and glucose concentrations were significantly lower in the free-ranging roe deer than in the captive deer.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) act as molecular chaperones with important regulatory functions. HSPs are considered to be essential factors in animal reproduction. In view of seasonal variations in the secretory activity of the reproductive tract of mature roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), the aims of this study were to identify HSPs in the epididymides and compare the expression of the identified proteins in three periods of the reproductive season. Two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the highest number of polypeptides in homogenates of epididymal tissues and in caput, corpus and cauda epididymal fluids throughout the reproductive season. Epididymal tissue homogenates and epididymal fluids were analysed by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to reveal 31 polypeptides with enzymatic activity, including polypeptides with antioxidant properties, structural and cell signalling functions. Moreover, among the identified polypeptides, five of them were similar to heat shock proteins: endoplasmin (Grp94); heat shock protein 90 kDa (HSP90); 78‐kDa glucose‐regulated protein (Grp78); chain A, the crystal structure of the human HSP70 ATPase domain and heat shock protein beta‐1 isoform X. The concentrations of the analysed polypeptides, expressed in optical density units (ODU), differed significantly (p ≤ .05) across the examined periods of the reproductive season. The highest ODU values for almost all analysed proteins were observed during the rutting period. The presence of HSPs in the epididymal tissues and fluids of roe deer in different periods of the reproductive season could indicate that those proteins play an important role in sperm maturation in the epididymis.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of skewed sex ratios at birth has been reported in many ungulate species. So far, no consistent trend has emerged for roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), because male‐biased, female‐biased and equal sex ratios at birth have all been found. Nevertheless, both the Trivers‐Willard hypothesis and the theory of local resource competition have gained support. Despite the great number of studies carried out regarding the ecology of roe deer, too many aspects remain unclear, and contradictory results have been produced with respect to several crucial elements. Without further research, the discussion on which theory applies will therefore remain inconclusive. We put forward the argument that eventually the theories of Trivers‐Willard and local resource competition can be considered as being not essentially different. After all, both theories explain the observed skewed sex ratios as being due to the effect of the progeny's sex on the mother's body condition and hence her reproductive success in subsequent years. Furthermore, neither theory is likely to prove to be suitable for roe deer, as several assumptions are unlikely to be met. In roe deer, skewed ratios probably only have a temporal character. As a matter of fact, several observations of skewed sex ratios in birds and mammals did not withstand the accumulation of further data, as sex ratios that were initially believed to be biased turned out to be equal in the long term. This is likely to be the case in roe deer as well. We hypothesize that roe deer, as r‐strategists, will produce as many offspring as possible, regardless of sex.  相似文献   

Serum protein and immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels were measured from 16 healthy mouflons (Ovis orientalis musimon) and from 28 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in French and Catalonian populations. Electrophoretic patterns were described for each species. The only significant gender-related difference was increased beta-globulins in French roe deer males. Significantly increased alpha1-globulin levels and decreased IgG levels occurred in the young Catalonian roe deer compared with adults from the same group. Values for total proteins, beta-globulins, gamma-globulin, and IgG were significantly higher in the French roe deer, while albumin and albumin/globulin ratio were higher in the Catalonian roe deer. Both populations had the same relative migration distances of the various protein fractions of the electrophoresis.  相似文献   

In two test areas in Austria (Burgenland, Lower Austria) ivermectin has been used to control oestrinosis and hypodermosis in red- and roe deer since many years (1985 and 1987, respectively). The results until 1992, using the injectable solution Ivomec-injection 1% only, have been reported (Kutzer, 1994). In continuation of these tests Ivomec-Praemix 0.6% was examined and it turned out that the treatment was extremely successful. In practice Ivomec-Praemix 0.6% has to be given preference due to its stability. The most favourable dosage for red- and roe deer was 2 x 0.4 mg ivermectin/kg bodyweight administered at an interval of one week, although equally good results could be obtained with 1 x 0.3-0.4 mg ivermectin/kg bodyweight. With the above mentioned dosages against Pharyngomyia picta and Cephenemyia stimulator an up to 100% and against Hypoderma actaeon a 100% success of treatment could be achieved. The administration in two doses has the advantage to eradicate intestinal and lung nematodes at the same time if there are any. Finally, it was found that the controlling measures should not be interrupted for more than one year, if no treatment was done in the neighbouring hunting grounds.  相似文献   

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