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我国龙眼育种现状、问题与发展思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年全球龙眼栽培总面积近68万hm2,产量约230万t,主要生产国有中国、泰国、越南和澳大利亚等,其中我国的龙眼种植面积39万hm2,产量126万t,居世界第一。我国是龙眼原产地,拥有丰富的龙眼种质资源,目前,国家果树种质福州龙眼圃收集保存了320份种质资源。据史料记载,龙眼在我国有2 000年以上的栽培历史,早在南宋就有进行龙眼品种选育的记载,  相似文献   

储良龙眼是广东选育的优良品种,综合大乌园和石硖2品种的优点,果大、肉质好,市场竞争力强。近年我县新植龙眼也以储良为多,部分果园已经挂  相似文献   

四川13个龙眼选优单株的比较试验和推广示范表明,沪园106号、纳溪84-1号、沪园86-2-6号三个株系早结、丰产、稳产、综合经济性状优良,可在龙眼栽培区发展.  相似文献   

龙眼是我国南方的名贵特产果树。目前,福建省龙眼栽培面积约8.16万hm^2,主要分布在福建南部的泉州、厦门、漳州和莆田等地,多为中(早)熟品种,产期过于集中,市场竞争力不强,常受到泰国、广东等龙眼产地的竞争影响。由于气候条件的特殊性,闽东的龙眼具有晚熟特性,较广东一带迟熟20-30天,晚熟龙眼几乎不受广东、海南及泰国等地的龙眼冲击,因此,晚熟龙眼的市场前景看好。福建水果业的产业调整的过程中,晚熟龙眼已作为优先发展的果树品种之一,愈来愈受到人们的审视。  相似文献   

袁韬 《福建果树》2011,(2):26-28
福建省宁德市位于福建省东北部,属于海洋性季风气候,其辖区内蕉城、福安等县(市、区)东临东海(海体的影响),是我国龙眼分布的北缘地带,也是福建省晚熟龙眼的主要产区,已被定为我国龙眼最晚熟的经济栽培区之一,具有发展晚熟龙眼独特的区位优势。2010年全市龙眼面积3 979.3 hm^2,产量10892 t,主要分布在环三都澳沿海内海湾乡镇。其中蕉城、福安龙眼面积3 790.7 hm^2,产量10 557 t,占全市龙眼面积的95.3%、产量的96.9%。主栽品种有立冬本、松风本、福眼、乌龙岭、水南1号等。由于地处龙眼栽培北缘地带,易受冻害影响,近20多年曾遭遇2次特大冻害(分别是1991年和1999年),  相似文献   

龙眼属亚热带果树 ,在广东、广西、福建等地有较大面积种植 ,且面积逐年扩大 ,但产量却相当不稳定。影响龙眼产量的因素很多 ,气象条件是重要原因之一。因此 ,加强对龙眼系列气象灾害指标、发生演变规律及防灾抗灾对策的研究 ,对保证龙眼的稳产高产有着极其重要的意义。本文以广西龙眼主产区玉林市的气象资料和产量数据为依据进行分析。1 龙眼生育期间主要气象灾害及指标经对几十年的资料分析和综合前人的研究成果 ,看出影响龙眼产量的几种主要气象灾害为 :龙眼花芽分化期的冬季低温寒冻害或冬季暖害 ;龙眼花芽形态分化期的暖春“冲梢” ;…  相似文献   

福建宁德地区1999年龙眼冻害调查及今后发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建省是我国龙眼栽培的最主要省区之一 ,产区主要集中在沿海的丘陵坡地 ,以漳州、厦门、泉州、莆田、福州等地栽培最多。宁德地区位于福建省东北部 ,是我国龙眼栽培的最北缘地带 ,具有生产晚熟龙眼的区位优势 ,近年来发展较快。 1999年 12月 2 2~ 2 6日 ,受北方强冷气流影响 ,我省降温幅度大 ,速度快 ,各龙眼产区气温普遍降至 - 3~ - 5℃ ,龙眼受冻严重。根据省科委布置 ,为了解此次冻害对宁德地区龙眼生产的影响 ,我们于 2 0 0 0年 3月 2~ 6日会同宁德地区科委、福安市科委及福鼎市科委、农业局 ,分别对宁德、福安、福鼎三市龙眼主产区…  相似文献   

