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《African Zoology》2013,48(2):216-236
Twenty-four years (1977–2000) of competitive shore angling catch and effort data from the KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Anglers Union for the province of KwaZulu-Natal were analysed. Of a minimum of 117 species recorded, the most commonly caught species were dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) (26%), milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus) (18%) and shad (Pomatomus saltatrix) (10%). By weight, the top species were dusky shark (34%) and diamond ray (Gymnura natalensis) (19%). All the above species showed considerable inter-annual variation in their respective contributions to annual catch. Probably as a result of changes in fishing patterns, dusky shark and milk shark showed a general decline in percentage contribution to catch over the period, while contributions of lesser guitarfish (Rhinobatos annulatus), giant guitarfish (Rhynchobatus djiddensis), diamond ray (Gymnura natalensis) and brown ray (Himantura gerrardi) increased. Mean overall annual cpue by number and weight showed a non-significant increase over the period, while each of the investigated species showed a constant trend in mean annual weight. There were high proportions of juveniles in the catches of dusky shark (100%), dusky kob (92%) and giant guitarfish (78%). Improvements made to the structure of shore angling competitions and the overall contribution of competition angling to resource management in South Africa is discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty-four specimens of ten penaeoid species were identified. Of particular interest was the finding of pelagic juveniles of two species, Funchalia (Funchalia) villosa and Penaeus marginatus.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):359-366
With many species of southern African raptors becoming increasingly threatened, records from rehabilitation centres can give an indication of the threats faced by birds of prey in particular areas and to particular species. Thus, admissions records from a raptor rehabilitation centre in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, were analysed for trends. Over eight years (2004–2011), 547 birds from 39 raptor species were admitted to the centre. The majority of individuals were spotted eagle-owls (16.6%), western barn owls (15.2%) and yellow-billed kites (9.7%). The most frequent known causes of injury to raptors were motor vehicle accidents and injuries caused when birds flew into buildings. There was no significant difference in admissions of motor vehicle collision cases between seasons. People generally waited 3.8 days before bringing injured raptors in to the centre, and approximately half of the birds admitted were fed within that time, highlighting a need for public education regarding the general diets of raptors and the benefits of prompt medical attention.  相似文献   

M.J. Smale 《African Zoology》2013,48(4):272-287
The red steenbras (Petrus rupestris) is endemic to the south and south-east coasts of South Africa and is the largest member of the family Sparidae. Morphometric relationships between length and mass are given for whole and eviscerated fish. The size distribution of P. rupestris is related to locality and water depth. Juveniles and sub-adults are common in shallow (< 50 m) Cape waters between False Bay and East London. Adults are more common offshore, in deep waters (> 50 m), especially off the coast between East London and Coffee Bay, throughout the year. P. rupestris were found to be rudimentary hermaphrodites. The development of the functional sexes, and the occurrence of sexual dichromatism, are described. Sexual maturity is attained at about 575 mm fork length in those fishes in the spawning areas. Reproductively ripe fishes were taken from Transkei, East London and a small collection was made from the Agulhas Bank. Peak spawning is between August and October. Current management regulations are discussed and advantages of large marine reserves in conservation of this mobile apex predator are outlined.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense causes the most economically important animal trypanosomosis in Africa. In South Africa, a rinderpest pandemic of the 1890s removed many host animals, resulting in the near-eradication of most tsetse species. Further suppression was achieved through spraying with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT); however, residual populations of Glossina austeni and G. brevipalpis remained in isolated pockets. A total of 506 of these tsetse flies were captured in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, the St Lucia Wetland Park and Boomerang commercial farm. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the infection rate and frequency of mixed infections of these flies. Additionally, 473 blood samples were collected from cattle at communal diptanks and a commercial farm in the area and each one examined by the haematocrit centrifugation technique (HCT). Furthermore, buffy coats from these blood samples were spotted onto FTA Elute cards and the DNA extracted from each one tested using 3 separate PCRs. The HCT revealed the presence of trypanosomes in only 6.6% of the blood samples; by contrast, species-specific PCR detected trypanosome DNA in 50% of the samples. The species-specific PCR detected trypanosome DNA in 17% of the tsetse flies, compared with the nested PCR targeting rDNA which detected trypanosome DNA in only 14% of the samples. Over time, the transmission of Savannah-type T. congolense and Kilifi-type T. congolense as mixed infections could have an impact on disease manifestation in different hosts in the area.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):247-253
The hypothesis that a single dominant male (GAA) monopolized all matings within the elephant population of South Africa’s Addo Elephant National Park between 1982 and 1996 was tested using microsatellite analysis. In addition, behavioural data on male musth periods, female oestrous periods, and observations of matings were collected between 1996 and 1999, and used to determine whether there is any behavioural evidence of current mating monopoly by GAA. Exclusion analysis and a likelihood-based approach were employed to assess paternity using genetic data, although low genetic diversity in the Addo elephant population limited the power of these techniques. However, GAA could be excluded as father of a minimum of 34 % of calves, and was the most likely father of a maximum of only 28 % of calves. Behavioural data support the genetic data, since there is no indication that GAA monopolizes mating opportunities. Therefore, the hypothesis that a single dominant male has monopolized all matings within the Addo elephant population since 1982 can be rejected.  相似文献   

