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越南鱼 Tilapia mossambica(Peters)在养殖条件下能够自行繁殖,产量高,管养容易,具有不少优点。可是,鱼塭(北方称养角港或海港)应否养殖越南鱼,目前还存在着争论:有人认为,鱼塭养越南鱼是增产措施之一;有人却认为,越南鱼在鱼塭中捕食其它主要养殖对象,尤其残害虾类,是鱼塭的一害。孰是孰非,一直未真正解决,以致在一定程度上妨碍了鱼塭养殖越南鱼的进一步开展。一般认为越南鱼是以植物性食料为主的杂食性鱼类。越南鱼在淡水水域的食性和养殖方法,研究者并不乏人,而关于越南鱼在鱼塭中的食性及有关养殖问题,国内未见报道。为了探讨鱼塭应否养殖越南鱼这一问题,我们进行了鱼塭中越南鱼的食性分析,并根据几年来的一些经验,提出了关于鱼塭养殖越南鱼的初步意见。  相似文献   

以养殖生态平衡的观点,在鱼塭中引入细基江蓠繁枝变种、斑节对虾作为主养种类,结合鱼塭的自然纳苗养殖,组成江蓠、对虾等藻虾综合混养模式,有利于优化养殖系统的种类结构,改善养殖水域生态环境,使养殖系统内的江蓠、对虾的总产、单产均有明显的提高,取得较好的经济效益和生态效益,并形成一定程度的产业化规模.  相似文献   

正海水池塘鱼、虾、贝绿色生态养殖是指根据海水池塘不同生态位进行鱼、虾、贝多品种搭配混合养殖,以达到充分利用水域养殖生产潜力和生态防治病害的作用,实现海水池塘养殖综合效益的提高。现将海水池塘鱼、虾、贝生态养殖试验情况报告如下。一、材料与方法1.池塘条件试验池塘选择在玉环市珠港长  相似文献   

墨吉对虾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墨吉对虾在南海广泛分布,是鱼塭养殖的优良品种。广东鱼塭养殖墨吉对虾虽有悠久的历史,但人工养殖墨吉对虾未引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

广东省台山县的海水养殖产量在广东各县中居首位,全县海岸线570多公里,有着丰富的滩涂资源,1991年全县水产品总产量为10.5万吨,其中海水养殖产量为1.72万吨,海水养殖面积为16.6万亩。该县历史上有二个方面的养殖,一是牡蛎养殖;二是鱼塭养殖(港养)。经过近些年来的发展,品种和产量  相似文献   

<正>一、南方海水鱼类养殖业发展的概况20世纪80年代中期之前,南方无海水鱼类养殖业,只有利用鱼塭纳苗方式养殖一些海水鱼,年产量几百吨。20世纪70年代末期,珠海首先开展海水网箱养鱼试  相似文献   

根据2003年4月~2004年9月在广东省海丰县联安镇江蓠-对虾鱼塭混养试验所得调查数据,采用神经-模糊系统作为非线性逼近工具,建立了虾藻混合养殖过程中各生物和水环境因子之间非线性关系的神经-模糊系统模型。以鱼塭水环境中可溶性无机氮DIN≤0·2mg·L-1作为富营养化限制标准,模型模拟出了对虾不同养殖阶段混养江蓠所需的最低理论生长速率。其结果较好地反映了混养系统中江蓠的实际生长速率对水环境中DIN所产生的影响。  相似文献   

自从1993年我国海水养殖虾类遭受白斑病毒病的危害以来,海水虾类养殖一直处于不稳定的状态。一般虾农抗风险能力差,所以自然地就派生出了多品种混养,这种不收那种收,大大降低了由于病害而带来的风险。混养的具体方法多种多样,有虾鱼、虾蟹、虾贝、虾参、虾藻等。日照市东港区总结推广了海水池塘虾蟹贝“四放五收”养殖模式,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益,亩均效益达6000元以上。  相似文献   

鱼塭养殖是一种在沿海潮水涨到的高滩场地筑堤养殖鱼虾蟹类的生产,养殖的种苗通过人工釆捞,放入塭内。养殖的品种计有鲻魚、鲚鱼、(?)鱼、鲈鱼、鱼跳(?)鱼,鳗鱼、鲨鱼、蒲鱼、海龟、沙虾、白虾、青蟹、花蟹等数十种,这些都是经济价值高,营养丰富的品种,虾类还可制成虾米出口换取外汇。  相似文献   

