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Summary Eight lines from the cross between Vada and Cebada Capa with long to very long latent periods and four barley cultivars representing the known range of partial resistance to barley leaf rust, caused by Puccinia hordei, were evaluated in the field for partial resistance and in the greenhouse for the latent period (LP) in the young flag leaf.Each of the 12 entries was sown (15-4-1983) on a plot of 1.0 m2. There were four replicates. To reduce interplot interference the plots were separated from each other by 4.0 m of spring rye. The number of urediosori per tiller was evaluated at 27-6, 4-7, 12-7 and ten days after heading. The LP was measured on 10 to 15 plants per entry in 1982 and on 10 plants in 1983.The levels of partial resistance varied greatly. The difference in number of sori per tiller between the most susceptible cultivar, Akka, and the most resistant cultivar, Vada, was about 50 times. Between Akka and the most resistant line this was approximately 5000 times. The LP's varied similarly. Vada had a LP 64% longer than that of Akka, the LP of line 26-6-11 was 15% longer. The range of partial resistance has been extended more than twofold.The correlation coefficients between LP and the level of barley leaf rust, expressed in transformed scale units, varied from -0.99 for the first sampling date to -0.97 for the third sampling date. Sampling the same development stage, ten days after heading, did not improve the r-value (r=–0.98). The LP evaluated in the young flag leaf is shown to be a very reliable criterion for partial resistance in the barley-Puccinia hordei pathosystem.Earliness tends to be associated with susceptibility. The correlation of days to heading with LP was 0.63, and with the level of barley leaf rust in the field 0.64.  相似文献   

Summary The barley cultivar Cebaba Capa was crossed to the cultivar L94, which is assumed to carry no genes for increased latent periods, and Vada, which is assumed to carry five to six minor genes for a longer latent period (LP). In the F2 selection was carried out for short and long LP's in the young flag leaves to Puccinia hordei in both crosses. In the F3, F4 and F5 the selection for short as well as for long LP continued by selecting the extreme plants in the extreme lines, a typical pedigree selection approach.The LP's are given relative to those of L94, set at 100 and of Vada, set at 185. From the cross with L94 homogeneous lines were obtained with relative LP's of 100 and of 220. From the cross with Vada the extreme lines had LP's of 135 and around or even beyond 300.Cebaba Capa is thought to carry four to six minor genes with an average gene effect slightly larger than those of the five to six minor genes in Vada. From the four to six minor genes one or two may be identical to or closely linked with minor genes of Vada, the others appeared to be different. In the lines with LP's of close to 300 or even more the number of minor genes accumulated is thought to be in the order of eight or nine. These gene number estimates are based on independent assortment. If linkage occurs the number of genes involved may be larger.Because of the high correlation between LP in the young flag leaf and the partial resistance in the field the selected lines are assumed to have a partial resistance to barley leaf rust far beyond that of Vada, which represents almost the highest level of partial resistance in European cultivars.  相似文献   

J. E. Parlevliet 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):241-248
Summary The latent period (LP) in the barley-leaf rust relationship is an important component of the partial resistance complex. The inheritance of the host plant effect on LP was studied in five crosses between four cultivars. The LP, effectuated by the susceptible cultivars L94 and L92, were 8.0 and 8.6 days resp., those of the resistant cultivars Minerva (Mi) and Vada (Va) 16.9 and 17.1 days resp. The mean F1 and F2 values of the crosses L92×L94 and Mi x Va were intermediate between the parental ones. The variances of the F2's were slightly larger than those of the parents and the F1's indicating some segregation. In the crosses between a susceptible and a resistant cultivar the F1 value was half way between the mid-parent and susceptible parent value. The F2 mean lay approximately half way between the mid-parent and F1 value, with a distribution positively skewed and slightly bimodal. There was no transgression, in fact not even the parental values were recovered among nearly 500 F2 plants. The F3-lines of the crosses between susceptible and resistant cultivars showed within line variances from as low as the parental values to as high as or higher than those of the F2. In hte F3's the parental values could be recovered although no transgression occurred.L94 is supposed to carry no genes effecting a longer LP. The long LP of Mi and Va, assuming no linkage, is thought to be effectuated by the cumulative action of a recessive gene with a fairly large effect and some four to five minor genes with additive inheritance. One of these minor genes is supposed to be carried by L92, while Mi and Va are thought to differ for one minor gene only. In case linkage exists, the number of minor genes involved could be higher.  相似文献   