Commercial livestock production offers one of the main opportunities for mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation in the grassland biome of South Africa. Grazing management is expected to influence success. With the uses of three long-term grazing trials, effects of stocking rate and cattle-to-sheep ratio on the plant composition and diversity of Highland Sourveld grassland in KwaZulu-Natal were examined. Plant diversity was sampled with the use of modified Whittaker plots. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to test the effects of treatments on compositional variation, and general linear models were used to test individual species’ responses. In a biennial rotation, burned/grazed plots supported lower species richness of forbs and all plants than unburned/ungrazed plots, attributed to the impact of grazing during the season of occupation. A high stocking rate resulted in a long-term decrease of forb richness in one experiment, but an increase in another. An increasing proportion of sheep to cattle resulted in a long-term decrease of the richness of forbs and of total species richness. The three trials identified nongrass species that behaved as increasers or decreasers in response to an increase in stocking rate, and a set of species that behaved as decreasers in response to an increasing proportion of sheep to cattle. Constraints on using long-term trials for identifying the effects of livestock management on plant diversity include lack of baseline data, limited replication, pre-experimental impacts on the study site, and the difficulty of assessing uncommon species.  相似文献   

Theileria parva causes widespread morbidity and mortality in cattle in endemic regions. An outbreak of theileriosis occurred on a farm near Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which is not a declared Corridor disease-infected area. A survey of Red Brangus cattle from all age groups and areas of the farm was performed. Transmission of the parasite from infected animals on the farm to susceptible animals by tick transmission and tick-stabilate injection, was attempted. The survey indicated high numbers of animals with antibody titres to T. parva but only 6 infected animals, based on real-time PCR and RLB analysis. The transmission experiments failed to transmit the parasite. The study shows the difficulty in elucidating a source of infection and determining the dynamics of new infections in a herd where multiple possible sources are present and treatment with tetracyclines has taken place.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to evaluate the effectiveness of netting in preventing Glossina austeni and Glossina brevipalpis from entering H-traps. Results indicated that a net of 1.5 m in height was effective in reducing catches of G. austeni by 59.6% and catches of G. brevipalpis by 80.9%. Increasing the net height to 2.5 m, reduced catches by 96.6% and 100% for G. brevipalpis and G. austeni, respectively. Nets of this height also reduced catches of horse flies by 55%. Although the potential use of protective netting has limitations in tsetse-infested areas of rural northern KwaZulu-Natal, it is a low-technology method that can be used as part of integrated disease management strategies.  相似文献   

