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该文利用中药渣培养灵芝菌,研究灵芝菌的最适发酵条件,子实体生长条件及其生物活性成分(灵芝多糖及灵芝三萜化合物)和重金属含量。结果表明:灵芝菌固体发酵最适温度为26~28℃,培养基含水量55~60%,pH值5.0~6.0,氧气充足,无需光照;子实体的适宜生长条件为:温度25~30℃,空气湿度90%左右,pH值4.0~6.0,氧气充足,需要光照。分析检测了灵芝酸多糖含量,重金属含量均在安全范围内。  相似文献   

以药渣和纤维素为唯一碳源,通过平板初筛及多种酶活综合测定复筛,从药渣高温腐熟阶段筛选出的复合菌系Y-5,从Y-5供试样品中分离到能以CMC-Na作为唯一碳源生长的高温微生物菌株72株,其中细菌54株,真菌18株,通过菌群耦合培养,获得了结构稳定的YEM耦合菌群,对中药渣的降解能力提高64.6%。  相似文献   

中药渣滤液已经成为制约中药材产业绿色发展的关键问题。以藿香正气液药渣滤液为原料,以YEM为菌剂,研究了其发酵基质、参数及发酵组分变化,以期为药渣滤液的快速微生物处理与高效利用提供技术支撑。研究结果表明,藿香正气液药渣滤液发酵培养基适宜配比为:添加蔗糖3%、硫酸铵0.3%、硝酸钙0.1%、复合氨基酸0.4%、磷酸二氢钾0.2%;适宜的菌种接种量为2%,适宜的培养温度为30℃,适宜的通气量为200 mL/(min·m3)。整个发酵期间,药渣水发酵液总黄酮含量增加36.9%,标志性药效成分从发酵前的10种增加到发酵后的16种,有8种主要药效成分的峰面积显著增加,药用组分峰面积增加40%,药效组分含量总体提高。  相似文献   

本文分析了环境因子对热带灵芝生长的影响、热带灵芝对木质纤维素的降解、热带灵芝的栽培以及子实体的化学成分和毒性。结果表明热带灵芝菌丝的最适 pH 值为5.9,最适温度为28.8℃,光对菌丝生长有抑制作用:热带灵芝在木糠-麦麸培养基上经过62d 培养之后基质中纤维素、半纤维素、木质素分别降解了48.3%、56.8%、62.0%:热带灵芝能够在木屑、蔗渣、废棉等培养基上正常生长、出芝,其子实体所含氨基酸、锗元素及其它一些微量元素高于赤芝;热带灵芝毒性极小。  相似文献   

为降低银杏叶药渣制备颗粒燃料的能耗,对干燥、粉碎和制粒成型等主要加工环节的单位能耗进行了试验研究.首先,将银杏叶药渣在60~120℃的热风温度下分别恒温干燥至含水率20%,研究干燥温度对干燥能耗的影响;通过正交试验,研究含水率、筛网孔径和主轴转速对粉碎能耗的影响,分析在不同含水率和颗粒度条件下制粒成型的能耗情况.然后根...  相似文献   

百菌清是一种广谱非内源性农药,在土壤中难以降解,已经成为农业环境污染的主要污染源之一。因此,其对环境的污染和被污染土壤的修复技术越来越受到关注。土壤环境中原位降解细菌的多样性对于评价环境毒理学、生物降解性、自净化能力和污染物的修复潜力具有重要价值。该研究从长期被百菌清污染的土壤中收集大量样本,分离到了14种能够明显降解百菌清的细菌。根据菌株形态和rDNA同源性分析,将它们分为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)、无色杆菌属(Achromobacter sp.)、苍白杆菌属(Ochrobactrum sp.)、青枯菌属(Ralstonia sp.)和溶杆菌属(Lysobacter sp.)。其中溶杆菌属是该研究中新发现的具有百菌清降解能力的功能菌属,该发现扩大了已知的百菌清降解菌的菌属范围。通过进一步鉴定及生理生化分析,确定了该降解菌的分类地位及理化特征。此外,该研究通过基因文库法克隆到了发挥关键降解作用的水解酶基因,并发现该基因与转座子原件IS-Olup相连,二者组成代谢转座子,具有水平转移的分子基础。通过揭示降解基因在细菌间的漂移机制,为修复百菌清污染土壤的生物技术奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