Summary The barley cultivars Akka, highly susceptible, and Vada, partially resistant to barley leaf rust, Puccinia hordei, were evaluated for the amount of leaf rust in five experimental field plot situations over three successive years. The field plot situations were: A) plots well isolated from each other by distance and non-leaf rust contributing host plants; B) adjacent plots of 4×41/2 m (18 rows); C) adjacent plots of 4×11/2 m (6 rows); D) adjacent plots of 4×1/4 m (1 row); E) adjacent plots of only one plant (cultivar mixtures).The sporulating leaf area of each plot was measured from samples of 20 tillers taken at random from each plot. In each year the difference in sporulating area between Akka and Vada was large to very large in the absence of interplot interference in the isolated plots, ranging from 150 to 2100 times. In the adjacent plots the partial resistance of Vada was greatly underestimated, 5 to 16 times in the situation B, 14 to 30 times in C, and 75 to 130 times in D and E.Testing lines or cultivars in adjacent plots is the standard procedure in use in breeding programs and in tests of cultivars for their agricultural value. To avoid such under estimation the following procedure is suggested. A few cultivars representing the known range of partial resistance and whose level of partial resistance is well known are evaluated together with the lines and cultivars whose partial resistance has to be assessed. This is demonstrated with a number of cultivars of which resistance values are know from the recommended variety lists for England and Wales. Cultivars have been assessed in Wageningen over four years together with the check cultivars Akka, Sultan, Julia and Vada representing the range of partial resistance with values (on a 1 to 10 scale) of 1, 3–4, 7 and 8 respectively, based on isolated plots experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen spring barley cultivars were evaluated in two years for their tolerance to leaf rust, Puccinia hordei. The consistency between the results obtained in the two experiments was rather poor. The most tolerant cultivars produced low seed yields, the least tolerant ones high seed yields. A strongly negative relationship existed between harves-index and tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary The investigation involved three barley genotypes that varied from extremely susceptible (Akka) to an extreme level of partial resistance (17-6-16). The barley leaf rust colony size was measured in primary leaves 3, 6, 12 and 18 days after inoculation and in flag leaves 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 days after inoculation with race 1-2-1. Akka always had the largest colonies, 17-5-16 the smallest, with Vada at an intermediate position. The genotypic differences were proportionally largest at the second sampling day and smallest at the last sampling day. The rate of colony growth decreased rapidly over time for all genotypes and in both plant stages. Measured at the same time (colony age the same) the rate of colony growth was largest for 17-5-16 and smallest for Akka in most periods. The time needed to reach a given colony size showed already large differences in the very early states especially in the flag leaves. Akka took 3.9 days to reach a size of 17 × 10-3 mm2 (only 5 to 10% of the colony size at the start of sporulation), Vada needed 8.3 days and 17-5-16 even 12.0 days. To reach a size of 320 × 10-3 mm2 the three genotypes needed 12.7, 18.0 and 22.8 days respectively, differences that are only slightly larger than those at the very small colony size.It was concluded that the partial resistance of barley to barley leaf rust is not primarily due to a reduced fungal growth in the partially resistant host tissue but predominantly so to an initial and temporary stagnation at the site of penetration. The longer this stagnation lasts, the longer the latent period and the higher the partial resistance are. Once this stagnation has been overcome the fungal growth rates do not vary much between genotypes with different levels of partial resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Eight spring barley cultivars, respresenting the known range in partial or slow rusting resistance to leaf rust, Puccinia hordei, were investigated for their effects on the components of partial resistance; infection frequency, latent period, infectious period and spore production per uredosorus per day. Considerable variation was observed among the cultivars for each of the components. The cultivar effects on the components tend to be associated. Cultivar L94 for instance, shows the highest infection frequency, the shortest latent period and a long infectious period. Julia and Vada both have a low infection frequency, a long latent period and a low spore production per sorus per day. This association, though, is only a partial one.The total spore production per unit leaf area (the combined result of the four components) appeared highly correlated with the partial resistance in the field (r=0.85). Only a relatively small portion of the variation in partial resistance cannot be explained by the four components studied. Several other aspects, which might affect the rate of epidemic development, are discussed.Latent period, measuring the onset of the new spore production, estimated partial resistance as well as total spore production did (r=–0.85). In order to evaluate the partial resistance of barley genotypes in the greenhouse the latent period is preferred above total spore production as it is measured more easily, more accurately and sooner after inoculation.  相似文献   