The biota of the Tongati and Mdloti estuaries were studied in relation to the environment and human interference. Results are compared with those obtained from a relatively undamaged estuary. The Tongati receives treated sewage effluent, is rarely closed from the sea, has low salinities and low oxygen tensions, but is rich in phosphorus and nitrogen. Energy values of benthic floe from Tongati were high and large quantities of water hyacinth (Eichomia crassipes) occurred. The zooplankton and zoobenthos were impoverished and dominated by freshwater species. The roots of Eichomia provided a habitat for many invertebrates, chiefly insect larvae and the crab Varuna iitterata. The fish fauna was poor and most species were confined to the lagoon near the mouth. Iliophagous species, mainly Mugilidae, were dominant. The Mdloti, frequently closed from the sea but often artificially opened, exhibited typical estuarine salinity patterns, was well oxygenated but relatively poor in phosphorus and nitrogen. Primary production and energy values of benthic floe were low. Zooplankton and zoobenthos were impoverished. The fish fauna, similar to that of Tongati, was dominated by Mugilidae.

The food chain from benthic floe to iliophagous fish remains viable in these degraded estuaries.  相似文献   

Global climate change is expected to influence the distribution of global biodiversity. C4 and C3 perennial grasses co-occur in the fire-prone KwaZulu-Natal uKhahlamba-Drakensberg grasslands, with C3 grass species occurring at cooler locations in the mountain range and C4 grass species at warmer locations. If a warming climate is expected to cause a contraction in the ranges of C3 grasses, evidence of temperature controlling current distributions is required. This study modelled the distribution of five C3 grass species, namely Tenaxia stricta, Tenaxia disticha, Festuca costata, Merxmuellera drakensbergensis and Merxmuellera stereophylla, to temperature-related surrogate variables using presence–absence data collected across the environmental heterogeneity of the mountain range. Distributions of each species, and of all species combined, were modelled using generalised additive models. These temperature-related variables accounted for the distribution of all five species, least so for F. costata. Four species could therefore contract in range in response to climate change, whereas F. costata is least likely to have a range contraction directly related to a warming climate and could experience a range expansion owing to the fertilising effect of increased [CO2].  相似文献   

A survey of the use of trees, shrubs and herbs for livestock production was conducted through questionnaires among 90 farmers in the communal areas of northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The areas surveyed were located at Mtubatuba, Hluhluwe, Kwadlangezwa and Jozini. All the farmers questioned were found to own some form of livestock, mostly the Nguni breed. The commonly perceived sources of constraints on livestock production were external and internal parasites. The well known plants reported to be consumed by the animals were Vitellariopsis arginata and Rhus gueinzii. Most of the farmers (27.7%) used Cissus quadrangularis and Gnidia kraussiana for treating worm infestations and coughs in livestock. Plants used for increasing milk production were Crinum macowanii and Sarcostemma viminale. The well known plant species detrimental to livestock was Moraea spathulata, which causes diarrhoea and death.  相似文献   