对中国荔枝、龙眼上的瘿螨的分类、地理分布、危害特点、防治技术等方面的研究成果进行综述.发现因瘿螨个体微小,鉴定方法复杂,技术要求高而限制荔枝和龙眼瘿螨相关研究的开展,主要表现为:缺乏快速、有效的种类鉴定手段;基础生物学特性、发生规律以及综合防治方法需要深入研究;区系、起源和进化、种群遗传分化等基础研究.因此,提出开发DNA条形码方法快速鉴定荔枝、龙眼上的瘿螨种类;加强荔枝、龙眼重要瘿螨的基础生物学的研究,以便建立科学的种群密度监测、发生预测技术规程和提出综合防控技术;开展基础性的研究,为荔枝、龙眼上的瘿螨防治提供理论基础的研究等建议.  相似文献   

龙眼是丰泽区特色农业支柱产业 ,福眼品种占90 %以上 ,品种单一 ,产期集中。为改变龙眼生产的困境 ,必须调整早、中、晚熟比例 ,增加优质鲜食品种。开展龙眼高接换种 ,是龙眼优化品种结构的好办法。我区在 1998年进行少量龙眼高接换种试验 ,2 0 0 0年在观察和综合试验基础上 ,有选择地引进龙眼晚熟品种 ,进行高接换种工作 ,现将技术介绍如下 :1 嫁接技术1 1 嫁接时间  2月中旬至 4月上旬 (雨季前 ) ,气温在 15℃以上 ,相对湿度 70 %~ 80 %以上 ,均可以进行高接换种。1 2 接穗要求 径粗 0 7cm以上 ,芽眼明显 ,不能有盲眼 ,枝条不能…  相似文献   

龙眼是泉州市农业支柱产业之一。近十年来的气候变化、大气污染以及忽视科学管理导致产量大幅度下降 ,大小年结果现象严重 ,制约了龙眼生产的正常发展。全市龙眼种植面积 3 112万公顷 ,投产面积 1 0 4万公顷 ,6 6 6 7m2 平均产量仅 330 14kg ,按大小年结果的连续 4年统计 :上世纪七十年代产量为 4 5 2 18kg ,八十年代为 35 8 0 2kg ,九十年代为317 5 5kg。为此 ,泉州市几年来探索采用一套适合于当前气候条件下的龙眼栽培综合技术 ,对低产园进行改造。1 加强果园管理1 1 建设高标准的“三保”果园泉州市龙眼种植区多为红壤山地果园 ,土…  相似文献   

苹果苗木类型和栽植时间对幼树生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了研究不同栽植时间下不同苗木类型的生长特性,【方法】以3 a生‘长富2号’/‘M26’/八棱海棠为试材,测定3个栽植时间(2010年3月10日、4月10日和5月10日)下分枝苗、去分枝苗和单干苗生长特性相关指标。【结果】5月份栽植植株的生长势弱于3、4月栽植的植株;单干苗生长势弱于分枝苗和去分枝苗。栽植后第2年,3、4月栽植植株的株高、主干粗度显著大于5月栽植的植株。去分枝苗和单干苗株高显著大于分枝苗。3种苗木类型主干粗度依次为分枝苗>去分枝苗>单干苗,且相互差异显著。分枝苗和去分枝苗冠径显著大于单干苗。栽植后第3年,分枝苗的花芽数显著高于去分枝苗和单干苗。【结论】苹果苗木在冷藏条件下,4月栽植是可行的,本试验中3月份栽植较为适宜。分枝苗有利于促进幼树提早开花结果。  相似文献   

