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Ivermectin, a derivative of one of the avermectin compounds, was administered at 200 mcg per kg of body weight in an oral paste formulation to 80 mixed-breed ponies of both sexes and various ages. Twenty similar ponies received oral paste vehicle. Anthelmintic activity was determined by comparing fecal egg counts taken before and 14 days after ivermectin treatment to the counts of fecal samples from vehicle-treated controls. Commonly used equine vaccines were administered at the time of treatment. Sixteen of the 20 vehicle-treated ponies had positive counts prior to treatment and 17 were positive 14 days after treatment; 66 of the 80 ivermectin-treated ponies had positive counts prior to treatment; all 80 ponies had zero counts 14 days after treatment. The eggs were identified as strongylid in all the positive ponies while three ponies also hadOxyuris equi eggs prior to treatment.No adverse reactions were attributable to ivermectin oral paste treatment or concurrent vaccine administration.  相似文献   

The presence of gastric parasites in winter-slaughtered calves and adult animals, was investigated. The number of parasites found was low in case of the calves indicating that gastric worms are of low significance concerning the winter losses. In case of adult animals was found a higher infestation indicating that gastric nematodes maybe of importance concerning the winter losses of 1,5 years old animals, Ostertagia leptospicularis was the only found species except for one animal in which was also present a few spiculopteragia alcis. The total dominance of Ostertagia leptospicularis means a marked difference from the findings of autumn-slaughtered reindeer bulls where Ostertagia leptospicularis was not found to be such a frequent finding but in addition several other species were found. In view of that is discussed a seasonal varation, winter ostertagiosis seems not to be a problem in reindeer calves.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to test the performance of a silver wire modified version of the coded telemetric heart rate monitor Polar Vantage NV (PVNV) and to measure heart rate (HR) in a group of captive reindeer calves during different behaviour. The technical performance of PVNV HR monitors was tested in cold conditions (-30 degrees C) using a pulse generator and the correlation between generated pulse and PVNV values was high (r=0.9957). The accuracy was tested by comparing the HR obtained with the PVNV monitor with the standard ECG, and the correlation was significant (r=0.9965). Both circadian HR and HR related to behavioural pattern were recorded. A circadian rhythm was observed in the HR in reindeer with a minimum during night and early morning hours and maximum at noon and during the afternoon, the average HR of the reindeer calves studied being 42.5 beats/min in February. The behaviour was recorded by focal individual observations and the data was synchronized with the output of the HR monitors. Running differed from all other behavioural categories in HR. Inter-individual differences were seen expressing individual responses to external and internal stimuli. The silver wire modified Polar Vantage NV provides a suitable and reliable tool for measuring heart rate in reindeer, also in natural conditions.  相似文献   

The added benefit of the national campaign in the Republic of Ireland to eradicate bovine warble flies using pour-on organophosphorus compounds annually, has been a significant reduction in the degree of pediculosis there compared to that in Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland, only warbled cattle are dressed and the level of pediculosis was 72.8% compared to 56.2% in the Republic, 30.4% of 250 cattle examined in the former country had moderate to heavy infestation compared to 8.6% of 185 cattle examined in the latter. Four species of cattle lice were found and reported for the first time in both countries; these were Haematopinus eurysternus, Solenoptes capillatus, Linognathus vituli, and Bovicola bovis. The first named was far more common in Northern Ireland. Following the withdrawal of the national eradication scheme in the Republic in 1975, there are indications that pediculosis has increased in cattle. Of 100 adult cattle examined in the Republic in February, 1976, 19 had heavy infestations, whilst 78 were infested.  相似文献   

选用9只体重为35~43 kg安装永久性瘤胃瘘管的内蒙古半细毛羯羊,随机分为3组,每组3只,分别饲喂三种不同氮源日粮(即豆粕、麻饼、尿素-麻饼型日粮),本试验通过非同位素标记烟酸的启动、连续灌注方法,测定绵羊瘤胃烟酸的产生、消失及流通速率。试验结果表明,饲喂豆粕、麻饼、尿素-麻饼型日粮的绵羊瘤胃烟酸的基本产生速率分别为2.50、2.69、2.92 mg/h。通过灌注的方法提高烟酸产量后,烟酸在瘤胃内的产生速率分别为5.06、5.09、5.62 mg/h;消失速率分别为1.90、1.77、2.65 mg/h;瘤胃内烟酸的外流速率分别为3.16、3.32、2.97 mg/h。  相似文献   

通过实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)和免疫组织化学技术对Ghrelin在驯鹿胃肠道的表达及定位进行初步研究。RT-qPCR结果显示,Ghrelin在驯鹿胃肠道内均有表达,且在皱胃内表达量极显著高于其他组织(P0.01),其次是十二指肠、回肠和结肠;免疫组织化学结果显示,Ghrelin免疫阳性细胞在皱胃内主要分布于黏膜层、黏膜下层和肌层;在瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃的黏膜层、黏膜下层中也可见Ghrelin的免疫阳性细胞,但肌层中未见表达;在十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠的黏膜层、黏膜下层和肌层均有Ghrelin免疫阳性细胞分布,且在肠绒毛和黏膜下层分布较多。RT-qPCR和免疫组织化学结果显示,Ghrelin在胃肠道内表达量及分布范围基本一致,这表明Ghrelin对驯鹿的消化可能具有潜在的调控作用。  相似文献   