Summary Up to 100 single plant derived lines of 18 Ethiopian barley landraces were evaluated for infection type in the seedling and adult plant stage, and for latent period in the adult plant stage only. A low infection type indicates the presence of race-specific resistance genes of the hypersensitive type, while the latent period is the major component of the polygenic, partial resistance.In the seedling stage 1721 of these single plant derived landrace lines were assessed for infection type against two barley leaf rust races. In the adult plant stage 1227 from these 1721 lines were evaluated for infection type against one race. In the seedling stage 2 (against race 1-2-1) and 29 against race A) out of the 1721 lines showed an infection type lower than 6–7 on the 0 to 9 scale. In the adult plant stage none of the 1227 lines had an infection type lower than 6–7 against race 1-2-1.The variation between and within the landraces for latent period in the adult plant stage was large. Some landraces such as landrace 212845 showed a highly significant and longer mean latent period than most other landraces. Virtually all plants in all landraces carry at least some partial resistance.The near-absence of race-specific, major, resistance genes and the high frequency of moderate levels of partial resistance indicates that the durability of leaf rust resistance in Ethiopian barley landraces is due to the latter type of resistance, and that the multiline principle does not operate.  相似文献   

An inventory of 481 lines derived from 12 Ethiopian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landraces and the checks was made for partial resistance to Puccinia hordei under greenhouse and field conditions at Adet, Ambo and Sinana Agricultural Research Centers in 2003 and 2004 cropping seasons in Ethiopia. The experiments were laid out in a triple lattice design. Each plot consisted of two rows of 1–m long with spacing of 0.20 m between rows. The overall mean leaf rust epidemics varied from area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) of 86 to 1,835. The disease was as high as AUDPC 1,378 on the susceptible check L94. Highly significant variations were recorded between and within the landraces/lines in leaf rust incidence, severity, days to heading, plant height, thousand seed weight and yield. Similarly, the variations between and within barley groups from three altitude areas and three ear-types were significant. Landraces 1686, 3255, 3262 and 3783 had the least and landraces 219900, 3975 and 3980 had the highest leaf rust severity. Of the 481 lines tested, 413 (86%) had significantly lower disease than the susceptible check, but not than the partial resistant check Vada. In contrast, the yields were more for lines with less disease than for those with high. The frequency of resistant landraces/lines was more in altitude 2,301–2,500 m, and irregular and two rows ear-types than in lower altitude areas and six rows ear-type. Nevertheless, the correlation and regression analysis revealed the adverse effect of the disease in the yields of barley. The 413 lines with high infection types at seedling stage and lower AUDPC under field conditions possess partial resistance to leaf rust.  相似文献   

J. E. Parlevliet 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):249-254
Summary The three Dutch isolates studied carried virulence genes against the resistance genes Pa, Pa-2, Pa-4 and Pa-5, substantiating the widespread occurrence of these virulences in Western Europe as reported by others. The cultivars Cebada Capa, La Estanzuela, Gondar and Dabat carry the same dominant to semi-dominant gene, which is also found in Forrajera Klein and H2212. It is proposed to designate this gene Pa-7. This gene segregated independently from the Pa-3 gene in Rika x (Baladi x Rika) substantiating the data of Johnson (1968), but disagreeing with those of Roane & Starling (1970). EP 75 seems to carry a single dominant or semi-dominant gene conferring an intermediate resistance to the isolates used. This gene, tentatively designated as Pa-z, is different from the Pa, Pa-2, Pa-4, Pa-5 and Pa-7 genes. The intermediate resistance of Monte Christo is probably based on gene(s) different from EP 75.  相似文献   

