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Northern pike (Esox lucius) are opportunistic predators that can switch to alternative prey species after preferred prey have declined. This trophic adaptability allows invasive pike to have negative effects on aquatic food webs. In Southcentral Alaska, invasive pike are a substantial concern because they have spread to important spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids and are hypothesised to be responsible for recent salmonid declines. We described the relative importance of salmonids and other prey species to pike diets in the Deshka River and Alexander Creek in Southcentral Alaska. Salmonids were once abundant in both rivers, but they are now rare in Alexander Creek. In the Deshka River, we found that juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (O. kisutch) dominated pike diets and that small pike consumed more of these salmonids than large pike. In Alexander Creek, pike diets reflected the distribution of spawning salmonids, which decrease with distance upstream. Although salmonids dominated pike diets in the lowest reach of the stream, Arctic lamprey (Lampetra camtschatica) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) dominated pike diets in the middle and upper reaches. In both rivers, pike density did not influence diet and pike consumed smaller prey items than predicted by their gape‐width. Our data suggest that (1) juvenile salmonids are a dominant prey item for pike, (2) small pike are the primary consumers of juvenile salmonids and (3) pike consume other native fish species when juvenile salmonids are less abundant. Implications of this trophic adaptability are that invasive pike can continue to increase while driving multiple species to low abundance.  相似文献   

Salmonid colonization of new streams in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. Following the rapid recession of a neoglacial ice sheet within the last 250 years, colonization of recently deglaciated streams by salmonid fishes was investigated in Glacier Bay National Park, south-eastern Alaska. The primary factors governing the establishment, species diversity composition and abundance of salmonids in Glacier Bay streams were water temperature, sediment loading and stream discharge. No salmonids were found in the turbid meltwater streams emerging from retreating ice. Coho, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), and sockeye, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). salmon and Dolly Vardcn, Salvelinus malma (Walbaum), charr were the first salmonids to colonize the youngest clearwater stream. Juvenile Dolly Varden were more abundant than juvenile coho salmon in the most recently formed clearwater stream because of the characteristic absence of pool habital. Densities of juvenile coho salmon were six times greater in a stream with a series of lakes compared with a stream of similar age without lakes. Future advancement of salmonid stocks will probably depend upon the rate and extent of the development of riparian vegetation and inputs of large woody debris from the developing forest to provide further instream cover, habitat variation and channel stabilization.  相似文献   

A catchment‐scale salmon, Salmo salar L., habitat enhancement scheme was developed for the River Main (Northern Ireland) with reference to baseline habitat and electric fishing surveys. In total, 19 separate sites were enhanced using flow deflectors or random boulder addition. Habitat suitability for juvenile salmon increased at enhanced sites following the scheme, and significant changes in underlying physical habitat characteristics (particle size, depth and flow) were detected after the installation of flow deflectors. The overall index of salmon fry recruitment, monitored across the catchment, showed no change between pre‐ and post‐enhancement periods. The mean biomass of salmon evident at individual enhancement sites (5.1 g m?2) was significantly higher than the mean biomass at control sites (1.2 g m?2). Increased densities of >0+ juvenile salmon were associated with enhanced sites relative to controls. Marking studies indicated the potential for long‐range dispersal of juvenile salmon between 0+ (summer) and 1+ (summer) age classes. The potential of the scheme to enhance the local salmon stock was discussed.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and fish densities in the southern Strait of Georgia were observed to coincide with variations in surface salinities resulting from the outflow of the Fraser River. Vertical net hauls in the euphotic zone revealed that copepods, amphipods, and euphausiids were significantly more abundant per m3 in the brackish estuarine plume (surface salinities - 10–15 ppt) when compared to the area covered by the freshwater of the Fraser River plume (0–10 ppt) and the region of the Strait of Georgia (25–30 ppt) unaffected by the outflow of the Fraser River.
The estuarine and riverine plumes had significantly higher fish densities (adult and juvenile herring, and juvenile salmonids [excluding chinook]) than the Strait of Georgia region, with no significant differences in densities of juvenile chinook salmon observed between regions. The highest catches of juvenile salmonids were at the boundary between the estuarine plume and the Strait of Georgia. Zooplankton found in the stomach contents of both adult and juvenile herring suggested that the herring were filter-feeding on the zooplankton in the estuarine plume. Juvenile salmonids fed primarily on small unidentifiable juvenile fish. The existence of increased densities of prey items in the estuarine plume is proposed to be the primary mechanism resulting in increased residence time in this region by outmigrating juvenile salmonids. Utilization of aggregated zooplankton could lead to increased salmonid growth rates and therefore to enhanced survival of individuals utilizing the Fraser River plume environment.  相似文献   