西藏饲草资源有限,牛羊生产性能低,特别是冬春季节,牛羊多处于半饥饿状态。提高西藏牛羊对饲草的利用率,是西藏牛羊养殖业的重要目标之一。本试验选用西藏农牧民最常用的燃料-牛粪灰,按一定的比例水浸提牛粪灰中的碱性物质和矿物质,再按一定的比例浸泡装入青稞秸秆的无纺布滤袋内,置入羊瘤胃内测定对主要物质的消失率。结果表明:牛粪灰中K+含量较高,达到(28.4594±1.6483)mg/g,Cu2+含量为(0.5492±0.0025)mg/g,同时含有大量的其他微量元素及CO32-盐和PO43-盐。经试验,当灰水比为0.88∶10时,pH值最高,达到10.18。用这一比例灰水浸提液浸泡填入青稞秸秆的滤袋48 h后,消化后再测定总养分、纯纤维素、NDF、ADF在瘤胃中的消失率,分别显著提高了4.45%、4.89%、6.95%和5.80%。由此可见,利用廉价的牛粪灰水浸提液浸泡秸秆能显著地提高纤维素在牛羊瘤胃中的利用率。  相似文献   

In 2003, there was an outbreak of peritonitis in reindeer in the southern and middle part of the Finnish reindeer herding area caused by the filarioid nematode Setaria species. In the province of Oulu, the proportion of reindeer viscera condemned owing to parasitic lesions increased from 4.9 per cent in 2001 to 40.1 per cent in 2003. In 2004, the focus of the outbreak moved approximately 100 km north. A total of 260 adult and pre-adult Setaria species nematodes were collected for morphological and molecular studies. The parasite was indistinguishable in terms of morphology and molecular biology from Setaria tundra. Samples of parasites were also collected from wild cervids. In elk, only a few cases of pre-adult encapsulated S tundra nematodes were detected on the surface of the liver but there was no peritonitis. Two roe deer had S tundra nematodes in their abdomen but no peritonitis. Of 34 wild forest reindeer, 21 had changes associated with S tundra. At meat inspection of the affected reindeer carcases, the changes observed included ascites, green fibrinous deposits, adhesions, and live and dead S tundra nematodes. There were histological lesions of granulomatous peritonitis with lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic infiltration. No specific bacterial growth was found. The parasitic infection had no significant effects on the pH or the organoleptic quality of the meat. There was a significant positive correlation between the worm count and the degree of peritonitis (P<0.001) and a negative correlation between the degree of peritonitis and the thickness of the back fat layer (P=0.015).  相似文献   

Forty-eight commercial grain sorghum hybrids were ranked on the basis of in vitro starch disappearance (IVSD) and starch content. Starch content ranged from 64.3 to 70.3% (P less than .01) and IVSD ranged from 5.2 to 6.3%/h (P less than .01). In the next year, 20 experimental grain sorghum hybrids consisting of 17 hybrids being developed for livestock diets and three for human diets were ranked according to IVSD, starch content, and CP content. In these samples, IVSD varied from 6.0 to 9.1%/h (P less than .05). Starch content and CP were not related to IVSD. Starch content was not correlated to CP content. Four of the original 48 grain sorghum hybrids, selected on the basis of IVSD (two fast and two slow), that differed in IVSD by 7.0% (6.5 to 7.0%/h), were fed for 133 d to steers (mean initial BW of 326 kg). The ADG of steers fed Hybrid A (fastest IVSD) was 9.0% faster than that of steers fed Hybrid D (slowest IVSD; 1.33 vs 1.22 kg, P = .06). Gain:feed ratio was positively correlated with IVSD across all treatments (R2 = .94). Hybrids A and D, another Hybrid, A1, and a bird-resistant hybrid (BR) were fed for 85 d to finishing lambs (mean initial BW of 28 kg). Lambs fed Hybrid A gained more efficiently (gain:feed) than those fed BR or A1 (.210 vs .188 and .184, P less than .05), and those fed D were intermediate (.200). Performance of sheep fed A1, with the fastest IVSD, and those fed BR, with the lowest IVSD, were similar, suggesting that factors other than IVSD affected lamb performance. Our data indicate that rate of grain sorghum starch digestion may influence feeding value of grain sorghum fed to cattle.  相似文献   

对感染驯鹿狂蝇幼虫驯鹿进行了剖检观察,证实狂蝇幼虫主要寄生于驯鹿鼻腔及咽喉黏膜,在当年的7月到翌年1月主要以一期幼虫为主,从翌年2~3月开始快速生长发育,在4~6月多为二、三期幼虫。从翌年5月开始,成熟的三期幼虫随驯鹿打喷嚏排出体外羽化为成蝇。通过对驯鹿狂蝇生活史的观察,表明在大兴安岭地区,驯鹿狂蝇三期幼虫在50%~70%的湿度、21.5℃的平均温度及21.5℃下的451.5~666.5℃总积温下,经21~31d羽化为成蝇,羽化率为59.6%。成蝇出现于6~9月份,在7~8月份达高峰期。驯鹿狂蝇1年发生一个世代,在驯鹿体内的寄生生活长达9~10个月;雌性成蝇每次产胎蚴30-80条,一生共产800~1000条;雌蝇寿命比雄蝇长,约为1~3周。  相似文献   

The study was conducted on six reindeers in December. It was established that concentration of reducing sugars in the chyme of jejunum increases substantially (6 times in comparison with abomasum), whereas concentration cellulose, on the contrary, decreases (4.5 times). The maximal increase of monosaccharides in the small intestine testifies to formation of metabolic fund of sugars in this part of the alimentary tract due to high degree of polysaccharides hydrolysis of exogenous, as well as endogenous, microbial formation. Obtained data assume that the need of the reindeer for glucose is provided for not only by gluconeogenesis as it was considered before, but also by absorption of monosaccharides from the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

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