试验研究在肉鸡日粮添加中药渣滤液发酵液对肉鸡生长和免疫功能的影响,为开发利用中草药加工副产品及畜禽产品安全生产提供理论参考。将1 000只1日龄健康青脚麻肉鸡随机分成4组,每组5个重复,每个重复50只鸡,分别饲喂每1 kg基础饲料加吉他霉素10 mg、恩拉霉素10 mg、硫酸粘杆菌素10 mg和每1 kg基础饲料分别添加1%、2%、3%的中药渣滤液发酵液的NRC(1994)的日粮,采样并测定肉鸡的生长性能、屠宰性能、机体抗氧化指标和免疫指标。结果表明,日粮不同水平中药渣滤液发酵液显著影响肉鸡平均日增量,但对平均日采食量的影响不显著,其中,添加3%中药渣滤液发酵液的生产性能最佳;日粮不同水平中药渣滤液发酵液显著提高肉鸡腿肌率、胸腺指数。在肉鸡生产中添加该药渣滤液发酵液能够替代抗生素,且添加量为3%时效果最好。  相似文献   

为了探讨实验室筛选获得的氨氧化细菌CM-NR014和反硝化细菌CM-NRD3联合去除市政废水中氮素的应用价值,采用了两级A/O工艺进行菌株去除废水中氮素的小试实验,最后将菌株用于废水脱氮工程中。结果表明,脱氮功能菌实现了短程硝化-反硝化,氨氮去除率在98%以上,总氮去除率在75%以上,COD(化学需氧量)去除率大于90%,出水各项指标均低于城镇污水处理厂污染物排放一级(A)标准。脱氮功能菌在去除市政废水中氮素方面有很高的应用价值,可用于城镇污水处理厂提标改造等。  相似文献   

实验采用黄丝菌(Canthar-ellus cibarius Fr)子实体,经热水提取、乙醇沉淀、柱层析以及透析处理,得到黄丝菌多糖(CC-1),采用三氟乙酸水解黄丝菌多糖样品形成单糖,结合高效液相色谱分析法(HPLC法)分析了其单糖成分;同时,研究了低浓度黄丝菌多糖的抗氧化活性。结果表明,黄丝菌多糖由甘露糖与木糖组成,比例为7∶1。抗氧化实验表明,黄丝菌多糖对ABTS+自由基的清除能力在0.5~5.0 mg/m L质量浓度范围内呈正相关,对DPPH-自由基也有一定清除作用。  相似文献   

三种中药渣的热解气化特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该文采用热解气化方法,对含水率为25%左右的3种药渣(杞菊地黄丸、六味地黄丸、香砂养胃丸药渣)进行了气化试验,并与玉米秸秆做比较。结果表明,当过量空气系数为1.1时,三种药渣均具有良好的气化特性,燃气热值均达到5 300 kJ/m3以上,其中香砂养胃丸药渣的燃气热值达到5 460 kJ/m3。相较于玉米秸秆,药渣热解气化产生较多的焦油,过量空气系数为1.1时,3种药渣气化的焦油体积质量约为1 000 mg/m3,并随过量空气系数增加处于不断下降的趋势,证实了3种药渣具有良好的热解气化特性,为中药渣的资源化处理提供了一条新思路。  相似文献   

