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A Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolate (L192GR) naturally occurring in lemon trees of more than 100 years old in Greece was fully characterized. Virus‐derived small interfering RNAs, induced by Dicer processing of dsRNAs formed during RNA virus replication, were isolated and used as targets for sequencing. Next‐generation high‐throughput sequencing using the Ion Torrent platform was performed. A total of 432 632 sequences, 94·05% of which corresponded to L192GR, were determined. Subsequent bioinformatics analysis enabled the determination of the full‐length 19 251 nt genome of the L192GR isolate (GenBank no. KC262793 ). Comparative analysis of complete genomes revealed molecular homology with CTV‐VT isolate FS2‐2 from Florida (GenBank no. EU937519 ) with 98·2% nucleotide sequence identity. Recombination events were detected in L192GR and they probably contribute to its unique characteristics. Specifically, although most isolates of the CTV‐VT group induce the seedling yellows syndrome and react positively with the monoclonal antibody MCA13, which is typically associated with severe CTV isolates, the MCA13‐positive L192GR gave very mild or even no symptoms in the seedling yellows indicator plants. Furthermore, experimental aphid transmissibility studies revealed a poor transmission efficiency of 20%. This is the first report of a CTV isolate originating from a lemon tree being fully characterized at biological, serological and molecular levels. The present study further confirms that, when the goal is the risk assessment associated with a new pathogen or isolate in a particular area, molecular data have to be combined with the biological properties of the pathogen.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sequences of the coat protein (CP) and 3'-end nontranslated region (3'NTR) of 13 isolates and the helper component proteinase (HC) of nine isolates of potato A potyvirus (PVA) were determined and compared with the eight previously determined PVA CP and 3'NTR sequences and one HC sequence. CP amino acid (aa), 3'NTR nucleotide, and HC aa sequence identities were 92.9, 93.4, and 94.8%, respectively. Sequence data, serological tests, and the necrotic local lesions induced in the leaves of the potato hybrid 'A6' confirmed that tamarillo mosaic virus is a strain of PVA. The aa substitutions A6T and G7S in the CP N-terminus were correlated with loss of aphid transmissibility. Development of necrotic lesions or nonnecrotic symptoms in the systemically infected leaves or lack of systemic spread in potato cv. King Edward were used to place the PVA isolates into four strain groups, but this grouping was not correlated with any differences in CP, HC, or 3'NTR. Recognition of CP by three monoclonal antibodies was used to place the PVA isolates into three groups different from the four groups above. The epitopes of two mono-clonal antibodies were mapped by site-directed mutagenesis to the same lysine residue at the CP aa 34.  相似文献   

Stem segments from Mexican lime, sweet orange, grapefruit, Citrus excelsa and alemow, infected with five citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates, were cultured in vitro . Regeneration of roots and shoots were modified as a result of infection. The effect of CTV on the morphogenesis of stem segments cultured in vitro depended on the CTV isolate and the plant host, and showed a correlation with the in vivo effects observed in biological indexing. Evaluation of the morphogenic response of stem segments of Mexican lime and grapefruit can be used as an additional tool for the biological characterization of CTV isolates. The symptoms on sweet orange plants obtained from regenerated shoots indicated that CTV is unevenly distributed in the host plant cells and that the regeneration process may be utilized as a tool to separate strains from complex field isolates.  相似文献   

Characterization of Citrus tristeza virus isolates in northern Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biological and molecular properties of four Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates isolated from infected Satsuma trees imported from Japan, and growing in citrus groves in northern Iran (Mahdasht orchards, Mazandaran Province), were investigated. CTV-infected samples were collected from sweet orange trees and grafted onto Alemow (Citrus macrophylla Wester) seedlings. On indicator plants, these isolates produced various symptoms including vein clearing and stem pitting on Mexican lime, Alemow, and Citrus hystrix, and yellowing and stunting on sour orange and grapefruit seedlings. Citrus samples were also surveyed for CTV using serological tests. The coat protein (CP) gene of these isolates was amplified using specific primers, yielding an amplicon of 672 bp for all isolates. Sequence analysis showed 98%–99% sequence homology of Iranian isolates with the Californian CTV severe stem-pitting isolate SY568 and 97%–98% homology with the Japanese seedling yellows isolate NUagA. The Iranian isolates were compared by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the CP amplicon for further classification.  相似文献   