Understanding juvenile salmonid habitat requirements is critical for their effective management, but little is known about these requirements in lowland rivers, which include important but unique salmonid habitats. We compared the relative influence of in-stream Ranunculus cover, water depth, prey abundance, distance upstream and two previously unexplored factors (water velocity heterogeneity and site colonisation potential) on summer densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout. We applied electrofishing, habitat surveys and macroinvertebrate kick sampling, and calculated the site colonisation potential from salmon redd surveys across 18–22 sites in a lowland river in 2015–2017. Due to a recruitment crash in 2016, models including and excluding this unusual year were explored. Excluding 2016 data, juvenile salmon densities showed a positive association with Ranunculus cover and numbers of nearby upstream redds, and a negative association with distance upstream from the tidal limit. Trout densities were positively associated with velocity heterogeneity, indicating a potential indirect influence of Ranunculus mediated by water velocity. When including 2016, year had the largest effect on densities of both species, highlighting the impact of the recruitment failure. These findings uncover interspecific differences in the habitat requirements of juvenile salmonids in lowland rivers. Velocity heterogeneity and site colonisation potential had high explanatory power, highlighting that they should be considered in future studies of habitat use. These findings demonstrate that temporal replication and recruitment dynamics are important considerations when exploring species–habitat associations. We discuss potential management implications and argue that Ranunculus cover could be an important management tool in conservation of lowland salmonids.  相似文献   

Abstract Dense riparian tree canopy is generally found to have a negative effect on salmonid populations. Canopy can affect fish both directly via trophic impacts and its effects as cover, and indirectly via its effects on the distribution of instream vegetation. This study examined the impact of riparian canopy on the ecology of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in south‐west Ireland. Riparian canopy reduced the density, length and gut contents of juvenile salmon, but not brown trout. The negative relationship between canopy cover and fish size and feeding was strongly influenced by the abundance of instream macrophytes, which in turn varied as a function of catchment water chemistry. As a management strategy, the reduction of dense riparian canopy is unlikely to have the same effect on juvenile salmonids on all streams within an ecoregion because of differences in catchment‐wide factors.  相似文献   

Abstract  The diurnal winter habitat of three species of juvenile salmonids was examined in a tributary of Skaneateles Lake, NY to compare habitat differences among species and to determine if species/age classes were selecting specific habitats. A total of 792 observations were made on the depth, velocity, substrate and cover (amount and type) used by sympatric subyearling Atlantic salmon, subyearling brown trout and subyearling and yearling rainbow trout. Subyearling Atlantic salmon occurred in shallower areas with faster velocities and less cover than the other salmonid groups. Subyearling salmon was also the only group associated with substrate of a size larger than the average size substrate in the study reach during both winters. Subyearling brown trout exhibited a preference for vegetative cover. Compared with available habitat, yearling rainbow trout were the most selective in their habitat use. All salmonid groups were associated with more substrate cover in 2002 under high flow conditions. Differences in the winter habitat use of these salmonid groups have important management implications in terms of both habitat protection and habitat enhancement.  相似文献   

Conservation of migratory salmonids requires understanding their ecology at multiple scales, combined with assessing anthropogenic impacts. We present a case‐study from over 100 years of data for the endemic landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) and brown trout (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) in Lake Vänern, Sweden. We use this case‐study to develop life history‐based research and monitoring priorities for migratory salmonids. In Vänern, small wild populations of salmon and trout remain only in the heavily regulated Rivers Klar (Klarälven) and Gullspång (Gullspångsälven), and commercial and sport fisheries are maintained by hatchery stocking. These populations represent some of the last remaining large‐bodied (up to 20 kg) landlocked salmon stocks worldwide. We found that one of four stocks of wild fish has increased since 1996; the other three remain critically low. Hatchery return rates for three of four stocks appear stable at roughly 1% and annual fisheries catch is roughly 75 metric tons, with an estimated 7.5% of hatchery smolts being recruited to the fishery; this also appears relatively stable since 1990. Our analysis reveals much uncertainty in key data requirements, including both river return and fisheries catch rates, estimates of wild smolt production and survival, and hatchery breeding and genetics protocols. These uncertainties, coupled with a lack of information on their riverine and lacustrine ecology, preclude effective management of these unique populations. We conclude with a framework for a life history‐based approach to research and monitoring for Vänern salmon and trout, which should be applicable for all endemic, migratory salmonid populations.  相似文献   

Simultaneous trawling at surface and at depth at one location off the Columbia River, Oregon, in June 2000 identified the depth distribution of juvenile salmonids and associated fishes. Juvenile salmon off the Columbia River were distributed primarily near the surface, within the upper 12 m. Highest densities of subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) off the Columbia River were associated with high surface currents and decreasing tidal levels, with time of day possibly a co‐factor. Densities of yearling chinook salmon increased with higher turbidity. Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) was the most abundant and commonly caught forage fish, with density increasing at night, probably related to diel vertical migration. Catches of juvenile salmonids were not associated with catches of forage fishes. Daytime surface trawling appears to be an appropriate method for assessing the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmonids in marine habitats.  相似文献   

