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针对近年来广西杂交水稻制种田间花检和种植鉴定种子纯度的状况,分析影响种子纯度的原因及存在问题,提出提高杂交水稻制种种子纯度的对策。 相似文献
在杂交水稻制种生产上,常发生不同类型杂株而使杂交稻种子纯度降低,导致产量下降。那么,如何提高杂交水稻制种纯度呢?1制种生产上常见杂株类型1.1不育系中混杂有保持系、变异株。从调查结果来看,这类杂株高的达2%左右。各生育期有不同的特征表现:移栽期杂株较... 相似文献
纯度是玉米杂交种主要的质量指标之一。玉米杂交制种的纯度控制主要包括下列环节:亲本繁殖的质量控制和纯度鉴定;精准决定杂交制种的隔离方案,保证空间隔离距离不低于1000m,时间隔离播种时差不小于40d;在苗期、抽雄吐丝期和收获期根据相应的农艺性状差异,拔除杂株、弱株,剔除杂穗、弱穗;在雄穗开始抽穗前1周安排去雄,每天至少去雄1次;去雄后期要拔除所有迟发株、分蘖苗;父本授粉结束,及时清理全部父本植株,并将其搬运至远离制种田的地方封闭处理;杂交种子在脱粒、翻晒和入库过程中,必须有专人管理和登记,以免和其他材料混杂;发货时必须仔细核对品种名称和发货数量。 相似文献
根据近年来以粤泰 A配组的杂交稻制种实践,分析了三系杂交稻种子纯度控制的技术要点:培育高纯度的亲本种子;采取安全的隔离措施;抓好生育期管理;把好收割前的检查、抽查关;把好收割关;把好加工、包装、贮藏关. 相似文献
杂交玉米种子纯度的高低,直接影响种子质量。我国加入WTO后,种子市场竞争加剧,种子企业只有用高质量的种子才能占领市场,求得发展。笔者根据实践经验就如何提高玉米杂交种纯度提出以下技术措施,供参考。1安全隔离1.1选择基地选择生产条件好,集中连片便于管理,村、社班子过硬,技术力量及组织领导较强,农民制种积极性高的地方为制种基地。1.2隔离要求玉米杂交制种区空间隔离距离不少于300m。在多风地区,特别是当隔离区处在其它玉米的下风头时,隔离距离还应适当加大。最好不要利用小树林、村落等自然屏障作隔离区。2选好亲本,规格播种亲本种… 相似文献
提高杂交玉米种子纯度的措施 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
<中华人民共和国种子法>出台以来,种子市场竞争日趋激烈,质量致胜战略将是21世纪经济发展的必然趋势.为满足顾客的需求,获得市场,提高种子质量是唯一选择.在玉米制种过程中,如何控制杂交玉米种子纯度是提高种子质量的关键所在. 相似文献
保证种子纯度,是确保杂交种子增产的重要措施。国家规定:主要农作物种子以品种纯度指标为划分种子质量级别的依据;水稻杂交种子纯度最低不低于96%。因此,我们在制种过程中,必须对制种田进行严格隔离和认真去杂、防止错乱,保证种子纯度。l严格隔离水稻花粉位随风传播的距离是比较远的。据试验,水稻花粉在相距25m时,自然杂交率为2.7%~63%;相距30m,自然杂交率为0.8%~0.9%;相距40m以上,才能杜绝异种花粉自然杂交,即自然杂交率为0。这就要求制种田在周围40m以内,除父本外,不应有其他品种花粉,才能保证种子纯度。隔离方… 相似文献
玉米杂交制种的纯度控制和产量创新技术探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
玉米是我国主要农作物,随着社会主义市场经济的不断发育和建立,农村种植业结构的不断调整,玉米的市场需求量越来越大。玉米是作物杂种优势利用最为普遍的农作物,迄今全国各地种植的玉米98%左右用的是杂交种。由此可见,提高玉米杂交制种的质量十分重要。1纯度是杂交玉米种子十分重要的一项指标玉米杂交种的种子质量,主要包括纯度、净度、含水量和发芽率。当然,作为商品种子还有籽粒整齐度、光泽、色泽等直接影响种子销售的因素,但这些对玉米的大田生产影响较小,而前4项指标是国家种子法规定的硬性指标,其中一项不合要求就不能上市交易。在这4… 相似文献
我国杂交水稻在基础研究与应用推广领域均处于世界前列.但近年杂交水稻的发展明显受生产瓶颈因素制约,制种风险增大.比较效益过低.导致基地面积缩减。建立种子保险制度.将单个企业的风险化解为行业风险,缓解因现有技术、工具条件不足而影响杂交稻推广的矛盾。建立种子保险制度,要明确参保对象、涉保范围、险别、责任界定。保费由政府、企业和用种农户按合理比例承担。政府要引导.并建立相应扶持基金,从种子源头——生产环节加强控制.切实推进我国杂交水稻的发展.确保我国粮食安全。 相似文献
Sung Soo Kim Jae Youn Jung Seung Kwon Jeong Dong Sun Lee Li Juan Chen Hak Soo Suh 《Euphytica》2007,156(3):297-303
One of the difficult problems in hybrid rice seed production is the low outcrossing frequency and requirement for much labor
to produce hybrid seeds. In order to simplify the process of hybrid rice seed production, herbicide-resistant photoperiod
sensitive genic male sterile (HRPGMS) rice was utilized in this study. The herbicide resistance gene bar was transferred into the photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile (PGMS) rice 920S by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and the HRPGMS line YA3530ms with good agronomic characteristics was bred by applying conventional
