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建立和完善促进农民工市民化的社会政策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
农民工市民化是我国经济社会发展的必然趋势.然而我国农民工在市民化的进程中受到各种制度障碍的限制,以至于他们还无法真正融人到城市中来.作者在分析农民工市民化的政策障碍基础上,探讨建立和完善促进农民工市民化的社会政策,以推进农民工市民化进程.  相似文献   

杨阳 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(36):22781-22782,22786
阐述了农民工市民化的现实意义,分析了我国农民工市民化面临的难题,并提出农民工市民化的路径优化:改革现行户籍制度,为农民工市民化消除根本性障碍;打破二元社会就业制度,为农民工市民化搭建平台;建立农民工社会保障制度,为农民工市民化创造条件;转变政府观念,为农民工市民化提供动力;提高农民工自身素质,为农民工市民化夯实基础。  相似文献   

农民工市民化具有重要的社会经济意义,是城市化的本质要求.首先对广东农民工市民化就业政策进行梳理.然后,基于加强农民工教育培训和消除城乡二元的就业制度两个政策目标对现有政策进行评价.进而,基于广东农民工就业现状检验其政策效果.发现虽然广东农民工市民化就业政策不断完善,但是从农民工教育培训、工资收入、社会保险等方面来看,还处于较低水平,农民工市民化就业政策的效果并不显著,农民工市民化能力依然不强.最后,本文提出了广东农民工市民化就业政策的改进思路.  相似文献   

城乡二元土地制度是农民工市民化的制度障碍.农村土地制度改革滞后,不符合农民工市民化的宏观背景.农民工面临的土地问题实质是农民没有“退出权”.广东农村集体建设用地流转立法对促进农民工市民化具有积极意义,主要表现在:改变土地制度二元格局;促进农民职业转型;增强土地资产功能;增加建设用地供给.促进农民工市民化的土地政策建议包括:保护农民的土地权益;完善农民的土地产权结构;完善农村集体建设用地使用权流转.  相似文献   

农民工市民化的进程除了受制度客观因素的制约外,更应与农民工市民化能力这种主观因素密切相关。制度是外因,能力是内因,内因是关键,起决定作用。农民工市民化要想成功实现,必须注重农民工市民化能力的培养和提升。农民工较低的人力资本水平已经成为阻碍农民工市民化能力提升的关键因素。为了提升农民工市民化的能力,推动农民工市民化进程,必须要遵循农民工市民化能力的提升路径,实现人力资本的积累。  相似文献   

分析了广东农民工市民化的实践经验,提出了促进农民工市民化的对策建议:以政府为主导,通过制度创新优化农民工市民化环境;以企业为主体,夯实农民工市民化的经济基础;协同社会力量,营造包容接纳的社会氛围;同时,农民工自身要提高职业技能和道德素质,积极主动融入城市生活.  相似文献   

新生代农民工市民化的影响因素与制度安排   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
严行  包志伟  熊邓灵 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(20):12431-12433
分析了新生代农民工市民化的战略意义,表明新生代农民工市民化对合理配置农村人力资源、提高城市化质量、促进城市社会与经济繁荣、统筹城乡发展具有重要意义。但目前由于受新生代农民工自身因素、经济因素、组织因素、体制因素等方面的制约,新生代农民工市民化效率和效度较低,基于此,提出了新生代农民工市民化的制度安排:完善教育和培训制度、合理调控物价上涨幅度和工资制度、健全组织制度、改革现行的户籍制度等,以此为新生代农民工市民化提供良好的社会教育、经济、组织和体制环境,从而顺利实现新生代农民工的市民化。  相似文献   

卢方方 《北京农业》2012,(3):237-238
农民工市民化对城市化发展水平尤为重要,目前我国的农民工市民化的进程十分缓慢。针对农民工市民化进程缓慢的原因,制度层面,包括土地、户籍、社会保障制度和社会学层面,包括职业、社会排斥。  相似文献   

樊德玲 《安徽农业科学》2011,(19):11821-11822,11825
介绍了新生代农民工市民化的现状,分析了新生代农民工市民化过程中遇到的法律制度问题提出了新生代农民工市民化的法律制度援助建议!  相似文献   

朱进芳 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(17):9496-9499
分析了城乡二元社会保障制度下农民工社会保障在整体上存在的问题,如社会保障项目少、社会保障水平低、社会保险关系难以转移、地区差异显著等。指出这对农民工参加社会保障带来了很多不良后果:弱化了农民工的市民化意愿,降低了市民化能力,抑制了市民化进程。因此必须对农民工社会保障制度进行改革和创新,以缩小农民工和城镇职工社会保障的差异,推动农民工市民化进程。  相似文献   

The term food citizenship is defined as the practice of engaging in food-related behaviors that support, rather than threaten, the development of a democratic, socially and economically just, and environmentally sustainable food system. Ways to practice food citizenship are described and a role for universities in fostering food citizenship is suggested. Finally, four barriers to food citizenship are identified and described: the current food system, federal food and agriculture policy, local and institutional policies, and the culture of professional nutrition organizations. Jennifer L. Wilkins is a Senior Extension Associate in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University and currently a Kellogg Food and Society Fellow. Her extension and applied research focuses on community food systems, regional dietary guidance, and farm to school connections.  相似文献   