Effects of exotic salmonids on juvenile Atlantic salmon behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract –  We examined the effects of two salmonid species, chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tschwaytscha ) and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ), both exotic species to Lake Ontario, on behaviour and foraging success of juvenile Atlantic salmon ( S. salar ), a native species to Lake Ontario, in an artificial stream. We found that both exotic species have effects on Atlantic salmon behaviour, but that neither had an effect on foraging success. These results may explain why the Atlantic salmon re-introduction programme in Lake Ontario has had little success, as more than 3 million exotic salmonids are released in Lake Ontario streams annually.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis, the aetiological agent of salmonid rickettsial septicaemia (SRS), is a global pathogen of wild and cultured marine salmonids. Here, we describe the development and application of a reproducible, standardized immersion challenge model to induce clinical SRS in juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), Atlantic (Salmo salar) and sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Following a 1‐hr immersion in 105 colony‐forming units/ml, cumulative mortality in Atlantic salmon was 63.2% while mortality in sockeye salmon was 10%. Prevalence and levels of the bacterium in kidney prior to onset of mortality were lower in sockeye compared with Atlantic or pink salmon. The timing and magnitude of bacterial shedding were estimated from water samples collected during the exposure trials. Shedding was estimated to be 82‐fold higher in Atlantic salmon as compared to sockeye salmon and peaked in the Atlantic salmon trial at 36 d post‐immersion. These data suggest sockeye salmon are less susceptible to P. salmonis than Atlantic or pink salmon. Finally, skin lesions were observed on infected fish during all trials, often in the absence of detectable infection in kidney. As a result, we hypothesize that skin is the primary point of entry for P. salmonis during the immersion challenge.  相似文献   

Abstract – Understanding population regulation in juvenile salmonids requires distinguishing the effects of intrinsic (size, behaviour) and extrinsic (food, competition) factors. To examine the relative influence of these variables on juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Salmon River drainage (ID, USA), we examined diel differences in foraging microhabitats, behaviour and consumption in two areas with consistent differences in parr‐to‐smolt survival. In lower Big Creek (LBC, high‐survival area) and upper Big Creek (UBC, low‐survival area), we observed fish by snorkelling, recording length, behaviour (foraging rate and aggression) and physical (depth, velocity, cover, temperature) and biotic (density, size and species of neighbouring fish) microhabitat features. Stomach contents were extracted to estimate consumption. Depth and temperature were greater in LBC, where Chinook salmon were significantly larger and present at lower densities. Fish in LBC exhibited higher foraging activity during the day than night, but there were no size differences between day and night foragers. In UBC, a higher density area, foraging behaviour did not change between day and night, although the smallest size classes did not forage nocturnally. Regression models that integrated physical and biotic variables suggested that physical factors influenced foraging in both areas, but competition also affected foraging in UBC. Our results demonstrate that fish from low‐ and high‐survival populations in Big Creek are exposed to different physical and biological influences during their first growth season, which are reflected in different diel foraging behaviours.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions with non‐native species can have negative impacts on the conservation of native species, resulting in chronic stress and reduced survival. Here, juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from two allopatric populations (Sebago and LaHave) that are being used for reintroduction into Lake Ontario were placed into semi‐natural stream tanks with four non‐native salmonid competitors that are established in Ontario streams: brown trout (S. trutta), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) and coho salmon (O. kisutch). Brown trout and rainbow trout reduced the survival and fitness‐related traits of Atlantic salmon, whereas Chinook salmon and coho salmon had no impact on these traits. These data support theories on ecological niche overlap and link differences in observed aggression levels with competitive outcomes. Measurements of circulating hormones indicated that the Atlantic salmon were not chronically stressed nor had a change in social status at the 10‐month time point in the semi‐natural stream tanks. Additionally, the Sebago population was better able to coexist with the non‐native salmonids than the LaHave population. Certain populations of Atlantic salmon may thus be more suitable for some environments of the juvenile stream phase for the reintroduction into Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

The effects of restoration of impassable road culverts on the distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were evaluated in seven small tributaries of the subarctic River Teno system, northernmost Finland/Norway. Restoration enabled the passage of juvenile salmon through the culverts and increased the distribution area of salmon parr in the seven streams by tens or hundreds of metres, depending on the natural slope of the tributary with a total of ≈1 km new area for ascending juveniles. Areas upstream of the culverts were colonised after varying number of years, mostly 2–3, following restoration. Age‐1 and age‐2 parr were the first salmon age groups entering the new territory after removal of the migration barrier. Although the restoration measures were conducted at the downstream outlet area of the culverts only, the connectivity was improved and increased the production area accessible to juvenile salmon. Such removal of migration barriers and securing habitat connectivity by passable culverts should be taken into account in environmental management strategies of river systems safeguarding the essential habitats of salmonid fish.  相似文献   