海水池塘混养技术已发展多年,方法多种多样,有虾鱼、虾蟹、虾贝、虾海参、虾藻等。本文介绍虾、蟹、贝、鱼混养,立体生态综合利用的海水池塘养殖模式——五放七收。  相似文献   

上海市长江口区渔业资源及其利用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王幼槐  倪勇 《水产学报》1984,8(2):147-159
上海市所辖长江口区,长约100余公里,面积约275万亩。1959年-1982年的年平均渔获量为4587.68吨;1962年产量最低,仅2921.5吨,1971年最高,达7483吨。产鱼类106种,其中淡水鱼类有24种,占总种数22.64%;咸淡水鱼类32种,占30.19%;海水鱼类44种,占41.51%;海淡水洄游鱼类6种,占5.66%。经济鱼类以凤鲚、刀鲚和前颌间银鱼为主,此外还有鲻鱼、梭鱼、鲈鱼、鲥鱼、长吻鮠、白鲟、达氏鲟、棘头梅童鱼、鳗鲡、红类和东方纯等,共约20种。虾蟹类以安氏长臂虾和中华绒螯蟹最具经济价值。苗种资源开发以鳗苗和蟹苗为主。本文对主要经济水产品渔获量的年际变化作了分析和介绍,并就河口渔业的资源保护和增殖问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

山东沿海腹洞式毛虾单桩张网试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
单桩张网在渤海捕捞毛虾时,损害大量经济鱼虾的幼体,严重地破坏了渔业资源。为保护经济鱼虾的幼体,合理利用毛虾资源,作者根据毛虾和其他经济鱼虾幼体的不同习性和游泳能力,设计了腹洞式毛虾单桩张网。该网的主要特点是,在张网腹部开有一个较大的三角洞,经济鱼虾的幼体受惊后可由此下潜逃逸,或在流速较小时由此外返逃逸。两年来的生产对比试验表明,效果显著。腹洞式毛虾单桩张网比现有生产网的平均网次产量增加20.64%。其中,毛虾增产38.14%,释放经济鱼虾的幼体58.94%。  相似文献   

Mullets have so far been recorded in the brackish water areas only and of the 8 species identified, Liza falcipinnis is the most abundant. Mullet fry (mixed species) are available throughout the year but in greater quantities between March and July. It is estimated that enough fry to stock more than 10 000 ha for polyculture can be collected from the coastal areas. With a view to culturing them in fresh water, it has been possible to acclimatize them to fresh water. This offers good prospects of culturing mullets together with common carp, catfish (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) and cichlias (Tilapia sp.)Polyculture trials in brackishwater ponds in Lagos indicate that the natural entry of mullet fry with the tide could result in productions of up to 239 kg ha?1 year?1 in addition to that of other species, without supplementary feed or fertilizer. Stocking of mullet fry increased the mullet yield. Experiments indicate that supplementary feed also increases both yield and average size. Predators such as Sphyraena sp. reduce mullet population in fish ponds and also their yield.  相似文献   

绥芬河滩头雅罗鱼孵化放流的初步试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报道绥芬河滩头雅罗鱼大批量人工孵化放流。1989年5~6月,在绥芬河东宁河段采捕、利用(?)河亲鱼3037尾,采卵1867万粒,利用自然产卵场生态条件孵化放流的雅鱼1323万尾(全长6.5mm)。  相似文献   

应用低功率CO2激光、TDP及其它红外辐射照射鱼卵、鱼苗、鱼种和成鱼可促进鱼胚、稚鱼、鱼苗、鱼种和成鱼的生长发育,缩短养殖周期,增强养殖鱼类的抗病抗逆能力和摄食能力,降低饵料系数,提高鱼类产品的产量和质量。  相似文献   

本文根据辽东湾中国对虾标志放流实验与重捕资料,对辽东湾中国对虾放流场的选择、种苗的放流规格和放流增殖效果进行了研究。根据上述实验分析表明,在辽河口海区进行对虾放流增殖是较理想的场所,在秋汛生产期洄游分布遍及辽东湾传统的中心渔场;放流种苗的适宜体长规格为5cm以上,回捕率较高,最高达3.31%。这将对辽东湾生产性对虾放流提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