利用牧草与沼渣栽培毛木耳及其残渣改良土壤效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不同比例牧草与沼渣替代木屑栽培毛木耳对其产量、品质及氨基酸含量影响各异。30%草粉 +30%沼渣替代木屑效果较好,生物效率为107.5%,产量比对照高82.2%,粗蛋白、氨基酸、粗脂肪、可溶性糖含量分别比对照高3.7%、1.75%、0.13%、0.37%;以50%草粉或沼渣替代木屑其毛木耳产量分别比对照高55.1%和61.0%。山地果园连续3年施用5t/hm2沼渣、5t/hm2菌渣和5t/hm2鲜草处理区与对照相比,其红壤中腐殖酸碳含量分 别提高22.9%、26.5%和16.5%;红壤中团粒结构依次提高78.5%、79.9%和69.3%,改良土壤效果较好。  相似文献   

Soil contamination by heavy metals is a serious environmental problem worldwide,and reduction of heavy metal accumulation in vegetables grown on contaminated land is a matter of urgency.A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of intercropping with the Cd hyperaccumulators Solanum nigrum and Solanum photeinocarpum from two ecoclimatic regions,Ya'an and Chengdu,Sichuan Province,China,on the growth and cadmium (Cd) uptake of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).The biomass,photosynthetic pigment contents,and activities of antioxidant enzymes of eggplant were enhanced by intercropping.The biomass of eggplant was the highest after intercropping with S.photeinocarpum from Ya'an,but did not differ significantly from that after intercropping with S.nigrum from Chengdu.The shoot Cd content of eggplant was significantly reduced by intercropping with the hyperaccumulators,which ranked as follows:S.nigrum from Chengdu > S.nigrum from Ya'an > S.photeinocarpum from Chengdu > S.photeinocarpum from Ya'an,with the decreases being 19.60%,14.36%,9.66%,and 6.42%,respectively,as compared with the control.The lowest shoot Cd content and translocation factor of eggplant were attained after intercropping with S.nigrum from Chengdu.Therefore,it was feasible to intercrop eggplant with S.nigrum and S.photeinocarpum on Cd-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

蚕豆枯萎病是土传病害,其发生与蚕豆根系分泌物有密切关系。本文以3个枯萎病不同抗性蚕豆品种——‘89-147’(高抗)、‘8363’(中抗)和‘云豆324’(感病)为材料,通过水培试验收集根系分泌物,测定根系分泌物对镰刀菌孢子萌发和菌丝生长的影响,分析对枯萎病表现出不同抗性的蚕豆品种根系分泌物中糖、氨基酸和有机酸的含量,分离鉴定了根系分泌物中氨基酸和有机酸的组分。结果表明,抗病品种的根系分泌物抑制了尖孢镰刀菌的孢子萌发和菌丝生长,在加入5 mL中抗品种根系分泌物时,显著促进尖孢镰刀菌孢子萌发,但对菌丝生长无显著影响;而在加入1 mL感病品种根系分泌物时,就能显著促进尖孢镰刀菌孢子萌发和菌丝生长。不同抗性蚕豆品种根系分泌物中氨基酸总量和总糖含量随抗性的降低而升高,有机酸分泌总量则随蚕豆品种对枯萎病的抗性增加而升高。感病品种和中抗品种中检出15种氨基酸,而高抗品种中检出14种,组氨酸只存在于中抗品种中,脯氨酸仅在感病品种中检出,3个蚕豆品种根系分泌物中均未检出精氨酸。蚕豆根系分泌物中天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸和亮氨酸含量高,可能会促进枯萎病的发生,而蛋氨酸、赖氨酸和丝氨酸含量高可能抑制枯萎病发生。酒石酸仅在抗病品种中存在,根系分泌物中有机酸种类丰富,有助于提高蚕豆对枯萎病的抗性。蚕豆对枯萎病的抗性不同,根分泌物对镰刀菌孢子萌发和菌丝生长的影响也不同,而这种抗病性差异与蚕豆根系分泌物中糖、氨基酸、有机酸的含量和组分密切相关。  相似文献   