In relation to stock enhancement programmes, wild salmon broodfish have been routinely screened for the presence of Renibacterium salmoninarum antigens (Rs‐Ag) for decades. A sudden increase in the prevalence of Rs‐Ag experienced caused extensive problems to this industry as eggs from positive fish are discarded. The prevalence and level of Rs‐Ag were examined in resident and anadromous salmonids in the River Ellidaár system and the progress of Rs‐Ag in a cohort of salmon followed. Both prevalence and Rs‐Ag levels were high in resident salmonids and emigrating salmon smolts in the river system. When the smolts re‐entered their home river as adults the following summer, they were almost free of Rs‐Ag, but the longer they stayed in the river, the more Rs‐Ag they acquired; the majority being positive at spawning. This study demonstrates a high level of Rs‐Ag in salmonids in the River Ellidaár system which significantly reduces in the salmon during its seawater phase. Accordingly, it seems ideal to sample salmon broodfish as soon as possible after ascending the river and subsequently transfer to Rs‐free environment for storage until stripping, which could result in lower Rs‐prevalence and minimize the problems that stock enhancement programmes have faced due to Rs‐positive wild broodfish.  相似文献   

Abstract  The role of nutrients in the production of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in oligotrophic upland catchments is poorly understood. Atlantic salmon carcasses were introduced to 12 upland streams in the River Conon catchment, Scotland, UK, to assess potential nutrient limitation and evaluate a potential role for migratory Atlantic salmon in nutrient import. The objective was to test the hypothesis that nutrient supplementation would increase juvenile Atlantic salmon biomass. Streams received one of six treatment levels up to a maximum of one carcass per 15 m2 of wetted area with duplicates at each level, and study areas were sampled to measure salmon biomass in treated and reference reaches. There was a significant positive relationship between treatment addition level and response of juvenile salmon biomass. At higher carcass addition levels, salmon biomass in treatment sections was approximately twice that in paired reference sections. The results are discussed in the light of management methods in upland regions and the likely role of cultural oligotrophication in suppressing current levels of salmon production.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effects of changes in shading (through riparian canopy removal and re-growth) on juvenile salmon, Salmo salar L., trout, Salmo trutta L., and grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.) populations, and macroinvertebrate biomass and species composition in a chalk stream in southern England were examined. Low levels of in-stream weed growth, because of shading by closed tree canopy, diminished macroinvertebrate production and diversity. 0+ salmon and trout had lower densities under closed canopy, relative to adjacent open sites with substantial weed cover, where fish were also found to be larger. Canopy removal positively affected the growth of aquatic macrophytes and the availability of potential prey for juvenile salmonids. The findings have implications for the management of chalk streams, in particular, that riparian tree canopy should be managed to prevent complete closure, and excessive cutting of weed should be avoided where salmon production is below sustainable levels.  相似文献   

Growth and movement of juvenile salmonids influence the expression of individual life history traits and production of adults at the population scale. We individually marked and recaptured juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss over the course of a year in Murderers Creek, a semi‐arid tributary to the South Fork John Day River in Northeast Oregon. We tagged O. mykiss in three reaches with differing stream gradient, stream temperature and fish density. Mean growth rates differed significantly among reaches and seasons with a significant interaction between reach and season. Reaches with high growth rates shifted across Murderers Creek among seasons. Stream reaches with high growth during the winter had low growth during summer and vice‐versa. The proportion of individuals moving at the reach scale during summer was low (≤2.6%), suggesting that individuals did not track resources at the reach scale. The spatio‐temporal variation in growth indicates that monitoring stream salmonids across multiple seasons is necessary to accurately characterise the production of different stream reaches.  相似文献   

Juvenile salmonids (< 50 cm) were sampled by purse seine off the Pacific coast from Tillamook Bay, Oregon, to Copalis Head, Washington, during the period May through September (1980). Temporal distribution and abundance of the major Columbia River species were determined. Spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshatuytscha) and steel head (Salmo gairdneri) were present only during early cruises and were distributed almost entirely in the Columbia River plume and the sample area to the north. Coho salmon (O. kisutch) and fall chinook salmon were distributed more uniformly throughout the sampling area and were relatively abundant throughout the sampling period. Concentrations of fish were found only within 28 km of the shore. A number of fish that had been marked before or during their outmigration from the Columbia River system were recaptured. It appeared possible that with concentrated sampling in areas with high fish abundances, sufficient numbers of marked juvenile salmonids could be captured to provide relative survival estimates between different stocks of Columbia River fish.  相似文献   

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