柑桔衰退病毒弱毒株及其筛选方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周彦  周常勇 《植物保护》2004,30(4):73-76
不同研究方法揭示了柑桔衰退病毒存在着复杂的株系分化现象。本文用分子生物学技术与生物学鉴定相结 合的方法区别柑桔衰退病毒强弱毒株,利用其弱毒株交叉保护机理为筛选有保护作用的弱毒株提供了强有力的手 段。  相似文献   

A. virus causing mosaic and leaf deformation of Physalis minima has been identified as an isolate of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) on the basis of its transmission by aphids in a non-persistent manner, polyhedral particles of 29 nm diameter, molecular weight of coat protein subunits us 24-5 kDa. serological relationship with a CMV isolate and a tripartite single-stranded RNA genome with a subgenomic RNA4- Furthermore. cDNA representing coat protein gene was synthesized and cloned. Complete nucleotide sequences (890 nt) were obtained which showed a coat protein gene open reading frame of 657 residues. THE nucleotide sequences provided the 218 amino ACID sequences of the coat protein. Nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences revealed more than 90% identity with the CMV subgroup I strains.  相似文献   

Yellowing diseases of sugar beet can be caused by a range of strains classified as Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) or Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), both belonging to the genus Polerovirus of the family Luteoviridae. Host range, genomic, and serological studies have shown that isolates of these viruses can be grouped into three distinct species. Within these species, the coat protein amino acid sequences are highly conserved (more than 90% homology), whereas the P0 sequences (open reading frame, ORF 0) are variable (about 30% homology). Based on these results, we propose a new classification of BMYV and BWYV into three distinct species. Two of these species are presented for the first time and are not yet recognized by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. The first species, BMYV, infects sugar beet and Capsella bursa-pastoris. The second species, Brassica yellowing virus, does not infect beet, but infects a large number of plants belonging to the genus Brassica within the family Brassicaceae. The third species, Beet chlorosis virus, infects beet and Chenopodium capitatum, but not Capsella bursa-pastoris.  相似文献   

Biological diversity of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates in Spain   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
A survey of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates was carried out in most citrus-growing areas in Spain. Twenty-two isolates were selected by geographical origin, cultivar of source tree, and symptoms observed on the host or in preliminary tests, and were biologically characterized.
A wide range of variation in transmissibility by aphids and symptom intensity on nine different indicator species or scion-rootstock combinations was observed among CTV isolates. Mexican lime. Citrus macrophylla , and to a lesser extent citron were the most useful hosts for characterizing these isolates, and leaf symptoms and stem pitting were the most discriminating traits. Positive correlation was observed between symptoms induced on Mexican lime and C. macrophylla , but not between the symptoms induced on these indicators under greenhouse conditions and the homologous symptoms on plants grown in the screenhouse. Some of the traits studied enabled us to establish relatively well-defined groups of isolates, but in most cases a continuous range of variation was obtained and no clear group could be defined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A comparative study was made on the host reactions, serological properties, and nucleotide sequences of the coat protein (CP) gene of 10 clover yellow vein virus (C1YVV) isolates and one bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) isolate collected from different host plant species and locations in Japan. Two strains of C1YVV isolates, grouped on the basis of host reactions on Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Nicotianaclevelandii, N. benthamiana, Vicia faba, and Trifolium repens, corresponded to two serotypes determined by double-antibody sandwich- and triple-antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using three polyclonal and nine monoclonal antibodies. These results were also confirmed by nucleotide sequence analysis of the CP gene. The CP gene of C1YVV isolates of strain 1, including the Australian isolate C1YVV-B, had 93 to 98% nucleotide identities and 97 to 99.6% amino acid identities. The CP of C1YVV isolates of strain 2, including the New Zealand isolate C1YVV-NZ, had 92 to 98% nucleotide identities and 95 to 98% amino acid identities. The nucleotide identities and the amino acid identities between the two C1YVV strains were 82 to 84%, and 90 to 94%, respectively. When compared with the CP sequences of 12 C1YVV isolates, the CP sequence of the BYMV isolate had 71 to 73% nucleotide identity and 73 to 77% amino acid identity. Amino acid sequence differences among C1YVV isolates from strains 1 and 2 were located mostly at the N-terminal regions of the CP. Our results indicated that the C1YVV isolates studied could be separated into two strains on the basis of host reactions, serology, and the nucleotide sequence of the CP gene.  相似文献   