Summary The cultivar effect on infection frequency (IF) was studied in the seedling and adult plant stages of 15 spring barley cultivars. In both stages the cultivar effects were highly significant. The cultivars L94 and Vada represented the extremes. Vada having about 2 1/2 times fewer uredosori than L94. Between cultivars and development stage clear interactions occurred. Pauline f.i. had the same low IF as Vada in the seedling stage, but in the adult plant stage its IF was about 70% higher. Also other effects could influence the cultivar effects. Increasing leaf age appears to increase IF. The cultivar effect also seemed to depend on the level of IF. At high levels the cultivars differed far less than at low levels of IF. The cultivar effect on IF appeared correlated with partial resistance in the field (r=0.7) through a high correlation with the cultivar effect on latent period (r=0.8).  相似文献   

Summary The partial resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) of 40 West-European spring barley cultivars was measured in plots isolated from one another to reduce inter plot interference. The leaf area affected by leaf rust was also measured in small plots of 0.5 m2 adjacent to each other, and on individual plants. The latent period was measured in the seedling stage and the adult plant stage, the infection frequency in the seedling stage only. The cultivars varied widely for partial resistance, many cultivars carrying a considerable level. Both the small adjacent plots and the single plants showed a marked inter plot interference strongly reducing the difference between cultivars. H wever, the ranking order of the cultivars was hardly, if at all, affected. Both latent period and the infection frequency showed large differences between cultivars, the latent period in the adult plant stage being highly correlated (r=0.82) with partial resistance, infection frequency in the seedling stage only rather weakly (r=–0.33).Selection for partial resistance appeared very effective in all stages tested; the seedling, the single adult plant, and the small plot stage. Selection in the small plot stage was the most effective followed by selection in the seedling stage. Selection for partial resistance therefore appears very well possible at all stages of the selection program.  相似文献   

J. E. Parlevliet 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):267-272
Summary Cebada Capa, carrying four to six minor genes for a longer latent period (LP), was crossed to L94 and Vada, carrying no and five to six minor genes for a longer LP respectively. Of each of 68 F3-lines the infection frequency (IF) and the LP of ten just-heading plants were assessed. There appeared to be a strong association between IF and LP, whereby the relationship between IF and LP of both crosses could be described by a single linear regression equation. The data strongly suggest that the genes for increased LP pleiotropically decrease the IF. The possibility of a close linkage between genes for reduced IF and genes for increased LP, although unlikely, could not be excluded.  相似文献   

Summary Seedling and flag leaves of three barley cultivars were simultaneously inoculated with urediospores of barley leaf rust, race 1-2-1, and incubated at the same greenhouse bench. The inoculated leaves were harvested before urediospore formation was initiated. The volume of a large number of colonies was estimated by measuring colony area and colony depth by embedding the colony containing leaf segments into paraffin for microtome cutting. The colony volume was considerably smaller in flag leaves than in seedling leaves even in the extremely susceptible cultivar. On average the difference was about tenfold.  相似文献   

B. H. Tan 《Euphytica》1978,27(1):317-323
Summary The genetic relationships between three known genes for resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley, Pa 3, Pa5 and Pa 7, were re-examined because of conflicting reports in the literature. PA 3 was found to be independent of Pa 5 and Pa 7, but the latter two are linked with an estimated recombination value of 7.6±1.4%. Trisomic analysis confirmed Pa 7 to be on chromosome 3, but Pa 3 could not be associated with chromosomes 3 to 7 and, therefore, is inferred to be either on chromosome 1 or 2  相似文献   

Summary Six partially resistant spring barley cultivars were exposed to four barley leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) races in the field and in the greenhouse. The 24 cultivar-race combinations were tested in field plots of 1.5×1.5 m2 in two replications over two years. To reduce the interplot exchange of urediospores each plot was surrounded by winter rye.The level of barley leaf rust varied among cultivars, races and years. In both years the variance for cultivar-race interactions was highly significant and originating largely from the cultivar-race combinations Berac-22. Armelle-22, Armelle-A and Tyra-A. The Berac-22 interaction was towards higher, the other three interactions towards a lower level of barley leaf rust. The reduced rust levels of these three combinations were not due to interactions between the partial resistance of these cultivars and the aggressiveness of the races but to major genes for hypersensitivity not effective to the races 1-2-1 and F, common in Western Europe, but effective against the rare races 22 and A. This was revealed in the greenhouse experiments where all combinations had a susceptible infection type except Armelle-22, Armelle-A and Tyra-A, which showed low infection types in both the seedling and adult plant stages. The urediosori present in the field plots of these three combinations apparently arose from spores derived from other plots; this interplot interchange suggesting partial resistance.The interaction of Berac with race 22 truly was a small race-specific effect within the polygenic, partial resistance of barley to barley leaf rust like the one reported before between Julia and race 18.  相似文献   