Relationships between abundance of post‐larval and juvenile carangid (jacks) fishes and physical oceanographic conditions were examined in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in 2011 with high freshwater input from the Mississippi River. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to explore complex relationships between carangid abundance and physical oceanographic data of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and salinity. The five most abundant carangid species collected were: Selene setapinnis (34%); Caranx crysos (30%); Caranx hippos (10%); Chloroscombrus chrysurus (9%) and Trachurus lathami (8%). Post‐larval carangids (median standard length [SL] = 10 mm) were less abundant during the spring and early summer, but more abundant during the late summer and fall, suggesting summer to fall spawning for most species. Juvenile carangid (median SL = 23 mm) abundance also increased between the mid‐summer and early fall. Most species showed increased abundance at lower salinities and higher temperatures, suggesting entrainment of post‐larval fishes or feeding aggregations of juveniles at frontal convergence zones between the expansive river plume and dynamic mesoscale eddy water masses. However, responses were species‐ and life‐stage specific, which may indicate fine‐scale habitat partitioning between species. Ordination methods also revealed higher carangid abundances at lower salinities for both post‐larval and juvenile life stages, with species‐ and life‐stage specific responses to SST and SSHA, further suggesting habitat separation between species. Results indicate strong links between physical oceanographic features and carangid distributions in the dynamic northern GoM.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to 1) evaluate the compatibility of prawns (Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii) with carps, especially the effect of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio); and 2) measure the ability of prawns to utilize the foods available in manured systems. Carps used were the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead (Aristichthys nobilis), grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Four ponds (0.09 to 0.17 ha) were stocked with silver, bighead and grass carps while common carp were stocked in only two ponds. Total fish densities were 8,600/ha where four carps were stocked, but only 6,200/ha when common carp were omitted. Post-larval prawns (wt 0.116 g) were stocked at densities of 17/m2. Swine (approximately 60/ha of pond surface area) were housed on pond dikes so that fresh manure continuously entered each pond. Two lots of swine were fattened during the experimental period and loadings of swine manure were calculated based on hog size and feed consumption. Growth periods were 163 days for fish and 107 and 121 days for separate stockings of prawns. Gains in biomass by prawns averaged 714 kg/ha in ponds without common carp and 364 kg/ha in ponds containing common carp. Gains in biomass for both fish and prawns were 3,619 kg/ha (19.8 kg/ha/day) in ponds with common carp and 2,924 kg/ha (18.0 kg/ha/day) in those without common carp. Prawn survival was higher (X = 84.5% vs X = 72.5%), but final average weight of prawns was lower (2.64 vs 5.86 g) in the presence of common carp due to competition for food between common carp and prawns. Competition from carp is believed to have exerted less influence on prawn survival than predation on small prawns by larger, faster-growing prawns.  相似文献   

Juvenile prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) were stocked at 37,050/ha and golden shiner (Noremigonus crysoleucas) fry at 321,100/ha into 16 earthen ponds at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Grand Chenier, Louisiana. Four replicated treatments were tested: fed prawn monoculture, fed shiner monoculture, fed prawn and fed shiner polyculture, and unfed prawn fed shiner polyculture. The study lasted 149 days. There were no significant differences in growth between prawns fed in monoculture and prawns fed in polyculture (P > 0.05). However, fed prawns grew significantly larger (P < 0.05) than unfed prawns. Prawn survival in all treatments combined averaged 63%. Survival was significantly higher (P < 0.05) for fed prawns than for unfed prawns. Prawn yields averaged 533 kg/ha, when all treatments were combined. Yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) for prawns grown with shiners and for prawns that received supplemental feed. Growth was significantly higher (P < 0.05) for shiners grown with fed prawns than for shiners grown with unfed prawns. Shiner survival averaged 33% and was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in monoculture than in polyculture. Yield for all ponds averaged 392 kg/ha, with no significant differences between treatments (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

黑龙江的鱼类区系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
作者根据多年来对黑龙江水系鱼类调查所获标本和参考文献资料,对 黑龙江鱼类区系进行了研究。黑龙江水系共有鱼类120种(包括8亚种),隶属82属24科;河口海淡水鱼类和溯河性鱼类为22种,纯属淡水鱼类计89种,尚包括移植放流鱼类6种,土著鱼类仅为92种。  相似文献   

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