Many regions of South Africa are prone to woody plant thickening. This can have an ecologically detrimental effect on the open savannas and grasslands. KwaZulu-Natal, a province on the east coast of South Africa, is currently experiencing an increase in both the density and distribution of Vachellia nilotica. This research aims to gain better insight into the potential distribution of this plant and to determine some of the main environmental conditions that promote its thickening. Using the Maxent programme to determine the potential distribution, a map was developed to illustrate the possible extent of V. nilotica within KwaZulu-Natal. It is estimated that a possible 800 968 ha (8.5%) of the province has a greater than 50% distribution probability, whereas in 26.9% of the province there is 25%–50% probability of V. nilotica inhabiting these areas. Using Maxent, it was determined that geology and altitude were key determinants for V. nilotica habitat selection. This model-based map will be particularly useful for conservation and rangeland planning for future management and control of the plant through being able to predict which areas of the province are more likely to be high potential regions for the thickening of V. nilotica.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):90-98
Habitat change, mainly through the actions of humans, poses a threat to great white (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and pink-backed (P. rufescens) pelicans in northeastern KwaZulu-Natal, the southernmost distributions of these species on Africa’s eastern seaboard. This study assessed the relative importance and state of the potential pelican habitat in the northeastern KwaZulu-Natal region, focusing particularly on Lake St Lucia and the Phongolo River floodplain. Great white pelicans breed on islands in Lake St Lucia. Should these islands be lost through falling water levels or their becoming joined to mainland by deposits of silt, or by flooding, no suitable habitat for their breeding will remain in the region. By contrast, the pink-backed pelican nests in trees, and there appears to be plentiful alternative habitat. Lake St Lucia and, to a lesser extent, the Phongolo River floodplain, are important foraging areas for both pelican species. The hydrology of both these systems has been affected by human activities.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the geographical distribution and habitats of Bulinus forskalii, the snail intermediate host of the conical fluke of equids, Gastrodiscus aegyptiacus as reflected by the 1209 samples in the database of the National Freshwater Snail Collection of South Africa. The 362 different loci on record represent an extensive distribution in KwaZulu-Natal Province, the Limpopo Province, the coastal areas of the Eastern Cape Province and the south-eastern part of the North West Province. Although it was recorded from all types of water-body represented in the database, the highest percentages of samples were recovered from dams (30.4%) and brooks (28.2%). The majority of samples came from perennial habitats (59.1%), 60.7% from habitats with standing water, 54.0% from habitats with clear water and 71.8% from habitats of which the water was described as fresh. The majority of samples (39.5%) were collected in habitats of which the substratum was recorded as muddy. The highest percentage of samples, by far (81.5%), was collected in habitats that fell within the mean yearly temperature interval ranging from 15-20 degrees C. An integrated decision tree constructed from the data in the database indicated that temperature and type of water-body played a decisive role in determining the presence of B. forskalii in a given area. The results of experimental exposure to miracidia of a local strain of both Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mattheei in the laboratory indicated that a local strain of B. forskalii was incompatible with both these strains of parasite. Research to clarify the role of B. forskalii in the transmission of both Calicophoron microbothrium and G. aegyptiacus in South Africa, is recommended.  相似文献   

Black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) are an abundant mesopredator on farmlands (croplands and rangelands) across South Africa. Given their adaptability in a changing anthropogenic landscape, knowledge of spatial movements can provide important ecological information on the species. We captured, collared and monitored five black-backed jackals in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal to determine their home range and habitat use in farmlands. The 95% fixed kernel (95% FK) home range sizes were large, showing a marked seasonal variation in movement. One adult male dispersed 150?km over two seasons (winter and spring) and thereafter settled into a home range that it maintained. Transient home ranges of males and juveniles were larger than resident home ranges. The mean resident home ranges (95% FK) across seasons for adult males, adult female and juvenile males were 11.4 ± 4.3 km2, 5.6 ± 0.36?km2 and 2.15 ± 0.45?km2, respectively. The mean transient home ranges (95% FK) of all the seasons for adult and juvenile males were 1 181.93 ± 575.81 km2 and 104.27 ± 35.64?km2, respectively. Adult jackal preferred croplands in spring, summer and autumn but avoided croplands in winter. Variable habitat use and large home ranges in our study confirmed the species’ ability to adapt to agricultural areas.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):197-204
For the period 1987 to 1998, pelagic eggs of marine fishes were collected from shelf waters at Park Rynie on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast. The three most numerous eggs collected were those of the mackerel Scomber japonicus,the sardine Sardinops sagax and the East coast roundherring Etrumeus teres. Together they comprised 67 % of all eggs collected. At times single-species egg densities were high, the highest accurately recorded was 850 eggs/cubic metre for S. sagax. All three species were predominantly winter to spring spawners. Theseasonal pattern of sardine eggs at Park Rynie suggests that after entering KwaZulu-Natal waters in June, sardines remain until November or December of each year before returning south to eastern Cape waters. Spawning in the East coast roundherring began in June, peaked in October to November, and tailed off in January. The mackerel showed a similar pattern of spawning, beginning in June and ending in December.  相似文献   