苹果矮化自根砧嫁接苗繁育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓丰产  马锋旺 《园艺学报》2012,39(7):1353-1358
 研究了田间条件下苹果矮化砧木苗和自根砧嫁接苗繁育的农艺参数。结果表明:锯末堆埋对砧木生根效果明显好于土和废弃菌棒,砧木生根率和生产量分别为87.33%和124 854 株 · hm-2;6 月1日和7 月1 日基质堆埋对砧木生根效果明显好于5 月1 日和8 月1 日,砧木生根率分别达到80.33%和87.33%,砧木生产量分别达到121 172 和124 854 株 · hm-2;矮化砧木G41、M9、Pajam1 和T337 在锯末基质中表现出较强的生根能力,生根率均达到80%以上,明显好于Pajam2 和M26;栽植密度分别为75 000和90 000 株 · hm-2 的小区,嫁接苗生产量分别为65 110 株和68 670 株 · hm-2,显著高于栽植密度分别为60 000 株和105 000 株 · hm-2 的小区;秋季嫁接‘富士’品种的生长量和嫁接苗生产量显著高于春季,其侧枝数、干径和生产量分别为11.44 个、13.77 mm、和68 670 株 · hm-2。论:在苹果矮化自根砧嫁接苗繁育中,矮化砧木繁育用锯末在6 月1 日-7 月1 日堆埋,砧木品种可选G41、M9、Pajam1 和T337,苗圃中砧木栽植密度为75 000 ~ 90 000 株 · hm-2,在栽植当年的秋季嫁接‘富士’,第2 年出圃嫁接苗生产量达到65 110 ~ 68 670 株 · hm-2  相似文献   

The production and commercialization of citrus seedlings inspected and produced in protected screenhouses has become mandatory in São Paulo State, Brazil since January 2003. This law was intended to avoid the dispersion of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC), disease caused by Xylella fastidiosa. Our objective was to compare the yield over 8 years of ‘Natal’ sweet orange trees grafted onto Rangpur lime obtained from healthy nursery plants and from plants artificially inoculated with X. fastidiosa. Yield was evaluated in an orchard planted in February 1999 with two treatments: (i) trees from healthy nursery plant, and (ii) trees from plants artificially inoculated with X. fastidiosa. The mean yield was 21% higher in trees from healthy nursery plants, as compared to trees from inoculated nursery plants. This difference represents a gain of approximately 203 boxes of 40.8 kg each, considering a planting density of 550 plants per hectare.  相似文献   

High levels of mortality after installation can limit the long-term benefits associated with urban tree planting initiatives. Past planting projects funded by the Florida Forest Service were revisited two to five years after installation to document tree survival and growth and assess program success. Additionally, various site (e.g., soil compaction, installed irrigation) and tree-related (e.g., species, nursery production method, initial size at planting) factors were noted to assess their impact on tree growth. Results show that the overall establishment rate for the 26 sites (n = 2354 trees) was high, with 93.6% of trees alive at the time of final inspection. On-site irrigation played a significant role in tree survival and growth, especially for Magnolia grandiflora (97.7% survival on irrigated sites; 73.8% survival on non-irrigated sites). Findings from this work validate the effectiveness of current program policies which include maintenance of tree quality within the first year after planting, and offer further insights regarding the impacts of season of planting and initial size of nursery stock on plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Today's urban forest increasingly consists of planted trees, especially as native forest fragments yield to urban sprawl. These trees are usually larger (over 2-m tall) than typical reforestation trees and grow very little for the first few years after planting. Stressful urban sites exacerbate this effect and many practitioners hope to shorten the time required to reach environmentally functional size by fertilizing at planting. This is a controversial practice since nitrogen (N) application creates the potential for water quality impairment and effectiveness is uncertain. It is not clear how nitrogen application affects large trees with radically altered root:shoot ratios or how nursery production methods and restrictive sites affect response. In a series of five separate studies, we tested several N rates on ten shade tree species (both field- and container-grown) and transplanted to a range of urban sites, from a relatively undisturbed forest fragment to a highly compacted cutover soil with an absent A horizon. Trunk diameter increase, as an integrative metric of tree biomass accumulation, was followed for up to 4 years on each experiment. Overall, we saw little effect from fertilizing at planting at any rate we tested, regardless of location. Three studies that included leaf analysis with a SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter indicated that neither SPAD meter values or N concentration within leaves was increased by fertilizing at planting, suggesting that the newly planted shade trees took up very little of the applied N. Overall, SPAD-502 readings correlated well with actual leaf N concentration (r=0.692). This group of studies indicates that fertilization at planting does not increase post-transplant growth, even in stressful urban sites and it is therefore not effective at shortening the establishment period of transplanted shade trees.  相似文献   