公民品质的培育离不开公共生活的支撑。学校课堂教学充满功利性、校园管理缺乏公共性及学生生活强调竞争性,在一定程度上抑制了学生公民品质的培育。高校在对大学生进行公民品质培育时,要努力拓展课堂教学的公共性视野,倡导学生崇尚公共关怀;要构建民主化的校园管理氛围,鼓励学生参与校园事务的管理;要拓宽校园内外公共领域的空间,引导学生担当公共服务责任。以此来构建广阔真实的公共生活空间,促进学生公民品质的生成。  相似文献   

刘玫 《安徽农业科学》2013,41(16):7385-7386,7389
介绍了美国公民教育实为客观存在的思想政治教育,分析了美国公民教育的社会化取向及其对我国农林高校思想政治教育社会化的启示。  相似文献   

我国现行的户籍制度是城乡分割的二元户籍制度。这种户籍制度将户口划分为"农业户口"与"非农业户口",将城乡居民分别纳入两种不同的管理体系。这种划分绝不只是称谓的不同,而是意味着户籍背后所附着的各种地位、机会和福利待遇等的不同。近几年来,一些省市将"农业户口"与"非农业户口"统一为了"居民户口",但户籍背后的利益问题并未得到很好的解决,二元户籍制度的本质并未根本改变。二元户籍制度是特定  相似文献   

王发园 《安徽农学通报》2011,17(21):173-175
公民素质教育是我国高等学校的重要教育内容之一,如何全面培养大学生的公民素质是一个重要课题。土壤肥料学是高等农业院校中植物生产类专业的重要基础课程。笔者结合的教学经验和教学实例,探讨了如何在土壤肥料学教学中培养大学生爱国主义、忧患意识、科学意识、环保意识、法律意识、美学素质、创新意识、责任意识、团队意识、挫折意识等各项公民素质,以期抛砖引玉,为在专业课教育中培养大学生公民素质提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Focusing on the notion of competencies, the address explores important dimensions of human infrastructure for negotiating alternative agrifood systems. The analytical competencies emphasized are those of making connections and evaluating contradictions. Farm structure and food system connections with human health and consumer culture are chosen as examples. Examined in the context of social change strategies, relational competencies focus on new forms of food citizenship involving alternative organizational relationships between farmers, retailers, and customers. Ethical competencies are framed in relationship to the entire food system, to the valuing of non-market goods, and to linkages between ethics and emotions. Finally, aesthetic and spiritual competencies are considered as human capacities to connect agriculture and food with beauty and with sacramental living.  相似文献   

With “consumer demand” credited with driving major changes in the food industry related to food quality, safety, environmental, and social concerns, the contemporary politics of food has become characterized by a variety of attempts to redefine food consumption as an expression of citizenship that speaks of collective rights and responsibilities. Neoliberal political orthodoxy constructs such citizenship in terms of the ability of individuals to monitor and regulate their own behavior as entrepreneurs and as consumers. By contrast, many proponents of alternative food networks promote the idea that food citizenship is expressed through participation in social arrangements based on solidarity and coordinated action rather than on contractual and commoditized relationships between so-called “producers” and “consumers.” This paper thus focuses its analysis on the strategies used to mobilize people as consumers of particular products and the ways, in turn, in which people use their consumption choices as expressions of social agency or citizenship. In particular, the paper examines how the marketing, pricing, and distribution of foods interact with food standards to enable and constrain specific expressions of food citizenship. It is argued that narrow and stereotypical constructions of the “ethical consumer” help to limit the access of particular people and environmental values, such as biodiversity, to the ethical marketplace.
Stewart LockieEmail:

Stewart Lockie   is Associate Professor of Rural and Environmental Sociology at Central Queensland University. He is co-author of Going organic: Mobilizing networks for environmentally responsible food production (CAB International, 2006).  相似文献   

阐述了农民工城镇融入的困境以及我国农民工继续教育培训不足的现状,提出了进城农民工继续教育模式的构建。  相似文献   

Much is being made of local food. It is at once a social movement, a diet, and an economic strategy—a popular solution—to a global food system in great distress. Yet, despite its popularity or perhaps because of it, local food (especially in the US) is also something of a chimera if not a tool of the status quo. This paper reflects on and contrasts aspects of current local food rhetoric with Dalhberg’s notion of a regenerative food system. It identifies three problematic emphases—the locavore emphasis, the Wal-Mart emphasis, and the Pollan emphasis—and argues that they are shifting local food (as a concept and a social movement) away from the deeper concerns of equity, citizenship, place-building, and sustainability. It is suggested that local food activists and advocates might consider the use of multiple methodologies and forms of expression to explore the integration and reintegration of local food into diverse and redundant place-based practice. A short case study of a low-income, urban neighborhood in Lansing, Michigan, illustrates the value of contextual analysis for more fully enabling the local food movement and a regenerative food system.  相似文献   

从显性成本、隐性成本、直接收益和间接收益等方面阐述了企业捐赠的成本和收益,进而分析企业捐赠模式和领域的选择,最后从企业贯彻"企业公民"理念、慈善机构提高社会公信力和透明度,以及公众应对企业捐赠给予信任宽容的态度等方面,提出促进企业慈善捐赠健康发展的思路。  相似文献   

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