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is the most prevalent virus in cucurbits in Syria. Two Syrian ZYMV isolates, SYZY-1 and SYZY-3, collected from a courgette field in 2006 were characterized using molecular and biological means for the first time. These isolates showed biological diversity with regard to their pathogenicity and symptoms. SYZY-1 was more aggressive in cucurbits, but could not induce any infection in Fabaceae. On the contrary, SYZY-3 could not infect cucumber and melon plants, induced milder symptoms in courgette and watermelon but induced local and occasional systemic infection in Fabaceae tested. Nonetheless, according to their molecular characteristics, SYZY-1 and SYZY-3 were closely related. The SYZY-1 CP nucleotide and amino acid sequences had similarity of 99.5% and 100% with those of SYZY-3, respectively. The high similarity of the CP nucleotide sequences of SYZY-1 and SYZY-3 with that of a ZYMV isolate from Germany suggests a common origin. Adaptation to different hosts might have caused the variable biological properties of these Syrian ZYMV isolates.  相似文献   

对123个柑橘衰退病毒柚分离株进行p25/Hinf1 RFLP分析明确:样品中,单一p25/Hinf1 RFLP组群样品占样品总量的82.9%,说明我国田间受侵染柚类中柑橘衰退病毒株系相对较为单一;RFLP组群6的样品占样品总量的79.7%,说明目前柚类生产上的优势流行株属于p25/Hinf1 RFLP组群6,初步认定为强毒株系;柑橘衰退病毒株柚分离株S102、S104、S106、S108属于p25/Hinf1 RFLP组群5,初步认定是弱毒株系。  相似文献   

An island wide survey for Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in citrus orchards across Jamaica (13 regions) was conducted over 2 years. Trees (1, 885) showing virus-like symptoms as well as asymptomatic trees were randomly sampled for testing by ELISA and 55 samples from the 6 major citrus growing regions were graft inoculated on indicator plants. Most samples (74%) reacted to polyclonal antibodies against CTV in ELISA, while 20% were positive in tests using monoclonal antibodies specific to severe CTV strains. Samples collected from the 6 major citrus growing regions produced vein clearing and stem pitting symptoms on Mexican lime indicator plants (87%). In addition, stem pitting symptoms were induced on Duncan grapefruit, sweet orange, sour orange or sweet orange grafted on sour orange. Nucleotide sequencing of the coat protein gene sequences isolated from these samples indicated high identities (88 to 95.5%) among the Jamaican isolates and previously reported stem pitting strains from Central and North America and Eurasia (88 to 100%). The results suggest a shared ancestry with isolates from other geographical locations, rather than geographical speciation, and presumably separate CTV introductions into Jamaica.  相似文献   

4种柑橘衰退病毒源单蚜传毒分离株CP基因的分子特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 对4种柑橘衰退病毒源及其31个单蚜传毒分离株的CP基因做了限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)和单链构象多态性(SSCP)分析,并对其中8个单蚜传毒分离株的CP基因进行了序列分析。实验明确了所研究柑橘衰退病毒(Citrus tristeza virus,CTV)的CPG/Hinf I RFLP组群和CPG/SSCP模式,二者能较好地对应并有效验证了单蚜传毒对CTV毒源的分离纯化作用;CP基因序列分析结果表明,相同CPG/Hinf I RFLP组群的单蚜传毒分离株间具有高度的序列相似性,而不同CPG/Hinf I RFLP组群单蚜传毒分离株间则存在较大差异;通过与已知生物学特性CTV分离株比较,初步建立了上述CP基因分子特征与病毒生物学特性之间的联系。  相似文献   