Pig-biogas residue is widely used as organic fertilizer for rice (Oryza sativa L.) in China. To evaluate the risk of heavy metal contamination in paddy soil and rice grains caused by long-term pig-biogas residue fertilization, this study was conducted in paddy fields which had been fertilized continuously with pig-biogas residue for 8 years. We found that pig-biogas residues contained high concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). As a result, the concentrations of these four metals in paddy soils and rice grains sampled from biogas residue fertilized fields were significantly higher than those from control fields. In addition, in biogas residue fertilized fields, the concentrations of these four metals rapidly increased in the tillage layer compared with those in deep soil layers, and biological availability was significantly higher than in control fields. Moreover, we found that the accumulation of these four metals in paddy soils and rice grains increased in the second year compared with the first year. To reduce heavy metal accumulation in rice grains, we screened for rice genotype among 20 local rice genotypes. We found obvious genotypic differences in grains’ accumulation of heavy metals, and identified some rice genotypes which had low accumulation of multiple heavy metals. These low-accumulating genotypes predicate the possibility to reduce heavy metal accumulation in rice grains grown in pig-biogas residue fertilized fields.  相似文献   

牛粪矿物混合蚯蚓堆肥中堆制物Pb和Cd吸附性能变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进畜粪和矿物资源的生态循环利用和Pb、Cd污染土壤的原位稳定化治理,以寻求具有良好重金属吸附性能的原位稳定化修复材料为目标,该研究以高钙镁系矿物和海泡石添加下牛粪矿物混合蚯蚓堆肥为研究对象,分析堆制物性状变化及其对Pb2+、Cd2+的吸附性能差异.结果表明,高钙镁系矿物及海泡石添加下蚯蚓均可较好生长,蚯蚓处理可使堆...  相似文献   

Jerusalem artichoke(Helianthus tuberosus L.) not just can be used for bioethanol production but may be potentially used in phytoremediation for the removal of heavy metal pollutants.Two Jerusalem artichoke cultivars,N2 and N5,were subjected to six cadmium(Cd) concentrations(0,5,25,50,100 and 200 mg L1) to investigate Cd tolerance and accumulation.After 21 days of growth,the effects of Cd on growth,chlorophyll content,net photosynthetic rate,intercellular CO2 concentration and malondialdehyde content were evaluated.Most growth parameters were reduced under Cd stress.The two Jerusalem artichoke cultivars had relatively high Cd tolerance and accumulation capacity(> 100 mg kg1),with N5 being more tolerant and having higher Cd accumulation than N2.Roots accumulated more Cd than stems and leaves.The bioconcentration factors(far higher than 1) and translocation factors(lower than 1) decreased with an increase in Cd applied.The results suggested that Jerusalem artichoke could be grown at relatively high Cd loads,and N5 could be an excellent candidate for phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

在泥鳅养殖水体中添加稻秆粉模拟水稻残遗物生境,研究了泥鳅生长和肝胰脏抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT)与解毒酶(GST)活性对转Cry1Ab/Ac基因水稻‘华恢1号’(HH1)的响应。设计以HH1稻秆粉10 mg·L?1、50 mg·L?1、100 mg·L?1和200 mg·L?1 4个梯度浓度处理泥鳅为试验组,以非转Bt基因水稻‘明恢63’(MH63)稻秆粉处理组为阴性对照,不加稻秆粉的基础饲养组为空白对照。结果显示:在4种稻秆粉浓度下,HH1组与MH63对照组泥鳅的特定生长率、肥满度、内脏系数及SOD、CAT和GST酶活性均无显著差异(P0.05);与空白对照比较,稻秆粉浓度升高对泥鳅生长的抑制逐渐增强,当浓度达到200 mg·L?1时,HH1组和MH63对照组泥鳅的特定生长率、内脏系数与CAT活性降低。研究结果表明,水体中低含量的转融合基因Cry1Ab/Ac水稻HH1稻秆粉对泥鳅的生长与生理酶活性没有明显影响,高浓度HH1和MH63稻秆粉均使泥鳅的生长和生理酶活性显著降低,这可能与养殖水体中浓度较高的悬浮稻秆粉妨碍了泥鳅的呼吸和滤食,及稻秆粉的分解降低了水体p H和溶氧量有关。  相似文献   