苹果苗木及幼树促分枝技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
具有较好分枝状况的苹果苗木在栽植后更易于形成理想的树形而使果园实现早产和丰产以获得更好的经济效益,因而成为多个国家苹果矮化密植栽培的必要条件.与世界苹果生产水平较先进国家对苹果苗木促分枝技术的研究和应用较为深入和成熟的现状相比较,尽管我国苹果产业发展对苗木的要求越来越高,苗木促分枝方面的研究和应用还较为缺乏.除此之外,...  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to evaluate the impact of cultural treatments on growth and establishment of container-grown London planetrees (Platanus × acerifolia’ Bloodgood’). In both experiments, 48 trees grown in 100 l (#25) black plastic containers were assigned at random to one of three root-ball treatments prior to planting; no treatment (Control), outer 3 cm of roots removed around entire root-ball (Shave), or outer circling roots disentangled from the root-ball (Tease). In Experiment 1, half of the trees were fertilized with 400 g of controlled release fertilizer (15-9-12; N-P2O5-K2O) at planting and the remainder of the trees were not fertilized. In Experiment 2, half of the trees were mulched with an 8 cm deep × 2 m diameter ring of coarse ground pine bark at planting and the remainder of the trees were not mulched. In Experiment 1, fertilization at planting increased SPAD chlorophyll content on two of four measurement dates but did not affect cumulative height or caliper growth after two years. After two growing seasons, root-ball treatments (shaving or teasing) increased root growth outside the original root-ball compared to control trees. Both root-ball treatments also reduced circling roots. In Experiment 2, mulching at planting increased soil moisture and cumulative tree height and diameter growth. Shaving increased new root growth and both root-ball treatments improved root architecture and reduced circling roots. Overall, the study demonstrates that root-ball manipulations can stimulate new root growth and reduce circling roots. Mulch is a valuable aid to conserve soil moisture and increase tree growth. Fertilization at planting provided little benefit in this experiment, which may have been related to a high level of soil fertility at the site or nutrient loading of the trees from nursery culture prior to transplanting.  相似文献   

Urban trees are frequently planted with their root collars and structural roots buried well below soil grade, either because of planting practices, nursery production practices, or both. These deeply planted structural roots can impair tree establishment and are thought to reduce tree growth, lifespan, and stability, although research has provided few and contradictory results on these questions to date. This study examines container-grown (55 L) Turkish hazel trees (Corylus colurna L.), planted either at grade, 15 cm below grade, or 30 cm below grade into a well-drained silt loam soil, over nearly 8 years. Five years after planting, in 2004, remediation treatments (root collar excavations) were performed on two replicates of each below-ground treatment. Subsequently, all trees were subjected to flooding stress by being irrigated to soil saturation for approximately 6 weeks. In 2006, flooding stress was repeated. Trees root systems were partially excavated in 2007, and root architecture was characterized. Deep planting did not affect trunk diameter growth over 8 years. Survival was 100% for the first 5 years; however, one 30 cm below grade tree died after flooding in 2004 and another died after the 2006 flooding. Photosynthesis was monitored during the 2004 flooding and all trees experienced decline in photosynthetic rates. There was an apparent slight delay in the decline for trees with excavated root collars and those planted at grade. Girdling roots reduced trunk taper and occurred primarily on unremediated trees planted 30 cm below grade.

Selected individual roots were excavated and followed from the root ball and were observed to gradually rise to the upper soil regions. Analysis of roots emerging from excavation trench faces indicated that vertical root distribution at approximately 1.25 m from the tree trunks was the same regardless of planting depth. Longterm consequences of planting below grade are discussed.  相似文献   

2009年郑州地区猕猴桃冻害调查与原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所猕猴桃资源圃嫁接苗、实生幼树以及盛果期大树受冻情况,并结合气象学资料、枝条组织结构特征以及电解质渗出率对受冻原因进行初步分析.结果表明,2009年11月中旬的强降温雨雪天气是导致郑州地区猕猴桃发生冻害的原因;中华猕猴桃抗冻能力似乎强于美味猕猴桃;电解质渗出率的排列顺序为美味猕猴桃>中华...  相似文献   

李睿怡 《北方园艺》2011,(6):116-118
经对各居住区绿化实地调查以及查阅大量文献,对牡丹江部分居住区绿化树种的应用状况及存在的问题进行了调查分析,同时对牡丹江地区可用园林树种资源进行了调查,并根据居住区绿化树种配置原则提出了具体的应用建议。  相似文献   

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