The evolution of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) from outbreaks occurred in Calabria, Italy, was compared with that of CTV outbreaks reported previously in another two proximal Italian regions, Sicily and Apulia. Examination of four genomic regions (genes p20, p25 and p23, and one fragment of open reading frame 1) showed two recombination events, and phylogenetic analysis disclosed two divergent CTV groups in Calabria: one formed by severe and the other by mild isolates. This analysis, together with others involving population genetic parameters, revealed a low migration rate of CTV between the three Italian regions, as well as significant differences in selective pressures, epidemiology and demography, all affecting the genetic structure of CTV populations.  相似文献   

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has been present in Argentina since 1938 and had limited sweet pepper and tomato production until the introduction of resistant cultivars bearing Tsw and Sw-5b genes. However, the wide use of TSWV-resistant pepper plants in La Plata Horticultural Belt (LPHB) triggered the emergence of resistance-breaking isolates (RB), increasing the economic impact of TSWV in pepper. This work characterized 11 natural RB pepper isolates from LPHB that have overcome the Tsw resistance gene in Capsicum sp. but are unable to break the Sw-5b-mediated resistance in tomato. Phylogenetic analysis of the N gene showed that the LPHB isolates are most closely related to isolates from Asia, indicating that Argentine TSWV isolates might have emerged from the Asian continent. The NSs sequence analysis reinforces the hypothesis that the appearance of an RB phenotype is a consequence of a number of different single amino acid substitutions spread along the NSs gene that lead to multiple independent evolutionary events. These results provide information on the current situation of the tospovirus–pepper/tomato pathosystems in LPHB, which represents a fundamental prerequisite to include these RB isolates in future screening programmes in order to select new and durable sources of resistance to TSWV in pepper.  相似文献   

Geographical isolates ofSpodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV), collected from different parts of India and maintained at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, were compared for their biological activity and subjected to Restriction Endonuclease (REN) analysis. Neonate and second instar bioassay studies revealed similarity in biological activity as shown by the overlapping fiducial limits of LC50 values. However, there were differences in yield among isolates: significantly higher yields were obtained from isolates UAS and CBE than from the BARC isolate. REN analysis of the four isolates withPst I,Hind III,Bam HI andEco RI enzymes indicated genotypic variation among the isolates. Based on the commonality of the bands, the isolates could be broadly divided into two groups: isolates AU and CBE formed one group, and the other group comprised UAS and BARC based on genetic relatedness. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 21, 2005.  相似文献   

The population of sequence variants of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates of different geographic origins and pathogenicity properties was characterized by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of cDNA of the genes p18, p13, p20 and p23. The mild isolates analysed here usually yielded a SSCP profile with two DNA bands, suggestive of a predominant sequence variant, whereas the SSCP profile of the most virulent isolates contained more than two DNA bands, indicating that their viral populations are likely to be more complex. The set of SSCP profiles of the four genes allowed identification of individual isolates, but no profile characteristic of a geographic area or a biogroup was found. Sweet orange plants singly inoculated with a mild or with a severe isolate yielded the SSCP profile characteristic of each isolate, whereas the SSCP profile of plants successively inoculated with both isolates was a composite of the two individual profiles. The SSCP profile of plants singly inoculated remained constant, but the profile of doubly inoculated plants varied with time. Plants in which the SSCP profile of the severe isolate became predominant showed stem pitting, and those in which the predominant profile corresponded to the mild isolate remained symptomless. The results indicate that SSCP analysis can be used to study changes in RNA populations of doubly inoculated plants and to monitor cross-protection between mild and severe isolates.  相似文献   

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