pedigree breeding technique. The seeds of HRPGMS and pollen parent were mixed with the ratio of 4:1 in weight, and were sowed
in seedling box. The mixed seedlings of HRPGMS and pollen parent grown for 30 days were transplanted by the small transplanting
machine in the field. The herbicide glufosinate ammonium was sprayed at 7 days after flowering to kill all the plants of pollen
parent, whereas hybrid seeds were harvested from the survived HRPGMS parent at maturity. The outcrossing frequency of HRPGMS
line from two combinations in 2002 and from five combinations in 2004 were compared with a control cultivated by the conventional
2-line system. As the result, the mean outcrossing frequency in HRPGMS of the treatments were 10.6–24.5% compared with 5.5%
in PGMS of the control in 2002, and that were 24.7–32.0% compared with 7.5% in the control in 2004. Consequently, using HRPGMS
in two-line system was proved to be a new method that would simplify the process of hybrid rice seed production and to increase
outcrossing frequency without any artificial supplementary pollination processes. 相似文献
通过对韶关市杂交水稻制种基地现状的调查,分析了韶关市杂交水稻制种基地的现状和存在的主要问题,提出了韶关市杂交水稻种子生产基地稳定发展的措施。 相似文献
新沂市种子公司生产的“联丰”牌杂交水稻种,多年来以过硬的质量和良好的信誉,深受广大用户的信赖。制种组合10多个,生产规模1000hm2,年产量250万kg,销往国内10多个省区。公司被列为全国种子质量认证试点单位、江苏省种子质量规范化管理单位。这一切都得益于 相似文献
杂交水稻制种经历20多年的探索、研究和发展,使制种产量和质量得到大幅度提高,对杂交水稻的生产、推广影响深远,对我国粮食安全的贡献功不可没. 相似文献
Induction of photoperiod sensitive genetic male steriles for use in hybrid rice seed production 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J.N. Rutger 《Euphytica》2001,120(3):399-400
The most notable photoperiod sensitive genetic male sterile in rice is the Nongken 58S line in China. Two sources of environmentally
sensitive genetic male sterile mutants were found in California. The photoperiod-sensitive genetic male steriles (PGMS) have
the potential for reducing hybrid rice breeding from the present 3-line system to a 2-line system. The long-range objectives
of the present project were to induce an array of genetic male steriles in rice, and then to evaluate these at different day
lengths in order to find steriles that become fertile in selected environments. Three genetic male steriles were selected
from gamma irradiation of southern US cultivars. Inheritance of these mutants was studied through progeny tests in M5 to M7 generations and through fertility characterization of pollen and spikelets. Seed set on steriles under open pollination ranged
from a low of 8.1% for Cypress 1819 to a high of 32.9% for Kaybonnet 1789.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献