Expansion of goat improvement programs requires exploration of the factors that influence the production system and breeding initiatives. Characterization of goat breeds or populations is crucial in providing information on prevalent goat types and their attributes and may suffice as a guideline on conservation, development, and selection for improved productivity. This study investigated the existing village goat production system and phenotypic diversity of the different village populations from four South African provinces. The study further investigated the use of phenotypic attributes to classify goats to breeds or populations. Data was collected from 142 households in 26 villages of the Eastern Cape (n?=?2 villages), KwaZulu-Natal (n?=?6 villages), Limpopo (n?=?13 villages), and North West (n?=?5 villages) provinces through a survey. Individual interviews and focus group discussions revealed that the mean goat herd size per household was least in Limpopo at 13.2?±?12.40 and highest in Eastern Cape (34.18?±?28.36). Flocks had more (p?<?0.05) adults than kids, and the distribution of breeding animals was biased towards does and less bucks. Goats were kept mainly for meat, for selling, and for ritual ceremonies. The goat production system was mainly scavenging. Goat health was a major challenge across households and villages. Qualitative traits such coat, horn, ears, and wattle characteristics were recorded for populations of village goats (n?=?319) and a feral Tankwa breed (n?=?50). The dominant coat pattern was plain (74.53%) with black as the most common coat color (31.98%). Across breeds, a majority (88.08%) of the goats had horns, and 7.59% had wattles while 56.64% had beard. Adult goats (<3 years; n?=?398) were further analyzed for five quantitative traits of chest girth, height, length, and pin bone and there were significant (p?<?0.05) breed differences in all. A stepwise discriminatory procedure was used to rank the quantitative traits according to their discriminatory power to separate breeds or populations. Significant traits were then subjected to canonical discriminant analysis for principle component analysis. Based on the quantitative traits, the Tankwa, Xhosa, and Tswana goats formed their own cluster separated from commercial meat type breeds and the Venda and Zulu ecotypes. The discriminant function analysis correctly classified 90.41% of the Zulu goats and 82.93% of the Xhosa village populations. None of the Savanna goats were correctly classified. The study demonstrated diversity in village goat populations and production systems, which would allow for within population selection in genetic improvement programs. The heterogeneity in the phenotypic traits in the village goats is reflective of the role of village production systems in the maintenance of animal diversity in local populations.  相似文献   

A total of 231 serum samples were collected from sheep (n=9), goats (n=99) and cattle (n=123) in northeastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Trypanosome infection was detected using Trypanosoma brucei brucei crude antigen (TbbCA) and T. congolense crude antigen (TcoCA) ELISA assays. Recombinant antigen (T. evansi GM6 which consisted of 4 repeat domains, TeGM6-4r) ELISA and immunochromatographic test (ICT) were also used. Crude antigen ELISA, TeGM6-4r-ELISA and ICT detected 27.3%, 29% and 19.9% of trypanosome seropositive samples, respectively. Trypanosome infection prevalence in cattle and goats was 35.8–46.3% and 0–9.1%, respectively. Out of 9 sheep serum samples, 2–4 sera (22.2–44.4%) were positive. The detection performance of crude and recombinant antigen ELISAs was relatively similar (K=0.6–0.7); both are recommended for reference diagnosis and large scale epidemiological surveys. There is potential application for ICT in on-site diagnosis, but its sensitivity should be improved.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the geographical distribution and habitats of Lymnaea truncatula, the intermediate, snail host of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, as reflected by the 723 samples in the database of the National Freshwater Snail Collection, Potchefstroom, South Africa. The 221 different loci (1/16-degree squares) on record reflect an extensive but discontinuous distribution, except in Lesotho and in parts of the Mpumalanga, Gauteng and North West provinces of South Africa. Although recorded from 12 different types of waterbody, it was mostly (42.0%) recovered from swamps. Most samples (45.8%) were collected in habitats with slow-flowing water. A muddy substratum was recorded for 62.5% of the samples. Most samples (86.3%) were collected in habitats with a mean annual air temperature of 10-20 degrees C, and more than 69% came from localities with a mean annual rainfall of 600-900 mm. An integrated decision tree constructed from the data indicated that temperature and types of waterbody play a decisive role in determining the presence of L. truncatula in a given area. A temperature index calculated for all mollusc species ranked L. truncatula second in a total of 53 species according to its association with low temperatures. It remains to be established whether its distribution is indeed discontinuous, and whether its preference for a particular habitat, amphibious habits and ability to aestivate could have resulted in some populations having been overlooked during surveys.  相似文献   

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