A collection of 111 barley landraces from the Fertile Crescent was screened for resistance to barley leaf rust in the field and under controlled conditions. Large variation was observed for disease severity under field conditions. Accessions with high resistance because of hypersensitivity were identified. Also segregation was observed in some accessions, with individual plants showing hypersensitive reactions (IT ≤ 6). Partial resistance due to a reduction of infection in spite of a compatible infection was commonly found (19%). Resistance of 12 accessions selected for their low disease severity and high IT, was shown to be due to a prolonged latency period and increased percentage of early aborted colonies not associated with host cell necrosis. A high correlation was observed between the microscopic and macroscopic components of partial resistance.  相似文献   

Three barley cultivars, Shyri, Clipper and Terán, with different levels of partial resistance to barley leaf rust, caused by Puccinia hordei, were exposed to six levels of the pathogen. These levels were obtained by 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0 fungicide (Propiconazol) applications respectively and occurred every 15 days starting at 66 days after sowing. No application served as the control treatment. There were three replicates. The six-row plots were surrounded by a row of a highly susceptible barley cultivar in which the barley leaf rust arrived naturally in a fairly early plant stage. The disease severity was assessed five times with 15 days intervals starting at 66 days after sowing. The yields were determined by harvesting the inner four rows of the plots. An analysis of variance was carried out on the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) data and on the yield data. ‘Shyri’ was the least susceptible cultivar, ‘Terán’ the most. The percentage yield losses varied with the six levels of pathogen from 0 to 31.5% (‘Shyri’), from 0 to 46% (‘Clipper’) and from 0 to 63.5% (‘Terán’). The yield losses correlated strongly with the AUDPC, the linear correlation coefficient being 0.97. The yield losses indicate the importance of the pathogen in Ecuador. It also means that high levels of partial resistance are needed to prevent significant yield damage.  相似文献   

Summary Four cultures of Puccinia hordei isolated from the alternate Ornithogalum hosts in Israel were virulent on seedlings of barley cultivars carrying resistance genes Pa, Pa2, Pa2 + Pa5, Pa2 + Pa6, Pa3, Pa4, and Pa7. Cultures with such a spectrum of virulence have never been reported. The cultures remained stable through 20 successive inoculation and isolation cycles. One of the cultures, T-40SS, retained its specific virulence after selfing on the alternate host. The evolution of virulent races of obligate parasites in the centers of origin of their hosts is discussed.  相似文献   

Barley genotypes Hor 1428, Hor 2926, Hor 3209, BBA 2890, Abyssinian 14, Grannelose Zweizeilige, and Stauffers Obersulzer are resistant to all races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei so far detected in the U.S.A. Heils Franken, Cambrinus, Astrix, Emir, Hiproly, Varunda, Trumpf,Mazurka, Bigo, BBA 2890, and I 5 are resistant to some races and susceptible to others. Previous studies showed that Hor 1428, Hor 2926, Hor 3209, Abyssinian 14, Stauffers Obersulzer, I 5, Heils Franken, Emir, Astrix, Hiproly, Varunda, and Trumpf each have two genes, and BBA 2890, Grannelose Zweizeilige, Cambrinus, Mazurka, Bigo, and BBA 809 each have a single genefor resistance. To determine the genes in specific genotypes and their relationships, all possible crosses were made among the 18 genotypes. Seedlings of parents and F2 progeny were tested under controlledconditions for resistance to selected races that were avirulent on both parents. Based on segregation within the individual crosses to selected races, at least 26 of 30 genes detected in the 18 genotypes were different. Allelic and linkage relationships of some of the genes were determined. The genetic information should be useful for understanding the host-pathogen interactions and for control of stripe rust using resistance.  相似文献   

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