Heavy metal(HM) contamination in soils is an environmental issue worldwide that threatens the quality and safety of crops and human health. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to investigate the growth, mycorrhizal colonization, and Pb and Cd accumulation of pakchoi(Brassica chinensis L. cv. Suzhou) in response to inoculation with three arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi(AMF), Funneliformis mosseae, Glomus versiforme, and Rhizophagus intraradices, aimed at exploring how AMF inoculation affected safe crop production by altering plant-soil interaction. The symbiotic relationship was well established between pakchoi and three AMF inocula even under Pb or Cd stress, where the colonization rates in the roots ranged from 24.5% to 38.5%. Compared with the non-inoculated plants, the shoot biomass of the inoculated plants increased by 8.7%–22.1% and 9.2%–24.3% in Pb and Cd addition treatments, respectively. Both glomalin-related soil protein(GRSP) and polyphosphate concentrations reduced as Pb or Cd concentration increased. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation significantly enhanced total absorbed Pb and Cd(except for a few samples) and increased the distribution ratio(root/shoot) in pakchoi at each Pb or Cd addition level. However, the three inocula significantly decreased Pb concentration in pakchoi shoots by 20.6%–67.5% in Pb addition treatments, and significantly reduced Cd concentration in the shoots of pakchoi in the Cd addition treatments(14.3%–54.1%), compared to the non-inoculated plants.Concentrations of Pb and Cd in the shoots of inoculated pakchois were all below the allowable limits of Chinese Food Safety Standard.The translocation factor of Pb or Cd increased significantly with increasing Pb or Cd addition levels, while there was no significant difference among the three AMF inocula at each metal addition level. Meanwhile, compared with the non-inoculated plants, AMF inocula significantly increased soil p H, electrical conductivity, and Pb or Cd concentrations in soil organic matter in the soils at the highest Pb or Cd dose after harvest of pakchoi, whereas the proportion of bioavailable Pb or Cd fraction declined in the AMF inoculated soil. Our study provided the first evidence that AM fungi colonized the roots of pakchoi and indicated the potential application of AMF in the safe production of vegetables in Pb or Cd contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The behavior of soil organisms inhabiting soil pore spaces can be influenced by soil compression, which can affect their avoidance behavior to pollutants. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of soil compression on the avoidance behavior of Allonychiurus kimi (Collembola) to heavy metals cadmium and copper. Initially, to assess the applicability of the avoidance test guideline of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed for Folsomia candida, we investigated the avoidance behavior of A. kimi to cadmium and copper in an artificial soil with a loose structure (bulk density of 0.25 g cm-3), the porous texture of which was sufficiently loose to enable A. kimi to move between pore spaces. The effect of soil compression on the avoidance behavior of A. kimi to both metals was evaluated in compressed soil (bulk density of 0.64 g cm-3) with a uniformly compressed soil surface, and avoidance behavior was investigated at 24-h intervals over a 120-h period. Given that A. kimi is unable to burrow into compressed soil, the compressed soil test can minimize the effects of differences in soil factors, such as soil porosity and bulk density, on the behavior of this collembolan. In the artificial soil, a statistically significant avoidance behavior of A. kimi was observed at cadmium and copper concentrations greater than 50 and 200 mg kg-1, respectively, thereby indicating the applicability of the ISO avoidance test guidelines for A. kimi. When compared at the same exposure time point, the avoidance response to both metals in compressed soil was less sensitive than that in uncompressed soil. In addition, we observed differences in the effects of metals on avoidance response in the compressed soil over time, with the effect of cadmium increasing with time and the effect of copper showing the opposite trend. Overall, we found that soil compression can affect the avoidance behavior of A. kimi to cadmium and copper, and we discussed the advantages and limitations of using compressed soil for assessments of pollutant toxicity.  相似文献   

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